{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Clash.Core.Type
( Type (..)
, TypeView (..)
, ConstTy (..)
, LitTy (..)
, Kind
, KindOrType
, KiName
, TyName
, TyVar
, tyView
, coreView
, coreView1
, typeKind
, mkTyConTy
, mkFunTy
, mkPolyFunTy
, mkTyConApp
, splitFunTy
, splitFunTys
, splitFunForallTy
, splitCoreFunForallTy
, splitTyConAppM
, isPolyFunTy
, isPolyFunCoreTy
, isPolyTy
, isTypeFamilyApplication
, isFunTy
, isClassTy
, applyFunTy
, findFunSubst
, reduceTypeFamily
, undefinedTy
, isIntegerTy
, normalizeType
, varAttrs
, typeAttrs
import Control.DeepSeq as DS
import Data.Binary (Binary)
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.List.Extra (splitAtList)
import Data.Maybe (isJust, mapMaybe)
import GHC.Base (isTrue#,(==#))
import GHC.Generics (Generic(..))
import GHC.Integer (smallInteger)
import GHC.Integer.Logarithms (integerLogBase#)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 808
import PrelNames
(ordLTDataConKey, ordEQDataConKey, ordGTDataConKey)
import Unique (Unique)
import PrelNames
(ltDataConKey, eqDataConKey, gtDataConKey)
import PrelNames
(integerTyConKey, typeNatAddTyFamNameKey, typeNatExpTyFamNameKey,
typeNatLeqTyFamNameKey, typeNatMulTyFamNameKey, typeNatSubTyFamNameKey,
typeSymbolAppendFamNameKey, typeSymbolCmpTyFamNameKey)
import SrcLoc (wiredInSrcSpan)
import Unique (getKey)
import Clash.Core.DataCon
import Clash.Core.Name
import {-# SOURCE #-} Clash.Core.Subst
import Clash.Core.TyCon
import Clash.Core.TysPrim
import Clash.Core.Var
import Clash.Unique
import Clash.Util
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 806
ordLTDataConKey, ordEQDataConKey, ordGTDataConKey :: Unique.Unique
ordLTDataConKey = ltDataConKey
ordEQDataConKey = eqDataConKey
ordGTDataConKey = gtDataConKey
varAttrs :: Var a -> [Attr']
varAttrs t@(TyVar {}) =
error $ $(curLoc) ++ "Unexpected argument: " ++ show t
varAttrs (Id _ _ ty _) =
case ty of
AnnType attrs _typ -> attrs
_ -> []
data Type
= VarTy !TyVar
| ConstTy !ConstTy
| ForAllTy !TyVar !Type
| AppTy !Type !Type
| LitTy !LitTy
| AnnType [Attr'] !Type
deriving (Show,Generic,NFData,Hashable,Binary)
data TypeView
= FunTy !Type !Type
| TyConApp !TyConName [Type]
| OtherType !Type
deriving Show
data ConstTy
= TyCon !TyConName
| Arrow
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Generic,NFData,Hashable,Binary)
data LitTy
= NumTy !Integer
| SymTy !String
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Generic,NFData,Hashable,Binary)
type Kind = Type
type KindOrType = Type
type TyName = Name Type
type KiName = Name Kind
tyView :: Type -> TypeView
tyView tOrig = case tOrig of
ConstTy c -> case c of
TyCon tc -> TyConApp tc []
_ -> OtherType tOrig
AppTy l0 res -> case l0 of
ConstTy (TyCon tc) -> TyConApp tc [res]
AppTy l1 arg -> case l1 of
ConstTy Arrow -> FunTy arg res
ConstTy (TyCon tc) -> TyConApp tc [arg,res]
AppTy l2 resK -> case l2 of
ConstTy (TyCon tc) -> TyConApp tc [resK,arg,res]
AppTy l3 argK -> case l3 of
ConstTy (TyCon tc) -> TyConApp tc [argK,resK,arg,res]
ConstTy Arrow -> FunTy arg res
_ -> case go [argK,resK,arg,res] l3 of
(ConstTy (TyCon tc),args)
-> TyConApp tc args
_ -> OtherType tOrig
_ -> OtherType tOrig
_ -> OtherType tOrig
_ -> OtherType tOrig
_ -> OtherType tOrig
go args (AppTy ty1 ty2) = go (ty2:args) ty1
go args t1 = (t1,args)
coreView :: TyConMap -> Type -> Type
coreView tcm ty =
case coreView1 tcm ty of
Nothing -> ty
Just ty' -> coreView tcm ty'
coreView1 :: TyConMap -> Type -> Maybe Type
coreView1 tcMap ty = case tyView ty of
TyConApp tcNm args
| nameOcc tcNm == "Clash.Signal.BiSignal.BiSignalIn"
, [_,_,_,elTy] <- args
-> Just elTy
| nameOcc tcNm == "Clash.Signal.BiSignal.BiSignalOut"
, [_,_,_,elTy] <- args
-> Just elTy
| nameOcc tcNm == "Clash.Signal.Internal.Signal"
, [_,elTy] <- args
-> Just elTy
| otherwise
-> case tcMap `lookupUniqMap'` tcNm of
AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = (NewTyCon _ nt)}
-> newTyConInstRhs nt args
_ -> reduceTypeFamily tcMap ty
_ -> Nothing
newTyConInstRhs :: ([TyVar],Type) -> [Type] -> Maybe Type
newTyConInstRhs (tvs,ty) tys
| length tvs <= length tys
= Just (foldl' AppTy (substTyWith tvs tys1 ty) tys2)
| otherwise
= Nothing
(tys1, tys2) = splitAtList tvs tys
mkFunTy :: Type -> Type -> Type
mkFunTy t1 = AppTy (AppTy (ConstTy Arrow) t1)
mkTyConApp :: TyConName -> [Type] -> Type
mkTyConApp tc = foldl AppTy (ConstTy $ TyCon tc)
mkTyConTy :: TyConName -> Type
mkTyConTy ty = ConstTy $ TyCon ty
splitTyConAppM :: Type
-> Maybe (TyConName,[Type])
splitTyConAppM (tyView -> TyConApp tc args) = Just (tc,args)
splitTyConAppM _ = Nothing
isSuperKind :: TyConMap -> Type -> Bool
isSuperKind tcMap (ConstTy (TyCon ((tcMap `lookupUniqMap'`) -> SuperKindTyCon {}))) = True
isSuperKind _ _ = False
typeKind :: TyConMap -> Type -> Kind
typeKind _ (VarTy k) = varType k
typeKind m (ForAllTy _ ty) = typeKind m ty
typeKind _ (LitTy (NumTy _)) = typeNatKind
typeKind _ (LitTy (SymTy _)) = typeSymbolKind
typeKind m (AnnType _ann typ) = typeKind m typ
typeKind m (tyView -> FunTy _arg res)
| isSuperKind m k = k
| otherwise = liftedTypeKind
where k = typeKind m res
typeKind m (tyView -> TyConApp tc args) =
foldl' kindFunResult (tyConKind (m `lookupUniqMap'` tc)) args
typeKind m (AppTy fun arg) = kindFunResult (typeKind m fun) arg
typeKind _ (ConstTy ct) = error $ $(curLoc) ++ "typeKind: naked ConstTy: " ++ show ct
kindFunResult :: Kind -> KindOrType -> Kind
kindFunResult (tyView -> FunTy _ res) _ = res
kindFunResult (ForAllTy kv ki) arg =
substTyWith [kv] [arg] ki
kindFunResult k tys =
error $ $(curLoc) ++ "kindFunResult: " ++ show (k,tys)
isPolyTy :: Type -> Bool
isPolyTy (ForAllTy _ _) = True
isPolyTy (tyView -> FunTy _ res) = isPolyTy res
isPolyTy _ = False
splitFunTy :: TyConMap
-> Type
-> Maybe (Type, Type)
splitFunTy m (coreView1 m -> Just ty) = splitFunTy m ty
splitFunTy _ (tyView -> FunTy arg res) = Just (arg,res)
splitFunTy _ _ = Nothing
splitFunTys :: TyConMap
-> Type
-> ([Type],Type)
splitFunTys m ty = go [] ty ty
go args orig_ty (coreView1 m -> Just ty') = go args orig_ty ty'
go args _ (tyView -> FunTy arg res) = go (arg:args) res res
go args orig_ty _ = (reverse args, orig_ty)
splitFunForallTy :: Type
-> ([Either TyVar Type],Type)
splitFunForallTy = go []
go args (ForAllTy tv ty) = go (Left tv:args) ty
go args (tyView -> FunTy arg res) = go (Right arg:args) res
go args ty = (reverse args,ty)
:: Type
-> [Either TyVar Type]
-> Type
mkPolyFunTy = foldr (either ForAllTy mkFunTy)
splitCoreFunForallTy :: TyConMap
-> Type
-> ([Either TyVar Type], Type)
splitCoreFunForallTy tcm ty = go [] ty ty
go args orig_ty (coreView1 tcm -> Just ty') = go args orig_ty ty'
go args _ (ForAllTy tv res) = go (Left tv:args) res res
go args _ (tyView -> FunTy arg res) = go (Right arg:args) res res
go args orig_ty _ = (reverse args,orig_ty)
isPolyFunTy :: Type
-> Bool
isPolyFunTy = not . null . fst . splitFunForallTy
isPolyFunCoreTy :: TyConMap
-> Type
-> Bool
isPolyFunCoreTy m (coreView1 m -> Just ty) = isPolyFunCoreTy m ty
isPolyFunCoreTy _ ty = case tyView ty of
FunTy _ _ -> True
OtherType (ForAllTy _ _) -> True
_ -> False
:: Type
-> [Attr']
typeAttrs (AnnType attrs _typ) = attrs
typeAttrs _ = []
isFunTy :: TyConMap
-> Type
-> Bool
isFunTy m = isJust . splitFunTy m
applyFunTy :: TyConMap
-> Type
-> Type
-> Type
applyFunTy m (coreView1 m -> Just ty) arg = applyFunTy m ty arg
applyFunTy _ (tyView -> FunTy _ resTy) _ = resTy
applyFunTy _ _ _ = error $ $(curLoc) ++ "Report as bug: not a FunTy"
findFunSubst :: TyConMap -> [([Type],Type)] -> [Type] -> Maybe Type
findFunSubst _ [] _ = Nothing
findFunSubst tcm (tcSubst:rest) args = case funSubsts tcm tcSubst args of
Just ty -> Just ty
Nothing -> findFunSubst tcm rest args
funSubsts :: TyConMap -> ([Type],Type) -> [Type] -> Maybe Type
funSubsts tcm (tcSubstLhs,tcSubstRhs) args = do
tySubts <- foldl' (funSubst tcm) (Just []) (zip tcSubstLhs args)
let tyRhs = uncurry substTyWith (unzip tySubts) tcSubstRhs
case drop (length tcSubstLhs) args of
[] -> return tyRhs
args' -> return (foldl' AppTy tyRhs args')
:: TyConMap
-> Maybe [(TyVar,Type)]
-> (Type,Type)
-> Maybe [(TyVar,Type)]
funSubst _ Nothing = const Nothing
funSubst tcm (Just s) = uncurry go
go (VarTy nmF) ty = case lookup nmF s of
Nothing -> Just ((nmF,ty):s)
Just ty' | ty' `aeqType` ty -> Just s
_ -> Nothing
go ty1 (reduceTypeFamily tcm -> Just ty2) = go ty1 ty2
go (AppTy a1 r1) (AppTy a2 r2) = do
s1 <- funSubst tcm (Just s) (a1, a2)
funSubst tcm (Just s1) (r1, r2)
go ty1@(ConstTy _) ty2 =
if ty1 `aeqType` ty2 then Just s else Nothing
go ty1@(LitTy _) ty2 =
if ty1 `aeqType` ty2 then Just s else Nothing
go _ _ = Nothing
reduceTypeFamily :: TyConMap -> Type -> Maybe Type
reduceTypeFamily tcm (tyView -> TyConApp tc tys)
| nameUniq tc == getKey typeNatAddTyFamNameKey
, [i1, i2] <- mapMaybe (litView tcm) tys
= Just (LitTy (NumTy (i1 + i2)))
| nameUniq tc == getKey typeNatMulTyFamNameKey
, [i1, i2] <- mapMaybe (litView tcm) tys
= Just (LitTy (NumTy (i1 * i2)))
| nameUniq tc == getKey typeNatExpTyFamNameKey
, [i1, i2] <- mapMaybe (litView tcm) tys
= Just (LitTy (NumTy (i1 ^ i2)))
| nameUniq tc == getKey typeNatSubTyFamNameKey
, [i1, i2] <- mapMaybe (litView tcm) tys
, let z = i1 - i2
, z >= 0
= Just (LitTy (NumTy z))
| nameUniq tc == getKey typeNatLeqTyFamNameKey
, [i1, i2] <- mapMaybe (litView tcm) tys
, Just (FunTyCon {tyConKind = tck}) <- lookupUniqMap tc tcm
, (_,tyView -> TyConApp boolTcNm []) <- splitFunTys tcm tck
, Just boolTc <- lookupUniqMap boolTcNm tcm
= let [falseTc,trueTc] = map (coerce . dcName) (tyConDataCons boolTc)
in if i1 <= i2 then Just (mkTyConApp trueTc [] )
else Just (mkTyConApp falseTc [])
| nameUniq tc == getKey typeNatCmpTyFamNameKey
, [i1, i2] <- mapMaybe (litView tcm) tys
= Just $ ConstTy $ TyCon $
case compare i1 i2 of
LT -> Name User "GHC.Types.LT" (getKey ordLTDataConKey) wiredInSrcSpan
EQ -> Name User "GHC.Types.EQ" (getKey ordEQDataConKey) wiredInSrcSpan
GT -> Name User "GHC.Types.GT" (getKey ordGTDataConKey) wiredInSrcSpan
| nameUniq tc == getKey typeSymbolCmpTyFamNameKey
, [s1, s2] <- mapMaybe (symLitView tcm) tys
= Just $ ConstTy $ TyCon $
case compare s1 s2 of
LT -> Name User "GHC.Types.LT" (getKey ordLTDataConKey) wiredInSrcSpan
EQ -> Name User "GHC.Types.EQ" (getKey ordEQDataConKey) wiredInSrcSpan
GT -> Name User "GHC.Types.GT" (getKey ordGTDataConKey) wiredInSrcSpan
| nameUniq tc == getKey typeSymbolAppendFamNameKey
, [s1, s2] <- mapMaybe (symLitView tcm) tys
= Just (LitTy (SymTy (s1 ++ s2)))
| nameOcc tc `elem` ["GHC.TypeLits.Extra.FLog", "GHC.TypeNats.FLog"]
, [i1, i2] <- mapMaybe (litView tcm) tys
, i1 > 1
, i2 > 0
= Just (LitTy (NumTy (smallInteger (integerLogBase# i1 i2))))
| nameOcc tc `elem` ["GHC.TypeLits.Extra.CLog", "GHC.TypeNats.CLog"]
, [i1, i2] <- mapMaybe (litView tcm) tys
, Just k <- clogBase i1 i2
= Just (LitTy (NumTy (toInteger k)))
| nameOcc tc `elem` ["GHC.TypeLits.Extra.Log", "GHC.TypeNats.Log"]
, [i1, i2] <- mapMaybe (litView tcm) tys
, i1 > 1
, i2 > 0
= if i2 == 1
then Just (LitTy (NumTy 0))
else let z1 = integerLogBase# i1 i2
z2 = integerLogBase# i1 (i2-1)
in if isTrue# (z1 ==# z2)
then Nothing
else Just (LitTy (NumTy (smallInteger z1)))
| nameOcc tc `elem` ["GHC.TypeLits.Extra.GCD", "GHC.TypeNats.GCD"]
, [i1, i2] <- mapMaybe (litView tcm) tys
= Just (LitTy (NumTy (i1 `gcd` i2)))
| nameOcc tc `elem` ["GHC.TypeLits.Extra.LCM", "GHC.TypeNats.LCM"]
, [i1, i2] <- mapMaybe (litView tcm) tys
= Just (LitTy (NumTy (i1 `lcm` i2)))
| nameOcc tc `elem` ["GHC.TypeLits.Extra.Div", "GHC.TypeNats.Div"]
, [i1, i2] <- mapMaybe (litView tcm) tys
, i2 > 0
= Just (LitTy (NumTy (i1 `div` i2)))
| nameOcc tc `elem` ["GHC.TypeLits.Extra.Mod", "GHC.TypeNats.Mod"]
, [i1, i2] <- mapMaybe (litView tcm) tys
, i2 > 0
= Just (LitTy (NumTy (i1 `mod` i2)))
| Just (FunTyCon {tyConSubst = tcSubst}) <- lookupUniqMap tc tcm
= findFunSubst tcm tcSubst tys
reduceTypeFamily _ _ = Nothing
isTypeFamilyApplication :: TyConMap -> Type -> Bool
isTypeFamilyApplication tcm (tyView -> TyConApp tcNm _args)
| Just (FunTyCon {}) <- lookupUniqMap tcNm tcm = True
isTypeFamilyApplication _tcm _type = False
litView :: TyConMap -> Type -> Maybe Integer
litView _ (LitTy (NumTy i)) = Just i
litView m (reduceTypeFamily m -> Just ty') = litView m ty'
litView _ _ = Nothing
symLitView :: TyConMap -> Type -> Maybe String
symLitView _ (LitTy (SymTy s)) = Just s
symLitView m (reduceTypeFamily m -> Just ty') = symLitView m ty'
symLitView _ _ = Nothing
undefinedTy ::Type
undefinedTy =
let aNm = mkUnsafeSystemName "a" 0
aTv = (TyVar aNm 0 liftedTypeKind)
in ForAllTy aTv (VarTy aTv)
isIntegerTy :: Type -> Bool
isIntegerTy (ConstTy (TyCon nm)) = nameUniq nm == getKey integerTyConKey
isIntegerTy _ = False
normalizeType :: TyConMap -> Type -> Type
normalizeType tcMap = go
go ty = case tyView ty of
TyConApp tcNm args
| nameOcc tcNm == "Clash.Signal.Internal.Signal"
, [_,elTy] <- args
-> go elTy
| nameOcc tcNm == "Clash.Sized.Internal.BitVector.Bit" ||
nameOcc tcNm == "Clash.Sized.Internal.BitVector.BitVector" ||
nameOcc tcNm == "Clash.Sized.Internal.Index.Index" ||
nameOcc tcNm == "Clash.Sized.Internal.Signed.Signed" ||
nameOcc tcNm == "Clash.Sized.Internal.Unsigned.Unsigned"
-> mkTyConApp tcNm (map go args)
| otherwise
-> case lookupUniqMap' tcMap tcNm of
AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = (NewTyCon _ nt)}
-> case newTyConInstRhs nt args of
Just ty' -> go ty'
Nothing -> ty
_ ->
let args' = map go args
ty' = mkTyConApp tcNm args'
in case reduceTypeFamily tcMap ty' of
Just ty'' -> ty''
Nothing -> ty'
FunTy ty1 ty2 -> mkFunTy (go ty1) (go ty2)
OtherType (ForAllTy tyvar ty')
-> ForAllTy tyvar (go ty')
_ -> ty
:: TyConMap
-> Type
-> Bool
isClassTy tcm (tyView -> TyConApp tcNm _) =
case lookupUniqMap tcNm tcm of
Just (AlgTyCon {isClassTc}) -> isClassTc
_ -> False
isClassTy _ _ = False