{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Cryptol.Eval.What4.Value where
import qualified Control.Exception as X
import Control.Monad (foldM,ap,liftM)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Bits (bit, shiftR, shiftL, testBit)
import qualified Data.BitVector.Sized as BV
import Data.List
import Data.Parameterized.NatRepr
import Data.Parameterized.Some
import qualified What4.Interface as W4
import qualified What4.SWord as SW
import qualified Cryptol.Eval.What4.SFloat as FP
import qualified What4.Utils.AbstractDomains as W4
import Cryptol.Eval.Backend
import Cryptol.Eval.Concrete.Value( BV(..), ppBV )
import Cryptol.Eval.Generic
import Cryptol.Eval.Monad
( Eval(..), EvalError(..), Unsupported(..)
, delayFill, blackhole, evalSpark
import Cryptol.Eval.Type (TValue(..))
import Cryptol.Eval.Value
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.InfNat (Nat'(..), widthInteger)
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic
import Cryptol.Utils.PP
data What4 sym = What4 sym
type Value sym = GenValue (What4 sym)
newtype W4Eval sym a = W4Eval { evalPartial :: W4Conn sym (W4Result sym a) }
newtype W4Conn sym a = W4Conn { evalConn :: sym -> Eval (W4Defs sym a) }
data W4Defs sym a = W4Defs
{ w4Defs :: !(W4.Pred sym)
, w4Result :: !a
data W4Result sym a
= W4Error !EvalError
| W4Result !(W4.Pred sym) !a
w4Eval :: W4Eval sym a -> sym -> Eval (W4Defs sym (W4Result sym a))
w4Eval (W4Eval (W4Conn m)) = m
w4Thunk :: Eval (W4Defs sym (W4Result sym a)) -> W4Eval sym a
w4Thunk m = W4Eval (W4Conn \_ -> m)
doEval :: W4.IsExprBuilder sym => Eval a -> W4Conn sym a
doEval m = W4Conn \sym ->
do a <- m
pure W4Defs { w4Defs = W4.backendPred sym True
, w4Result = a
total :: W4.IsExprBuilder sym => W4Conn sym a -> W4Eval sym a
total m = W4Eval
do sym <- getSym
W4Result (W4.backendPred sym True) <$> m
instance W4.IsExprBuilder sym => Functor (W4Conn sym) where
fmap = liftM
instance W4.IsExprBuilder sym => Applicative (W4Conn sym) where
pure = doEval . pure
(<*>) = ap
instance W4.IsExprBuilder sym => Monad (W4Conn sym) where
m1 >>= f = W4Conn \sym ->
do res1 <- evalConn m1 sym
res2 <- evalConn (f (w4Result res1)) sym
defs <- liftIO (W4.andPred sym (w4Defs res1) (w4Defs res2))
pure res2 { w4Defs = defs }
instance W4.IsExprBuilder sym => MonadIO (W4Conn sym) where
liftIO = doEval . liftIO
getSym :: W4.IsExprBuilder sym => W4Conn sym sym
getSym = W4Conn \sym -> pure W4Defs { w4Defs = W4.backendPred sym True
, w4Result = sym }
addDef :: W4.Pred sym -> W4Conn sym ()
addDef p = W4Conn \_ -> pure W4Defs { w4Defs = p, w4Result = () }
w4And :: W4.IsExprBuilder sym =>
W4.Pred sym -> W4.Pred sym -> W4Conn sym (W4.Pred sym)
w4And p q =
do sym <- getSym
liftIO (W4.andPred sym p q)
w4Not :: W4.IsExprBuilder sym => W4.Pred sym -> W4Conn sym (W4.Pred sym)
w4Not p =
do sym <- getSym
liftIO (W4.notPred sym p)
w4ITE :: W4.IsExprBuilder sym =>
W4.Pred sym -> W4.Pred sym -> W4.Pred sym -> W4Conn sym (W4.Pred sym)
w4ITE ifP ifThen ifElse =
do sym <- getSym
liftIO (W4.itePred sym ifP ifThen ifElse)
instance W4.IsExprBuilder sym => Functor (W4Eval sym) where
fmap = liftM
instance W4.IsExprBuilder sym => Applicative (W4Eval sym) where
pure = total . pure
(<*>) = ap
instance W4.IsExprBuilder sym => Monad (W4Eval sym) where
m1 >>= f = W4Eval
do res1 <- evalPartial m1
case res1 of
W4Error err -> pure (W4Error err)
W4Result px x' ->
do res2 <- evalPartial (f x')
case res2 of
W4Result py y ->
do pz <- w4And px py
pure (W4Result pz y)
W4Error _ -> pure res2
instance W4.IsExprBuilder sym => MonadIO (W4Eval sym) where
liftIO = total . liftIO
addDefEqn :: W4.IsExprBuilder sym => W4.Pred sym -> W4Eval sym ()
addDefEqn p = total (addDef p)
addSafety :: W4.IsExprBuilder sym => W4.Pred sym -> W4Eval sym ()
addSafety p = W4Eval (pure (W4Result p ()))
evalError :: W4.IsExprBuilder sym => EvalError -> W4Eval sym a
evalError err = W4Eval (pure (W4Error err))
assertBVDivisor :: W4.IsExprBuilder sym => sym -> SW.SWord sym -> W4Eval sym ()
assertBVDivisor sym x =
do p <- liftIO (SW.bvIsNonzero sym x)
assertSideCondition (What4 sym) p DivideByZero
assertIntDivisor ::
W4.IsExprBuilder sym => sym -> W4.SymInteger sym -> W4Eval sym ()
assertIntDivisor sym x =
do p <- liftIO (W4.notPred sym =<< W4.intEq sym x =<< W4.intLit sym 0)
assertSideCondition (What4 sym) p DivideByZero
instance W4.IsExprBuilder sym => Backend (What4 sym) where
type SBit (What4 sym) = W4.Pred sym
type SWord (What4 sym) = SW.SWord sym
type SInteger (What4 sym) = W4.SymInteger sym
type SFloat (What4 sym) = FP.SFloat sym
type SEval (What4 sym) = W4Eval sym
raiseError _ = evalError
assertSideCondition _ cond err
| Just False <- W4.asConstantPred cond = evalError err
| otherwise = addSafety cond
isReady (What4 sym) m =
case w4Eval m sym of
Ready _ -> True
_ -> False
sDelayFill _ m retry =
do sym <- getSym
doEval (w4Thunk <$> delayFill (w4Eval m sym) (w4Eval retry sym))
sSpark _ m =
do sym <- getSym
doEval (w4Thunk <$> evalSpark (w4Eval m sym))
sDeclareHole _ msg =
do (hole, fill) <- doEval (blackhole msg)
pure ( w4Thunk hole
, \m -> total
do sym <- getSym
doEval (fill (w4Eval m sym))
mergeEval _sym f c mx my = W4Eval
do rx <- evalPartial mx
ry <- evalPartial my
case (rx, ry) of
(W4Error err, W4Error _) ->
pure (W4Error err)
(W4Error _, W4Result p y) ->
do p' <- w4And p =<< w4Not c
pure (W4Result p' y)
(W4Result p x, W4Error _) ->
do p' <- w4And p c
pure (W4Result p' x)
(W4Result px x, W4Result py y) ->
do zr <- evalPartial (f c x y)
case zr of
W4Error err -> pure $ W4Error err
W4Result pz z ->
do p' <- w4And pz =<< w4ITE c px py
pure (W4Result p' z)
wordAsChar _ bv
| SW.bvWidth bv == 8 = toEnum . fromInteger <$> SW.bvAsUnsignedInteger bv
| otherwise = Nothing
wordLen _ bv = SW.bvWidth bv
bitLit (What4 sym) b = W4.backendPred sym b
bitAsLit _ v = W4.asConstantPred v
wordLit (What4 sym) intw i
| Just (Some w) <- someNat intw
= case isPosNat w of
Nothing -> pure $ SW.ZBV
Just LeqProof -> SW.DBV <$> liftIO (W4.bvLit sym w (BV.mkBV w i))
| otherwise = panic "what4: wordLit" ["invalid bit width:", show intw ]
wordAsLit _ v
| Just x <- SW.bvAsUnsignedInteger v = Just (SW.bvWidth v, x)
| otherwise = Nothing
integerLit (What4 sym) i = liftIO (W4.intLit sym i)
integerAsLit _ v = W4.asInteger v
ppBit _ v
| Just b <- W4.asConstantPred v = text $! if b then "True" else "False"
| otherwise = text "?"
ppWord _ opts v
| Just x <- SW.bvAsUnsignedInteger v
= ppBV opts (BV (SW.bvWidth v) x)
| otherwise = text "[?]"
ppInteger _ _opts v
| Just x <- W4.asInteger v = integer x
| otherwise = text "[?]"
ppFloat _ _opts _ = text "[?]"
iteBit (What4 sym) c x y = liftIO (W4.itePred sym c x y)
iteWord (What4 sym) c x y = liftIO (SW.bvIte sym c x y)
iteInteger (What4 sym) c x y = liftIO (W4.intIte sym c x y)
bitEq (What4 sym) x y = liftIO (W4.eqPred sym x y)
bitAnd (What4 sym) x y = liftIO (W4.andPred sym x y)
bitOr (What4 sym) x y = liftIO (W4.orPred sym x y)
bitXor (What4 sym) x y = liftIO (W4.xorPred sym x y)
bitComplement (What4 sym) x = liftIO (W4.notPred sym x)
wordBit (What4 sym) bv idx = liftIO (SW.bvAtBE sym bv idx)
wordUpdate (What4 sym) bv idx b = liftIO (SW.bvSetBE sym bv idx b)
packWord sym bs =
do z <- wordLit sym (genericLength bs) 0
let f w (idx,b) = wordUpdate sym w idx b
foldM f z (zip [0..] bs)
unpackWord (What4 sym) bv = liftIO $
mapM (SW.bvAtBE sym bv) [0 .. SW.bvWidth bv-1]
joinWord (What4 sym) x y = liftIO $ SW.bvJoin sym x y
splitWord _sym 0 _ bv = pure (SW.ZBV, bv)
splitWord _sym _ 0 bv = pure (bv, SW.ZBV)
splitWord (What4 sym) lw rw bv = liftIO $
do l <- SW.bvSliceBE sym 0 lw bv
r <- SW.bvSliceBE sym lw rw bv
return (l, r)
extractWord (What4 sym) bits idx bv =
liftIO $ SW.bvSliceBE sym idx bits bv
wordEq (What4 sym) x y = liftIO (SW.bvEq sym x y)
wordLessThan (What4 sym) x y = liftIO (SW.bvult sym x y)
wordGreaterThan (What4 sym) x y = liftIO (SW.bvugt sym x y)
wordSignedLessThan (What4 sym) x y = liftIO (SW.bvslt sym x y)
wordOr (What4 sym) x y = liftIO (SW.bvOr sym x y)
wordAnd (What4 sym) x y = liftIO (SW.bvAnd sym x y)
wordXor (What4 sym) x y = liftIO (SW.bvXor sym x y)
wordComplement (What4 sym) x = liftIO (SW.bvNot sym x)
wordPlus (What4 sym) x y = liftIO (SW.bvAdd sym x y)
wordMinus (What4 sym) x y = liftIO (SW.bvSub sym x y)
wordMult (What4 sym) x y = liftIO (SW.bvMul sym x y)
wordNegate (What4 sym) x = liftIO (SW.bvNeg sym x)
wordLg2 (What4 sym) x = sLg2 sym x
wordDiv (What4 sym) x y =
do assertBVDivisor sym y
liftIO (SW.bvUDiv sym x y)
wordMod (What4 sym) x y =
do assertBVDivisor sym y
liftIO (SW.bvURem sym x y)
wordSignedDiv (What4 sym) x y =
do assertBVDivisor sym y
liftIO (SW.bvSDiv sym x y)
wordSignedMod (What4 sym) x y =
do assertBVDivisor sym y
liftIO (SW.bvSRem sym x y)
wordToInt (What4 sym) x = liftIO (SW.bvToInteger sym x)
wordFromInt (What4 sym) width i = liftIO (SW.integerToBV sym i width)
intPlus (What4 sym) x y = liftIO $ W4.intAdd sym x y
intMinus (What4 sym) x y = liftIO $ W4.intSub sym x y
intMult (What4 sym) x y = liftIO $ W4.intMul sym x y
intNegate (What4 sym) x = liftIO $ W4.intNeg sym x
intDiv (What4 sym) x y =
do assertIntDivisor sym y
liftIO $ do
neg <- liftIO (W4.intLt sym y =<< W4.intLit sym 0)
case W4.asConstantPred neg of
Just False -> W4.intDiv sym x y
Just True ->
do xneg <- W4.intNeg sym x
yneg <- W4.intNeg sym y
W4.intDiv sym xneg yneg
Nothing ->
do xneg <- W4.intNeg sym x
yneg <- W4.intNeg sym y
zneg <- W4.intDiv sym xneg yneg
z <- W4.intDiv sym x y
W4.intIte sym neg zneg z
intMod (What4 sym) x y =
do assertIntDivisor sym y
liftIO $ do
neg <- liftIO (W4.intLt sym y =<< W4.intLit sym 0)
case W4.asConstantPred neg of
Just False -> W4.intMod sym x y
Just True ->
do xneg <- W4.intNeg sym x
yneg <- W4.intNeg sym y
W4.intNeg sym =<< W4.intMod sym xneg yneg
Nothing ->
do xneg <- W4.intNeg sym x
yneg <- W4.intNeg sym y
z <- W4.intMod sym x y
zneg <- W4.intNeg sym =<< W4.intMod sym xneg yneg
W4.intIte sym neg zneg z
intEq (What4 sym) x y = liftIO $ W4.intEq sym x y
intLessThan (What4 sym) x y = liftIO $ W4.intLt sym x y
intGreaterThan (What4 sym) x y = liftIO $ W4.intLt sym y x
intToZn (What4 sym) m x
| Just xi <- W4.asInteger x
= liftIO $ W4.intLit sym (xi `mod` m)
| otherwise
= pure x
znToInt _ 0 _ = evalPanic "znToInt" ["0 modulus not allowed"]
znToInt (What4 sym) m x = liftIO (W4.intMod sym x =<< W4.intLit sym m)
znEq _ 0 _ _ = evalPanic "znEq" ["0 modulus not allowed"]
znEq (What4 sym) m x y = liftIO $
do diff <- W4.intSub sym x y
W4.intDivisible sym diff (fromInteger m)
znPlus (What4 sym) m x y = liftIO $ sModAdd sym m x y
znMinus (What4 sym) m x y = liftIO $ sModSub sym m x y
znMult (What4 sym) m x y = liftIO $ sModMult sym m x y
znNegate (What4 sym) m x = liftIO $ sModNegate sym m x
fpLit (What4 sym) e p r = liftIO $ FP.fpFromRationalLit sym e p r
fpEq (What4 sym) x y = liftIO $ FP.fpEqIEEE sym x y
fpLessThan (What4 sym) x y = liftIO $ FP.fpLtIEEE sym x y
fpGreaterThan (What4 sym) x y = liftIO $ FP.fpGtIEEE sym x y
fpPlus = fpBinArith FP.fpAdd
fpMinus = fpBinArith FP.fpSub
fpMult = fpBinArith FP.fpMul
fpDiv = fpBinArith FP.fpDiv
fpNeg (What4 sym) x = liftIO $ FP.fpNeg sym x
fpFromInteger sym@(What4 sy) e p r x =
do rm <- fpRoundingMode sym r
liftIO $ FP.fpFromInteger sy e p rm x
fpToInteger = fpCvtToInteger
sModAdd :: W4.IsExprBuilder sym =>
sym -> Integer -> W4.SymInteger sym -> W4.SymInteger sym -> IO (W4.SymInteger sym)
sModAdd _sym 0 _ _ = evalPanic "sModAdd" ["0 modulus not allowed"]
sModAdd sym m x y
| Just xi <- W4.asInteger x
, Just yi <- W4.asInteger y
= W4.intLit sym ((xi+yi) `mod` m)
| otherwise
= W4.intAdd sym x y
sModSub :: W4.IsExprBuilder sym =>
sym -> Integer -> W4.SymInteger sym -> W4.SymInteger sym -> IO (W4.SymInteger sym)
sModSub _sym 0 _ _ = evalPanic "sModSub" ["0 modulus not allowed"]
sModSub sym m x y
| Just xi <- W4.asInteger x
, Just yi <- W4.asInteger y
= W4.intLit sym ((xi-yi) `mod` m)
| otherwise
= W4.intSub sym x y
sModMult :: W4.IsExprBuilder sym =>
sym -> Integer -> W4.SymInteger sym -> W4.SymInteger sym -> IO (W4.SymInteger sym)
sModMult _sym 0 _ _ = evalPanic "sModMult" ["0 modulus not allowed"]
sModMult sym m x y
| Just xi <- W4.asInteger x
, Just yi <- W4.asInteger y
= W4.intLit sym ((xi*yi) `mod` m)
| otherwise
= W4.intMul sym x y
sModNegate :: W4.IsExprBuilder sym =>
sym -> Integer -> W4.SymInteger sym -> IO (W4.SymInteger sym)
sModNegate _sym 0 _ = evalPanic "sModMult" ["0 modulus not allowed"]
sModNegate sym m x
| Just xi <- W4.asInteger x
= W4.intLit sym ((negate xi) `mod` m)
| otherwise
= W4.intNeg sym x
sLg2 :: W4.IsExprBuilder sym => sym -> SW.SWord sym -> SEval (What4 sym) (SW.SWord sym)
sLg2 sym x = liftIO $ go 0
w = SW.bvWidth x
lit n = SW.bvLit sym w (toInteger n)
go i | toInteger i < w =
do p <- SW.bvule sym x =<< lit (bit i)
lazyIte (SW.bvIte sym) p (lit i) (go (i+1))
go i = lit i
evalPanic :: String -> [String] -> a
evalPanic cxt = panic ("[What4 Symbolic]" ++ cxt)
lazyIte ::
(W4.IsExpr p, Monad m) =>
(p W4.BaseBoolType -> a -> a -> m a) ->
p W4.BaseBoolType ->
m a ->
m a ->
m a
lazyIte f c mx my
| Just b <- W4.asConstantPred c = if b then mx else my
| otherwise =
do x <- mx
y <- my
f c x y
indexFront_int ::
W4.IsExprBuilder sym =>
sym ->
Nat' ->
TValue ->
SeqMap (What4 sym) ->
TValue ->
SInteger (What4 sym) ->
SEval (What4 sym) (Value sym)
indexFront_int sym mblen _a xs ix idx
| Just i <- W4.asInteger idx
= lookupSeqMap xs i
| (lo, Just hi) <- bounds
= foldr f def [lo .. hi]
| otherwise
= liftIO (X.throw (UnsupportedSymbolicOp "unbounded integer indexing"))
def = raiseError (What4 sym) (InvalidIndex Nothing)
f n y =
do p <- liftIO (W4.intEq sym idx =<< W4.intLit sym n)
iteValue (What4 sym) p (lookupSeqMap xs n) y
bounds =
(case W4.rangeLowBound (W4.integerBounds idx) of
W4.Inclusive l -> max l 0
_ -> 0
, case (maxIdx, W4.rangeHiBound (W4.integerBounds idx)) of
(Just n, W4.Inclusive h) -> Just (min n h)
(Just n, _) -> Just n
_ -> Nothing
maxIdx =
case (mblen, ix) of
(Nat n, TVIntMod m) -> Just (min (toInteger n) (toInteger m))
(Nat n, _) -> Just n
(_ , TVIntMod m) -> Just m
_ -> Nothing
indexBack_int ::
W4.IsExprBuilder sym =>
sym ->
Nat' ->
TValue ->
SeqMap (What4 sym) ->
TValue ->
SInteger (What4 sym) ->
SEval (What4 sym) (Value sym)
indexBack_int sym (Nat n) a xs ix idx = indexFront_int sym (Nat n) a (reverseSeqMap n xs) ix idx
indexBack_int _ Inf _ _ _ _ = evalPanic "Expected finite sequence" ["indexBack_int"]
indexFront_word ::
W4.IsExprBuilder sym =>
sym ->
Nat' ->
TValue ->
SeqMap (What4 sym) ->
TValue ->
SWord (What4 sym) ->
SEval (What4 sym) (Value sym)
indexFront_word sym mblen _a xs _ix idx
| Just i <- SW.bvAsUnsignedInteger idx
= lookupSeqMap xs i
| otherwise
= foldr f def idxs
w = SW.bvWidth idx
def = raiseError (What4 sym) (InvalidIndex Nothing)
f n y =
do p <- liftIO (SW.bvEq sym idx =<< SW.bvLit sym w n)
iteValue (What4 sym) p (lookupSeqMap xs n) y
maxIdx =
case mblen of
Nat n | n < 2^w -> n-1
_ -> 2^w - 1
idxs =
case SW.unsignedBVBounds idx of
Just (lo, hi) -> [lo .. min hi maxIdx]
_ -> [0 .. maxIdx]
indexBack_word ::
W4.IsExprBuilder sym =>
sym ->
Nat' ->
TValue ->
SeqMap (What4 sym) ->
TValue ->
SWord (What4 sym) ->
SEval (What4 sym) (Value sym)
indexBack_word sym (Nat n) a xs ix idx = indexFront_word sym (Nat n) a (reverseSeqMap n xs) ix idx
indexBack_word _ Inf _ _ _ _ = evalPanic "Expected finite sequence" ["indexBack_word"]
indexFront_bits :: forall sym.
W4.IsExprBuilder sym =>
sym ->
Nat' ->
TValue ->
SeqMap (What4 sym) ->
TValue ->
[SBit (What4 sym)] ->
SEval (What4 sym) (Value sym)
indexFront_bits sym mblen _a xs _ix bits0 = go 0 (length bits0) bits0
go :: Integer -> Int -> [W4.Pred sym] -> W4Eval sym (Value sym)
go i _k []
| Nat n <- mblen
, i >= n
= raiseError (What4 sym) (InvalidIndex (Just i))
| otherwise
= lookupSeqMap xs i
go i k (b:bs)
| Nat n <- mblen
, (i `shiftL` k) >= n
= raiseError (What4 sym) (InvalidIndex Nothing)
| otherwise
= iteValue (What4 sym) b
(go ((i `shiftL` 1) + 1) (k-1) bs)
(go (i `shiftL` 1) (k-1) bs)
indexBack_bits ::
W4.IsExprBuilder sym =>
sym ->
Nat' ->
TValue ->
SeqMap (What4 sym) ->
TValue ->
[SBit (What4 sym)] ->
SEval (What4 sym) (Value sym)
indexBack_bits sym (Nat n) a xs ix idx = indexFront_bits sym (Nat n) a (reverseSeqMap n xs) ix idx
indexBack_bits _ Inf _ _ _ _ = evalPanic "Expected finite sequence" ["indexBack_bits"]
wordValueEqualsInteger :: forall sym.
W4.IsExprBuilder sym =>
sym ->
WordValue (What4 sym) ->
Integer ->
W4Eval sym (W4.Pred sym)
wordValueEqualsInteger sym wv i
| wordValueSize (What4 sym) wv < widthInteger i = return (W4.falsePred sym)
| otherwise =
case wv of
WordVal w -> liftIO (SW.bvEq sym w =<< SW.bvLit sym (SW.bvWidth w) i)
_ -> liftIO . bitsAre i =<< enumerateWordValueRev (What4 sym) wv
bitsAre :: Integer -> [W4.Pred sym] -> IO (W4.Pred sym)
bitsAre n [] = pure (W4.backendPred sym (n == 0))
bitsAre n (b : bs) =
do pb <- bitIs (testBit n 0) b
pbs <- bitsAre (n `shiftR` 1) bs
W4.andPred sym pb pbs
bitIs :: Bool -> W4.Pred sym -> IO (W4.Pred sym)
bitIs b x = if b then pure x else W4.notPred sym x
updateFrontSym ::
W4.IsExprBuilder sym =>
sym ->
Nat' ->
TValue ->
SeqMap (What4 sym) ->
Either (SInteger (What4 sym)) (WordValue (What4 sym)) ->
SEval (What4 sym) (Value sym) ->
SEval (What4 sym) (SeqMap (What4 sym))
updateFrontSym sym _len _eltTy vs (Left idx) val =
case W4.asInteger idx of
Just i -> return $ updateSeqMap vs i val
Nothing -> return $ IndexSeqMap $ \i ->
do b <- intEq (What4 sym) idx =<< integerLit (What4 sym) i
iteValue (What4 sym) b val (lookupSeqMap vs i)
updateFrontSym sym _len _eltTy vs (Right wv) val =
case wv of
WordVal w | Just j <- SW.bvAsUnsignedInteger w ->
return $ updateSeqMap vs j val
_ ->
memoMap $ IndexSeqMap $ \i ->
do b <- wordValueEqualsInteger sym wv i
iteValue (What4 sym) b val (lookupSeqMap vs i)
updateBackSym ::
W4.IsExprBuilder sym =>
sym ->
Nat' ->
TValue ->
SeqMap (What4 sym) ->
Either (SInteger (What4 sym)) (WordValue (What4 sym)) ->
SEval (What4 sym) (Value sym) ->
SEval (What4 sym) (SeqMap (What4 sym))
updateBackSym _ Inf _ _ _ _ = evalPanic "Expected finite sequence" ["updateBackSym"]
updateBackSym sym (Nat n) _eltTy vs (Left idx) val =
case W4.asInteger idx of
Just i -> return $ updateSeqMap vs (n - 1 - i) val
Nothing -> return $ IndexSeqMap $ \i ->
do b <- intEq (What4 sym) idx =<< integerLit (What4 sym) (n - 1 - i)
iteValue (What4 sym) b val (lookupSeqMap vs i)
updateBackSym sym (Nat n) _eltTy vs (Right wv) val =
case wv of
WordVal w | Just j <- SW.bvAsUnsignedInteger w ->
return $ updateSeqMap vs (n - 1 - j) val
_ ->
memoMap $ IndexSeqMap $ \i ->
do b <- wordValueEqualsInteger sym wv (n - 1 - i)
iteValue (What4 sym) b val (lookupSeqMap vs i)
updateFrontSym_word ::
W4.IsExprBuilder sym =>
sym ->
Nat' ->
TValue ->
WordValue (What4 sym) ->
Either (SInteger (What4 sym)) (WordValue (What4 sym)) ->
SEval (What4 sym) (GenValue (What4 sym)) ->
SEval (What4 sym) (WordValue (What4 sym))
updateFrontSym_word _ Inf _ _ _ _ = evalPanic "Expected finite sequence" ["updateFrontSym_word"]
updateFrontSym_word sym (Nat _) eltTy (LargeBitsVal n bv) idx val =
LargeBitsVal n <$> updateFrontSym sym (Nat n) eltTy bv idx val
updateFrontSym_word sym (Nat n) eltTy (WordVal bv) (Left idx) val =
do idx' <- wordFromInt (What4 sym) n idx
updateFrontSym_word sym (Nat n) eltTy (WordVal bv) (Right (WordVal idx')) val
updateFrontSym_word sym (Nat n) eltTy bv (Right wv) val =
case wv of
WordVal idx
| Just j <- SW.bvAsUnsignedInteger idx ->
updateWordValue (What4 sym) bv j (fromVBit <$> val)
| WordVal bw <- bv ->
WordVal <$>
do b <- fromVBit <$> val
let sz = SW.bvWidth bw
highbit <- liftIO (SW.bvLit sym sz (bit (fromInteger (sz-1))))
msk <- w4bvLshr sym highbit idx
liftIO $
case W4.asConstantPred b of
Just True -> SW.bvOr sym bw msk
Just False -> SW.bvAnd sym bw =<< SW.bvNot sym msk
Nothing ->
do q <- SW.bvFill sym sz b
bw' <- SW.bvAnd sym bw =<< SW.bvNot sym msk
SW.bvXor sym bw' =<< SW.bvAnd sym q msk
_ -> LargeBitsVal (wordValueSize (What4 sym) wv) <$>
updateFrontSym sym (Nat n) eltTy (asBitsMap (What4 sym) bv) (Right wv) val
updateBackSym_word ::
W4.IsExprBuilder sym =>
sym ->
Nat' ->
TValue ->
WordValue (What4 sym) ->
Either (SInteger (What4 sym)) (WordValue (What4 sym)) ->
SEval (What4 sym) (GenValue (What4 sym)) ->
SEval (What4 sym) (WordValue (What4 sym))
updateBackSym_word _ Inf _ _ _ _ = evalPanic "Expected finite sequence" ["updateBackSym_word"]
updateBackSym_word sym (Nat _) eltTy (LargeBitsVal n bv) idx val =
LargeBitsVal n <$> updateBackSym sym (Nat n) eltTy bv idx val
updateBackSym_word sym (Nat n) eltTy (WordVal bv) (Left idx) val =
do idx' <- wordFromInt (What4 sym) n idx
updateBackSym_word sym (Nat n) eltTy (WordVal bv) (Right (WordVal idx')) val
updateBackSym_word sym (Nat n) eltTy bv (Right wv) val =
case wv of
WordVal idx
| Just j <- SW.bvAsUnsignedInteger idx ->
updateWordValue (What4 sym) bv (n - 1 - j) (fromVBit <$> val)
| WordVal bw <- bv ->
WordVal <$>
do b <- fromVBit <$> val
let sz = SW.bvWidth bw
lowbit <- liftIO (SW.bvLit sym sz 1)
msk <- w4bvShl sym lowbit idx
liftIO $
case W4.asConstantPred b of
Just True -> SW.bvOr sym bw msk
Just False -> SW.bvAnd sym bw =<< SW.bvNot sym msk
Nothing ->
do q <- SW.bvFill sym sz b
bw' <- SW.bvAnd sym bw =<< SW.bvNot sym msk
SW.bvXor sym bw' =<< SW.bvAnd sym q msk
_ -> LargeBitsVal (wordValueSize (What4 sym) wv) <$>
updateBackSym sym (Nat n) eltTy (asBitsMap (What4 sym) bv) (Right wv) val
sshrV :: W4.IsExprBuilder sym => sym -> Value sym
sshrV sym =
nlam $ \(Nat n) ->
tlam $ \ix ->
wlam (What4 sym) $ \x -> return $
lam $ \y ->
y >>= asIndex (What4 sym) ">>$" ix >>= \case
Left i ->
do pneg <- intLessThan (What4 sym) i =<< integerLit (What4 sym) 0
zneg <- do i' <- shiftShrink (What4 sym) (Nat n) ix =<< intNegate (What4 sym) i
amt <- wordFromInt (What4 sym) n i'
w4bvShl sym x amt
zpos <- do i' <- shiftShrink (What4 sym) (Nat n) ix i
amt <- wordFromInt (What4 sym) n i'
w4bvAshr sym x amt
return (VWord (SW.bvWidth x) (WordVal <$> iteWord (What4 sym) pneg zneg zpos))
Right wv ->
do amt <- asWordVal (What4 sym) wv
return (VWord (SW.bvWidth x) (WordVal <$> w4bvAshr sym x amt))
w4bvShl :: W4.IsExprBuilder sym => sym -> SW.SWord sym -> SW.SWord sym -> W4Eval sym (SW.SWord sym)
w4bvShl sym x y = liftIO $ SW.bvShl sym x y
w4bvLshr :: W4.IsExprBuilder sym => sym -> SW.SWord sym -> SW.SWord sym -> W4Eval sym (SW.SWord sym)
w4bvLshr sym x y = liftIO $ SW.bvLshr sym x y
w4bvAshr :: W4.IsExprBuilder sym => sym -> SW.SWord sym -> SW.SWord sym -> W4Eval sym (SW.SWord sym)
w4bvAshr sym x y = liftIO $ SW.bvAshr sym x y
w4bvRol :: W4.IsExprBuilder sym => sym -> SW.SWord sym -> SW.SWord sym -> W4Eval sym (SW.SWord sym)
w4bvRol sym x y = liftIO $ SW.bvRol sym x y
w4bvRor :: W4.IsExprBuilder sym => sym -> SW.SWord sym -> SW.SWord sym -> W4Eval sym (SW.SWord sym)
w4bvRor sym x y = liftIO $ SW.bvRor sym x y
fpRoundingMode ::
W4.IsExprBuilder sym =>
What4 sym -> SWord (What4 sym) -> SEval (What4 sym) W4.RoundingMode
fpRoundingMode sym@(What4 sy) v =
case wordAsLit sym v of
Just (_w,i) ->
case i of
0 -> pure W4.RNE
1 -> pure W4.RNA
2 -> pure W4.RTP
3 -> pure W4.RTN
4 -> pure W4.RTZ
x -> do let err = BadRoundingMode x
assertSideCondition sym (W4.falsePred sy) err
raiseError sym err
_ -> liftIO $ X.throwIO $ UnsupportedSymbolicOp "rounding mode"
fpBinArith ::
W4.IsExprBuilder sym =>
FP.SFloatBinArith sym ->
What4 sym ->
SWord (What4 sym) ->
SFloat (What4 sym) ->
SFloat (What4 sym) ->
SEval (What4 sym) (SFloat (What4 sym))
fpBinArith fun = \sym@(What4 s) r x y ->
do m <- fpRoundingMode sym r
liftIO (fun s m x y)
fpCvtToInteger ::
(W4.IsExprBuilder sy, sym ~ What4 sy) =>
sym -> String -> SWord sym -> SFloat sym -> SEval sym (SInteger sym)
fpCvtToInteger sym@(What4 sy) fun r x =
do grd <- liftIO
do bad1 <- FP.fpIsInf sy x
bad2 <- FP.fpIsNaN sy x
W4.notPred sy =<< W4.orPred sy bad1 bad2
assertSideCondition sym grd (BadValue fun)
rnd <- fpRoundingMode sym r
do y <- FP.fpToReal sy x
case rnd of
W4.RNE -> W4.realRoundEven sy y
W4.RNA -> W4.realRound sy y
W4.RTP -> W4.realCeil sy y
W4.RTN -> W4.realFloor sy y
W4.RTZ -> W4.realTrunc sy y
fpCvtToRational ::
(W4.IsSymExprBuilder sy, sym ~ What4 sy) =>
sym -> SFloat sym -> SEval sym (SRational sym)
fpCvtToRational sym@(What4 sy) fp =
do grd <- liftIO
do bad1 <- FP.fpIsInf sy fp
bad2 <- FP.fpIsNaN sy fp
W4.notPred sy =<< W4.orPred sy bad1 bad2
assertSideCondition sym grd (BadValue "fpToRational")
(rel,x,y) <- liftIO (FP.fpToRational sy fp)
addDefEqn rel
ratio sym x y
fpCvtFromRational ::
(W4.IsExprBuilder sy, sym ~ What4 sy) =>
sym -> Integer -> Integer -> SWord sym ->
SRational sym -> SEval sym (SFloat sym)
fpCvtFromRational sym@(What4 sy) e p r rat =
do rnd <- fpRoundingMode sym r
liftIO (FP.fpFromRational sy e p rnd (sNum rat) (sDenom rat))