-- |
-- Module      : Codec.CBOR.Encoding
-- Copyright   : (c) Duncan Coutts 2015-2017
-- License     : BSD3-style (see LICENSE.txt)
-- Maintainer  : duncan@community.haskell.org
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions)
-- High level API for encoding values, for later serialization into
-- CBOR binary format, using a 'Monoid' based interface.
module Codec.CBOR.Encoding
  ( -- * Encoding implementation
    Encoding(..)             -- :: *
  , Tokens(..)               -- :: *

    -- * 'Encoding' API for serialisation
  , encodeWord               -- :: Word -> Encoding
  , encodeWord8              -- :: Word8 -> Encoding
  , encodeWord16             -- :: Word16 -> Encoding
  , encodeWord32             -- :: Word32 -> Encoding
  , encodeWord64             -- :: Word64 -> Encoding
  , encodeInt                -- :: Int -> Encoding
  , encodeInt8               -- :: Int8 -> Encoding
  , encodeInt16              -- :: Int16 -> Encoding
  , encodeInt32              -- :: Int32 -> Encoding
  , encodeInt64              -- :: Int64 -> Encoding
  , encodeInteger            -- :: Integer -> Encoding
  , encodeBytes              -- :: B.ByteString -> Encoding
  , encodeBytesIndef         -- :: Encoding
  , encodeByteArray          -- :: ByteArray -> Encoding
  , encodeString             -- :: T.Text -> Encoding
  , encodeStringIndef        -- :: Encoding
  , encodeUtf8ByteArray      -- :: ByteArray -> Encoding
  , encodeListLen            -- :: Word -> Encoding
  , encodeListLenIndef       -- :: Encoding
  , encodeMapLen             -- :: Word -> Encoding
  , encodeMapLenIndef        -- :: Encoding
  , encodeBreak              -- :: Encoding
  , encodeTag                -- :: Word -> Encoding
  , encodeTag64              -- :: Word64 -> Encoding
  , encodeBool               -- :: Bool -> Encoding
  , encodeUndef              -- :: Encoding
  , encodeNull               -- :: Encoding
  , encodeSimple             -- :: Word8 -> Encoding
  , encodeFloat16            -- :: Float -> Encoding
  , encodeFloat              -- :: Float -> Encoding
  , encodeDouble             -- :: Double -> Encoding
  , encodePreEncoded         -- :: B.ByteString -> Encoding
  ) where

#include "cbor.h"

import           Data.Int
import           Data.Word
import           Data.Semigroup

import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.Text       as T

import           Codec.CBOR.ByteArray.Sliced (SlicedByteArray)

import           Prelude         hiding (encodeFloat)

import {-# SOURCE #-} qualified Codec.CBOR.FlatTerm as FlatTerm

-- | An intermediate form used during serialisation, specified as a
-- 'Monoid'. It supports efficient concatenation, and is equivalent
-- to a specialised 'Data.Monoid.Endo' 'Tokens' type.
-- It is used for the stage in serialisation where we flatten out the
-- Haskell data structure but it is independent of any specific
-- external binary or text format.
-- Traditionally, to build any arbitrary 'Encoding' value, you specify
-- larger structures from smaller ones and append the small ones together
-- using 'Data.Monoid.mconcat'.
-- @since
newtype Encoding = Encoding (Tokens -> Tokens)

instance Show Encoding where
  show = show . FlatTerm.toFlatTerm

-- | A flattened representation of a term, which is independent
-- of any underlying binary representation, but which we later
-- serialise into CBOR format.
-- @since
data Tokens =

    -- Positive and negative integers (type 0,1)
      TkWord     {-# UNPACK #-} !Word         Tokens
    | TkWord64   {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64       Tokens
      -- convenience for either positive or negative
    | TkInt      {-# UNPACK #-} !Int          Tokens
    | TkInt64    {-# UNPACK #-} !Int64        Tokens

    -- Bytes and string (type 2,3)
    | TkBytes         {-# UNPACK #-} !B.ByteString    Tokens
    | TkBytesBegin                                    Tokens
    | TkByteArray     {-# UNPACK #-} !SlicedByteArray Tokens
    | TkString        {-# UNPACK #-} !T.Text          Tokens
    | TkUtf8ByteArray {-# UNPACK #-} !SlicedByteArray Tokens
    | TkStringBegin                                   Tokens

    -- Structures (type 4,5)
    | TkListLen  {-# UNPACK #-} !Word         Tokens
    | TkListBegin                             Tokens
    | TkMapLen   {-# UNPACK #-} !Word         Tokens
    | TkMapBegin                              Tokens

    -- Tagged values (type 6)
    | TkTag      {-# UNPACK #-} !Word         Tokens
    | TkTag64    {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64       Tokens
    | TkInteger                 !Integer      Tokens

    -- Simple and floats (type 7)
    | TkNull                                  Tokens
    | TkUndef                                 Tokens
    | TkBool                    !Bool         Tokens
    | TkSimple   {-# UNPACK #-} !Word8        Tokens
    | TkFloat16  {-# UNPACK #-} !Float        Tokens
    | TkFloat32  {-# UNPACK #-} !Float        Tokens
    | TkFloat64  {-# UNPACK #-} !Double       Tokens
    | TkBreak                                 Tokens

    -- Special
    | TkEncoded  {-# UNPACK #-} !B.ByteString Tokens

    | TkEnd
    deriving (Show,Eq)

-- | @since
instance Semigroup Encoding where
  Encoding b1 <> Encoding b2 = Encoding (\ts -> b1 (b2 ts))
  {-# INLINE (<>) #-}

-- | @since
instance Monoid Encoding where
  mempty = Encoding (\ts -> ts)
  {-# INLINE mempty #-}

  mappend = (<>)
  {-# INLINE mappend #-}

  mconcat = foldr (<>) mempty
  {-# INLINE mconcat #-}

-- | Encode a 'Word' in a flattened format.
-- @since
encodeWord :: Word -> Encoding
encodeWord = Encoding . TkWord

-- | Encode a 'Word8' in a flattened format.
-- @since
encodeWord8 :: Word8 -> Encoding
encodeWord8 = Encoding . TkWord . fromIntegral

-- | Encode a 'Word16' in a flattened format.
-- @since
encodeWord16 :: Word16 -> Encoding
encodeWord16 = Encoding . TkWord . fromIntegral

-- | Encode a 'Word32' in a flattened format.
-- @since
encodeWord32 :: Word32 -> Encoding
encodeWord32 = Encoding . TkWord . fromIntegral

-- | Encode a 'Word64' in a flattened format.
-- @since
encodeWord64 :: Word64 -> Encoding
encodeWord64 = Encoding . TkWord64

-- | Encode an 'Int' in a flattened format.
-- @since
encodeInt :: Int -> Encoding
encodeInt = Encoding . TkInt

-- | Encode an 'Int8' in a flattened format.
-- @since
encodeInt8 :: Int8 -> Encoding
encodeInt8 = Encoding . TkInt . fromIntegral

-- | Encode an 'Int16' in a flattened format.
-- @since
encodeInt16 :: Int16 -> Encoding
encodeInt16 = Encoding . TkInt . fromIntegral

-- | Encode an 'Int32' in a flattened format.
-- @since
encodeInt32 :: Int32 -> Encoding
encodeInt32 = Encoding . TkInt . fromIntegral

-- | Encode an @'Int64' in a flattened format.
-- @since
encodeInt64 :: Int64 -> Encoding
encodeInt64 = Encoding . TkInt64

-- | Encode an arbitrarily large @'Integer' in a
-- flattened format.
-- @since
encodeInteger :: Integer -> Encoding
encodeInteger n = Encoding (TkInteger n)

-- | Encode an arbitrary strict 'B.ByteString' in
-- a flattened format.
-- @since
encodeBytes :: B.ByteString -> Encoding
encodeBytes = Encoding . TkBytes

-- | Encode a bytestring in a flattened format.
-- @since
encodeByteArray :: SlicedByteArray -> Encoding
encodeByteArray = Encoding . TkByteArray

-- | Encode a token specifying the beginning of a string of bytes of
-- indefinite length. In reality, this specifies a stream of many
-- occurrences of `encodeBytes`, each specifying a single chunk of the
-- overall string. After all the bytes desired have been encoded, you
-- should follow it with a break token (see 'encodeBreak').
-- @since
encodeBytesIndef :: Encoding
encodeBytesIndef = Encoding TkBytesBegin

-- | Encode a 'T.Text' in a flattened format.
-- @since
encodeString :: T.Text -> Encoding
encodeString = Encoding . TkString

-- | Encode the beginning of an indefinite string.
-- @since
encodeStringIndef :: Encoding
encodeStringIndef = Encoding TkStringBegin

-- | Encode a UTF-8 string in a flattened format. Note that the contents
-- is not validated to be well-formed UTF-8.
-- @since
encodeUtf8ByteArray :: SlicedByteArray -> Encoding
encodeUtf8ByteArray = Encoding . TkUtf8ByteArray

-- | Encode the length of a list, used to indicate that the following
-- tokens represent the list values.
-- @since
encodeListLen :: Word -> Encoding
encodeListLen = Encoding . TkListLen

-- | Encode a token specifying that this is the beginning of an
-- indefinite list of unknown size. Tokens representing the list are
-- expected afterwords, followed by a break token (see
-- 'encodeBreak') when the list has ended.
-- @since
encodeListLenIndef :: Encoding
encodeListLenIndef = Encoding TkListBegin

-- | Encode the length of a Map, used to indicate that
-- the following tokens represent the map values.
-- @since
encodeMapLen :: Word -> Encoding
encodeMapLen = Encoding . TkMapLen

-- | Encode a token specifying that this is the beginning of an
-- indefinite map of unknown size. Tokens representing the map are
-- expected afterwords, followed by a break token (see
-- 'encodeBreak') when the map has ended.
-- @since
encodeMapLenIndef :: Encoding
encodeMapLenIndef = Encoding TkMapBegin

-- | Encode a \'break\', used to specify the end of indefinite
-- length objects like maps or lists.
-- @since
encodeBreak :: Encoding
encodeBreak = Encoding TkBreak

-- | Encode an arbitrary 'Word' tag.
-- @since
encodeTag :: Word -> Encoding
encodeTag = Encoding . TkTag

-- | Encode an arbitrary 64-bit 'Word64' tag.
-- @since
encodeTag64 :: Word64 -> Encoding
encodeTag64 = Encoding . TkTag64

-- | Encode a 'Bool'.
-- @since
encodeBool :: Bool -> Encoding
encodeBool b = Encoding (TkBool b)

-- | Encode an @Undef@ value.
-- @since
encodeUndef :: Encoding
encodeUndef = Encoding TkUndef

-- | Encode a @Null@ value.
-- @since
encodeNull :: Encoding
encodeNull = Encoding TkNull

-- | Encode a \'simple\' CBOR token that can be represented with an
-- 8-bit word. You probably don't ever need this.
-- @since
encodeSimple :: Word8 -> Encoding
encodeSimple = Encoding . TkSimple

-- | Encode a small 16-bit 'Float' in a flattened format.
-- @since
encodeFloat16 :: Float -> Encoding
encodeFloat16 = Encoding . TkFloat16

-- | Encode a full precision 'Float' in a flattened format.
-- @since
encodeFloat :: Float -> Encoding
encodeFloat = Encoding . TkFloat32

-- | Encode a 'Double' in a flattened format.
-- @since
encodeDouble :: Double -> Encoding
encodeDouble = Encoding . TkFloat64

-- | Include pre-encoded valid CBOR data into the 'Encoding'.
-- The data is included into the output as-is without any additional wrapper.
-- This should be used with care. The data /must/ be a valid CBOR encoding, but
-- this is /not/ checked.
-- This is useful when you have CBOR data that you know is already valid, e.g.
-- previously validated and stored on disk, and you wish to include it without
-- having to decode and re-encode it.
-- @since
encodePreEncoded :: B.ByteString -> Encoding
encodePreEncoded = Encoding . TkEncoded