{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards, Safe #-}
module Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.Selector (tryHasGoal) where
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.InferTypes
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Monad( InferM, unify, newGoals, lookupNewtype
, newType, applySubst, solveHasGoal
, newParamName
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Subst(listSubst,apSubst)
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident (Ident, packIdent)
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic(panic)
import Control.Monad(forM,guard)
recordType :: [Ident] -> InferM Type
recordType labels =
do fields <- forM labels $ \l ->
do t <- newType (TypeOfRecordField l) KType
return (l,t)
return (TRec fields)
tupleType :: Int -> InferM Type
tupleType n =
do fields <- mapM (\x -> newType (TypeOfTupleField x) KType)
[ 0 .. (n-1) ]
return (tTuple fields)
listType :: Int -> InferM Type
listType n =
do elems <- newType TypeOfSeqElement KType
return (tSeq (tNum n) elems)
improveSelector :: Selector -> Type -> InferM Bool
improveSelector sel outerT =
case sel of
RecordSel _ mb -> cvt recordType mb
TupleSel _ mb -> cvt tupleType mb
ListSel _ mb -> cvt listType mb
cvt _ Nothing = return False
cvt f (Just a) = do ty <- f a
newGoals CtExactType =<< unify ty outerT
newT <- applySubst outerT
return (newT /= outerT)
solveSelector :: Selector -> Type -> InferM (Maybe Type)
solveSelector sel outerT =
case (sel, outerT) of
(RecordSel l _, ty) ->
case ty of
TRec fs -> return (lookup l fs)
TCon (TC TCSeq) [len,el] -> liftSeq len el
TCon (TC TCFun) [t1,t2] -> liftFun t1 t2
TCon (TC (TCNewtype (UserTC x _))) ts ->
do mb <- lookupNewtype x
case mb of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just nt ->
case lookup l (ntFields nt) of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just t ->
do let su = listSubst (zip (map tpVar (ntParams nt)) ts)
newGoals (CtPartialTypeFun $ UserTyFun x)
$ apSubst su $ ntConstraints nt
return $ Just $ apSubst su t
_ -> return Nothing
(TupleSel n _, ty) ->
case ty of
TCon (TC (TCTuple m)) ts ->
return $ do guard (0 <= n && n < m)
return $ ts !! n
TCon (TC TCSeq) [len,el] -> liftSeq len el
TCon (TC TCFun) [t1,t2] -> liftFun t1 t2
_ -> return Nothing
(ListSel n _, TCon (TC TCSeq) [l,t])
| n < 2 -> return (Just t)
| otherwise ->
do newGoals CtSelector [ l >== tNum (n - 1) ]
return (Just t)
_ -> return Nothing
liftSeq len el =
do mb <- solveSelector sel (tNoUser el)
return $ do el' <- mb
return (TCon (TC TCSeq) [len,el'])
liftFun t1 t2 =
do mb <- solveSelector sel (tNoUser t2)
return $ do t2' <- mb
return (TCon (TC TCFun) [t1,t2'])
tryHasGoal :: HasGoal -> InferM (Bool, Bool)
tryHasGoal has
| TCon (PC (PHas sel)) [ th, ft ] <- goal (hasGoal has) =
do imped <- improveSelector sel th
outerT <- tNoUser `fmap` applySubst th
mbInnerT <- solveSelector sel outerT
case mbInnerT of
Nothing -> return (imped, False)
Just innerT ->
do newGoals CtExactType =<< unify innerT ft
oT <- applySubst outerT
iT <- applySubst innerT
selFrom <- mkSel sel oT iT
solveHasGoal (hasName has) selFrom
return (True, True)
| otherwise = panic "hasGoalSolved"
[ "Unexpected selector proposition:"
, show (hasGoal has)
mkSel :: Selector -> Type -> Type -> InferM (Expr -> Expr)
mkSel s outerT innerT =
case tNoUser outerT of
TCon (TC TCSeq) [len,el]
| TupleSel {} <- s -> liftSeq len el
| RecordSel {} <- s -> liftSeq len el
TCon (TC TCFun) [t1,t2]
| TupleSel {} <- s -> liftFun t1 t2
| RecordSel {} <- s -> liftFun t1 t2
_ -> return (\e -> ESel e s)
liftSeq len el =
do x <- newParamName (packIdent "x")
case tNoUser innerT of
TCon _ [_,eli] ->
do selFrom <- mkSel s el eli
return $ \e -> EComp len eli (selFrom (EVar x))
[[ From x len el e ]]
_ -> panic "mkSel" [ "Unexpected inner seq type.", show innerT ]
liftFun t1 t2 =
do x <- newParamName (packIdent "x")
case tNoUser innerT of
TCon _ [_,inT] ->
do selFrom <- mkSel s t2 inT
return $ \e -> EAbs x t1 (selFrom (EApp e (EVar x)))
_ -> panic "mkSel" [ "Unexpected inner fun type", show innerT ]