{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Clash.Primitives.Sized.Vector where
import Control.Monad.State (State, zipWithM)
import qualified Control.Lens as Lens
import Data.Either (rights)
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import Data.Semigroup.Monad (getMon)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LText
import Data.Text.Lazy (pack)
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Extra
(Doc, string, renderLazy, layoutPretty, LayoutOptions(..),
import Text.Trifecta.Result (Result(Success))
import qualified Data.String.Interpolate as I
import qualified Data.String.Interpolate.Util as I
import Clash.Backend
(Backend, hdlTypeErrValue, expr, mkUniqueIdentifier, blockDecl)
import Clash.Core.Type
(Type(LitTy), LitTy(NumTy), coreView)
import Clash.Netlist.BlackBox (isLiteral)
import Clash.Netlist.BlackBox.Util (renderElem)
import Clash.Netlist.BlackBox.Parser (runParse)
import Clash.Netlist.BlackBox.Types
(BlackBoxFunction, BlackBoxMeta(..), TemplateKind(TExpr, TDecl),
Element(Component, Typ, TypElem, Text), Decl(Decl), emptyBlackBoxMeta)
import Clash.Netlist.Types
(Identifier, TemplateFunction, BlackBoxContext, HWType(Vector),
Declaration(..), Expr(BlackBoxE, Literal, Identifier), Literal(NumLit),
BlackBox(BBTemplate, BBFunction), TemplateFunction(..), WireOrReg(Wire),
Modifier(Indexed, Nested), bbInputs, bbResult, emptyBBContext, tcCache,
import Clash.Netlist.Id (IdType(Basic))
import Clash.Netlist.Util (typeSize)
import Clash.Util (HasCallStack, curLoc)
data FCall =
foldFunctionPlurality :: HasCallStack => Int -> Int
foldFunctionPlurality 1 = 0
foldFunctionPlurality 2 = 1
foldFunctionPlurality n
| n <= 0 = error $ "functionPlurality: unexpected n: " ++ show n
| otherwise =
let (d, r) = n `divMod` 2 in
1 + foldFunctionPlurality d + foldFunctionPlurality (d+r)
foldBBF :: HasCallStack => BlackBoxFunction
foldBBF _isD _primName args _resTy = do
tcm <- Lens.use tcCache
pure (Right (meta tcm, bb))
bb = BBFunction "Clash.Primitives.Sized.Vector.foldTF" 0 foldTF
[_, vecLengthMinusOne] = rights args
vecLength tcm =
case coreView tcm vecLengthMinusOne of
(LitTy (NumTy n)) -> n + 1
vl -> error $ "Unexpected vector length: " ++ show vl
funcPlural tcm = foldFunctionPlurality (fromInteger (vecLength tcm))
meta tcm = emptyBlackBoxMeta {bbKind=TDecl, bbFunctionPlurality=[(0, funcPlural tcm)]}
foldTF :: TemplateFunction
foldTF = TemplateFunction [] (const True) foldTF'
foldTF' :: forall s . (HasCallStack, Backend s) => BlackBoxContext -> State s Doc
foldTF' bbCtx@(bbInputs -> [_f, (vec, vecType@(Vector n aTy), _isLiteral)]) = do
vecIds <- mapM (\i -> mkId ("acc_0_" <> show i)) [0..n-1]
vecId <- mkId "vec"
let vecDecl = sigDecl vecType Wire vecId
vecAssign = Assignment vecId vec
elemAssigns = zipWith Assignment vecIds (map (iIndex vecId) [0..])
resultId =
case bbResult bbCtx of
(Identifier t _, _) -> t
_ -> error "Unexpected result identifier"
(concat -> fCalls, result) <- mkTree 1 vecIds
let intermediateResultIds = concatMap (\(FCall l r _) -> [l, r]) fCalls
wr = case IntMap.lookup 0 (bbFunctions bbCtx) of
Just ((_,rw,_,_,_,_):_) -> rw
_ -> error "internal error"
sigDecls = zipWith (sigDecl aTy) (wr:replicate n Wire ++ repeat wr)
(result : intermediateResultIds)
resultAssign = Assignment resultId (Identifier result Nothing)
callDecls <- zipWithM callDecl [0..] fCalls
foldNm <- mkId "fold"
getMon $ blockDecl foldNm $
resultAssign :
vecAssign :
vecDecl :
elemAssigns ++
sigDecls ++
mkId :: String -> State s Identifier
mkId = mkUniqueIdentifier Basic . Text.pack
callDecl :: Int -> FCall -> State s Declaration
callDecl fSubPos (FCall a b r) = do
rendered0 <- string =<< (renderElem bbCtx call <*> pure 0)
let layout = LayoutOptions (AvailablePerLine 120 0.4)
rendered1 = renderLazy (layoutPretty layout rendered0)
pure (
[] [] []
(BBTemplate [Text rendered1])
(emptyBBContext "__FOLD_BB_INTERNAL__")
call = Component (Decl fPos fSubPos (resEl:aEl:[bEl]))
elTyp = [TypElem (Typ (Just vecPos))]
resEl = ([Text (LText.fromStrict r)], elTyp)
aEl = ([Text (LText.fromStrict a)], elTyp)
bEl = ([Text (LText.fromStrict b)], elTyp)
fPos = 0
vecPos = 1
:: Int
-> [Identifier]
-> State s ( [[FCall]]
, Identifier
mkTree _lvl [] = error "Unreachable?"
mkTree _lvl [res] = pure ([], res)
mkTree lvl results0 = do
(calls0, results1) <- mkLevel (lvl, 0) results0
(calls1, result) <- mkTree (lvl+1) results1
pure (calls0 : calls1, result)
:: (Int, Int)
-> [Identifier]
-> State s ([FCall], [Identifier])
mkLevel (!lvl, !offset) (a:b:rest) = do
c <- mkId ("acc_" <> show lvl <> "_" <> show offset)
(calls, results) <- mkLevel (lvl, offset+1) rest
pure (FCall a b c:calls, c:results)
mkLevel _lvl rest =
pure ([], rest)
sigDecl :: HWType -> WireOrReg -> Identifier -> Declaration
sigDecl typ rw nm = NetDecl' Nothing rw nm (Right typ) Nothing
iIndex :: Identifier -> Int -> Expr
iIndex vecId i = Identifier vecId (Just (Indexed (vecType, 10, i)))
foldTF' args =
error $ "Unexpected number of arguments: " ++ show (length (bbInputs args))
indexIntVerilog :: BlackBoxFunction
indexIntVerilog _isD _primName args _ty = return ((meta,) <$> bb)
meta = emptyBlackBoxMeta{bbKind=bbKi}
bbKi = case args of
[_nTy,_aTy,_kn,_v,Left ix]
| isLiteral ix -> TExpr
_ -> TDecl
bb = case args of
[_nTy,_aTy,_kn,_v,Left ix] | isLiteral ix ->
Right (BBFunction "Clash.Primitives.Sized.Vector" 0 indexIntVerilogTF)
_ ->
BBTemplate <$> case runParse (pack (I.unindent bbText)) of
Success t -> Right t
_ -> Left "internal error: parse fail"
bbText = [I.i|
// index begin
~IF~SIZE[~TYP[1]]~THENwire ~TYPO ~GENSYM[vecArray][0] [0:~LIT[0]-1];
genvar ~GENSYM[i][2];
for (~SYM[2]=0; ~SYM[2] < ~LIT[0]; ~SYM[2]=~SYM[2]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[mk_array][3]
assign ~SYM[0][(~LIT[0]-1)-~SYM[2]] = ~VAR[vecFlat][1][~SYM[2]*~SIZE[~TYPO]+:~SIZE[~TYPO]];
assign ~RESULT = ~SYM[0][~ARG[2]];~ELSEassign ~RESULT = ~ERRORO;~FI
// index end|]
indexIntVerilogTF :: TemplateFunction
indexIntVerilogTF = TemplateFunction used valid indexIntVerilogTemplate
used = [1,2]
valid = const True
:: Backend s
=> BlackBoxContext
-> State s Doc
indexIntVerilogTemplate bbCtx = getMon $ case typeSize vTy of
0 -> hdlTypeErrValue rTy
_ -> case vec of
Identifier i mM -> case mM of
Just m ->
expr False (Identifier i (Just (Nested m (Indexed (vTy,10,ixI ix)))))
_ -> expr False (Identifier i (Just (Indexed (vTy,10,ixI ix))))
_ -> error ($(curLoc) ++ "Expected Identifier: " ++ show vec)
[ _kn
, (vec, vTy, _)
, (ix, _, _)
] = bbInputs bbCtx
(_,rTy) = bbResult bbCtx
ixI :: Expr -> Int
ixI ix0 = case ix0 of
Literal _ (NumLit i) ->
fromInteger i
BlackBoxE "GHC.Types.I#" _ _ _ _ ixCtx _ ->
let (ix1,_,_) = head (bbInputs ixCtx)
in ixI ix1
_ ->
error ($(curLoc) ++ "Unexpected literal: " ++ show ix)