-- |
-- Module      :  Cryptol.Eval.Type
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2013-2016 Galois, Inc.
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  cryptol@galois.com
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable

{-# LANGUAGE Safe, PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
module Cryptol.Eval.Type where

import Cryptol.Eval.Monad
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.PP(pp)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.InfNat
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic (panic)
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident (Ident)
import Cryptol.Utils.RecordMap

import Data.Maybe(fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import GHC.Stack(HasCallStack)
import Control.DeepSeq

-- | An evaluated type of kind *.
-- These types do not contain type variables, type synonyms, or type functions.
data TValue
  = TVBit                     -- ^ @ Bit @
  | TVInteger                 -- ^ @ Integer @
  | TVFloat Integer Integer   -- ^ @ Float e p @
  | TVIntMod Integer          -- ^ @ Z n @
  | TVRational                -- ^ @Rational@
  | TVArray TValue TValue     -- ^ @ Array a b @
  | TVSeq Integer TValue      -- ^ @ [n]a @
  | TVStream TValue           -- ^ @ [inf]t @
  | TVTuple [TValue]          -- ^ @ (a, b, c )@
  | TVRec (RecordMap Ident TValue) -- ^ @ { x : a, y : b, z : c } @
  | TVFun TValue TValue       -- ^ @ a -> b @
  | TVAbstract UserTC [Either Nat' TValue] -- ^ an abstract type
    deriving (Generic, NFData)

-- | Convert a type value back into a regular type
tValTy :: TValue -> Type
tValTy tv =
  case tv of
    TVBit       -> tBit
    TVInteger   -> tInteger
    TVFloat e p -> tFloat (tNum e) (tNum p)
    TVIntMod n  -> tIntMod (tNum n)
    TVRational  -> tRational
    TVArray a b -> tArray (tValTy a) (tValTy b)
    TVSeq n t   -> tSeq (tNum n) (tValTy t)
    TVStream t  -> tSeq tInf (tValTy t)
    TVTuple ts  -> tTuple (map tValTy ts)
    TVRec fs    -> tRec (fmap tValTy fs)
    TVFun t1 t2 -> tFun (tValTy t1) (tValTy t2)
    TVAbstract u vs -> tAbstract u (map arg vs)
      where arg x = case x of
                      Left Inf     -> tInf
                      Left (Nat n) -> tNum n
                      Right v      -> tValTy v

instance Show TValue where
  showsPrec p v = showsPrec p (tValTy v)

-- Utilities -------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | True if the evaluated value is @Bit@
isTBit :: TValue -> Bool
isTBit TVBit = True
isTBit _ = False

-- | Produce a sequence type value
tvSeq :: Nat' -> TValue -> TValue
tvSeq (Nat n) t = TVSeq n t
tvSeq Inf     t = TVStream t

-- | Coerce an extended natural into an integer,
--   for values known to be finite
finNat' :: Nat' -> Integer
finNat' n' =
  case n' of
    Nat x -> x
    Inf   -> panic "Cryptol.Eval.Value.finNat'" [ "Unexpected `inf`" ]

-- Type Evaluation -------------------------------------------------------------

type TypeEnv = Map.Map TVar (Either Nat' TValue)

-- | Evaluation for types (kind * or #).
evalType :: HasCallStack => TypeEnv -> Type -> Either Nat' TValue
evalType env ty =
  case ty of
    TVar tv ->
      case Map.lookup tv env of
        Just v -> v
        Nothing -> evalPanic "evalType" ["type variable not bound", show tv]

    TUser _ _ ty'  -> evalType env ty'
    TRec fields    -> Right $ TVRec (fmap val fields)
    TCon (TC c) ts ->
      case (c, ts) of
        (TCBit, [])     -> Right $ TVBit
        (TCInteger, []) -> Right $ TVInteger
        (TCRational, []) -> Right $ TVRational
        (TCFloat, [e,p])-> Right $ TVFloat (inum e) (inum p)
        (TCIntMod, [n]) -> case num n of
                             Inf   -> evalPanic "evalType" ["invalid type Z inf"]
                             Nat m -> Right $ TVIntMod m
        (TCArray, [a, b]) -> Right $ TVArray (val a) (val b)
        (TCSeq, [n, t]) -> Right $ tvSeq (num n) (val t)
        (TCFun, [a, b]) -> Right $ TVFun (val a) (val b)
        (TCTuple _, _)  -> Right $ TVTuple (map val ts)
        (TCNum n, [])   -> Left $ Nat n
        (TCInf, [])     -> Left $ Inf
        (TCAbstract u,vs) ->
            case kindOf ty of
              KType -> Right $ TVAbstract u (map (evalType env) vs)
              k -> evalPanic "evalType"
                [ "Unsupported"
                , "*** Abstract type of kind: " ++ show (pp k)
                , "*** Name: " ++ show (pp u)

        -- FIXME: What about TCNewtype?
        _ -> evalPanic "evalType" ["not a value type", show ty]
    TCon (TF f) ts      -> Left $ evalTF f (map num ts)
    TCon (PC p) _       -> evalPanic "evalType" ["invalid predicate symbol", show p]
    TCon (TError _ x) _ -> evalPanic "evalType"
                                ["Lingering typer error", show (pp x)]
    val = evalValType env
    num = evalNumType env
    inum x = case num x of
               Nat i -> i
               Inf   -> evalPanic "evalType"
                                  ["Expecting a finite size, but got `inf`"]

-- | Evaluation for value types (kind *).
evalValType :: HasCallStack => TypeEnv -> Type -> TValue
evalValType env ty =
  case evalType env ty of
    Left _ -> evalPanic "evalValType" ["expected value type, found numeric type"]
    Right t -> t

-- | Evaluation for number types (kind #).
evalNumType :: HasCallStack => TypeEnv -> Type -> Nat'
evalNumType env ty =
  case evalType env ty of
    Left n -> n
    Right _ -> evalPanic "evalValType" ["expected numeric type, found value type"]

-- | Reduce type functions, raising an exception for undefined values.
evalTF :: HasCallStack => TFun -> [Nat'] -> Nat'
evalTF f vs
  | TCAdd           <- f, [x,y]   <- vs  =      nAdd x y
  | TCSub           <- f, [x,y]   <- vs  = mb $ nSub x y
  | TCMul           <- f, [x,y]   <- vs  =      nMul x y
  | TCDiv           <- f, [x,y]   <- vs  = mb $ nDiv x y
  | TCMod           <- f, [x,y]   <- vs  = mb $ nMod x y
  | TCWidth         <- f, [x]     <- vs  =      nWidth x
  | TCExp           <- f, [x,y]   <- vs  =      nExp x y
  | TCMin           <- f, [x,y]   <- vs  =      nMin x y
  | TCMax           <- f, [x,y]   <- vs  =      nMax x y
  | TCCeilDiv       <- f, [x,y]   <- vs  = mb $ nCeilDiv x y
  | TCCeilMod       <- f, [x,y]   <- vs  = mb $ nCeilMod x y
  | TCLenFromThenTo <- f, [x,y,z] <- vs  = mb $ nLenFromThenTo x y z
  | otherwise  = evalPanic "evalTF"
                        ["Unexpected type function:", show ty]

  where mb = fromMaybe (typeCannotBeDemoted ty)
        ty = TCon (TF f) (map tNat' vs)