-- |
-- Module      :  Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Renamer
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2013-2016 Galois, Inc.
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  cryptol@galois.com
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Renamer (
    NamingEnv(), shadowing
  , BindsNames(..), InModule(..), namingEnv'
  , checkNamingEnv
  , shadowNames
  , Rename(..), runRenamer, RenameM()
  , RenamerError(..)
  , RenamerWarning(..)
  , renameVar
  , renameType
  , renameModule
  ) where

import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.NamingEnv
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Exports
import Cryptol.Prims.Syntax
import Cryptol.Parser.AST
import Cryptol.Parser.Position
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Type (TCon(..))
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident (packInfix,packIdent)
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic (panic)
import Cryptol.Utils.PP

import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import           Data.Map.Strict ( Map )
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Semigroup as S
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import           Data.String (IsString(..))
import           MonadLib hiding (mapM, mapM_)

import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Control.DeepSeq

import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat

-- Errors ----------------------------------------------------------------------

data RenamerError
  = MultipleSyms (Located PName) [Name] NameDisp
    -- ^ Multiple imported symbols contain this name

  | UnboundExpr (Located PName) NameDisp
    -- ^ Expression name is not bound to any definition

  | UnboundType (Located PName) NameDisp
    -- ^ Type name is not bound to any definition

  | OverlappingSyms [Name] NameDisp
    -- ^ An environment has produced multiple overlapping symbols

  | ExpectedValue (Located PName) NameDisp
    -- ^ When a value is expected from the naming environment, but one or more
    -- types exist instead.

  | ExpectedType (Located PName) NameDisp
    -- ^ When a type is missing from the naming environment, but one or more
    -- values exist with the same name.

  | FixityError (Located Name) (Located Name) NameDisp
    -- ^ When the fixity of two operators conflict

  | InvalidConstraint (Type PName) NameDisp
    -- ^ When it's not possible to produce a Prop from a Type.

  | MalformedBuiltin (Type PName) PName NameDisp
    -- ^ When a builtin type/type-function is used incorrectly.

  | BoundReservedType PName (Maybe Range) Doc NameDisp
    -- ^ When a builtin type is named in a binder.
    deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)

instance PP RenamerError where
  ppPrec _ e = case e of

    MultipleSyms lqn qns disp -> fixNameDisp disp $
      hang (text "[error] at" <+> pp (srcRange lqn))
         4 $ (text "Multiple definitions for symbol:" <+> pp (thing lqn))
          $$ vcat (map ppLocName qns)

    UnboundExpr lqn disp -> fixNameDisp disp $
      hang (text "[error] at" <+> pp (srcRange lqn))
         4 (text "Value not in scope:" <+> pp (thing lqn))

    UnboundType lqn disp -> fixNameDisp disp $
      hang (text "[error] at" <+> pp (srcRange lqn))
         4 (text "Type not in scope:" <+> pp (thing lqn))

    OverlappingSyms qns disp -> fixNameDisp disp $
      hang (text "[error]")
         4 $ text "Overlapping symbols defined:"
          $$ vcat (map ppLocName qns)

    ExpectedValue lqn disp -> fixNameDisp disp $
      hang (text "[error] at" <+> pp (srcRange lqn))
         4 (fsep [ text "Expected a value named", quotes (pp (thing lqn))
                 , text "but found a type instead"
                 , text "Did you mean `(" <.> pp (thing lqn) <.> text")?" ])

    ExpectedType lqn disp -> fixNameDisp disp $
      hang (text "[error] at" <+> pp (srcRange lqn))
         4 (fsep [ text "Expected a type named", quotes (pp (thing lqn))
                 , text "but found a value instead" ])

    FixityError o1 o2 disp -> fixNameDisp disp $
      hang (text "[error]")
         4 (fsep [ text "The fixities of", pp o1, text "and", pp o2
                 , text "are not compatible.  "
                 , text "You may use explicit parenthesis to disambiguate" ])

    InvalidConstraint ty disp -> fixNameDisp disp $
      hang (text "[error]" <+> maybe empty (\r -> text "at" <+> pp r) (getLoc ty))
         4 (fsep [ pp ty, text "is not a valid constraint" ])

    MalformedBuiltin ty pn disp -> fixNameDisp disp $
      hang (text "[error]" <+> maybe empty (\r -> text "at" <+> pp r) (getLoc ty))
         4 (fsep [ text "invalid use of built-in type", pp pn
                 , text "in type", pp ty ])

    BoundReservedType n loc src disp -> fixNameDisp disp $
      hang (text "[error]" <+> maybe empty (\r -> text "at" <+> pp r) loc)
         4 (fsep [ text "built-in type", quotes (pp n), text "shadowed in", src ])

-- Warnings --------------------------------------------------------------------

data RenamerWarning
  = SymbolShadowed Name [Name] NameDisp

    -- Warn when fixity is used to resolve parses, and the relative
    -- fixity is planned to change.  See https://github.com/GaloisInc/cryptol/issues/241
  | DangerousFixity (Located Name) (Located Name) NameDisp

  | UnusedName Name NameDisp
    deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)

instance PP RenamerWarning where
  ppPrec _ (SymbolShadowed new originals disp) = fixNameDisp disp $
    hang (text "[warning] at" <+> loc)
       4 $ fsep [ text "This binding for" <+> sym
                , (text "shadows the existing binding" <.> plural) <+> text "from" ]
        $$ vcat (map ppLocName originals)

    plural | length originals > 1 = char 's'
           | otherwise            = empty

    loc = pp (nameLoc new)
    sym = pp new

  ppPrec _ (DangerousFixity o1 o2 disp) = fixNameDisp disp $
    hang (text "[warning] at" <+> pp (srcRange o1))
       4 $ fsep [ text "Using fixity to resolve the parsing of operators" <+> pp (thing o1) <+> text "and" <+> pp (thing o2) <.> text ";"
                , text "the relative fixity of these operators has recently changed!"
                , text "Use parentheses to disambiguate this parse, or consider replacing (&&) with (/\\), or (||) with (\\/)."
                , text "Ignore this message if you are confident this expression is parsing correctly; it will be removed"
                , text "in a future release."
  ppPrec _ (UnusedName x disp) = fixNameDisp disp $
    hang (text "[warning] at" <+> pp (nameLoc x))
       4 (text "Unused name:" <+> pp x)

-- Renaming Monad --------------------------------------------------------------

data RO = RO
  { roLoc   :: Range
  , roMod   :: !ModName
  , roNames :: NamingEnv
  , roDisp  :: !NameDisp

data RW = RW
  { rwWarnings      :: !(Seq.Seq RenamerWarning)
  , rwErrors        :: !(Seq.Seq RenamerError)
  , rwSupply        :: !Supply
  , rwNameUseCount  :: !(Map Name Int)
    -- ^ How many times did we refer to each name.
    -- Used to generate warnings for unused definitions.

newtype RenameM a = RenameM
  { unRenameM :: ReaderT RO (StateT RW Lift) a }

instance S.Semigroup a => S.Semigroup (RenameM a) where
  {-# INLINE (<>) #-}
  a <> b =
    do x <- a
       y <- b
       return (x S.<> y)

instance (S.Semigroup a, Monoid a) => Monoid (RenameM a) where
  {-# INLINE mempty #-}
  mempty = return mempty

  {-# INLINE mappend #-}
  mappend = (S.<>)

instance Functor RenameM where
  {-# INLINE fmap #-}
  fmap f m      = RenameM (fmap f (unRenameM m))

instance Applicative RenameM where
  {-# INLINE pure #-}
  pure x        = RenameM (pure x)

  {-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
  l <*> r       = RenameM (unRenameM l <*> unRenameM r)

instance Monad RenameM where
  {-# INLINE return #-}
  return x      = RenameM (return x)

  {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
  m >>= k       = RenameM (unRenameM m >>= unRenameM . k)

instance FreshM RenameM where
  liftSupply f = RenameM $ sets $ \ RW { .. } ->
    let (a,s') = f rwSupply
        rw'    = RW { rwSupply = s', .. }
     in a `seq` rw' `seq` (a, rw')

runRenamer :: Supply -> ModName -> NamingEnv -> RenameM a
           -> (Either [RenamerError] (a,Supply),[RenamerWarning])
runRenamer s ns env m = (res, warnUnused ns env ro rw ++ F.toList (rwWarnings rw))
  (a,rw) = runM (unRenameM m) ro
                              RW { rwErrors   = Seq.empty
                                 , rwWarnings = Seq.empty
                                 , rwSupply   = s
                                 , rwNameUseCount = Map.empty

  ro = RO { roLoc = emptyRange
          , roNames = env
          , roMod = ns
          , roDisp = neverQualifyMod ns `mappend` toNameDisp env

  res | Seq.null (rwErrors rw) = Right (a,rwSupply rw)
      | otherwise              = Left (F.toList (rwErrors rw))

-- | Record an error.  XXX: use a better name
record :: (NameDisp -> RenamerError) -> RenameM ()
record f = RenameM $
  do RO { .. } <- ask
     RW { .. } <- get
     set RW { rwErrors = rwErrors Seq.|> f roDisp, .. }

-- | Report a warning.
recordW :: (NameDisp -> RenamerWarning) -> RenameM ()
recordW f = RenameM $
  do RO { .. } <- ask
     RW { .. } <- get
     set RW { rwWarnings = rwWarnings Seq.|> f roDisp, .. }

-- | Get the source range for wahtever we are currently renaming.
curLoc :: RenameM Range
curLoc  = RenameM (roLoc `fmap` ask)

-- | Annotate something with the current range.
located :: a -> RenameM (Located a)
located thing =
  do srcRange <- curLoc
     return Located { .. }

-- | Do the given computation using the source code range from `loc` if any.
withLoc :: HasLoc loc => loc -> RenameM a -> RenameM a
withLoc loc m = RenameM $ case getLoc loc of

  Just range -> do
    ro <- ask
    local ro { roLoc = range } (unRenameM m)

  Nothing -> unRenameM m

-- | Retrieve the name of the current module.
getNS :: RenameM ModName
getNS  = RenameM (roMod `fmap` ask)

-- | Shadow the current naming environment with some more names.
shadowNames :: BindsNames env => env -> RenameM a -> RenameM a
shadowNames  = shadowNames' CheckAll

data EnvCheck = CheckAll     -- ^ Check for overlap and shadowing
              | CheckOverlap -- ^ Only check for overlap
              | CheckNone    -- ^ Don't check the environment
                deriving (Eq,Show)

-- | Shadow the current naming environment with some more names. The boolean
-- parameter indicates whether or not to check for shadowing.
shadowNames' :: BindsNames env => EnvCheck -> env -> RenameM a -> RenameM a
shadowNames' check names m = do
  do env <- liftSupply (namingEnv' names)
     RenameM $
       do ro  <- ask
          env' <- sets (checkEnv (roDisp ro) check env (roNames ro))
          let ro' = ro { roNames = env' `shadowing` roNames ro }
          local ro' (unRenameM m)

shadowNamesNS :: BindsNames (InModule env) => env -> RenameM a -> RenameM a
shadowNamesNS names m =
  do ns <- getNS
     shadowNames (InModule ns names) m

-- | Generate warnings when the left environment shadows things defined in
-- the right.  Additionally, generate errors when two names overlap in the
-- left environment.
checkEnv :: NameDisp -> EnvCheck -> NamingEnv -> NamingEnv -> RW -> (NamingEnv,RW)
checkEnv disp check l r rw
  | check == CheckNone = (l',rw)
  | otherwise          = (l',rw'')


  l' = l { neExprs = es, neTypes = ts }

  (rw',es)  = Map.mapAccumWithKey (step neExprs) rw  (neExprs l)
  (rw'',ts) = Map.mapAccumWithKey (step neTypes) rw' (neTypes l)

  step prj acc k ns = (acc', [head ns])
    acc' = acc
      { rwWarnings =
          if check == CheckAll
             then case Map.lookup k (prj r) of
                    Nothing -> rwWarnings acc
                    Just os -> rwWarnings acc Seq.|> SymbolShadowed (head ns) os disp

             else rwWarnings acc
      , rwErrors   = rwErrors acc Seq.>< containsOverlap disp ns

-- | Check the RHS of a single name rewrite for conflicting sources.
containsOverlap :: NameDisp -> [Name] -> Seq.Seq RenamerError
containsOverlap _    [_] = Seq.empty
containsOverlap _    []  = panic "Renamer" ["Invalid naming environment"]
containsOverlap disp ns  = Seq.singleton (OverlappingSyms ns disp)

-- | Throw errors for any names that overlap in a rewrite environment.
checkNamingEnv :: NamingEnv -> ([RenamerError],[RenamerWarning])
checkNamingEnv env = (F.toList out, [])
  out    = Map.foldr check outTys (neExprs env)
  outTys = Map.foldr check mempty (neTypes env)

  disp   = toNameDisp env

  check ns acc = containsOverlap disp ns Seq.>< acc

recordUse :: Name -> RenameM ()
recordUse x = RenameM $ sets_ $ \rw ->
  rw { rwNameUseCount = Map.insertWith (+) x 1 (rwNameUseCount rw) }

warnUnused :: ModName -> NamingEnv -> RO -> RW -> [RenamerWarning]
warnUnused m0 env ro rw =
  map warn
  $ Map.keys
  $ Map.filterWithKey keep
  $ rwNameUseCount rw
  warn x   = UnusedName x (roDisp ro)
  keep k n = n == 1 && isLocal k
  oldNames = fst (visibleNames env)
  isLocal nm = case nameInfo nm of
                 Declared m sys -> sys == UserName &&
                                   m == m0 && nm `Set.notMember` oldNames
                 Parameter  -> True

-- Renaming --------------------------------------------------------------------

class Rename f where
  rename :: f PName -> RenameM (f Name)

renameModule :: Module PName -> RenameM (NamingEnv,Module Name)
renameModule m =
  do env    <- liftSupply (namingEnv' m)
     -- NOTE: we explicitly hide shadowing errors here, by using shadowNames'
     decls' <-  shadowNames' CheckOverlap env (traverse rename (mDecls m))
     let m1 = m { mDecls = decls' }
         exports = modExports m1
     mapM_ recordUse (eTypes exports)
     return (env,m1)

instance Rename TopDecl where
  rename td     = case td of
    Decl d      -> Decl      <$> traverse rename d
    TDNewtype n -> TDNewtype <$> traverse rename n
    Include n   -> return (Include n)
    DParameterFun f  -> DParameterFun  <$> rename f
    DParameterType f -> DParameterType <$> rename f

    DParameterConstraint d -> DParameterConstraint <$> mapM renameLocated d

renameLocated :: Rename f => Located (f PName) -> RenameM (Located (f Name))
renameLocated x =
  do y <- rename (thing x)
     return x { thing = y }

instance Rename ParameterType where
  rename a =
    do n' <- rnLocated renameType (ptName a)
       return a { ptName = n' }

instance Rename ParameterFun where
  rename a =
    do n'   <- rnLocated renameVar (pfName a)
       sig' <- renameSchema (pfSchema a)
       return a { pfName = n', pfSchema = snd sig' }

rnLocated :: (a -> RenameM b) -> Located a -> RenameM (Located b)
rnLocated f loc = withLoc loc $
  do a' <- f (thing loc)
     return loc { thing = a' }

instance Rename Decl where
  rename d      = case d of
    DSignature ns sig -> DSignature    <$> traverse (rnLocated renameVar) ns
                                       <*> rename sig
    DPragma ns p      -> DPragma       <$> traverse (rnLocated renameVar) ns
                                       <*> pure p
    DBind b           -> DBind         <$> rename b

    -- XXX we probably shouldn't see these at this point...
    DPatBind pat e    -> do (pe,[pat']) <- renamePats [pat]
                            shadowNames pe (DPatBind pat' <$> rename e)

    DType syn         -> DType         <$> rename syn
    DProp syn         -> DProp         <$> rename syn
    DLocated d' r     -> withLoc r
                       $ DLocated      <$> rename d'  <*> pure r
    DFixity{}         -> panic "Renamer" ["Unexpected fixity declaration"
                                         , show d]

instance Rename Newtype where
  rename n      = do
    name' <- rnLocated renameType (nName n)
    shadowNames (nParams n) $
      do ps'   <- traverse rename (nParams n)
         body' <- traverse (rnNamed rename) (nBody n)
         return Newtype { nName   = name'
                        , nParams = ps'
                        , nBody   = body' }

renameVar :: PName -> RenameM Name
renameVar qn = do
  ro <- RenameM ask
  case Map.lookup qn (neExprs (roNames ro)) of
    Just [n]  -> return n
    Just []   -> panic "Renamer" ["Invalid expression renaming environment"]
    Just syms ->
      do n <- located qn
         record (MultipleSyms n syms)
         return (head syms)

    -- This is an unbound value. Record an error and invent a bogus real name
    -- for it.
    Nothing ->
      do n <- located qn

         case Map.lookup qn (neTypes (roNames ro)) of
           -- types existed with the name of the value expected
           Just _ -> record (ExpectedValue n)

           -- the value is just missing
           Nothing -> record (UnboundExpr n)

         mkFakeName qn

-- | Produce a name if one exists. Note that this includes situations where
-- overlap exists, as it's just a query about anything being in scope. In the
-- event that overlap does exist, an error will be recorded.
typeExists :: PName -> RenameM (Maybe Name)
typeExists pn =
  do ro <- RenameM ask
     case Map.lookup pn (neTypes (roNames ro)) of
       Just [n]  -> recordUse n >> return (Just n)
       Just []   -> panic "Renamer" ["Invalid type renaming environment"]
       Just syms -> do n <- located pn
                       mapM_ recordUse syms
                       record (MultipleSyms n syms)
                       return (Just (head syms))
       Nothing -> return Nothing

renameType :: PName -> RenameM Name
renameType pn =
  do mb <- typeExists pn
     case mb of
       Just n -> return n

       -- This is an unbound value. Record an error and invent a bogus real name
       -- for it.
       Nothing ->
         do ro <- RenameM ask
            let n = Located { srcRange = roLoc ro, thing = pn }

            case Map.lookup pn (neExprs (roNames ro)) of

              -- values exist with the same name, so throw a different error
              Just _ -> record (ExpectedType n)

              -- no terms with the same name, so the type is just unbound
              Nothing -> record (UnboundType n)

            mkFakeName pn

-- | Assuming an error has been recorded already, construct a fake name that's
-- not expected to make it out of the renamer.
mkFakeName :: PName -> RenameM Name
mkFakeName pn =
  do ro <- RenameM ask
     liftSupply (mkParameter (getIdent pn) (roLoc ro))

-- | Rename a schema, assuming that none of its type variables are already in
-- scope.
instance Rename Schema where
  rename s = snd `fmap` renameSchema s

-- | Rename a schema, assuming that the type variables have already been brought
-- into scope.
renameSchema :: Schema PName -> RenameM (NamingEnv,Schema Name)
renameSchema (Forall ps p ty loc) =
  do -- check that the parameters don't shadow any built-in types
     let reserved = filter (isReserved . tpName) ps
         mkErr tp = BoundReservedType (tpName tp) (tpRange tp) (text "schema")
     unless (null reserved) (mapM_ (record . mkErr) reserved)

     env <- liftSupply (namingEnv' ps)
     s'  <- shadowNames env $ Forall <$> traverse rename ps
                                     <*> traverse rename p
                                     <*> rename ty
                                     <*> pure loc

     return (env,s')

instance Rename TParam where
  rename TParam { .. } =
    do n <- renameType tpName
       return TParam { tpName = n, .. }

instance Rename Prop where
  rename p      = case p of
    CFin t        -> CFin       <$> rename t
    CEqual l r    -> CEqual     <$> rename l <*> rename r
    CNeq l r      -> CNeq       <$> rename l <*> rename r
    CGeq l r      -> CGeq       <$> rename l <*> rename r
    CZero t       -> CZero      <$> rename t
    CLogic t      -> CLogic     <$> rename t
    CArith t      -> CArith     <$> rename t
    CCmp t        -> CCmp       <$> rename t
    CSignedCmp t  -> CSignedCmp <$> rename t
    CLiteral l r  -> CLiteral   <$> rename l <*> rename r
    CUser qn ps   -> CUser      <$> renameType qn <*> traverse rename ps
    CLocated p' r -> withLoc r
                   $ CLocated <$> rename p' <*> pure r

    -- here, we rename the type and then require that it produces something that
    -- looks like a Prop
    CType t -> translateProp =<< resolveTypeFixity t

translateProp :: Type PName -> RenameM (Prop Name)
translateProp ty = go ty
  go t = case t of

    TLocated t' r -> (`CLocated` r) <$> go t'

    TApp (PC x) [l,r]
      | PEqual <- x -> CEqual <$> rename l <*> rename r
      | PNeq   <- x -> CNeq   <$> rename l <*> rename r
      | PGeq   <- x -> CGeq   <$> rename l <*> rename r

    TUser n [l,r]
      | isLeq n -> CGeq <$> rename r <*> rename l

    TUser n ts -> CUser <$> renameType n <*> traverse rename ts

    -- record an error, but continue renaming to gather any other errors
    _ ->
      do record (InvalidConstraint ty)
         CType <$> rename t

-- | Check to see if this identifier is a reserved type/type-function.
isReserved :: PName -> Bool
isReserved pn = case primTyFromPName pn of
                  Just _ -> True
                  _      -> False

-- | Resolve fixity, then rename the resulting type.
instance Rename Type where
  rename ty0 = go =<< resolveTypeFixity ty0
    go :: Type PName -> RenameM (Type Name)
    go (TFun a b)    = TFun     <$> go a  <*> go b
    go (TSeq n a)    = TSeq     <$> go n  <*> go a
    go  TBit         = return TBit
    go (TNum c)      = return (TNum c)
    go (TChar c)     = return (TChar c)

    go (TUser pn ps)

      | Just pt <- primTyFromPName pn =
        do ps' <- traverse go ps
           return (TApp (primTyCon pt) ps')

    go (TUser qn ps)   = TUser    <$> renameType qn <*> traverse go ps
    go (TApp f xs)     = TApp f   <$> traverse go xs
    go (TRecord fs)    = TRecord  <$> traverse (rnNamed go) fs
    go (TTuple fs)     = TTuple   <$> traverse go fs
    go  TWild          = return TWild
    go (TLocated t' r) = withLoc r (TLocated <$> go t' <*> pure r)

    go (TParens t')    = TParens <$> go t'

    -- at this point, the fixity is correct, and we just need to perform
    -- renaming.
    go (TInfix a o f b) = TInfix <$> rename a
                                 <*> rnLocated renameType o
                                 <*> pure f
                                 <*> rename b

resolveTypeFixity :: Type PName -> RenameM (Type PName)
resolveTypeFixity  = go
  go t = case t of
    TFun a b     -> TFun     <$> go a  <*> go b
    TSeq n a     -> TSeq     <$> go n  <*> go a
    TUser pn ps  -> TUser pn <$> traverse go ps
    TApp f xs    -> TApp f   <$> traverse go xs
    TRecord fs   -> TRecord  <$> traverse (traverse go) fs
    TTuple fs    -> TTuple   <$> traverse go fs

    TLocated t' r-> withLoc r (TLocated <$> go t' <*> pure r)

    TParens t'   -> TParens <$> go t'

    TInfix a o _ b ->
      do let op = lookupFixity o
         a' <- go a
         b' <- go b
         mkTInfix a' op b'

    TBit         -> return t
    TNum _       -> return t
    TChar _      -> return t
    TWild        -> return t

type TOp = Type PName -> Type PName -> Type PName

mkTInfix :: Type PName -> (TOp,Fixity) -> Type PName -> RenameM (Type PName)

mkTInfix t op@(o2,f2) z =
  case t of
    TLocated t1 _ -> mkTInfix t1 op z

    TUser op1 [x,y] | isLeq op1 -> doFixity (TUser op1) leqFixity x y
    TApp tc [x,y]
      | Just pt <- primTyFromTC tc
      , Just f1 <- primTyFixity pt -> doFixity (TApp tc) f1 x y

    _ -> return (o2 t z)

  doFixity mk f1 x y =
    case compareFixity f1 f2 of
      FCLeft  -> return (o2 t z)
      FCRight -> do r <- mkTInfix y op z
                    return (mk [x,r])

      -- As the fixity table is known, and this is a case where the fixity came
      -- from that table, it's a real error if the fixities didn't work out.
      FCError -> panic "Renamer" [ "fixity problem for type operators"
                                 , show (o2 t z) ]

-- | When possible, rewrite the type operator to a known constructor, otherwise
-- return a 'TOp' that reconstructs the original term, and a default fixity.
lookupFixity :: Located PName -> (TOp,Fixity)
lookupFixity op =
  case lkp of
    Just res -> res

    -- unknown type operator, just use default fixity
    -- NOTE: this works for the props defined above, as all other operators
    -- are defined with a higher precedence.
    Nothing    -> (\x y -> TUser sym [x,y], Fixity NonAssoc 0)

  sym = thing op
  lkp = do pt <- primTyFromPName (thing op)
           fi <- primTyFixity pt
           return (\x y -> TApp (primTyCon pt) [x,y], fi)
        do guard (isLeq sym)
           return (\x y -> TUser sym [x,y], leqFixity)

leqFixity :: Fixity
leqFixity = Fixity NonAssoc 30

leqIdent :: Ident
leqIdent  = packInfix "<="

isLeq :: PName -> Bool
isLeq x = getIdent x == leqIdent

-- | Rename a binding.
instance Rename Bind where
  rename b      = do
    n'    <- rnLocated renameVar (bName b)
    mbSig <- traverse renameSchema (bSignature b)
    shadowNames (fst `fmap` mbSig) $
      do (patEnv,pats') <- renamePats (bParams b)
         -- NOTE: renamePats will generate warnings, so we don't need to trigger
         -- them again here.
         e'             <- shadowNames' CheckNone patEnv (rnLocated rename (bDef b))
         return b { bName      = n'
                  , bParams    = pats'
                  , bDef       = e'
                  , bSignature = snd `fmap` mbSig
                  , bPragmas   = bPragmas b

instance Rename BindDef where
  rename DPrim     = return DPrim
  rename (DExpr e) = DExpr <$> rename e

-- NOTE: this only renames types within the pattern.
instance Rename Pattern where
  rename p      = case p of
    PVar lv         -> PVar <$> rnLocated renameVar lv
    PWild           -> pure PWild
    PTuple ps       -> PTuple   <$> traverse rename ps
    PRecord nps     -> PRecord  <$> traverse (rnNamed rename) nps
    PList elems     -> PList    <$> traverse rename elems
    PTyped p' t     -> PTyped   <$> rename p'    <*> rename t
    PSplit l r      -> PSplit   <$> rename l     <*> rename r
    PLocated p' loc -> withLoc loc
                     $ PLocated <$> rename p'    <*> pure loc

instance Rename Expr where
  rename expr = case expr of
    EVar n        -> EVar <$> renameVar n
    ELit l        -> return (ELit l)
    ENeg e        -> rename (EApp (EVar (mkUnqual (packIdent "negate"))) e)
    EComplement e -> rename (EApp (EVar (mkUnqual (packIdent "complement"))) e)
    ETuple es     -> ETuple  <$> traverse rename es
    ERecord fs    -> ERecord <$> traverse (rnNamed rename) fs
    ESel e' s     -> ESel    <$> rename e' <*> pure s
    EList es      -> EList   <$> traverse rename es
    EFromTo s n e'-> EFromTo <$> rename s
                             <*> traverse rename n
                             <*> traverse rename e'
    EInfFrom a b  -> EInfFrom<$> rename a  <*> traverse rename b
    EComp e' bs   -> do arms' <- traverse renameArm bs
                        let (envs,bs') = unzip arms'
                        -- NOTE: renameArm will generate shadowing warnings; we only
                        -- need to check for repeated names across multiple arms
                        shadowNames' CheckOverlap envs (EComp <$> rename e' <*> pure bs')
    EApp f x      -> EApp    <$> rename f  <*> rename x
    EAppT f ti    -> EAppT   <$> rename f  <*> traverse rename ti
    EIf b t f     -> EIf     <$> rename b  <*> rename t  <*> rename f
    EWhere e' ds  -> do ns <- getNS
                        shadowNames (map (InModule ns) ds) $
                          EWhere <$> rename e' <*> traverse rename ds
    ETyped e' ty  -> ETyped  <$> rename e' <*> rename ty
    ETypeVal ty   -> ETypeVal<$> rename ty
    EFun ps e'    -> do (env,ps') <- renamePats ps
                        -- NOTE: renamePats will generate warnings, so we don't
                        -- need to duplicate them here
                        shadowNames' CheckNone env (EFun ps' <$> rename e')
    ELocated e' r -> withLoc r
                   $ ELocated <$> rename e' <*> pure r

    EParens p     -> EParens <$> rename p
    EInfix x y _ z-> do op <- renameOp y
                        x' <- rename x
                        z' <- rename z
                        mkEInfix x' op z'

-- | Check if we are resolving operators whose precedence will change in the
--   future, and issue a warning in that event.
--   (&&) is scheduled to have higher precedence than the comparisons and (^)
--   (||) is scheduled to have higher precedence than the comparisons
--   See https://github.com/GaloisInc/cryptol/issues/241
isDangerousFixity :: Name -> Name -> Bool
isDangerousFixity (asPrim -> Just x) (asPrim -> Just y) = test x y || test y x
 test n m
   | n == mkInfix (fromString "&&")
   , (m `elem` comparisons) || (m == mkInfix (fromString "^"))
   = True

   | n == mkInfix (fromString "||")
   , m `elem` comparisons
   = True

   | otherwise
   = False

 comparisons =
   [ mkInfix $ fromString "=="
   , mkInfix $ fromString "==="
   , mkInfix $ fromString "!="
   , mkInfix $ fromString "!=="
   , mkInfix $ fromString ">"
   , mkInfix $ fromString ">="
   , mkInfix $ fromString "<"
   , mkInfix $ fromString "<="
isDangerousFixity _ _ = False

mkEInfix :: Expr Name             -- ^ May contain infix expressions
         -> (Located Name,Fixity) -- ^ The operator to use
         -> Expr Name             -- ^ Will not contain infix expressions
         -> RenameM (Expr Name)

mkEInfix e@(EInfix x o1 f1 y) op@(o2,f2) z =
  -- Temporary warning while we transition the fixity of && and || relative
  -- to comparisons and xor.  See https://github.com/GaloisInc/cryptol/issues/241
  do when (isDangerousFixity (thing o1) (thing o2))
          (recordW (DangerousFixity o1 o2))

     case compareFixity f1 f2 of
       FCLeft  -> return (EInfix e o2 f2 z)

       FCRight -> do r <- mkEInfix y op z
                     return (EInfix x o1 f1 r)

       FCError -> do record (FixityError o1 o2)
                     return (EInfix e o2 f2 z)

mkEInfix (ELocated e' _) op z =
     mkEInfix e' op z

mkEInfix e (o,f) z =
     return (EInfix e o f z)

renameOp :: Located PName -> RenameM (Located Name,Fixity)
renameOp ln = withLoc ln $
  do n  <- renameVar (thing ln)
     ro <- RenameM ask
     case Map.lookup n (neFixity (roNames ro)) of
       Just fixity -> return (ln { thing = n },fixity)
       Nothing     -> return (ln { thing = n },defaultFixity)

instance Rename TypeInst where
  rename ti = case ti of
    NamedInst nty -> NamedInst <$> traverse rename nty
    PosInst ty    -> PosInst   <$> rename ty

renameArm :: [Match PName] -> RenameM (NamingEnv,[Match Name])

renameArm (m:ms) =
  do (me,m') <- renameMatch m
     -- NOTE: renameMatch will generate warnings, so we don't
     -- need to duplicate them here
     shadowNames' CheckNone me $
       do (env,rest) <- renameArm ms

          -- NOTE: the inner environment shadows the outer one, for examples
          -- like this:
          -- [ x | x <- xs, let x = 10 ]
          return (env `shadowing` me, m':rest)

renameArm [] =
     return (mempty,[])

-- | The name environment generated by a single match.
renameMatch :: Match PName -> RenameM (NamingEnv,Match Name)

renameMatch (Match p e) =
  do (pe,[p']) <- renamePats [p]
     e'        <- rename e
     return (pe,Match p' e')

renameMatch (MatchLet b) =
  do ns <- getNS
     be <- liftSupply (namingEnv' (InModule ns b))
     b' <- shadowNames be (rename b)
     return (be,MatchLet b')

-- | Rename patterns, and collect the new environment that they introduce.
renamePats :: [Pattern PName] -> RenameM (NamingEnv,[Pattern Name])
renamePats  = loop
  loop ps = case ps of

    p:rest -> do
      pe <- patternEnv p
      shadowNames pe $
        do p'           <- rename p
           (env',rest') <- loop rest
           return (pe `mappend` env', p':rest')

    [] -> return (mempty, [])

patternEnv :: Pattern PName -> RenameM NamingEnv
patternEnv  = go
  go (PVar Located { .. }) =
    do n <- liftSupply (mkParameter (getIdent thing) srcRange)
       return (singletonE thing n)

  go PWild            = return mempty
  go (PTuple ps)      = bindVars ps
  go (PRecord fs)     = bindVars (map value fs)
  go (PList ps)       = foldMap go ps
  go (PTyped p ty)    = go p `mappend` typeEnv ty
  go (PSplit a b)     = go a `mappend` go b
  go (PLocated p loc) = withLoc loc (go p)

  bindVars []     = return mempty
  bindVars (p:ps) =
    do env <- go p
       shadowNames env $
         do rest <- bindVars ps
            return (env `mappend` rest)

  typeEnv (TFun a b) = bindTypes [a,b]
  typeEnv (TSeq a b) = bindTypes [a,b]

  typeEnv TBit       = return mempty
  typeEnv TNum{}     = return mempty
  typeEnv TChar{}    = return mempty

  typeEnv (TUser pn ps) =
    do mb <- typeExists pn
       case mb of

         -- The type is already bound, don't introduce anything.
         Just _ -> bindTypes ps

           -- Just ignore reserved names, as they'll be resolved when renaming.
           | isReserved pn ->
             bindTypes ps

           -- The type isn't bound, and has no parameters, so it names a portion
           -- of the type of the pattern.
           | null ps ->
             do loc <- curLoc
                n   <- liftSupply (mkParameter (getIdent pn) loc)
                return (singletonT pn n)

           -- This references a type synonym that's not in scope. Record an
           -- error and continue with a made up name.
           | otherwise ->
             do loc <- curLoc
                record (UnboundType (Located loc pn))
                n   <- liftSupply (mkParameter (getIdent pn) loc)
                return (singletonT pn n)

  typeEnv (TApp _ ts)       = bindTypes ts
  typeEnv (TRecord fs)      = bindTypes (map value fs)
  typeEnv (TTuple ts)       = bindTypes ts
  typeEnv TWild             = return mempty
  typeEnv (TLocated ty loc) = withLoc loc (typeEnv ty)
  typeEnv (TParens ty)      = typeEnv ty
  typeEnv (TInfix a _ _ b)  = bindTypes [a,b]

  bindTypes [] = return mempty
  bindTypes (t:ts) =
    do env' <- typeEnv t
       shadowNames env' $
         do res <- bindTypes ts
            return (env' `mappend` res)

instance Rename Match where
  rename m = case m of
    Match p e  ->                  Match    <$> rename p <*> rename e
    MatchLet b -> shadowNamesNS b (MatchLet <$> rename b)

instance Rename TySyn where
  rename (TySyn n ps ty) =
    do when (isReserved (thing n))
            (record (BoundReservedType (thing n) (getLoc n) (text "type synonym")))

       shadowNames ps $ TySyn <$> rnLocated renameType n
                              <*> traverse rename ps
                              <*> rename ty

instance Rename PropSyn where
  rename (PropSyn n ps cs) =
    do when (isReserved (thing n))
            (record (BoundReservedType (thing n) (getLoc n) (text "constraint synonym")))

       shadowNames ps $ PropSyn <$> rnLocated renameType n
                                <*> traverse rename ps
                                <*> traverse rename cs

-- Utilities -------------------------------------------------------------------

rnNamed :: (a -> RenameM b) -> Named a -> RenameM (Named b)
rnNamed  = traverse
{-# INLINE rnNamed #-}