{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Cryptol.Parser.NoPat (RemovePatterns(..),Error(..)) where
import Cryptol.Parser.AST
import Cryptol.Parser.Position(Range(..),emptyRange,start,at)
import Cryptol.Parser.Names (namesP)
import Cryptol.Utils.PP
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic(panic)
import MonadLib hiding (mapM)
import Data.Maybe(maybeToList)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Control.DeepSeq
import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat
class RemovePatterns t where
removePatterns :: t -> (t, [Error])
instance RemovePatterns (Program PName) where
removePatterns p = runNoPatM (noPatProg p)
instance RemovePatterns (Expr PName) where
removePatterns e = runNoPatM (noPatE e)
instance RemovePatterns (Module PName) where
removePatterns m = runNoPatM (noPatModule m)
instance RemovePatterns [Decl PName] where
removePatterns ds = runNoPatM (noPatDs ds)
simpleBind :: Located PName -> Expr PName -> Bind PName
simpleBind x e = Bind { bName = x, bParams = []
, bDef = at e (Located emptyRange (DExpr e))
, bSignature = Nothing, bPragmas = []
, bMono = True, bInfix = False, bFixity = Nothing
, bDoc = Nothing
sel :: Pattern PName -> PName -> Selector -> Bind PName
sel p x s = let (a,ts) = splitSimpleP p
in simpleBind a (foldl ETyped (ESel (EVar x) s) ts)
noPat :: Pattern PName -> NoPatM (Pattern PName, [Bind PName])
noPat pat =
case pat of
PVar x -> return (PVar x, [])
PWild ->
do x <- newName
r <- getRange
return (pVar r x, [])
PTuple ps ->
do (as,dss) <- unzip `fmap` mapM noPat ps
x <- newName
r <- getRange
let len = length ps
ty = TTuple (replicate len TWild)
getN a n = sel a x (TupleSel n (Just len))
return (pTy r x ty, zipWith getN as [0..] ++ concat dss)
PList [] ->
do x <- newName
r <- getRange
return (pTy r x (TSeq (TNum 0) TWild), [])
PList ps ->
do (as,dss) <- unzip `fmap` mapM noPat ps
x <- newName
r <- getRange
let len = length ps
ty = TSeq (TNum (fromIntegral len)) TWild
getN a n = sel a x (ListSel n (Just len))
return (pTy r x ty, zipWith getN as [0..] ++ concat dss)
PRecord fs ->
do (as,dss) <- unzip `fmap` mapM (noPat . value) fs
x <- newName
r <- getRange
let shape = map (thing . name) fs
ty = TRecord (map (fmap (\_ -> TWild)) fs)
getN a n = sel a x (RecordSel n (Just shape))
return (pTy r x ty, zipWith getN as shape ++ concat dss)
PTyped p t ->
do (a,ds) <- noPat p
return (PTyped a t, ds)
PSplit p1 p2 ->
do (a1,ds1) <- noPat p1
(a2,ds2) <- noPat p2
x <- newName
tmp <- newName
r <- getRange
let prim = EVar (mkUnqual (mkIdent "splitAt"))
bTmp = simpleBind (Located r tmp) (EApp prim (EVar x))
b1 = sel a1 tmp (TupleSel 0 (Just 2))
b2 = sel a2 tmp (TupleSel 1 (Just 2))
return (pVar r x, bTmp : b1 : b2 : ds1 ++ ds2)
PLocated p r1 -> inRange r1 (noPat p)
pVar r x = PVar (Located r x)
pTy r x t = PTyped (PVar (Located r x)) t
splitSimpleP :: Pattern PName -> (Located PName, [Type PName])
splitSimpleP (PVar x) = (x, [])
splitSimpleP (PTyped p t) = let (x,ts) = splitSimpleP p
in (x, t:ts)
splitSimpleP p = panic "splitSimpleP"
[ "Non-simple pattern", show p ]
noPatE :: Expr PName -> NoPatM (Expr PName)
noPatE expr =
case expr of
EVar {} -> return expr
ELit {} -> return expr
ENeg e -> ENeg <$> noPatE e
EComplement e -> EComplement <$> noPatE e
ETuple es -> ETuple <$> mapM noPatE es
ERecord es -> ERecord <$> mapM noPatF es
ESel e s -> ESel <$> noPatE e <*> return s
EList es -> EList <$> mapM noPatE es
EFromTo {} -> return expr
EInfFrom e e' -> EInfFrom <$> noPatE e <*> traverse noPatE e'
EComp e mss -> EComp <$> noPatE e <*> mapM noPatArm mss
EApp e1 e2 -> EApp <$> noPatE e1 <*> noPatE e2
EAppT e ts -> EAppT <$> noPatE e <*> return ts
EIf e1 e2 e3 -> EIf <$> noPatE e1 <*> noPatE e2 <*> noPatE e3
EWhere e ds -> EWhere <$> noPatE e <*> noPatDs ds
ETyped e t -> ETyped <$> noPatE e <*> return t
ETypeVal {} -> return expr
EFun ps e -> do (ps1,e1) <- noPatFun ps e
return (EFun ps1 e1)
ELocated e r1 -> ELocated <$> inRange r1 (noPatE e) <*> return r1
EParens e -> EParens <$> noPatE e
EInfix x y f z-> EInfix <$> noPatE x <*> pure y <*> pure f <*> noPatE z
where noPatF x = do e <- noPatE (value x)
return x { value = e }
noPatFun :: [Pattern PName] -> Expr PName -> NoPatM ([Pattern PName], Expr PName)
noPatFun ps e =
do (xs,bs) <- unzip <$> mapM noPat ps
e1 <- noPatE e
let body = case concat bs of
[] -> e1
ds -> EWhere e1 $ map DBind ds
return (xs, body)
noPatArm :: [Match PName] -> NoPatM [Match PName]
noPatArm ms = concat <$> mapM noPatM ms
noPatM :: Match PName -> NoPatM [Match PName]
noPatM (Match p e) =
do (x,bs) <- noPat p
e1 <- noPatE e
return (Match x e1 : map MatchLet bs)
noPatM (MatchLet b) = (return . MatchLet) <$> noMatchB b
noMatchB :: Bind PName -> NoPatM (Bind PName)
noMatchB b =
case thing (bDef b) of
DPrim | null (bParams b) -> return b
| otherwise -> panic "NoPat" [ "noMatchB: primitive with params"
, show b ]
DExpr e ->
do (ps,e') <- noPatFun (bParams b) e
return b { bParams = ps, bDef = DExpr e' <$ bDef b }
noMatchD :: Decl PName -> NoPatM [Decl PName]
noMatchD decl =
case decl of
DSignature {} -> return [decl]
DPragma {} -> return [decl]
DFixity{} -> return [decl]
DBind b -> do b1 <- noMatchB b
return [DBind b1]
DPatBind p e -> do (p',bs) <- noPat p
let (x,ts) = splitSimpleP p'
e1 <- noPatE e
let e2 = foldl ETyped e1 ts
return $ DBind Bind { bName = x
, bParams = []
, bDef = at e (Located emptyRange (DExpr e2))
, bSignature = Nothing
, bPragmas = []
, bMono = False
, bInfix = False
, bFixity = Nothing
, bDoc = Nothing
} : map DBind bs
DType {} -> return [decl]
DProp {} -> return [decl]
DLocated d r1 -> do bs <- inRange r1 $ noMatchD d
return $ map (`DLocated` r1) bs
noPatDs :: [Decl PName] -> NoPatM [Decl PName]
noPatDs ds =
do ds1 <- concat <$> mapM noMatchD ds
let pragmaMap = Map.fromListWith (++) $ concatMap toPragma ds1
sigMap = Map.fromListWith (++) $ concatMap toSig ds1
fixMap = Map.fromListWith (++) $ concatMap toFixity ds1
(ds2, (pMap,sMap,fMap,_)) <- runStateT (pragmaMap, sigMap, fixMap, Map.empty)
(annotDs ds1)
forM_ (Map.toList pMap) $ \(n,ps) ->
forM_ ps $ \p -> recordError $ PragmaNoBind (p { thing = n }) (thing p)
forM_ (Map.toList sMap) $ \(n,ss) ->
do _ <- checkSigs n ss
forM_ ss $ \s -> recordError $ SignatureNoBind (s { thing = n })
(thing s)
forM_ (Map.toList fMap) $ \(n,fs) ->
forM_ fs $ \f -> recordError $ FixityNoBind f { thing = n }
return ds2
noPatTopDs :: [TopDecl PName] -> NoPatM [TopDecl PName]
noPatTopDs tds =
do desugared <- concat <$> mapM desugar tds
let allDecls = map tlValue (decls desugared)
pragmaMap = Map.fromListWith (++) $ concatMap toPragma allDecls
sigMap = Map.fromListWith (++) $ concatMap toSig allDecls
fixMap = Map.fromListWith (++) $ concatMap toFixity allDecls
docMap = Map.fromListWith (++) $ concatMap toDocs (decls tds)
(tds', (pMap,sMap,fMap,_)) <- runStateT (pragmaMap,sigMap,fixMap,docMap)
(annotTopDs desugared)
forM_ (Map.toList pMap) $ \(n,ps) ->
forM_ ps $ \p -> recordError $ PragmaNoBind (p { thing = n }) (thing p)
forM_ (Map.toList sMap) $ \(n,ss) ->
do _ <- checkSigs n ss
forM_ ss $ \s -> recordError $ SignatureNoBind (s { thing = n })
(thing s)
forM_ (Map.toList fMap) $ \(n,fs) ->
forM_ fs $ \f -> recordError $ FixityNoBind f { thing = n }
return tds'
decls xs = [ d | Decl d <- xs ]
desugar d =
case d of
Decl tl -> do ds <- noMatchD (tlValue tl)
return [ Decl tl { tlValue = d1 } | d1 <- ds ]
x -> return [x]
noPatProg :: Program PName -> NoPatM (Program PName)
noPatProg (Program topDs) = Program <$> noPatTopDs topDs
noPatModule :: Module PName -> NoPatM (Module PName)
noPatModule m =
do ds1 <- noPatTopDs (mDecls m)
return m { mDecls = ds1 }
type AnnotMap = ( Map.Map PName [Located Pragma ]
, Map.Map PName [Located (Schema PName)]
, Map.Map PName [Located Fixity ]
, Map.Map PName [Located String ]
annotTopDs :: [TopDecl PName] -> StateT AnnotMap NoPatM [TopDecl PName]
annotTopDs tds =
case tds of
d : ds ->
case d of
Decl d1 ->
do ignore <- runExceptionT (annotD (tlValue d1))
case ignore of
Left _ -> annotTopDs ds
Right d2 -> (Decl (d1 { tlValue = d2 }) :) <$> annotTopDs ds
DParameterType {} -> (d :) <$> annotTopDs ds
DParameterConstraint {} -> (d :) <$> annotTopDs ds
DParameterFun p ->
do (ps,ss,fs,ds') <- get
let rm _ _ = Nothing
name = thing (pfName p)
case Map.updateLookupWithKey rm name fs of
(Nothing,_) -> (d :) <$> annotTopDs ds
(Just f,fs1) ->
do mbF <- lift (checkFixs name f)
set (ps,ss,fs1,ds')
let p1 = p { pfFixity = mbF }
(DParameterFun p1 :) <$> annotTopDs ds
TDNewtype {} -> (d :) <$> annotTopDs ds
Include {} -> (d :) <$> annotTopDs ds
[] -> return []
annotDs :: [Decl PName] -> StateT AnnotMap NoPatM [Decl PName]
annotDs (d : ds) =
do ignore <- runExceptionT (annotD d)
case ignore of
Left () -> annotDs ds
Right d1 -> (d1 :) <$> annotDs ds
annotDs [] = return []
annotD :: Decl PName -> ExceptionT () (StateT AnnotMap NoPatM) (Decl PName)
annotD decl =
case decl of
DBind b -> DBind <$> lift (annotB b)
DSignature {} -> raise ()
DFixity{} -> raise ()
DPragma {} -> raise ()
DPatBind {} -> raise ()
DType {} -> return decl
DProp {} -> return decl
DLocated d r -> (`DLocated` r) <$> annotD d
annotB :: Bind PName -> StateT AnnotMap NoPatM (Bind PName)
annotB Bind { .. } =
do (ps,ss,fs,ds) <- get
let name = thing bName
remove _ _ = Nothing
case ( Map.updateLookupWithKey remove name ps
, Map.updateLookupWithKey remove name ss
, Map.updateLookupWithKey remove name fs
, Map.updateLookupWithKey remove name ds
) of
( (thisPs, pragmas1), (thisSigs, sigs1), (thisFixes, fixes1), (thisDocs, docs1)) ->
do s <- lift $ checkSigs name (jn thisSigs)
f <- lift $ checkFixs name (jn thisFixes)
d <- lift $ checkDocs name (jn thisDocs)
set (pragmas1,sigs1,fixes1,docs1)
return Bind { bSignature = s
, bPragmas = map thing (jn thisPs) ++ bPragmas
, bFixity = f
, bDoc = d
, ..
where jn x = concat (maybeToList x)
checkSigs :: PName -> [Located (Schema PName)] -> NoPatM (Maybe (Schema PName))
checkSigs _ [] = return Nothing
checkSigs _ [s] = return (Just (thing s))
checkSigs f xs@(s : _ : _) = do recordError $ MultipleSignatures f xs
return (Just (thing s))
checkFixs :: PName -> [Located Fixity] -> NoPatM (Maybe Fixity)
checkFixs _ [] = return Nothing
checkFixs _ [f] = return (Just (thing f))
checkFixs f fs@(x:_) = do recordError $ MultipleFixities f $ map srcRange fs
return (Just (thing x))
checkDocs :: PName -> [Located String] -> NoPatM (Maybe String)
checkDocs _ [] = return Nothing
checkDocs _ [d] = return (Just (thing d))
checkDocs f ds@(d:_) = do recordError $ MultipleDocs f (map srcRange ds)
return (Just (thing d))
toSig :: Decl PName -> [(PName, [Located (Schema PName)])]
toSig (DLocated d _) = toSig d
toSig (DSignature xs s) = [ (thing x,[Located (srcRange x) s]) | x <- xs ]
toSig _ = []
toPragma :: Decl PName -> [(PName, [Located Pragma])]
toPragma (DLocated d _) = toPragma d
toPragma (DPragma xs s) = [ (thing x,[Located (srcRange x) s]) | x <- xs ]
toPragma _ = []
toFixity :: Decl PName -> [(PName, [Located Fixity])]
toFixity (DFixity f ns) = [ (thing n, [Located (srcRange n) f]) | n <- ns ]
toFixity _ = []
toDocs :: TopLevel (Decl PName) -> [(PName, [Located String])]
toDocs TopLevel { .. }
| Just txt <- tlDoc = go txt tlValue
| otherwise = []
go txt decl =
case decl of
DSignature ns _ -> [ (thing n, [txt]) | n <- ns ]
DFixity _ ns -> [ (thing n, [txt]) | n <- ns ]
DBind b -> [ (thing (bName b), [txt]) ]
DLocated d _ -> go txt d
DPatBind p _ -> [ (thing n, [txt]) | n <- namesP p ]
DPragma _ _ -> []
DType _ -> []
DProp _ -> []
newtype NoPatM a = M { unM :: ReaderT Range (StateT RW Id) a }
data RW = RW { names :: !Int, errors :: [Error] }
data Error = MultipleSignatures PName [Located (Schema PName)]
| SignatureNoBind (Located PName) (Schema PName)
| PragmaNoBind (Located PName) Pragma
| MultipleFixities PName [Range]
| FixityNoBind (Located PName)
| MultipleDocs PName [Range]
deriving (Show,Generic, NFData)
instance Functor NoPatM where fmap = liftM
instance Applicative NoPatM where pure = return; (<*>) = ap
instance Monad NoPatM where
return x = M (return x)
fail x = M (fail x)
M x >>= k = M (x >>= unM . k)
newName :: NoPatM PName
newName = M $ sets $ \s -> let x = names s
in (NewName NoPat x, s { names = x + 1 })
recordError :: Error -> NoPatM ()
recordError e = M $ sets_ $ \s -> s { errors = e : errors s }
getRange :: NoPatM Range
getRange = M ask
inRange :: Range -> NoPatM a -> NoPatM a
inRange r m = M $ local r $ unM m
runNoPatM :: NoPatM a -> (a, [Error])
runNoPatM m
= getErrs
$ runId
$ runStateT RW { names = 0, errors = [] }
$ runReaderT (Range start start "")
$ unM m
where getErrs (a,rw) = (a, errors rw)
instance PP Error where
ppPrec _ err =
case err of
MultipleSignatures x ss ->
text "Multiple type signatures for" <+> quotes (pp x)
$$ nest 2 (vcat (map pp ss))
SignatureNoBind x s ->
text "At" <+> pp (srcRange x) <.> colon <+>
text "Type signature without a matching binding:"
$$ nest 2 (pp s)
PragmaNoBind x s ->
text "At" <+> pp (srcRange x) <.> colon <+>
text "Pragma without a matching binding:"
$$ nest 2 (pp s)
MultipleFixities n locs ->
text "Multiple fixity declarations for" <+> quotes (pp n)
$$ nest 2 (vcat (map pp locs))
FixityNoBind n ->
text "At" <+> pp (srcRange n) <.> colon <+>
text "Fixity declaration without a matching binding for:" <+>
pp (thing n)
MultipleDocs n locs ->
text "Multiple documentation blocks given for:" <+> pp n
$$ nest 2 (vcat (map pp locs))