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clash-lib-0.99.1: CAES Language for Synchronous Hardware - As a Library

Copyright(C) 2015-2016 University of Twente
2017 Google Inc.
LicenseBSD2 (see the file LICENSE)
MaintainerChristiaan Baaij <christiaan.baaij@gmail.com>
Safe HaskellNone



Generate Verilog for assorted Netlist datatypes



data VerilogState Source #

State for the VerilogM monad:

Backend VerilogState Source # 
Instance details


initBackend :: Int -> HdlSyn -> VerilogState Source #

hdlKind :: VerilogState -> HDL Source #

primDirs :: VerilogState -> IO [FilePath] Source #

name :: VerilogState -> String Source #

extension :: VerilogState -> String Source #

extractTypes :: VerilogState -> HashSet HWType Source #

genHDL :: String -> SrcSpan -> Component -> Mon (State VerilogState) ((String, Doc), [(String, Doc)]) Source #

mkTyPackage :: String -> [HWType] -> Mon (State VerilogState) [(String, Doc)] Source #

hdlType :: Usage -> HWType -> Mon (State VerilogState) Doc Source #

hdlTypeErrValue :: HWType -> Mon (State VerilogState) Doc Source #

hdlTypeMark :: HWType -> Mon (State VerilogState) Doc Source #

hdlRecSel :: HWType -> Int -> Mon (State VerilogState) Doc Source #

hdlSig :: Text -> HWType -> Mon (State VerilogState) Doc Source #

genStmt :: Bool -> State VerilogState Doc Source #

inst :: Declaration -> Mon (State VerilogState) (Maybe Doc) Source #

expr :: Bool -> Expr -> Mon (State VerilogState) Doc Source #

iwWidth :: State VerilogState Int Source #

toBV :: HWType -> Text -> Mon (State VerilogState) Doc Source #

fromBV :: HWType -> Text -> Mon (State VerilogState) Doc Source #

hdlSyn :: State VerilogState HdlSyn Source #

mkIdentifier :: State VerilogState (IdType -> Identifier -> Identifier) Source #

extendIdentifier :: State VerilogState (IdType -> Identifier -> Identifier -> Identifier) Source #

setModName :: ModName -> VerilogState -> VerilogState Source #

setSrcSpan :: SrcSpan -> State VerilogState () Source #

getSrcSpan :: State VerilogState SrcSpan Source #

blockDecl :: Text -> [Declaration] -> Mon (State VerilogState) Doc Source #

unextend :: State VerilogState (Identifier -> Identifier) Source #

addInclude :: (String, Doc) -> State VerilogState () Source #

addLibraries :: [Text] -> State VerilogState () Source #

addImports :: [Text] -> State VerilogState () Source #

include :: Monad m => [Text] -> Mon m Doc Source #