beam-migrate- SQL DDL support and migrations support library for Beam

Safe HaskellNone




Table manipulation

Creation and deletion

createTable :: (Beamable table, Table table, BeamMigrateSqlBackend be) => Text -> TableSchema be table -> Migration be (CheckedDatabaseEntity be db (TableEntity table)) Source #

Add a CREATE TABLE statement to this migration

The first argument is the name of the table.

The second argument is a table containing a FieldSchema for each field. See documentation on the Field command for more information.c

dropTable :: BeamMigrateSqlBackend be => CheckedDatabaseEntity be db (TableEntity table) -> Migration be () Source #

Add a DROP TABLE statement to this migration.

preserve :: CheckedDatabaseEntity be db e -> Migration be (CheckedDatabaseEntity be db' e) Source #

Copy a table schema from one database to another


newtype TableMigration be a Source #

Monad representing a series of ALTER TABLE statements

Monad (TableMigration be) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.SQL.Tables


(>>=) :: TableMigration be a -> (a -> TableMigration be b) -> TableMigration be b #

(>>) :: TableMigration be a -> TableMigration be b -> TableMigration be b #

return :: a -> TableMigration be a #

fail :: String -> TableMigration be a #

Functor (TableMigration be) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.SQL.Tables


fmap :: (a -> b) -> TableMigration be a -> TableMigration be b #

(<$) :: a -> TableMigration be b -> TableMigration be a #

Applicative (TableMigration be) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.SQL.Tables


pure :: a -> TableMigration be a #

(<*>) :: TableMigration be (a -> b) -> TableMigration be a -> TableMigration be b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> TableMigration be a -> TableMigration be b -> TableMigration be c #

(*>) :: TableMigration be a -> TableMigration be b -> TableMigration be b #

(<*) :: TableMigration be a -> TableMigration be b -> TableMigration be a #

data ColumnMigration a Source #

A column in the process of being altered

alterTable :: forall be db db' table table'. (Table table', BeamMigrateSqlBackend be) => CheckedDatabaseEntity be db (TableEntity table) -> (table ColumnMigration -> TableMigration be (table' ColumnMigration)) -> Migration be (CheckedDatabaseEntity be db' (TableEntity table')) Source #

Compose a series of ALTER TABLE commands

Example usage

migrate (OldDb oldTbl) = do
  alterTable oldTbl $ oldTbl' ->
    field2 <- renameColumnTo NewNameForField2 (_field2 oldTbl')
    dropColumn (_field3 oldTbl')
    renameTableTo NewTableName
    field4 <- addColumn (field ANewColumn smallint notNull (defaultTo_ (val_ 0)))
    return (NewTable (_field1 oldTbl') field2 field4)

The above would result in commands like:

ALTER TABLE oldtable RENAME COLUMN field2 TO NewNameForField2;
ALTER TABLE oldtable DROP COLUMN field3;
ALTER TABLE oldtable RENAME TO NewTableName;

renameTableTo :: BeamMigrateSqlBackend be => Text -> table ColumnMigration -> TableMigration be (table ColumnMigration) Source #


renameColumnTo :: BeamMigrateSqlBackend be => Text -> ColumnMigration a -> TableMigration be (ColumnMigration a) Source #

ALTER TABLE ... RENAME COLUMN ... TO ... command

addColumn :: BeamMigrateSqlBackend be => TableFieldSchema be a -> TableMigration be (ColumnMigration a) Source #

ALTER TABLE ... ADD COLUMN ... command

dropColumn :: BeamMigrateSqlBackend be => ColumnMigration a -> TableMigration be () Source #


Field specification

data DefaultValue be a Source #

Represents the default value of a field with a given column schema syntax and type

FieldReturnType True collationGiven be resTy a => FieldReturnType False collationGiven be resTy (DefaultValue be resTy -> a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.SQL.Tables

(FieldReturnType True collationGiven be resTy a, (TypeError (Text "Only one DEFAULT clause can be given per 'field' invocation") :: Constraint)) => FieldReturnType True collationGiven be resTy (DefaultValue be resTy -> a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.SQL.Tables

newtype Constraint be Source #

Represents a constraint in the given column schema syntax

FieldReturnType defaultGiven collationGiven be resTy a => FieldReturnType defaultGiven collationGiven be resTy (Constraint be -> a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.SQL.Tables

data NotNullConstraint be Source #

(FieldReturnType defaultGiven collationGiven be resTy (Constraint be -> a), IsNotNull resTy) => FieldReturnType defaultGiven collationGiven be resTy (NotNullConstraint be -> a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.SQL.Tables

field :: (BeamMigrateSqlBackend be, FieldReturnType False False be resTy a) => Text -> DataType be resTy -> a Source #

Build a schema for a field. This function takes the name and type of the field and a variable number of modifiers, such as constraints and default values. GHC will complain at you if the modifiers do not make sense. For example, you cannot apply the notNull constraint to a column with a Maybe type.

Example of creating a table named Employee with three columns: FirstName, LastName, and HireDate

data Employee f =
  Employee { _firstName :: C f Text
           , _lastName  :: C f Text
           , _hireDate  :: C f (Maybe LocalTime)
           } deriving Generic
instance Beamable Employee

instance Table Employee where
   data PrimaryKey Employee f = EmployeeKey (C f Text) (C f Text) deriving Generic
   primaryKey = EmployeeKey <$> _firstName <*> _lastName

instance Beamable PrimaryKey Employee f

data EmployeeDb entity
    = EmployeeDb { _employees :: entity (TableEntity Employee) }
    deriving Generic
instance Database EmployeeDb

migration :: IsSql92DdlCommandSyntax syntax => Migration syntax () EmployeeDb
migration = do
  employees <- createTable EmployeesTable
                 (Employee (field FirstNameField (varchar (Just 15)) notNull)
                           (field "last_name" (varchar Nothing) notNull (defaultTo_ (val_ Smith)))
                           (field "hiredDate" (maybeType timestamp)))
  return (EmployeeDb employees)

defaultTo_ :: BeamMigrateSqlBackend be => (forall s. QExpr be s a) -> DefaultValue be a Source #

Build a DefaultValue from a QExpr. GHC will complain if you supply more than one default value.

notNull :: BeamMigrateSqlBackend be => NotNullConstraint be Source #

The SQL92 NOT NULL constraint

unique :: BeamMigrateSqlBackend be => Constraint be Source #

SQL UNIQUE constraint

Internal classes

class FieldReturnType (defaultGiven :: Bool) (collationGiven :: Bool) be resTy a | a -> be resTy where Source #

FieldReturnType True collationGiven be resTy a => FieldReturnType False collationGiven be resTy (DefaultValue be resTy -> a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.SQL.Tables

(FieldReturnType True collationGiven be resTy a, (TypeError (Text "Only one DEFAULT clause can be given per 'field' invocation") :: Constraint)) => FieldReturnType True collationGiven be resTy (DefaultValue be resTy -> a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.SQL.Tables

(BeamMigrateSqlBackend be, HasDataTypeCreatedCheck (BeamMigrateSqlBackendDataTypeSyntax be)) => FieldReturnType defaultGiven collationGiven be resTy (TableFieldSchema be resTy) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.SQL.Tables

(FieldReturnType defaultGiven collationGiven be resTy a, (TypeError (Text "Only one type declaration allowed per 'field' invocation") :: Constraint)) => FieldReturnType defaultGiven collationGiven be resTy (DataType be' x -> a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.SQL.Tables

(FieldReturnType defaultGiven collationGiven be resTy (Constraint be -> a), IsNotNull resTy) => FieldReturnType defaultGiven collationGiven be resTy (NotNullConstraint be -> a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.SQL.Tables

FieldReturnType defaultGiven collationGiven be resTy a => FieldReturnType defaultGiven collationGiven be resTy (Constraint be -> a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.SQL.Tables