cabal2nix: Convert Cabal files into Nix build instructions.
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Convert Cabal files into Nix build instructions. Users of Nix can install the latest version by running:
nix-env -i cabal2nix
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Versions | 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13, 1.14, 1.15, 1.16, 1.17, 1.18, 1.19, 1.20, 1.21, 1.23, 1.24, 1.25, 1.26, 1.27, 1.28, 1.29, 1.30, 1.31, 1.32, 1.33, 1.34, 1.35, 1.37, 1.38, 1.39, 1.40, 1.41, 1.42, 1.43, 1.44, 1.45, 1.46, 1.47, 1.48, 1.49, 1.50, 1.51, 1.52, 1.53, 1.54, 1.55, 1.56, 1.57, 1.58, 1.59, 1.60, 1.61, 1.63, 1.64, 1.65, 1.66, 1.67, 1.68, 1.69, 1.70, 1.71, 1.72, 1.73, 2.0, 2.0.1, 2.0.2, 2.0.3, 2.0.4, 2.1, 2.1.1, 2.2, 2.2.1, 2.3, 2.3.1, 2.4, 2.4.1, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.7.1, 2.7.2, 2.8, 2.8.1, 2.8.2, 2.9, 2.9.1, 2.9.2, 2.9.3, 2.10.0, 2.10.1, 2.10.2, 2.11, 2.11.1, 2.12, 2.13, 2.14, 2.14.1, 2.14.2, 2.14.3, 2.14.3, 2.14.4, 2.15.0, 2.15.1, 2.15.2, 2.15.3, 2.15.4, 2.15.5, 2.15.6, 2.16.0, 2.17.0, 2.18.0, 2.19.0, 2.19.1 |
Change log | None available |
Dependencies | aeson (>1), ansi-wl-pprint, base (>4.11 && <5), bytestring, Cabal (>2.4), cabal2nix, containers (>=0.5.9), deepseq (>=1.4), directory, distribution-nixpkgs (>=1.2), filepath, hackage-db (>=2.0.1), hopenssl (>=2), hpack (>=0.29.6), language-nix, lens, monad-par, monad-par-extras, mtl, optparse-applicative, pretty (>=1.1.2), process, split, text, time, transformers, yaml [details] |
License | BSD-3-Clause |
Author | Peter Simons, Andres Loeh, Benno Fünfstück, Mateusz Kowalczyk, Michael Alan Dorman, Tom Smalley, Mathijs Kwik, Shea Levy, Dmitry Malikov, Eric Seidel, Jacob Mitchell, Graham Christensen, Hamish Mackenzie, Nikolay Amiantov, Aycan iRiCAN, Bryan Gardiner, Joe Hermaszewski, John Wiegley, Philipp Hausmann, Spencer Janssen, Tom Hunger, William Casarin, koral, ksaric, Adam Vogt, Alexey Shmalko, Corey O'Connor, Cray Elliott, David Johnson, Dmitry Bushev, Domen Kožar, Felix Kunzmann, Gabriel Ebner, Gergely Risko, Joachim Fasting, John Albietz, John Chee, Jussi Maki, Lisanna Dettwyler, Mark Laws, Mark Wotton, Matthew Pickering, Matthew Stewart, Matvey Aksenov, Nicholas Clarke, Nicolas Rolland, Oliver Charles, Pascal Wittmann, Patrick John Wheeler, Phil de Joux, Piotr Bogdan, Profpatsch, Raymond Gauthier, Renzo Carbonara, Rodney Lorrimar, Sibi, Sukant Hajra, Tanner Doshier, Vaibhav Sagar, Viktar Basharymau, danbst, karsten gebbert, laMudri, Александр Цамутали |
Maintainer | Peter Simons <> |
Category | Distribution, Nix |
Home page | |
Bug tracker | |
Source repo | head: git clone |
Uploaded | by PeterSimons at 2019-05-08T14:09:52Z |
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- Cabal2nix
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- Distribution.Nixpkgs.Fetch
- Distribution.Nixpkgs.Haskell
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- cabal2nix-2.14.3.tar.gz [browse] (Cabal source package)
- Package description (as included in the package)
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