{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Codec.CBOR.FlatTerm
, TermToken(..)
, toFlatTerm
, fromFlatTerm
, validFlatTerm
, decodeTermToken
) where
#include "cbor.h"
import Codec.CBOR.Encoding (Encoding(..))
import qualified Codec.CBOR.Encoding as Enc
import Codec.CBOR.Decoding as Dec
import qualified Codec.CBOR.Read as Read
import qualified Codec.CBOR.ByteArray as BA
import qualified Codec.CBOR.ByteArray.Sliced as BAS
import Data.Int
#if defined(ARCH_32bit)
import GHC.Int (Int64(I64#))
import GHC.Word (Word64(W64#))
import GHC.Exts (Word64#, Int64#)
import GHC.Word (Word(W#), Word8(W8#))
import GHC.Exts (Int(I#), Int#, Word#, Float#, Double#)
import GHC.Float (Float(F#), Double(D#), float2Double)
import Data.Word
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Control.Monad.ST
import qualified Control.Monad.ST.Lazy as ST.Lazy
import Prelude hiding (encodeFloat, decodeFloat)
type FlatTerm = [TermToken]
data TermToken
= TkInt {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
| TkInteger !Integer
| TkBytes {-# UNPACK #-} !ByteString
| TkBytesBegin
| TkString {-# UNPACK #-} !Text
| TkStringBegin
| TkListLen {-# UNPACK #-} !Word
| TkListBegin
| TkMapLen {-# UNPACK #-} !Word
| TkMapBegin
| TkBreak
| TkTag {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64
| TkBool !Bool
| TkNull
| TkSimple {-# UNPACK #-} !Word8
| TkFloat16 {-# UNPACK #-} !Float
| TkFloat32 {-# UNPACK #-} !Float
| TkFloat64 {-# UNPACK #-} !Double
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
toFlatTerm :: Encoding
-> FlatTerm
toFlatTerm (Encoding tb) = convFlatTerm (tb Enc.TkEnd)
convFlatTerm :: Enc.Tokens -> FlatTerm
convFlatTerm (Enc.TkWord w ts)
| w <= maxInt = TkInt (fromIntegral w) : convFlatTerm ts
| otherwise = TkInteger (fromIntegral w) : convFlatTerm ts
convFlatTerm (Enc.TkWord64 w ts)
| w <= maxInt = TkInt (fromIntegral w) : convFlatTerm ts
| otherwise = TkInteger (fromIntegral w) : convFlatTerm ts
convFlatTerm (Enc.TkInt n ts) = TkInt n : convFlatTerm ts
convFlatTerm (Enc.TkInt64 n ts)
| n <= maxInt && n >= minInt = TkInt (fromIntegral n) : convFlatTerm ts
| otherwise = TkInteger (fromIntegral n) : convFlatTerm ts
convFlatTerm (Enc.TkInteger n ts)
| n <= maxInt && n >= minInt = TkInt (fromIntegral n) : convFlatTerm ts
| otherwise = TkInteger n : convFlatTerm ts
convFlatTerm (Enc.TkBytes bs ts) = TkBytes bs : convFlatTerm ts
convFlatTerm (Enc.TkBytesBegin ts) = TkBytesBegin : convFlatTerm ts
convFlatTerm (Enc.TkByteArray a ts)
= TkBytes (BAS.toByteString a) : convFlatTerm ts
convFlatTerm (Enc.TkString st ts) = TkString st : convFlatTerm ts
convFlatTerm (Enc.TkStringBegin ts) = TkStringBegin : convFlatTerm ts
convFlatTerm (Enc.TkUtf8ByteArray a ts)
= TkString (TE.decodeUtf8 $ BAS.toByteString a) : convFlatTerm ts
convFlatTerm (Enc.TkListLen n ts) = TkListLen n : convFlatTerm ts
convFlatTerm (Enc.TkListBegin ts) = TkListBegin : convFlatTerm ts
convFlatTerm (Enc.TkMapLen n ts) = TkMapLen n : convFlatTerm ts
convFlatTerm (Enc.TkMapBegin ts) = TkMapBegin : convFlatTerm ts
convFlatTerm (Enc.TkTag n ts) = TkTag (fromIntegral n) : convFlatTerm ts
convFlatTerm (Enc.TkTag64 n ts) = TkTag n : convFlatTerm ts
convFlatTerm (Enc.TkBool b ts) = TkBool b : convFlatTerm ts
convFlatTerm (Enc.TkNull ts) = TkNull : convFlatTerm ts
convFlatTerm (Enc.TkUndef ts) = TkSimple 23 : convFlatTerm ts
convFlatTerm (Enc.TkSimple n ts) = TkSimple n : convFlatTerm ts
convFlatTerm (Enc.TkFloat16 f ts) = TkFloat16 f : convFlatTerm ts
convFlatTerm (Enc.TkFloat32 f ts) = TkFloat32 f : convFlatTerm ts
convFlatTerm (Enc.TkFloat64 f ts) = TkFloat64 f : convFlatTerm ts
convFlatTerm (Enc.TkBreak ts) = TkBreak : convFlatTerm ts
convFlatTerm (Enc.TkEncoded bs ts) = decodePreEncoded bs
++ convFlatTerm ts
convFlatTerm Enc.TkEnd = []
decodePreEncoded :: BS.ByteString -> FlatTerm
decodePreEncoded bs0 =
ST.Lazy.runST (provideInput bs0)
provideInput :: BS.ByteString -> ST.Lazy.ST s FlatTerm
provideInput bs
| BS.null bs = return []
| otherwise = do
next <- ST.Lazy.strictToLazyST $ do
Read.Partial k <- Read.deserialiseIncremental decodeTermToken
k (Just bs)
collectOutput next
collectOutput :: Read.IDecode s TermToken -> ST.Lazy.ST s FlatTerm
collectOutput (Read.Fail _ _ err) = fail $ "toFlatTerm: encodePreEncoded "
++ "used with invalid CBOR: "
++ show err
collectOutput (Read.Partial k) = ST.Lazy.strictToLazyST (k Nothing)
>>= collectOutput
collectOutput (Read.Done bs' _ x) = do xs <- provideInput bs'
return (x : xs)
decodeTermToken :: Decoder s TermToken
decodeTermToken = do
tkty <- peekTokenType
case tkty of
TypeUInt -> do w <- decodeWord
return $! fromWord w
fromWord :: Word -> TermToken
fromWord w
| w <= fromIntegral (maxBound :: Int)
= TkInt (fromIntegral w)
| otherwise = TkInteger (fromIntegral w)
TypeUInt64 -> do w <- decodeWord64
return $! fromWord64 w
fromWord64 w
| w <= fromIntegral (maxBound :: Int)
= TkInt (fromIntegral w)
| otherwise = TkInteger (fromIntegral w)
TypeNInt -> do w <- decodeNegWord
return $! fromNegWord w
fromNegWord w
| w <= fromIntegral (maxBound :: Int)
= TkInt (-1 - fromIntegral w)
| otherwise = TkInteger (-1 - fromIntegral w)
TypeNInt64 -> do w <- decodeNegWord64
return $! fromNegWord64 w
fromNegWord64 w
| w <= fromIntegral (maxBound :: Int)
= TkInt (-1 - fromIntegral w)
| otherwise = TkInteger (-1 - fromIntegral w)
TypeInteger -> do !x <- decodeInteger
return (TkInteger x)
TypeFloat16 -> do !x <- decodeFloat
return (TkFloat16 x)
TypeFloat32 -> do !x <- decodeFloat
return (TkFloat32 x)
TypeFloat64 -> do !x <- decodeDouble
return (TkFloat64 x)
TypeBytes -> do !x <- decodeBytes
return (TkBytes x)
TypeBytesIndef -> do decodeBytesIndef
return TkBytesBegin
TypeString -> do !x <- decodeString
return (TkString x)
TypeStringIndef -> do decodeStringIndef
return TkStringBegin
TypeListLen -> do !x <- decodeListLen
return $! TkListLen (fromIntegral x)
TypeListLen64 -> do !x <- decodeListLen
return $! TkListLen (fromIntegral x)
TypeListLenIndef -> do decodeListLenIndef
return TkListBegin
TypeMapLen -> do !x <- decodeMapLen
return $! TkMapLen (fromIntegral x)
TypeMapLen64 -> do !x <- decodeMapLen
return $! TkMapLen (fromIntegral x)
TypeMapLenIndef -> do decodeMapLenIndef
return TkMapBegin
TypeTag -> do !x <- decodeTag
return $! TkTag (fromIntegral x)
TypeTag64 -> do !x <- decodeTag
return $! TkTag (fromIntegral x)
TypeBool -> do !x <- decodeBool
return (TkBool x)
TypeNull -> do decodeNull
return TkNull
TypeSimple -> do !x <- decodeSimple
return (TkSimple x)
TypeBreak -> do _ <- decodeBreakOr
return TkBreak
TypeInvalid -> fail "invalid token encoding"
fromFlatTerm :: (forall s. Decoder s a)
-> FlatTerm
-> Either String a
fromFlatTerm decoder ft =
runST (getDecodeAction decoder >>= go ft)
go :: FlatTerm -> DecodeAction s a -> ST s (Either String a)
go (TkInt n : ts) (ConsumeWord k)
| n >= 0 = k (unW# (fromIntegral n)) >>= go ts
go (TkInteger n : ts) (ConsumeWord k)
| n >= 0 = k (unW# (fromIntegral n)) >>= go ts
go (TkInt n : ts) (ConsumeWord8 k)
| n >= 0 && n <= maxWord8 = k (unW# (fromIntegral n)) >>= go ts
go (TkInteger n : ts) (ConsumeWord8 k)
| n >= 0 && n <= maxWord8 = k (unW# (fromIntegral n)) >>= go ts
go (TkInt n : ts) (ConsumeWord16 k)
| n >= 0 && n <= maxWord16 = k (unW# (fromIntegral n)) >>= go ts
go (TkInteger n : ts) (ConsumeWord16 k)
| n >= 0 && n <= maxWord16 = k (unW# (fromIntegral n)) >>= go ts
go (TkInt n : ts) (ConsumeWord32 k)
| intIsValidWord32 n = k (unW# (fromIntegral n)) >>= go ts
go (TkInteger n : ts) (ConsumeWord32 k)
| n >= 0 && n <= maxWord32 = k (unW# (fromIntegral n)) >>= go ts
go (TkInt n : ts) (ConsumeNegWord k)
| n < 0 = k (unW# (fromIntegral (-1-n))) >>= go ts
go (TkInteger n : ts) (ConsumeNegWord k)
| n < 0 = k (unW# (fromIntegral (-1-n))) >>= go ts
go (TkInt n : ts) (ConsumeInt k) = k (unI# n) >>= go ts
go (TkInteger n : ts) (ConsumeInt k)
| n <= maxInt = k (unI# (fromIntegral n)) >>= go ts
go (TkInt n : ts) (ConsumeInt8 k)
| n >= minInt8 && n <= maxInt8 = k (unI# n) >>= go ts
go (TkInteger n : ts) (ConsumeInt8 k)
| n >= minInt8 && n <= maxInt8 = k (unI# (fromIntegral n)) >>= go ts
go (TkInt n : ts) (ConsumeInt16 k)
| n >= minInt16 && n <= maxInt16 = k (unI# n) >>= go ts
go (TkInteger n : ts) (ConsumeInt16 k)
| n >= minInt16 && n <= maxInt16 = k (unI# (fromIntegral n)) >>= go ts
go (TkInt n : ts) (ConsumeInt32 k)
| n >= minInt32 && n <= maxInt32 = k (unI# n) >>= go ts
go (TkInteger n : ts) (ConsumeInt32 k)
| n >= minInt32 && n <= maxInt32 = k (unI# (fromIntegral n)) >>= go ts
go (TkInt n : ts) (ConsumeInteger k) = k (fromIntegral n) >>= go ts
go (TkInteger n : ts) (ConsumeInteger k) = k n >>= go ts
go (TkListLen n : ts) (ConsumeListLen k)
| n <= maxInt = k (unI# (fromIntegral n)) >>= go ts
go (TkMapLen n : ts) (ConsumeMapLen k)
| n <= maxInt = k (unI# (fromIntegral n)) >>= go ts
go (TkTag n : ts) (ConsumeTag k)
| n <= maxWord = k (unW# (fromIntegral n)) >>= go ts
go (TkInt n : ts) (ConsumeWordCanonical k)
| n >= 0 = k (unW# (fromIntegral n)) >>= go ts
go (TkInteger n : ts) (ConsumeWordCanonical k)
| n >= 0 = k (unW# (fromIntegral n)) >>= go ts
go (TkInt n : ts) (ConsumeWord8Canonical k)
| n >= 0 && n <= maxWord8 = k (unW# (fromIntegral n)) >>= go ts
go (TkInteger n : ts) (ConsumeWord8Canonical k)
| n >= 0 && n <= maxWord8 = k (unW# (fromIntegral n)) >>= go ts
go (TkInt n : ts) (ConsumeWord16Canonical k)
| n >= 0 && n <= maxWord16 = k (unW# (fromIntegral n)) >>= go ts
go (TkInteger n : ts) (ConsumeWord16Canonical k)
| n >= 0 && n <= maxWord16 = k (unW# (fromIntegral n)) >>= go ts
go (TkInt n : ts) (ConsumeWord32Canonical k)
| intIsValidWord32 n = k (unW# (fromIntegral n)) >>= go ts
go (TkInteger n : ts) (ConsumeWord32Canonical k)
| n >= 0 && n <= maxWord32 = k (unW# (fromIntegral n)) >>= go ts
go (TkInt n : ts) (ConsumeNegWordCanonical k)
| n < 0 = k (unW# (fromIntegral (-1-n))) >>= go ts
go (TkInteger n : ts) (ConsumeNegWordCanonical k)
| n < 0 = k (unW# (fromIntegral (-1-n))) >>= go ts
go (TkInt n : ts) (ConsumeIntCanonical k) = k (unI# n) >>= go ts
go (TkInteger n : ts) (ConsumeInt k)
| n <= maxInt = k (unI# (fromIntegral n)) >>= go ts
go (TkInt n : ts) (ConsumeInt8Canonical k)
| n >= minInt8 && n <= maxInt8 = k (unI# n) >>= go ts
go (TkInteger n : ts) (ConsumeInt8Canonical k)
| n >= minInt8 && n <= maxInt8 = k (unI# (fromIntegral n)) >>= go ts
go (TkInt n : ts) (ConsumeInt16Canonical k)
| n >= minInt16 && n <= maxInt16 = k (unI# n) >>= go ts
go (TkInteger n : ts) (ConsumeInt16Canonical k)
| n >= minInt16 && n <= maxInt16 = k (unI# (fromIntegral n)) >>= go ts
go (TkInt n : ts) (ConsumeInt32Canonical k)
| n >= minInt32 && n <= maxInt32 = k (unI# n) >>= go ts
go (TkInteger n : ts) (ConsumeInt32Canonical k)
| n >= minInt32 && n <= maxInt32 = k (unI# (fromIntegral n)) >>= go ts
go (TkInt n : ts) (ConsumeIntegerCanonical k) = k (fromIntegral n) >>= go ts
go (TkInteger n : ts) (ConsumeIntegerCanonical k) = k n >>= go ts
go (TkListLen n : ts) (ConsumeListLenCanonical k)
| n <= maxInt = k (unI# (fromIntegral n)) >>= go ts
go (TkMapLen n : ts) (ConsumeMapLenCanonical k)
| n <= maxInt = k (unI# (fromIntegral n)) >>= go ts
go (TkTag n : ts) (ConsumeTagCanonical k)
| n <= maxWord = k (unW# (fromIntegral n)) >>= go ts
#if defined(ARCH_32bit)
go (TkInt n : ts) (ConsumeWord64 k)
| n >= 0 = k (unW64# (fromIntegral n)) >>= go ts
go (TkInteger n : ts) (ConsumeWord64 k)
| n >= 0 = k (unW64# (fromIntegral n)) >>= go ts
go (TkInt n : ts) (ConsumeNegWord64 k)
| n < 0 = k (unW64# (fromIntegral (-1-n))) >>= go ts
go (TkInteger n : ts) (ConsumeNegWord64 k)
| n < 0 = k (unW64# (fromIntegral (-1-n))) >>= go ts
go (TkInt n : ts) (ConsumeInt64 k) = k (unI64# (fromIntegral n)) >>= go ts
go (TkInteger n : ts) (ConsumeInt64 k) = k (unI64# (fromIntegral n)) >>= go ts
go (TkTag n : ts) (ConsumeTag64 k) = k (unW64# n) >>= go ts
go (TkInt n : ts) (ConsumeWord64Canonical k)
| n >= 0 = k (unW64# (fromIntegral n)) >>= go ts
go (TkInteger n : ts) (ConsumeWord64Canonical k)
| n >= 0 = k (unW64# (fromIntegral n)) >>= go ts
go (TkInt n : ts) (ConsumeNegWord64Canonical k)
| n < 0 = k (unW64# (fromIntegral (-1-n))) >>= go ts
go (TkInteger n : ts) (ConsumeNegWord64Canonical k)
| n < 0 = k (unW64# (fromIntegral (-1-n))) >>= go ts
go (TkInt n : ts) (ConsumeInt64Canonical k) = k (unI64# (fromIntegral n)) >>= go ts
go (TkInteger n : ts) (ConsumeInt64Canonical k) = k (unI64# (fromIntegral n)) >>= go ts
go (TkTag n : ts) (ConsumeTag64Canonical k) = k (unW64# n) >>= go ts
go ts (ConsumeListLen64 _) = unexpected "decodeListLen64" ts
go ts (ConsumeMapLen64 _) = unexpected "decodeMapLen64" ts
go ts (ConsumeListLen64Canonical _) = unexpected "decodeListLen64Canonical" ts
go ts (ConsumeMapLen64Canonical _) = unexpected "decodeMapLen64Canonical" ts
go (TkFloat16 f : ts) (ConsumeFloat k) = k (unF# f) >>= go ts
go (TkFloat32 f : ts) (ConsumeFloat k) = k (unF# f) >>= go ts
go (TkFloat16 f : ts) (ConsumeDouble k) = k (unD# (float2Double f)) >>= go ts
go (TkFloat32 f : ts) (ConsumeDouble k) = k (unD# (float2Double f)) >>= go ts
go (TkFloat64 f : ts) (ConsumeDouble k) = k (unD# f) >>= go ts
go (TkBytes bs : ts) (ConsumeBytes k) = k bs >>= go ts
go (TkBytes bs : ts) (ConsumeByteArray k) = k (BA.fromByteString bs) >>= go ts
go (TkString st : ts) (ConsumeString k) = k st >>= go ts
go (TkString st : ts) (ConsumeUtf8ByteArray k) = k (BA.fromByteString $ TE.encodeUtf8 st)
>>= go ts
go (TkBool b : ts) (ConsumeBool k) = k b >>= go ts
go (TkSimple n : ts) (ConsumeSimple k) = k (unW8# n) >>= go ts
go (TkFloat16 f : ts) (ConsumeFloat16Canonical k) = k (unF# f) >>= go ts
go (TkFloat32 f : ts) (ConsumeFloatCanonical k) = k (unF# f) >>= go ts
go (TkFloat64 f : ts) (ConsumeDoubleCanonical k) = k (unD# f) >>= go ts
go (TkBytes bs : ts) (ConsumeBytesCanonical k) = k bs >>= go ts
go (TkBytes bs : ts) (ConsumeByteArrayCanonical k) = k (BA.fromByteString bs) >>= go ts
go (TkString st : ts) (ConsumeStringCanonical k) = k st >>= go ts
go (TkString st : ts) (ConsumeUtf8ByteArrayCanonical k) = k (BA.fromByteString $ TE.encodeUtf8 st)
>>= go ts
go (TkSimple n : ts) (ConsumeSimpleCanonical k) = k (unW8# n) >>= go ts
go (TkBytesBegin : ts) (ConsumeBytesIndef da) = da >>= go ts
go (TkStringBegin : ts) (ConsumeStringIndef da) = da >>= go ts
go (TkListBegin : ts) (ConsumeListLenIndef da) = da >>= go ts
go (TkMapBegin : ts) (ConsumeMapLenIndef da) = da >>= go ts
go (TkNull : ts) (ConsumeNull da) = da >>= go ts
go (TkListLen n : ts) (ConsumeListLenOrIndef k)
| n <= maxInt = k (unI# (fromIntegral n)) >>= go ts
go (TkListBegin : ts) (ConsumeListLenOrIndef k) = k (-1#) >>= go ts
go (TkMapLen n : ts) (ConsumeMapLenOrIndef k)
| n <= maxInt = k (unI# (fromIntegral n)) >>= go ts
go (TkMapBegin : ts) (ConsumeMapLenOrIndef k) = k (-1#) >>= go ts
go (TkBreak : ts) (ConsumeBreakOr k) = k True >>= go ts
go ts@(_ : _ ) (ConsumeBreakOr k) = k False >>= go ts
go ts@(tk:_) (PeekTokenType k) = k (tokenTypeOf tk) >>= go ts
go ts (PeekTokenType _) = unexpected "peekTokenType" ts
go ts (PeekAvailable k) = k (unI# (length ts)) >>= go ts
#if defined(ARCH_32bit)
go ts (PeekByteOffset k)= k (unI64# 0) >>= go ts
go ts (PeekByteOffset k)= k 0# >>= go ts
go _ (Fail msg) = return $ Left msg
go [] (Done x) = return $ Right x
go ts (Done _) = return $ Left ("trailing tokens: " ++ show (take 5 ts))
go ts (ConsumeWord _) = unexpected "decodeWord" ts
go ts (ConsumeWord8 _) = unexpected "decodeWord8" ts
go ts (ConsumeWord16 _) = unexpected "decodeWord16" ts
go ts (ConsumeWord32 _) = unexpected "decodeWord32" ts
go ts (ConsumeNegWord _) = unexpected "decodeNegWord" ts
go ts (ConsumeInt _) = unexpected "decodeInt" ts
go ts (ConsumeInt8 _) = unexpected "decodeInt8" ts
go ts (ConsumeInt16 _) = unexpected "decodeInt16" ts
go ts (ConsumeInt32 _) = unexpected "decodeInt32" ts
go ts (ConsumeInteger _) = unexpected "decodeInteger" ts
go ts (ConsumeListLen _) = unexpected "decodeListLen" ts
go ts (ConsumeMapLen _) = unexpected "decodeMapLen" ts
go ts (ConsumeTag _) = unexpected "decodeTag" ts
go ts (ConsumeWordCanonical _) = unexpected "decodeWordCanonical" ts
go ts (ConsumeWord8Canonical _) = unexpected "decodeWord8Canonical" ts
go ts (ConsumeWord16Canonical _) = unexpected "decodeWord16Canonical" ts
go ts (ConsumeWord32Canonical _) = unexpected "decodeWord32Canonical" ts
go ts (ConsumeNegWordCanonical _) = unexpected "decodeNegWordCanonical" ts
go ts (ConsumeIntCanonical _) = unexpected "decodeIntCanonical" ts
go ts (ConsumeInt8Canonical _) = unexpected "decodeInt8Canonical" ts
go ts (ConsumeInt16Canonical _) = unexpected "decodeInt16Canonical" ts
go ts (ConsumeInt32Canonical _) = unexpected "decodeInt32Canonical" ts
go ts (ConsumeIntegerCanonical _) = unexpected "decodeIntegerCanonical" ts
go ts (ConsumeListLenCanonical _) = unexpected "decodeListLenCanonical" ts
go ts (ConsumeMapLenCanonical _) = unexpected "decodeMapLenCanonical" ts
go ts (ConsumeTagCanonical _) = unexpected "decodeTagCanonical" ts
go ts (ConsumeFloat _) = unexpected "decodeFloat" ts
go ts (ConsumeDouble _) = unexpected "decodeDouble" ts
go ts (ConsumeBytes _) = unexpected "decodeBytes" ts
go ts (ConsumeByteArray _) = unexpected "decodeByteArray" ts
go ts (ConsumeString _) = unexpected "decodeString" ts
go ts (ConsumeUtf8ByteArray _) = unexpected "decodeUtf8ByteArray" ts
go ts (ConsumeBool _) = unexpected "decodeBool" ts
go ts (ConsumeSimple _) = unexpected "decodeSimple" ts
go ts (ConsumeFloat16Canonical _) = unexpected "decodeFloat16Canonical" ts
go ts (ConsumeFloatCanonical _) = unexpected "decodeFloatCanonical" ts
go ts (ConsumeDoubleCanonical _) = unexpected "decodeDoubleCanonical" ts
go ts (ConsumeBytesCanonical _) = unexpected "decodeBytesCanonical" ts
go ts (ConsumeByteArrayCanonical _) = unexpected "decodeByteArrayCanonical" ts
go ts (ConsumeStringCanonical _) = unexpected "decodeStringCanonical" ts
go ts (ConsumeUtf8ByteArrayCanonical _) = unexpected "decodeUtf8ByteArrayCanonical" ts
go ts (ConsumeSimpleCanonical _) = unexpected "decodeSimpleCanonical" ts
#if defined(ARCH_32bit)
go ts (ConsumeWord64 _) = unexpected "decodeWord64" ts
go ts (ConsumeNegWord64 _) = unexpected "decodeNegWord64" ts
go ts (ConsumeInt64 _) = unexpected "decodeInt64" ts
go ts (ConsumeTag64 _) = unexpected "decodeTag64" ts
go ts (ConsumeWord64Canonical _) = unexpected "decodeWord64Canonical" ts
go ts (ConsumeNegWord64Canonical _) = unexpected "decodeNegWord64Canonical" ts
go ts (ConsumeInt64Canonical _) = unexpected "decodeInt64Canonical" ts
go ts (ConsumeTag64Canonical _) = unexpected "decodeTag64Canonical" ts
go ts (ConsumeBytesIndef _) = unexpected "decodeBytesIndef" ts
go ts (ConsumeStringIndef _) = unexpected "decodeStringIndef" ts
go ts (ConsumeListLenIndef _) = unexpected "decodeListLenIndef" ts
go ts (ConsumeMapLenIndef _) = unexpected "decodeMapLenIndef" ts
go ts (ConsumeNull _) = unexpected "decodeNull" ts
go ts (ConsumeListLenOrIndef _) = unexpected "decodeListLenOrIndef" ts
go ts (ConsumeMapLenOrIndef _) = unexpected "decodeMapLenOrIndef" ts
go ts (ConsumeBreakOr _) = unexpected "decodeBreakOr" ts
unexpected name [] = return $ Left $ name ++ ": unexpected end of input"
unexpected name (tok:_) = return $ Left $ name ++ ": unexpected token " ++ show tok
tokenTypeOf :: TermToken -> TokenType
tokenTypeOf (TkInt n)
| n >= 0 = TypeUInt
| otherwise = TypeNInt
tokenTypeOf TkInteger{} = TypeInteger
tokenTypeOf TkBytes{} = TypeBytes
tokenTypeOf TkBytesBegin{} = TypeBytesIndef
tokenTypeOf TkString{} = TypeString
tokenTypeOf TkStringBegin{} = TypeStringIndef
tokenTypeOf TkListLen{} = TypeListLen
tokenTypeOf TkListBegin{} = TypeListLenIndef
tokenTypeOf TkMapLen{} = TypeMapLen
tokenTypeOf TkMapBegin{} = TypeMapLenIndef
tokenTypeOf TkTag{} = TypeTag
tokenTypeOf TkBool{} = TypeBool
tokenTypeOf TkNull = TypeNull
tokenTypeOf TkBreak = TypeBreak
tokenTypeOf TkSimple{} = TypeSimple
tokenTypeOf TkFloat16{} = TypeFloat16
tokenTypeOf TkFloat32{} = TypeFloat32
tokenTypeOf TkFloat64{} = TypeFloat64
validFlatTerm :: FlatTerm
-> Bool
validFlatTerm ts =
either (const False) (const True) $ do
ts' <- validateTerm TopLevelSingle ts
case ts' of
[] -> return ()
_ -> Left "trailing data"
data Loc = TopLevelSingle
| TopLevelSequence
| InString Int Loc
| InBytes Int Loc
| InListN Int Int Loc
| InList Int Loc
| InMapNKey Int Int Loc
| InMapNVal Int Int Loc
| InMapKey Int Loc
| InMapVal Int Loc
| InTagged Word64 Loc
deriving Show
validateTerm :: Loc -> FlatTerm -> Either String FlatTerm
validateTerm _loc (TkInt _ : ts) = return ts
validateTerm _loc (TkInteger _ : ts) = return ts
validateTerm _loc (TkBytes _ : ts) = return ts
validateTerm loc (TkBytesBegin : ts) = validateBytes loc 0 ts
validateTerm _loc (TkString _ : ts) = return ts
validateTerm loc (TkStringBegin : ts) = validateString loc 0 ts
validateTerm loc (TkListLen len : ts)
| len <= maxInt = validateListN loc 0 (fromIntegral len) ts
| otherwise = Left "list len too long (> max int)"
validateTerm loc (TkListBegin : ts) = validateList loc 0 ts
validateTerm loc (TkMapLen len : ts)
| len <= maxInt = validateMapN loc 0 (fromIntegral len) ts
| otherwise = Left "map len too long (> max int)"
validateTerm loc (TkMapBegin : ts) = validateMap loc 0 ts
validateTerm loc (TkTag w : ts) = validateTerm (InTagged w loc) ts
validateTerm _loc (TkBool _ : ts) = return ts
validateTerm _loc (TkNull : ts) = return ts
validateTerm loc (TkBreak : _) = unexpectedToken TkBreak loc
validateTerm _loc (TkSimple _ : ts) = return ts
validateTerm _loc (TkFloat16 _ : ts) = return ts
validateTerm _loc (TkFloat32 _ : ts) = return ts
validateTerm _loc (TkFloat64 _ : ts) = return ts
validateTerm loc [] = unexpectedEof loc
unexpectedToken :: TermToken -> Loc -> Either String a
unexpectedToken tok loc = Left $ "unexpected token " ++ show tok
++ ", in context " ++ show loc
unexpectedEof :: Loc -> Either String a
unexpectedEof loc = Left $ "unexpected end of input in context " ++ show loc
validateBytes :: Loc -> Int -> [TermToken] -> Either String [TermToken]
validateBytes _ _ (TkBreak : ts) = return ts
validateBytes ploc i (TkBytes _ : ts) = validateBytes ploc (i+1) ts
validateBytes ploc i (tok : _) = unexpectedToken tok (InBytes i ploc)
validateBytes ploc i [] = unexpectedEof (InBytes i ploc)
validateString :: Loc -> Int -> [TermToken] -> Either String [TermToken]
validateString _ _ (TkBreak : ts) = return ts
validateString ploc i (TkString _ : ts) = validateString ploc (i+1) ts
validateString ploc i (tok : _) = unexpectedToken tok (InString i ploc)
validateString ploc i [] = unexpectedEof (InString i ploc)
validateListN :: Loc -> Int -> Int -> [TermToken] -> Either String [TermToken]
validateListN _ i len ts | i == len = return ts
validateListN ploc i len ts = do
ts' <- validateTerm (InListN i len ploc) ts
validateListN ploc (i+1) len ts'
validateList :: Loc -> Int -> [TermToken] -> Either String [TermToken]
validateList _ _ (TkBreak : ts) = return ts
validateList ploc i ts = do
ts' <- validateTerm (InList i ploc) ts
validateList ploc (i+1) ts'
validateMapN :: Loc -> Int -> Int -> [TermToken] -> Either String [TermToken]
validateMapN _ i len ts | i == len = return ts
validateMapN ploc i len ts = do
ts' <- validateTerm (InMapNKey i len ploc) ts
ts'' <- validateTerm (InMapNVal i len ploc) ts'
validateMapN ploc (i+1) len ts''
validateMap :: Loc -> Int -> [TermToken] -> Either String [TermToken]
validateMap _ _ (TkBreak : ts) = return ts
validateMap ploc i ts = do
ts' <- validateTerm (InMapKey i ploc) ts
ts'' <- validateTerm (InMapVal i ploc) ts'
validateMap ploc (i+1) ts''
maxInt, minInt, maxWord :: Num n => n
maxInt = fromIntegral (maxBound :: Int)
minInt = fromIntegral (minBound :: Int)
maxWord = fromIntegral (maxBound :: Word)
maxInt8, minInt8, maxWord8 :: Num n => n
maxInt8 = fromIntegral (maxBound :: Int8)
minInt8 = fromIntegral (minBound :: Int8)
maxWord8 = fromIntegral (maxBound :: Word8)
maxInt16, minInt16, maxWord16 :: Num n => n
maxInt16 = fromIntegral (maxBound :: Int16)
minInt16 = fromIntegral (minBound :: Int16)
maxWord16 = fromIntegral (maxBound :: Word16)
maxInt32, minInt32, maxWord32 :: Num n => n
maxInt32 = fromIntegral (maxBound :: Int32)
minInt32 = fromIntegral (minBound :: Int32)
maxWord32 = fromIntegral (maxBound :: Word32)
intIsValidWord32 :: Int -> Bool
intIsValidWord32 n = b1 && b2
b1 = n >= 0
b2 = (fromIntegral n :: Word32) <= maxWord32
unI# :: Int -> Int#
unI# (I# i#) = i#
unW# :: Word -> Word#
unW# (W# w#) = w#
unW8# :: Word8 -> Word#
unW8# (W8# w#) = w#
unF# :: Float -> Float#
unF# (F# f#) = f#
unD# :: Double -> Double#
unD# (D# f#) = f#
#if defined(ARCH_32bit)
unW64# :: Word64 -> Word64#
unW64# (W64# w#) = w#
unI64# :: Int64 -> Int64#
unI64# (I64# i#) = i#