module Darcs.Repository.Inventory
( Inventory(..)
, HeadInventory
, InventoryEntry
, ValidHash(..)
, InventoryHash
, PatchHash
, PristineHash
, inventoryPatchNames
, parseInventory
, showInventory
, showInventoryPatches
, showInventoryEntry
, emptyInventory
, pokePristineHash
, peekPristineHash
, skipPristineHash
, pristineName
, prop_inventoryParseShow
, prop_peekPokePristineHash
, prop_skipPokePristineHash
) where
import Prelude ()
import Darcs.Prelude hiding ( take )
import Control.Applicative ( optional, many )
import Control.Monad ( guard )
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import Darcs.Patch.Info ( PatchInfo, showPatchInfo, readPatchInfo )
import Darcs.Patch.ReadMonads
( ParserM, parseStrictly, string, skipSpace, take, takeTillChar )
import Darcs.Patch.Show ( ShowPatchFor(..) )
import Darcs.Repository.Cache ( okayHash )
import Darcs.Util.Hash ( sha256sum )
import Darcs.Util.Printer
( Doc, (<>), (<+>), ($$), hcat, text, invisiblePS, packedString, renderPS )
class ValidHash a where
getValidHash :: a -> String
mkValidHash :: String -> a
newtype InventoryHash = InventoryHash String
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ValidHash InventoryHash where
getValidHash (InventoryHash h) = h
mkValidHash s
| okayHash s = InventoryHash s
| otherwise = error "Bad inventory hash!"
newtype PatchHash = PatchHash String
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ValidHash PatchHash where
getValidHash (PatchHash h) = h
mkValidHash s
| okayHash s = PatchHash s
| otherwise = error "Bad patch hash!"
newtype PristineHash = PristineHash String
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ValidHash PristineHash where
getValidHash (PristineHash h) = h
mkValidHash s
| okayHash s = PristineHash s
| otherwise = error "Bad pristine hash!"
type HeadInventory = (PristineHash, Inventory)
data Inventory = Inventory
{ inventoryParent :: Maybe InventoryHash
, inventoryPatches :: [InventoryEntry]
} deriving (Eq, Show)
type InventoryEntry = (PatchInfo, PatchHash)
inventoryPatchNames :: Inventory -> [String]
inventoryPatchNames = map (getValidHash . snd) . inventoryPatches
emptyInventory :: Inventory
emptyInventory = Inventory Nothing []
parseInventory :: B.ByteString -> Maybe Inventory
parseInventory = fmap fst . parseStrictly pInv
pInv :: ParserM m => m Inventory
pInv = Inventory <$> pInvParent <*> pInvPatches
pInvParent :: ParserM m => m (Maybe InventoryHash)
pInvParent = optional $ do
string parentName
pHash :: (ParserM m, ValidHash h) => m h
pHash = do
hash <- BC.unpack <$> pLine
guard (okayHash hash)
return (mkValidHash hash)
pLine :: ParserM m => m B.ByteString
pLine = takeTillChar '\n' <* take 1
pInvPatches :: ParserM m => m [InventoryEntry]
pInvPatches = many pInvEntry
pInvEntry :: ParserM m => m InventoryEntry
pInvEntry = do
info <- readPatchInfo
string hashName
hash <- pHash
return (info, hash)
showInventory :: Inventory -> Doc
showInventory inv =
showParent (inventoryParent inv) <>
showInventoryPatches (inventoryPatches inv)
showInventoryPatches :: [InventoryEntry] -> Doc
showInventoryPatches = hcat . map showInventoryEntry
showInventoryEntry :: InventoryEntry -> Doc
showInventoryEntry (pinf, hash) =
showPatchInfo ForStorage pinf $$
packedString hashName <+> text (getValidHash hash) <> packedString newline
showParent :: Maybe InventoryHash -> Doc
showParent (Just (InventoryHash hash)) =
packedString parentName $$ text hash <> packedString newline
showParent Nothing = mempty
pokePristineHash :: String -> B.ByteString -> Doc
pokePristineHash h inv =
invisiblePS pristineName <> text h $$ invisiblePS (skipPristineHash inv)
takeHash :: B.ByteString -> Maybe (String, B.ByteString)
takeHash input = do
let (hline,rest) = BC.breakSubstring newline input
let hash = BC.unpack hline
guard $ okayHash hash
return (hash, rest)
peekPristineHash :: B.ByteString -> String
peekPristineHash inv =
case tryDropPristineName inv of
Just rest ->
case takeHash rest of
Just (h, _) -> h
Nothing -> error $ "Bad hash in inventory!"
Nothing -> sha256sum B.empty
skipPristineHash :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
skipPristineHash ps =
case tryDropPristineName ps of
Just rest -> B.drop 1 $ BC.dropWhile (/= '\n') rest
Nothing -> ps
tryDropPristineName :: B.ByteString -> Maybe B.ByteString
tryDropPristineName input =
if prefix == pristineName then Just rest else Nothing
(prefix, rest) = B.splitAt (B.length pristineName) input
pristineName :: B.ByteString
pristineName = BC.pack "pristine:"
parentName :: B.ByteString
parentName = BC.pack "Starting with inventory:"
hashName :: B.ByteString
hashName = BC.pack "hash:"
newline :: B.ByteString
newline = BC.pack "\n"
prop_inventoryParseShow :: Inventory -> Bool
prop_inventoryParseShow inv =
Just inv == parseInventory (renderPS (showInventory inv))
prop_peekPokePristineHash :: (PristineHash, B.ByteString) -> Bool
prop_peekPokePristineHash (PristineHash hash, raw) =
hash == peekPristineHash (renderPS (pokePristineHash hash raw))
prop_skipPokePristineHash :: (PristineHash, B.ByteString) -> Bool
prop_skipPokePristineHash (PristineHash hash, raw) =
raw == skipPristineHash (renderPS (pokePristineHash hash raw))