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beam-core- Type-safe, feature-complete SQL query and manipulation interface for Haskell

Safe HaskellNone





data QF be (db :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) s next where Source #


QDistinct :: Projectible be r => (r -> WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendSetQuantifierSyntax be)) -> QM be db s r -> (r -> next) -> QF be db s next 
QAll :: Projectible be r => (TablePrefix -> Text -> BeamSqlBackendFromSyntax be) -> (Text -> r) -> (r -> Maybe (WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax be))) -> ((Text, r) -> next) -> QF be db s next 
QArbitraryJoin :: Projectible be r => QM be db (QNested s) r -> (BeamSqlBackendFromSyntax be -> BeamSqlBackendFromSyntax be -> Maybe (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax be) -> BeamSqlBackendFromSyntax be) -> (r -> Maybe (WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax be))) -> (r -> next) -> QF be db s next 
QTwoWayJoin :: (Projectible be a, Projectible be b) => QM be db (QNested s) a -> QM be db (QNested s) b -> (BeamSqlBackendFromSyntax be -> BeamSqlBackendFromSyntax be -> Maybe (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax be) -> BeamSqlBackendFromSyntax be) -> ((a, b) -> Maybe (WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax be))) -> ((a, b) -> next) -> QF be db s next 
QSubSelect :: Projectible be r => QM be db (QNested s) r -> (r -> next) -> QF be db s next 
QGuard :: WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax be) -> next -> QF be db s next 
QLimit :: Projectible be r => Integer -> QM be db (QNested s) r -> (r -> next) -> QF be db s next 
QOffset :: Projectible be r => Integer -> QM be db (QNested s) r -> (r -> next) -> QF be db s next 
QSetOp :: Projectible be r => (BeamSqlBackendSelectTableSyntax be -> BeamSqlBackendSelectTableSyntax be -> BeamSqlBackendSelectTableSyntax be) -> QM be db (QNested s) r -> QM be db (QNested s) r -> (r -> next) -> QF be db s next 
QOrderBy :: Projectible be r => (r -> WithExprContext [BeamSqlBackendOrderingSyntax be]) -> QM be db (QNested s) r -> (r -> next) -> QF be db s next 
QWindowOver :: (ProjectibleWithPredicate WindowFrameContext be (WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendWindowFrameSyntax' be)) window, Projectible be r, Projectible be a) => (r -> window) -> (r -> window -> a) -> QM be db (QNested s) r -> (a -> next) -> QF be db s next 
QAggregate :: (Projectible be grouping, Projectible be a) => (a -> TablePrefix -> (Maybe (BeamSqlBackendGroupingSyntax be), grouping)) -> QM be db (QNested s) a -> (grouping -> next) -> QF be db s next 
QForceSelect :: Projectible be r => (r -> BeamSqlBackendSelectTableSyntax be -> [BeamSqlBackendOrderingSyntax be] -> Maybe Integer -> Maybe Integer -> BeamSqlBackendSelectSyntax be) -> QM be db (QNested s) r -> (r -> next) -> QF be db s next 
Functor (QF be db s) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


fmap :: (a -> b) -> QF be db s a -> QF be db s b #

(<$) :: a -> QF be db s b -> QF be db s a #

type QM be db s = F (QF be db s) Source #

newtype Q be (db :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) s a Source #

The type of queries over the database db returning results of type a. The s argument is a threading argument meant to restrict cross-usage of QGenExprs. syntax represents the SQL syntax that this query is building.




Monad (Q be db s) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


(>>=) :: Q be db s a -> (a -> Q be db s b) -> Q be db s b #

(>>) :: Q be db s a -> Q be db s b -> Q be db s b #

return :: a -> Q be db s a #

fail :: String -> Q be db s a #

Functor (Q be db s) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Q be db s a -> Q be db s b #

(<$) :: a -> Q be db s b -> Q be db s a #

Applicative (Q be db s) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


pure :: a -> Q be db s a #

(<*>) :: Q be db s (a -> b) -> Q be db s a -> Q be db s b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Q be db s a -> Q be db s b -> Q be db s c #

(*>) :: Q be db s a -> Q be db s b -> Q be db s b #

(<*) :: Q be db s a -> Q be db s b -> Q be db s a #

data QField s ty Source #


Beamable t => ProjectibleWithPredicate AnyType () Text (t (Nullable (QField s))) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


project' :: Monad m => Proxy AnyType -> Proxy ((), Text) -> (forall context. AnyType context => Proxy context -> Proxy () -> Text -> m Text) -> t (Nullable (QField s)) -> m (t (Nullable (QField s))) Source #

projectSkeleton' :: Monad m => Proxy AnyType -> Proxy ((), Text) -> (forall context. AnyType context => Proxy context -> Proxy () -> m Text) -> m (t (Nullable (QField s))) Source #

Beamable t => ProjectibleWithPredicate AnyType () Text (t (QField s)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


project' :: Monad m => Proxy AnyType -> Proxy ((), Text) -> (forall context. AnyType context => Proxy context -> Proxy () -> Text -> m Text) -> t (QField s) -> m (t (QField s)) Source #

projectSkeleton' :: Monad m => Proxy AnyType -> Proxy ((), Text) -> (forall context. AnyType context => Proxy context -> Proxy () -> m Text) -> m (t (QField s)) Source #

ProjectibleWithPredicate AnyType () Text (QField s a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


project' :: Monad m => Proxy AnyType -> Proxy ((), Text) -> (forall context. AnyType context => Proxy context -> Proxy () -> Text -> m Text) -> QField s a -> m (QField s a) Source #

projectSkeleton' :: Monad m => Proxy AnyType -> Proxy ((), Text) -> (forall context. AnyType context => Proxy context -> Proxy () -> m Text) -> m (QField s a) Source #

Eq (QField s ty) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


(==) :: QField s ty -> QField s ty -> Bool #

(/=) :: QField s ty -> QField s ty -> Bool #

Ord (QField s ty) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


compare :: QField s ty -> QField s ty -> Ordering #

(<) :: QField s ty -> QField s ty -> Bool #

(<=) :: QField s ty -> QField s ty -> Bool #

(>) :: QField s ty -> QField s ty -> Bool #

(>=) :: QField s ty -> QField s ty -> Bool #

max :: QField s ty -> QField s ty -> QField s ty #

min :: QField s ty -> QField s ty -> QField s ty #

Show (QField s ty) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


showsPrec :: Int -> QField s ty -> ShowS #

show :: QField s ty -> String #

showList :: [QField s ty] -> ShowS #

newtype QAssignment be s Source #

Semigroup (QAssignment be s) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


(<>) :: QAssignment be s -> QAssignment be s -> QAssignment be s #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (QAssignment be s) -> QAssignment be s #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> QAssignment be s -> QAssignment be s #

Monoid (QAssignment be s) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


mempty :: QAssignment be s #

mappend :: QAssignment be s -> QAssignment be s -> QAssignment be s #

mconcat :: [QAssignment be s] -> QAssignment be s #

newtype QFieldAssignment be tbl a Source #


QFieldAssignment (forall s. tbl (QExpr be s) -> Maybe (QExpr be s a)) 

QGenExpr type

data QAggregateContext Source #

type ContextName QAggregateContext Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

type ContextName QAggregateContext = "an aggregate"

data QGroupingContext Source #

Beamable tbl => QGroupable (tbl (Nullable (QExpr be s))) (tbl (Nullable (QGroupExpr be s))) Source #

group_ for any Beamable type. Adds every field in the type to the grouping key. This is the equivalent of including the grouping expression of each field in the type as part of the aggregate projection

Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Aggregate


group_ :: tbl (Nullable (QExpr be s)) -> tbl (Nullable (QGroupExpr be s)) Source #

Beamable tbl => QGroupable (tbl (QExpr be s)) (tbl (QGroupExpr be s)) Source #

group_ for any Beamable type. Adds every field in the type to the grouping key. This is the equivalent of including the grouping expression of each field in the type as part of the aggregate projection

Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Aggregate


group_ :: tbl (QExpr be s) -> tbl (QGroupExpr be s) Source #

QGroupable (QExpr be s a) (QGroupExpr be s a) Source #

group_ for simple value expressions.

Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Aggregate


group_ :: QExpr be s a -> QGroupExpr be s a Source #

type ContextName QGroupingContext Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

type ContextName QGroupingContext = "an aggregate grouping"

data QValueContext Source #

(Table t, BeamSqlBackend be) => SqlJustable (t (QExpr be s)) (t (Nullable (QExpr be s))) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Combinators


just_ :: t (QExpr be s) -> t (Nullable (QExpr be s)) Source #

nothing_ :: t (Nullable (QExpr be s)) Source #

Beamable tbl => QGroupable (tbl (Nullable (QExpr be s))) (tbl (Nullable (QGroupExpr be s))) Source #

group_ for any Beamable type. Adds every field in the type to the grouping key. This is the equivalent of including the grouping expression of each field in the type as part of the aggregate projection

Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Aggregate


group_ :: tbl (Nullable (QExpr be s)) -> tbl (Nullable (QGroupExpr be s)) Source #

Beamable tbl => QGroupable (tbl (QExpr be s)) (tbl (QGroupExpr be s)) Source #

group_ for any Beamable type. Adds every field in the type to the grouping key. This is the equivalent of including the grouping expression of each field in the type as part of the aggregate projection

Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Aggregate


group_ :: tbl (QExpr be s) -> tbl (QGroupExpr be s) Source #

(Table t, BeamSqlBackend be) => SqlJustable (PrimaryKey t (QExpr be s)) (PrimaryKey t (Nullable (QExpr be s))) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Combinators


just_ :: PrimaryKey t (QExpr be s) -> PrimaryKey t (Nullable (QExpr be s)) Source #

nothing_ :: PrimaryKey t (Nullable (QExpr be s)) Source #

BeamSqlBackend be => SqlJustable (QExpr be s a) (QExpr be s (Maybe a)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Combinators


just_ :: QExpr be s a -> QExpr be s (Maybe a) Source #

nothing_ :: QExpr be s (Maybe a) Source #

QGroupable (QExpr be s a) (QGroupExpr be s a) Source #

group_ for simple value expressions.

Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Aggregate


group_ :: QExpr be s a -> QGroupExpr be s a Source #

type ContextName QValueContext Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

type ContextName QValueContext = "a value"

data QWindowingContext Source #

type ContextName QWindowingContext Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

type ContextName QWindowingContext = "a window expression"

newtype QGenExpr context be s t Source #

The type of lifted beam expressions that will yield the haskell type t.

context is a type-level representation of the types of expressions this can contain. For example, QAggregateContext represents expressions that may contain aggregates, and QWindowingContext represents expressions that may contain OVER.

syntax is the expression syntax being built (usually a type that implements IsSql92ExpressionSyntax at least, but not always).

s is a state threading parameter that prevents QGenExprs from incompatible sources to be combined. For example, this is used to prevent monadic joins from depending on the result of previous joins (so-called LATERAL joins).

(Beamable t, contextPredicate context) => ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be (WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be)) (t (Nullable (QGenExpr context be s))) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


project' :: Monad m => Proxy contextPredicate -> Proxy (be, WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be)) -> (forall context0. contextPredicate context0 => Proxy context0 -> Proxy be -> WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be) -> m (WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be))) -> t (Nullable (QGenExpr context be s)) -> m (t (Nullable (QGenExpr context be s))) Source #

projectSkeleton' :: Monad m => Proxy contextPredicate -> Proxy (be, WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be)) -> (forall context0. contextPredicate context0 => Proxy context0 -> Proxy be -> m (WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be))) -> m (t (Nullable (QGenExpr context be s))) Source #

(Beamable t, contextPredicate context) => ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be (WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be)) (t (QGenExpr context be s)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


project' :: Monad m => Proxy contextPredicate -> Proxy (be, WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be)) -> (forall context0. contextPredicate context0 => Proxy context0 -> Proxy be -> WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be) -> m (WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be))) -> t (QGenExpr context be s) -> m (t (QGenExpr context be s)) Source #

projectSkeleton' :: Monad m => Proxy contextPredicate -> Proxy (be, WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be)) -> (forall context0. contextPredicate context0 => Proxy context0 -> Proxy be -> m (WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be))) -> m (t (QGenExpr context be s)) Source #

contextPredicate context => ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be (WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be)) (QGenExpr context be s a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


project' :: Monad m => Proxy contextPredicate -> Proxy (be, WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be)) -> (forall context0. contextPredicate context0 => Proxy context0 -> Proxy be -> WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be) -> m (WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be))) -> QGenExpr context be s a -> m (QGenExpr context be s a) Source #

projectSkeleton' :: Monad m => Proxy contextPredicate -> Proxy (be, WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be)) -> (forall context0. contextPredicate context0 => Proxy context0 -> Proxy be -> m (WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be))) -> m (QGenExpr context be s a) Source #

Beamable tbl => ThreadRewritable s (tbl (Nullable (QGenExpr ctxt syntax s))) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

Associated Types

type WithRewrittenThread s s' (tbl (Nullable (QGenExpr ctxt syntax s))) :: Type Source #


rewriteThread :: Proxy s' -> tbl (Nullable (QGenExpr ctxt syntax s)) -> WithRewrittenThread s s' (tbl (Nullable (QGenExpr ctxt syntax s))) Source #

Beamable tbl => ThreadRewritable s (tbl (QGenExpr ctxt syntax s)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

Associated Types

type WithRewrittenThread s s' (tbl (QGenExpr ctxt syntax s)) :: Type Source #


rewriteThread :: Proxy s' -> tbl (QGenExpr ctxt syntax s) -> WithRewrittenThread s s' (tbl (QGenExpr ctxt syntax s)) Source #

(BeamSqlBackend be, Beamable t) => SqlDeconstructMaybe be (t (Nullable (QGenExpr ctxt be s))) (t (QGenExpr ctxt be s)) s Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Combinators


isJust_ :: t (Nullable (QGenExpr ctxt be s)) -> QGenExpr ctxt0 be s Bool Source #

isNothing_ :: t (Nullable (QGenExpr ctxt be s)) -> QGenExpr ctxt0 be s Bool Source #

maybe_ :: QGenExpr ctxt0 be s y -> (t (QGenExpr ctxt be s) -> QGenExpr ctxt0 be s y) -> t (Nullable (QGenExpr ctxt be s)) -> QGenExpr ctxt0 be s y Source #

ThreadRewritable s (QGenExpr ctxt syntax s a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

Associated Types

type WithRewrittenThread s s' (QGenExpr ctxt syntax s a) :: Type Source #


rewriteThread :: Proxy s' -> QGenExpr ctxt syntax s a -> WithRewrittenThread s s' (QGenExpr ctxt syntax s a) Source #

BeamSqlBackend be => SqlDeconstructMaybe be (QGenExpr ctxt be s (Maybe x)) (QGenExpr ctxt be s x) s Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Combinators


isJust_ :: QGenExpr ctxt be s (Maybe x) -> QGenExpr ctxt0 be s Bool Source #

isNothing_ :: QGenExpr ctxt be s (Maybe x) -> QGenExpr ctxt0 be s Bool Source #

maybe_ :: QGenExpr ctxt0 be s y -> (QGenExpr ctxt be s x -> QGenExpr ctxt0 be s y) -> QGenExpr ctxt be s (Maybe x) -> QGenExpr ctxt0 be s y Source #

Beamable tbl => ContextRewritable (tbl (Nullable (QGenExpr old syntax s))) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

Associated Types

type WithRewrittenContext (tbl (Nullable (QGenExpr old syntax s))) ctxt :: Type Source #


rewriteContext :: Proxy ctxt -> tbl (Nullable (QGenExpr old syntax s)) -> WithRewrittenContext (tbl (Nullable (QGenExpr old syntax s))) ctxt Source #

Beamable tbl => ContextRewritable (tbl (QGenExpr old syntax s)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

Associated Types

type WithRewrittenContext (tbl (QGenExpr old syntax s)) ctxt :: Type Source #


rewriteContext :: Proxy ctxt -> tbl (QGenExpr old syntax s) -> WithRewrittenContext (tbl (QGenExpr old syntax s)) ctxt Source #

(Beamable table, BeamSqlBackend be, FieldsFulfillConstraintNullable (BeamSqlBackendCanSerialize be) table) => SqlValable (table (Nullable (QGenExpr ctxt be s))) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Combinators


val_ :: HaskellLiteralForQExpr (table (Nullable (QGenExpr ctxt be s))) -> table (Nullable (QGenExpr ctxt be s)) Source #

(Beamable table, BeamSqlBackend be, FieldsFulfillConstraint (BeamSqlBackendCanSerialize be) table) => SqlValable (table (QGenExpr ctxt be s)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Combinators


val_ :: HaskellLiteralForQExpr (table (QGenExpr ctxt be s)) -> table (QGenExpr ctxt be s) Source #

(Table t, BeamSqlBackend be) => SqlJustable (t (QExpr be s)) (t (Nullable (QExpr be s))) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Combinators


just_ :: t (QExpr be s) -> t (Nullable (QExpr be s)) Source #

nothing_ :: t (Nullable (QExpr be s)) Source #

Beamable tbl => QGroupable (tbl (Nullable (QExpr be s))) (tbl (Nullable (QGroupExpr be s))) Source #

group_ for any Beamable type. Adds every field in the type to the grouping key. This is the equivalent of including the grouping expression of each field in the type as part of the aggregate projection

Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Aggregate


group_ :: tbl (Nullable (QExpr be s)) -> tbl (Nullable (QGroupExpr be s)) Source #

Beamable tbl => QGroupable (tbl (QExpr be s)) (tbl (QGroupExpr be s)) Source #

group_ for any Beamable type. Adds every field in the type to the grouping key. This is the equivalent of including the grouping expression of each field in the type as part of the aggregate projection

Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Aggregate


group_ :: tbl (QExpr be s) -> tbl (QGroupExpr be s) Source #

(Table t, BeamSqlBackend be) => SqlJustable (PrimaryKey t (QExpr be s)) (PrimaryKey t (Nullable (QExpr be s))) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Combinators


just_ :: PrimaryKey t (QExpr be s) -> PrimaryKey t (Nullable (QExpr be s)) Source #

nothing_ :: PrimaryKey t (Nullable (QExpr be s)) Source #

(BeamSqlBackend be, Beamable tbl, FieldsFulfillConstraintNullable (HasSqlEqualityCheck be) tbl) => SqlEq (QGenExpr context be s) (tbl (Nullable (QGenExpr context be s))) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Ord


(==.) :: tbl (Nullable (QGenExpr context be s)) -> tbl (Nullable (QGenExpr context be s)) -> QGenExpr context be s Bool Source #

(/=.) :: tbl (Nullable (QGenExpr context be s)) -> tbl (Nullable (QGenExpr context be s)) -> QGenExpr context be s Bool Source #

(==?.) :: tbl (Nullable (QGenExpr context be s)) -> tbl (Nullable (QGenExpr context be s)) -> QGenExpr context be s SqlBool Source #

(/=?.) :: tbl (Nullable (QGenExpr context be s)) -> tbl (Nullable (QGenExpr context be s)) -> QGenExpr context be s SqlBool Source #

(BeamSqlBackend be, Beamable tbl, FieldsFulfillConstraint (HasSqlEqualityCheck be) tbl) => SqlEq (QGenExpr context be s) (tbl (QGenExpr context be s)) Source #

Compare two arbitrary Beamable types containing QGenExprs for equality.

Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Ord


(==.) :: tbl (QGenExpr context be s) -> tbl (QGenExpr context be s) -> QGenExpr context be s Bool Source #

(/=.) :: tbl (QGenExpr context be s) -> tbl (QGenExpr context be s) -> QGenExpr context be s Bool Source #

(==?.) :: tbl (QGenExpr context be s) -> tbl (QGenExpr context be s) -> QGenExpr context be s SqlBool Source #

(/=?.) :: tbl (QGenExpr context be s) -> tbl (QGenExpr context be s) -> QGenExpr context be s SqlBool Source #

(HasSqlInTable be, Beamable table) => SqlIn (QGenExpr context be s) (table (QGenExpr context be s)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Ord


in_ :: table (QGenExpr context be s) -> [table (QGenExpr context be s)] -> QGenExpr context be s Bool Source #

BeamSqlBackend be => SqlJustable (QExpr be s a) (QExpr be s (Maybe a)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Combinators


just_ :: QExpr be s a -> QExpr be s (Maybe a) Source #

nothing_ :: QExpr be s (Maybe a) Source #

QGroupable (QExpr be s a) (QGroupExpr be s a) Source #

group_ for simple value expressions.

Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Aggregate


group_ :: QExpr be s a -> QGroupExpr be s a Source #

BeamSqlBackend be => SqlOrdQuantified (QGenExpr context be s) (QQuantified be s a) (QGenExpr context be s a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Ord


(<*.) :: QGenExpr context be s a -> QQuantified be s a -> QGenExpr context be s Bool Source #

(>*.) :: QGenExpr context be s a -> QQuantified be s a -> QGenExpr context be s Bool Source #

(<=*.) :: QGenExpr context be s a -> QQuantified be s a -> QGenExpr context be s Bool Source #

(>=*.) :: QGenExpr context be s a -> QQuantified be s a -> QGenExpr context be s Bool Source #

(BeamSqlBackend be, HasSqlQuantifiedEqualityCheck be a) => SqlEqQuantified (QGenExpr context be s) (QQuantified be s a) (QGenExpr context be s a) Source #

Two arbitrary expressions can be quantifiably compared for equality.

Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Ord


(==*.) :: QGenExpr context be s a -> QQuantified be s a -> QGenExpr context be s SqlBool Source #

(/=*.) :: QGenExpr context be s a -> QQuantified be s a -> QGenExpr context be s SqlBool Source #

Retaggable (QGenExpr ctxt expr s) (QGenExpr ctxt expr s t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

Associated Types

type Retag tag (QGenExpr ctxt expr s t) :: Type Source #


retag :: (forall a. Columnar' (QGenExpr ctxt expr s) a -> Columnar' (tag (QGenExpr ctxt expr s)) a) -> QGenExpr ctxt expr s t -> Retag tag (QGenExpr ctxt expr s t) Source #

BeamSqlBackend be => SqlOrd (QGenExpr context be s) (QGenExpr context be s a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Ord


(<.) :: QGenExpr context be s a -> QGenExpr context be s a -> QGenExpr context be s Bool Source #

(>.) :: QGenExpr context be s a -> QGenExpr context be s a -> QGenExpr context be s Bool Source #

(<=.) :: QGenExpr context be s a -> QGenExpr context be s a -> QGenExpr context be s Bool Source #

(>=.) :: QGenExpr context be s a -> QGenExpr context be s a -> QGenExpr context be s Bool Source #

(BeamSqlBackend be, HasSqlEqualityCheck be a) => SqlEq (QGenExpr context be s) (QGenExpr context be s a) Source #

Compare two arbitrary expressions (of the same type) for equality

Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Ord


(==.) :: QGenExpr context be s a -> QGenExpr context be s a -> QGenExpr context be s Bool Source #

(/=.) :: QGenExpr context be s a -> QGenExpr context be s a -> QGenExpr context be s Bool Source #

(==?.) :: QGenExpr context be s a -> QGenExpr context be s a -> QGenExpr context be s SqlBool Source #

(/=?.) :: QGenExpr context be s a -> QGenExpr context be s a -> QGenExpr context be s SqlBool Source #

BeamSqlBackend be => SqlIn (QGenExpr context be s) (QGenExpr context be s a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Ord


in_ :: QGenExpr context be s a -> [QGenExpr context be s a] -> QGenExpr context be s Bool Source #

BeamSqlBackend be => Eq (QGenExpr context be s t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


(==) :: QGenExpr context be s t -> QGenExpr context be s t -> Bool #

(/=) :: QGenExpr context be s t -> QGenExpr context be s t -> Bool #

(Fractional a, BeamSqlBackend be, BeamSqlBackendCanSerialize be a) => Fractional (QGenExpr context be s a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


(/) :: QGenExpr context be s a -> QGenExpr context be s a -> QGenExpr context be s a #

recip :: QGenExpr context be s a -> QGenExpr context be s a #

fromRational :: Rational -> QGenExpr context be s a #

(Num a, BeamSqlBackend be, BeamSqlBackendCanSerialize be a) => Num (QGenExpr context be s a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


(+) :: QGenExpr context be s a -> QGenExpr context be s a -> QGenExpr context be s a #

(-) :: QGenExpr context be s a -> QGenExpr context be s a -> QGenExpr context be s a #

(*) :: QGenExpr context be s a -> QGenExpr context be s a -> QGenExpr context be s a #

negate :: QGenExpr context be s a -> QGenExpr context be s a #

abs :: QGenExpr context be s a -> QGenExpr context be s a #

signum :: QGenExpr context be s a -> QGenExpr context be s a #

fromInteger :: Integer -> QGenExpr context be s a #

(BeamSqlBackend backend, BeamSqlBackendCanSerialize backend [Char]) => IsString (QGenExpr context backend s Text) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


fromString :: String -> QGenExpr context backend s Text #

ContextRewritable (QGenExpr old syntax s a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

Associated Types

type WithRewrittenContext (QGenExpr old syntax s a) ctxt :: Type Source #


rewriteContext :: Proxy ctxt -> QGenExpr old syntax s a -> WithRewrittenContext (QGenExpr old syntax s a) ctxt Source #

(BeamSqlBackendCanSerialize be a, BeamSqlBackend be) => SqlValable (QGenExpr ctxt be s a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Combinators


val_ :: HaskellLiteralForQExpr (QGenExpr ctxt be s a) -> QGenExpr ctxt be s a Source #

type WithRewrittenThread s s' (tbl (Nullable (QGenExpr ctxt syntax s))) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

type WithRewrittenThread s s' (tbl (Nullable (QGenExpr ctxt syntax s))) = tbl (Nullable (QGenExpr ctxt syntax s'))
type WithRewrittenThread s s' (tbl (QGenExpr ctxt syntax s)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

type WithRewrittenThread s s' (tbl (QGenExpr ctxt syntax s)) = tbl (QGenExpr ctxt syntax s')
type WithRewrittenThread s s' (QGenExpr ctxt syntax s a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

type WithRewrittenThread s s' (QGenExpr ctxt syntax s a) = QGenExpr ctxt syntax s' a
type Retag tag (QGenExpr ctxt expr s t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

type Retag tag (QGenExpr ctxt expr s t) = Columnar (tag (QGenExpr ctxt expr s)) t
type QExprToField (table (Nullable (QGenExpr context syntax s))) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Types

type QExprToField (table (Nullable (QGenExpr context syntax s))) = table (Nullable (QField s))
type QExprToField (table (QGenExpr context syntax s)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Types

type QExprToField (table (QGenExpr context syntax s)) = table (QField s)
type QExprToIdentity (table (QGenExpr context syntax s)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Types

type QExprToIdentity (table (QGenExpr context syntax s)) = table Identity
type HaskellLiteralForQExpr (table (QGenExpr context be s)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Combinators

type HaskellLiteralForQExpr (table (QGenExpr context be s)) = table Identity
type WithRewrittenContext (tbl (Nullable (QGenExpr old syntax s))) ctxt Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

type WithRewrittenContext (tbl (Nullable (QGenExpr old syntax s))) ctxt = tbl (Nullable (QGenExpr ctxt syntax s))
type WithRewrittenContext (tbl (QGenExpr old syntax s)) ctxt Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

type WithRewrittenContext (tbl (QGenExpr old syntax s)) ctxt = tbl (QGenExpr ctxt syntax s)
type QExprToField (QGenExpr ctxt syntax s a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Types

type QExprToField (QGenExpr ctxt syntax s a) = QField s a
type QExprToIdentity (QGenExpr context syntax s a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Types

type QExprToIdentity (QGenExpr context syntax s a) = a
type HaskellLiteralForQExpr (QGenExpr context be s a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Combinators

type HaskellLiteralForQExpr (QGenExpr context be s a) = a
type WithRewrittenContext (QGenExpr old syntax s a) ctxt Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

type WithRewrittenContext (QGenExpr old syntax s a) ctxt = QGenExpr ctxt syntax s a

newtype QOrd be s t Source #

SqlOrderable be (QOrd be s a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Combinators

type QExpr = QGenExpr QValueContext Source #

QGenExprs represent expressions not containing aggregates.

newtype QWindow be s Source #

contextPredicate QWindowFrameContext => ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be (WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendWindowFrameSyntax' be)) (QWindow be s) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


project' :: Monad m => Proxy contextPredicate -> Proxy (be, WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendWindowFrameSyntax' be)) -> (forall context. contextPredicate context => Proxy context -> Proxy be -> WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendWindowFrameSyntax' be) -> m (WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendWindowFrameSyntax' be))) -> QWindow be s -> m (QWindow be s) Source #

projectSkeleton' :: Monad m => Proxy contextPredicate -> Proxy (be, WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendWindowFrameSyntax' be)) -> (forall context. contextPredicate context => Proxy context -> Proxy be -> m (WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendWindowFrameSyntax' be))) -> m (QWindow be s) Source #

unsafeRetype :: QGenExpr ctxt be s a -> QGenExpr ctxt be s a' Source #

Sql Projections

class Typeable context => AggregateContext context Source #

Typeclass for all haskell data types that can be used to create a projection in a SQL select statement. This includes all tables as well as all tuple classes. Projections are only defined on tuples up to size 5. If you need more, follow the implementations here.

(IsAggregateContext a, Typeable a) => AggregateContext a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

type family ContextName a :: Symbol Source #

type ContextName QWindowFrameContext Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

type ContextName QWindowFrameContext = "a window frame"
type ContextName QWindowingContext Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

type ContextName QWindowingContext = "a window expression"
type ContextName QValueContext Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

type ContextName QValueContext = "a value"
type ContextName QGroupingContext Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

type ContextName QGroupingContext = "an aggregate grouping"
type ContextName QAggregateContext Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

type ContextName QAggregateContext = "an aggregate"

type family IsAggregateContext a :: Constraint where ... Source #


IsAggregateContext QAggregateContext = () 
IsAggregateContext QGroupingContext = () 
IsAggregateContext a = TypeError ((Text "Non-aggregate expression where aggregate expected." :$$: ((Text "Got " :<>: Text (ContextName a)) :<>: Text ". Expected an aggregate or a grouping")) :$$: AggregateContextSuggestion a) 

type family AggregateContextSuggestion a :: ErrorMessage where ... Source #


AggregateContextSuggestion QValueContext = Text "Perhaps you forgot to wrap a value expression with 'group_'" 
AggregateContextSuggestion QWindowingContext = Text "Perhaps you meant to use 'window_' instead of 'aggregate_'" 
AggregateContextSuggestion b = Text "" 

class Typeable context => ValueContext context Source #

(IsValueContext a, Typeable a, a ~ QValueContext) => ValueContext a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

class Typeable context => WindowFrameContext context Source #

(Typeable context, IsWindowFrameContext context, context ~ QWindowFrameContext) => WindowFrameContext context Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

type family IsWindowFrameContext a :: Constraint where ... Source #


IsWindowFrameContext QWindowFrameContext = () 
IsWindowFrameContext a = TypeError (Text "Expected window frame." :$$: ((Text "Got " :<>: Text (ContextName a)) :<>: Text ". Expected a window frame")) 

class AnyType a Source #

AnyType a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

Beamable t => ProjectibleWithPredicate AnyType () res (t (Const res :: Type -> Type)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


project' :: Monad m => Proxy AnyType -> Proxy ((), res) -> (forall context. AnyType context => Proxy context -> Proxy () -> res -> m res) -> t (Const res) -> m (t (Const res)) Source #

projectSkeleton' :: Monad m => Proxy AnyType -> Proxy ((), res) -> (forall context. AnyType context => Proxy context -> Proxy () -> m res) -> m (t (Const res)) Source #

Beamable t => ProjectibleWithPredicate AnyType () Text (t (Nullable (Const Text :: Type -> Type))) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


project' :: Monad m => Proxy AnyType -> Proxy ((), Text) -> (forall context. AnyType context => Proxy context -> Proxy () -> Text -> m Text) -> t (Nullable (Const Text)) -> m (t (Nullable (Const Text))) Source #

projectSkeleton' :: Monad m => Proxy AnyType -> Proxy ((), Text) -> (forall context. AnyType context => Proxy context -> Proxy () -> m Text) -> m (t (Nullable (Const Text))) Source #

Beamable t => ProjectibleWithPredicate AnyType () Text (t (Nullable (QField s))) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


project' :: Monad m => Proxy AnyType -> Proxy ((), Text) -> (forall context. AnyType context => Proxy context -> Proxy () -> Text -> m Text) -> t (Nullable (QField s)) -> m (t (Nullable (QField s))) Source #

projectSkeleton' :: Monad m => Proxy AnyType -> Proxy ((), Text) -> (forall context. AnyType context => Proxy context -> Proxy () -> m Text) -> m (t (Nullable (QField s))) Source #

Beamable t => ProjectibleWithPredicate AnyType () Text (t (QField s)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


project' :: Monad m => Proxy AnyType -> Proxy ((), Text) -> (forall context. AnyType context => Proxy context -> Proxy () -> Text -> m Text) -> t (QField s) -> m (t (QField s)) Source #

projectSkeleton' :: Monad m => Proxy AnyType -> Proxy ((), Text) -> (forall context. AnyType context => Proxy context -> Proxy () -> m Text) -> m (t (QField s)) Source #

ProjectibleWithPredicate AnyType () Text (QField s a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


project' :: Monad m => Proxy AnyType -> Proxy ((), Text) -> (forall context. AnyType context => Proxy context -> Proxy () -> Text -> m Text) -> QField s a -> m (QField s a) Source #

projectSkeleton' :: Monad m => Proxy AnyType -> Proxy ((), Text) -> (forall context. AnyType context => Proxy context -> Proxy () -> m Text) -> m (QField s a) Source #

ProjectibleWithPredicate AnyType () res (Const res a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


project' :: Monad m => Proxy AnyType -> Proxy ((), res) -> (forall context. AnyType context => Proxy context -> Proxy () -> res -> m res) -> Const res a -> m (Const res a) Source #

projectSkeleton' :: Monad m => Proxy AnyType -> Proxy ((), res) -> (forall context. AnyType context => Proxy context -> Proxy () -> m res) -> m (Const res a) Source #

type family IsValueContext a :: Constraint where ... Source #


IsValueContext QValueContext = () 
IsValueContext a = TypeError ((Text "Non-scalar context in projection" :$$: ((Text "Got " :<>: Text (ContextName a)) :<>: Text ". Expected a value")) :$$: ValueContextSuggestion a) 

type family ValueContextSuggestion a :: ErrorMessage where ... Source #


ValueContextSuggestion QWindowingContext = Text "Use 'window_' to projecct aggregate expressions to the value level" 
ValueContextSuggestion QAggregateContext = Text "Aggregate functions and groupings cannot be contained in value expressions." :$$: Text "Use 'aggregate_' to compute aggregations at the value level." 
ValueContextSuggestion QGroupingContext = ValueContextSuggestion QAggregateContext 
ValueContextSuggestion _ = Text "" 

class ThreadRewritable (s :: Type) (a :: Type) | a -> s where Source #

Associated Types

type WithRewrittenThread s (s' :: Type) a :: Type Source #


rewriteThread :: Proxy s' -> a -> WithRewrittenThread s s' a Source #

ThreadRewritable s a => ThreadRewritable s [a] Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

Associated Types

type WithRewrittenThread s s' [a] :: Type Source #


rewriteThread :: Proxy s' -> [a] -> WithRewrittenThread s s' [a] Source #

Beamable tbl => ThreadRewritable s (tbl (Nullable (QGenExpr ctxt syntax s))) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

Associated Types

type WithRewrittenThread s s' (tbl (Nullable (QGenExpr ctxt syntax s))) :: Type Source #


rewriteThread :: Proxy s' -> tbl (Nullable (QGenExpr ctxt syntax s)) -> WithRewrittenThread s s' (tbl (Nullable (QGenExpr ctxt syntax s))) Source #

Beamable tbl => ThreadRewritable s (tbl (QGenExpr ctxt syntax s)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

Associated Types

type WithRewrittenThread s s' (tbl (QGenExpr ctxt syntax s)) :: Type Source #


rewriteThread :: Proxy s' -> tbl (QGenExpr ctxt syntax s) -> WithRewrittenThread s s' (tbl (QGenExpr ctxt syntax s)) Source #

(ThreadRewritable s a, ThreadRewritable s b) => ThreadRewritable s (a, b) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

Associated Types

type WithRewrittenThread s s' (a, b) :: Type Source #


rewriteThread :: Proxy s' -> (a, b) -> WithRewrittenThread s s' (a, b) Source #

(ThreadRewritable s a, KnownNat n) => ThreadRewritable s (Vector n a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

Associated Types

type WithRewrittenThread s s' (Vector n a) :: Type Source #


rewriteThread :: Proxy s' -> Vector n a -> WithRewrittenThread s s' (Vector n a) Source #

(ThreadRewritable s a, ThreadRewritable s b, ThreadRewritable s c) => ThreadRewritable s (a, b, c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

Associated Types

type WithRewrittenThread s s' (a, b, c) :: Type Source #


rewriteThread :: Proxy s' -> (a, b, c) -> WithRewrittenThread s s' (a, b, c) Source #

(ThreadRewritable s a, ThreadRewritable s b, ThreadRewritable s c, ThreadRewritable s d) => ThreadRewritable s (a, b, c, d) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

Associated Types

type WithRewrittenThread s s' (a, b, c, d) :: Type Source #


rewriteThread :: Proxy s' -> (a, b, c, d) -> WithRewrittenThread s s' (a, b, c, d) Source #

ThreadRewritable s (QGenExpr ctxt syntax s a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

Associated Types

type WithRewrittenThread s s' (QGenExpr ctxt syntax s a) :: Type Source #


rewriteThread :: Proxy s' -> QGenExpr ctxt syntax s a -> WithRewrittenThread s s' (QGenExpr ctxt syntax s a) Source #

(ThreadRewritable s a, ThreadRewritable s b, ThreadRewritable s c, ThreadRewritable s d, ThreadRewritable s e) => ThreadRewritable s (a, b, c, d, e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

Associated Types

type WithRewrittenThread s s' (a, b, c, d, e) :: Type Source #


rewriteThread :: Proxy s' -> (a, b, c, d, e) -> WithRewrittenThread s s' (a, b, c, d, e) Source #

(ThreadRewritable s a, ThreadRewritable s b, ThreadRewritable s c, ThreadRewritable s d, ThreadRewritable s e, ThreadRewritable s f) => ThreadRewritable s (a, b, c, d, e, f) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

Associated Types

type WithRewrittenThread s s' (a, b, c, d, e, f) :: Type Source #


rewriteThread :: Proxy s' -> (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> WithRewrittenThread s s' (a, b, c, d, e, f) Source #

(ThreadRewritable s a, ThreadRewritable s b, ThreadRewritable s c, ThreadRewritable s d, ThreadRewritable s e, ThreadRewritable s f, ThreadRewritable s g) => ThreadRewritable s (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

Associated Types

type WithRewrittenThread s s' (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) :: Type Source #


rewriteThread :: Proxy s' -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) -> WithRewrittenThread s s' (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) Source #

(ThreadRewritable s a, ThreadRewritable s b, ThreadRewritable s c, ThreadRewritable s d, ThreadRewritable s e, ThreadRewritable s f, ThreadRewritable s g, ThreadRewritable s h) => ThreadRewritable s (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

Associated Types

type WithRewrittenThread s s' (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) :: Type Source #


rewriteThread :: Proxy s' -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) -> WithRewrittenThread s s' (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) Source #

class ContextRewritable a where Source #

Associated Types

type WithRewrittenContext a ctxt :: Type Source #


rewriteContext :: Proxy ctxt -> a -> WithRewrittenContext a ctxt Source #

ContextRewritable a => ContextRewritable [a] Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

Associated Types

type WithRewrittenContext [a] ctxt :: Type Source #


rewriteContext :: Proxy ctxt -> [a] -> WithRewrittenContext [a] ctxt Source #

Beamable tbl => ContextRewritable (tbl (Nullable (QGenExpr old syntax s))) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

Associated Types

type WithRewrittenContext (tbl (Nullable (QGenExpr old syntax s))) ctxt :: Type Source #


rewriteContext :: Proxy ctxt -> tbl (Nullable (QGenExpr old syntax s)) -> WithRewrittenContext (tbl (Nullable (QGenExpr old syntax s))) ctxt Source #

Beamable tbl => ContextRewritable (tbl (QGenExpr old syntax s)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

Associated Types

type WithRewrittenContext (tbl (QGenExpr old syntax s)) ctxt :: Type Source #


rewriteContext :: Proxy ctxt -> tbl (QGenExpr old syntax s) -> WithRewrittenContext (tbl (QGenExpr old syntax s)) ctxt Source #

(ContextRewritable a, ContextRewritable b) => ContextRewritable (a, b) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

Associated Types

type WithRewrittenContext (a, b) ctxt :: Type Source #


rewriteContext :: Proxy ctxt -> (a, b) -> WithRewrittenContext (a, b) ctxt Source #

(ContextRewritable a, KnownNat n) => ContextRewritable (Vector n a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

Associated Types

type WithRewrittenContext (Vector n a) ctxt :: Type Source #


rewriteContext :: Proxy ctxt -> Vector n a -> WithRewrittenContext (Vector n a) ctxt Source #

(ContextRewritable a, ContextRewritable b, ContextRewritable c) => ContextRewritable (a, b, c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

Associated Types

type WithRewrittenContext (a, b, c) ctxt :: Type Source #


rewriteContext :: Proxy ctxt -> (a, b, c) -> WithRewrittenContext (a, b, c) ctxt Source #

(ContextRewritable a, ContextRewritable b, ContextRewritable c, ContextRewritable d) => ContextRewritable (a, b, c, d) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

Associated Types

type WithRewrittenContext (a, b, c, d) ctxt :: Type Source #


rewriteContext :: Proxy ctxt -> (a, b, c, d) -> WithRewrittenContext (a, b, c, d) ctxt Source #

ContextRewritable (QGenExpr old syntax s a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

Associated Types

type WithRewrittenContext (QGenExpr old syntax s a) ctxt :: Type Source #


rewriteContext :: Proxy ctxt -> QGenExpr old syntax s a -> WithRewrittenContext (QGenExpr old syntax s a) ctxt Source #

(ContextRewritable a, ContextRewritable b, ContextRewritable c, ContextRewritable d, ContextRewritable e) => ContextRewritable (a, b, c, d, e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

Associated Types

type WithRewrittenContext (a, b, c, d, e) ctxt :: Type Source #


rewriteContext :: Proxy ctxt -> (a, b, c, d, e) -> WithRewrittenContext (a, b, c, d, e) ctxt Source #

(ContextRewritable a, ContextRewritable b, ContextRewritable c, ContextRewritable d, ContextRewritable e, ContextRewritable f) => ContextRewritable (a, b, c, d, e, f) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

Associated Types

type WithRewrittenContext (a, b, c, d, e, f) ctxt :: Type Source #


rewriteContext :: Proxy ctxt -> (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> WithRewrittenContext (a, b, c, d, e, f) ctxt Source #

(ContextRewritable a, ContextRewritable b, ContextRewritable c, ContextRewritable d, ContextRewritable e, ContextRewritable f, ContextRewritable g) => ContextRewritable (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

Associated Types

type WithRewrittenContext (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) ctxt :: Type Source #


rewriteContext :: Proxy ctxt -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) -> WithRewrittenContext (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) ctxt Source #

(ContextRewritable a, ContextRewritable b, ContextRewritable c, ContextRewritable d, ContextRewritable e, ContextRewritable f, ContextRewritable g, ContextRewritable h) => ContextRewritable (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal

Associated Types

type WithRewrittenContext (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) ctxt :: Type Source #


rewriteContext :: Proxy ctxt -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) -> WithRewrittenContext (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) ctxt Source #

newtype BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be Source #

(Beamable t, contextPredicate context) => ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be (WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be)) (t (Nullable (QGenExpr context be s))) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


project' :: Monad m => Proxy contextPredicate -> Proxy (be, WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be)) -> (forall context0. contextPredicate context0 => Proxy context0 -> Proxy be -> WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be) -> m (WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be))) -> t (Nullable (QGenExpr context be s)) -> m (t (Nullable (QGenExpr context be s))) Source #

projectSkeleton' :: Monad m => Proxy contextPredicate -> Proxy (be, WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be)) -> (forall context0. contextPredicate context0 => Proxy context0 -> Proxy be -> m (WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be))) -> m (t (Nullable (QGenExpr context be s))) Source #

(Beamable t, contextPredicate context) => ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be (WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be)) (t (QGenExpr context be s)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


project' :: Monad m => Proxy contextPredicate -> Proxy (be, WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be)) -> (forall context0. contextPredicate context0 => Proxy context0 -> Proxy be -> WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be) -> m (WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be))) -> t (QGenExpr context be s) -> m (t (QGenExpr context be s)) Source #

projectSkeleton' :: Monad m => Proxy contextPredicate -> Proxy (be, WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be)) -> (forall context0. contextPredicate context0 => Proxy context0 -> Proxy be -> m (WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be))) -> m (t (QGenExpr context be s)) Source #

contextPredicate context => ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be (WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be)) (QGenExpr context be s a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


project' :: Monad m => Proxy contextPredicate -> Proxy (be, WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be)) -> (forall context0. contextPredicate context0 => Proxy context0 -> Proxy be -> WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be) -> m (WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be))) -> QGenExpr context be s a -> m (QGenExpr context be s a) Source #

projectSkeleton' :: Monad m => Proxy contextPredicate -> Proxy (be, WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be)) -> (forall context0. contextPredicate context0 => Proxy context0 -> Proxy be -> m (WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be))) -> m (QGenExpr context be s a) Source #

newtype BeamSqlBackendWindowFrameSyntax' be Source #

contextPredicate QWindowFrameContext => ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be (WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendWindowFrameSyntax' be)) (QWindow be s) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


project' :: Monad m => Proxy contextPredicate -> Proxy (be, WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendWindowFrameSyntax' be)) -> (forall context. contextPredicate context => Proxy context -> Proxy be -> WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendWindowFrameSyntax' be) -> m (WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendWindowFrameSyntax' be))) -> QWindow be s -> m (QWindow be s) Source #

projectSkeleton' :: Monad m => Proxy contextPredicate -> Proxy (be, WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendWindowFrameSyntax' be)) -> (forall context. contextPredicate context => Proxy context -> Proxy be -> m (WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendWindowFrameSyntax' be))) -> m (QWindow be s) Source #

class ProjectibleWithPredicate (contextPredicate :: Type -> Constraint) be res a | a -> be where Source #


project' :: Monad m => Proxy contextPredicate -> Proxy (be, res) -> (forall context. contextPredicate context => Proxy context -> Proxy be -> res -> m res) -> a -> m a Source #

projectSkeleton' :: Monad m => Proxy contextPredicate -> Proxy (be, res) -> (forall context. contextPredicate context => Proxy context -> Proxy be -> m res) -> m a Source #

Beamable t => ProjectibleWithPredicate AnyType () res (t (Const res :: Type -> Type)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


project' :: Monad m => Proxy AnyType -> Proxy ((), res) -> (forall context. AnyType context => Proxy context -> Proxy () -> res -> m res) -> t (Const res) -> m (t (Const res)) Source #

projectSkeleton' :: Monad m => Proxy AnyType -> Proxy ((), res) -> (forall context. AnyType context => Proxy context -> Proxy () -> m res) -> m (t (Const res)) Source #

Beamable t => ProjectibleWithPredicate AnyType () Text (t (Nullable (Const Text :: Type -> Type))) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


project' :: Monad m => Proxy AnyType -> Proxy ((), Text) -> (forall context. AnyType context => Proxy context -> Proxy () -> Text -> m Text) -> t (Nullable (Const Text)) -> m (t (Nullable (Const Text))) Source #

projectSkeleton' :: Monad m => Proxy AnyType -> Proxy ((), Text) -> (forall context. AnyType context => Proxy context -> Proxy () -> m Text) -> m (t (Nullable (Const Text))) Source #

Beamable t => ProjectibleWithPredicate AnyType () Text (t (Nullable (QField s))) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


project' :: Monad m => Proxy AnyType -> Proxy ((), Text) -> (forall context. AnyType context => Proxy context -> Proxy () -> Text -> m Text) -> t (Nullable (QField s)) -> m (t (Nullable (QField s))) Source #

projectSkeleton' :: Monad m => Proxy AnyType -> Proxy ((), Text) -> (forall context. AnyType context => Proxy context -> Proxy () -> m Text) -> m (t (Nullable (QField s))) Source #

Beamable t => ProjectibleWithPredicate AnyType () Text (t (QField s)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


project' :: Monad m => Proxy AnyType -> Proxy ((), Text) -> (forall context. AnyType context => Proxy context -> Proxy () -> Text -> m Text) -> t (QField s) -> m (t (QField s)) Source #

projectSkeleton' :: Monad m => Proxy AnyType -> Proxy ((), Text) -> (forall context. AnyType context => Proxy context -> Proxy () -> m Text) -> m (t (QField s)) Source #

(ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be res a, ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be res b) => ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be res (a, b) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


project' :: Monad m => Proxy contextPredicate -> Proxy (be, res) -> (forall context. contextPredicate context => Proxy context -> Proxy be -> res -> m res) -> (a, b) -> m (a, b) Source #

projectSkeleton' :: Monad m => Proxy contextPredicate -> Proxy (be, res) -> (forall context. contextPredicate context => Proxy context -> Proxy be -> m res) -> m (a, b) Source #

(ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be res a, KnownNat n) => ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be res (Vector n a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


project' :: Monad m => Proxy contextPredicate -> Proxy (be, res) -> (forall context. contextPredicate context => Proxy context -> Proxy be -> res -> m res) -> Vector n a -> m (Vector n a) Source #

projectSkeleton' :: Monad m => Proxy contextPredicate -> Proxy (be, res) -> (forall context. contextPredicate context => Proxy context -> Proxy be -> m res) -> m (Vector n a) Source #

ProjectibleWithPredicate AnyType () Text (QField s a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


project' :: Monad m => Proxy AnyType -> Proxy ((), Text) -> (forall context. AnyType context => Proxy context -> Proxy () -> Text -> m Text) -> QField s a -> m (QField s a) Source #

projectSkeleton' :: Monad m => Proxy AnyType -> Proxy ((), Text) -> (forall context. AnyType context => Proxy context -> Proxy () -> m Text) -> m (QField s a) Source #

(ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be res a, ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be res b, ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be res c) => ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be res (a, b, c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


project' :: Monad m => Proxy contextPredicate -> Proxy (be, res) -> (forall context. contextPredicate context => Proxy context -> Proxy be -> res -> m res) -> (a, b, c) -> m (a, b, c) Source #

projectSkeleton' :: Monad m => Proxy contextPredicate -> Proxy (be, res) -> (forall context. contextPredicate context => Proxy context -> Proxy be -> m res) -> m (a, b, c) Source #

ProjectibleWithPredicate AnyType () res (Const res a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


project' :: Monad m => Proxy AnyType -> Proxy ((), res) -> (forall context. AnyType context => Proxy context -> Proxy () -> res -> m res) -> Const res a -> m (Const res a) Source #

projectSkeleton' :: Monad m => Proxy AnyType -> Proxy ((), res) -> (forall context. AnyType context => Proxy context -> Proxy () -> m res) -> m (Const res a) Source #

(ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be res a, ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be res b, ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be res c, ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be res d) => ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be res (a, b, c, d) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


project' :: Monad m => Proxy contextPredicate -> Proxy (be, res) -> (forall context. contextPredicate context => Proxy context -> Proxy be -> res -> m res) -> (a, b, c, d) -> m (a, b, c, d) Source #

projectSkeleton' :: Monad m => Proxy contextPredicate -> Proxy (be, res) -> (forall context. contextPredicate context => Proxy context -> Proxy be -> m res) -> m (a, b, c, d) Source #

(ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be res a, ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be res b, ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be res c, ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be res d, ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be res e) => ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be res (a, b, c, d, e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


project' :: Monad m => Proxy contextPredicate -> Proxy (be, res) -> (forall context. contextPredicate context => Proxy context -> Proxy be -> res -> m res) -> (a, b, c, d, e) -> m (a, b, c, d, e) Source #

projectSkeleton' :: Monad m => Proxy contextPredicate -> Proxy (be, res) -> (forall context. contextPredicate context => Proxy context -> Proxy be -> m res) -> m (a, b, c, d, e) Source #

(ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be res a, ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be res b, ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be res c, ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be res d, ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be res e, ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be res f) => ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be res (a, b, c, d, e, f) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


project' :: Monad m => Proxy contextPredicate -> Proxy (be, res) -> (forall context. contextPredicate context => Proxy context -> Proxy be -> res -> m res) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> m (a, b, c, d, e, f) Source #

projectSkeleton' :: Monad m => Proxy contextPredicate -> Proxy (be, res) -> (forall context. contextPredicate context => Proxy context -> Proxy be -> m res) -> m (a, b, c, d, e, f) Source #

(ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be res a, ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be res b, ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be res c, ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be res d, ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be res e, ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be res f, ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be res g) => ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be res (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


project' :: Monad m => Proxy contextPredicate -> Proxy (be, res) -> (forall context. contextPredicate context => Proxy context -> Proxy be -> res -> m res) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) -> m (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) Source #

projectSkeleton' :: Monad m => Proxy contextPredicate -> Proxy (be, res) -> (forall context. contextPredicate context => Proxy context -> Proxy be -> m res) -> m (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) Source #

(ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be res a, ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be res b, ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be res c, ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be res d, ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be res e, ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be res f, ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be res g, ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be res h) => ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be res (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


project' :: Monad m => Proxy contextPredicate -> Proxy (be, res) -> (forall context. contextPredicate context => Proxy context -> Proxy be -> res -> m res) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) -> m (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) Source #

projectSkeleton' :: Monad m => Proxy contextPredicate -> Proxy (be, res) -> (forall context. contextPredicate context => Proxy context -> Proxy be -> m res) -> m (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) Source #

(Beamable t, contextPredicate context) => ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be (WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be)) (t (Nullable (QGenExpr context be s))) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


project' :: Monad m => Proxy contextPredicate -> Proxy (be, WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be)) -> (forall context0. contextPredicate context0 => Proxy context0 -> Proxy be -> WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be) -> m (WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be))) -> t (Nullable (QGenExpr context be s)) -> m (t (Nullable (QGenExpr context be s))) Source #

projectSkeleton' :: Monad m => Proxy contextPredicate -> Proxy (be, WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be)) -> (forall context0. contextPredicate context0 => Proxy context0 -> Proxy be -> m (WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be))) -> m (t (Nullable (QGenExpr context be s))) Source #

(Beamable t, contextPredicate context) => ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be (WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be)) (t (QGenExpr context be s)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


project' :: Monad m => Proxy contextPredicate -> Proxy (be, WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be)) -> (forall context0. contextPredicate context0 => Proxy context0 -> Proxy be -> WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be) -> m (WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be))) -> t (QGenExpr context be s) -> m (t (QGenExpr context be s)) Source #

projectSkeleton' :: Monad m => Proxy contextPredicate -> Proxy (be, WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be)) -> (forall context0. contextPredicate context0 => Proxy context0 -> Proxy be -> m (WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be))) -> m (t (QGenExpr context be s)) Source #

contextPredicate QWindowFrameContext => ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be (WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendWindowFrameSyntax' be)) (QWindow be s) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


project' :: Monad m => Proxy contextPredicate -> Proxy (be, WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendWindowFrameSyntax' be)) -> (forall context. contextPredicate context => Proxy context -> Proxy be -> WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendWindowFrameSyntax' be) -> m (WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendWindowFrameSyntax' be))) -> QWindow be s -> m (QWindow be s) Source #

projectSkeleton' :: Monad m => Proxy contextPredicate -> Proxy (be, WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendWindowFrameSyntax' be)) -> (forall context. contextPredicate context => Proxy context -> Proxy be -> m (WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendWindowFrameSyntax' be))) -> m (QWindow be s) Source #

contextPredicate context => ProjectibleWithPredicate contextPredicate be (WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be)) (QGenExpr context be s a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Query.Internal


project' :: Monad m => Proxy contextPredicate -> Proxy (be, WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be)) -> (forall context0. contextPredicate context0 => Proxy context0 -> Proxy be -> WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be) -> m (WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be))) -> QGenExpr context be s a -> m (QGenExpr context be s a) Source #

projectSkeleton' :: Monad m => Proxy contextPredicate -> Proxy (be, WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be)) -> (forall context0. contextPredicate context0 => Proxy context0 -> Proxy be -> m (WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be))) -> m (QGenExpr context be s a) Source #

reproject :: forall be a. (BeamSqlBackend be, Projectible be a) => Proxy be -> (Int -> BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax be) -> a -> a Source #

tableFieldsToExpressions :: (BeamSqlBackend be, Beamable table) => TableSettings table -> Text -> table (QGenExpr ctxt be s) Source #

suitable as argument to QAll in the case of a table result

mkFieldsSkeleton :: forall be res m. (Projectible be res, MonadState Int m) => (Int -> m (WithExprContext (BeamSqlBackendExpressionSyntax' be))) -> m res Source #

mkFieldNames :: forall be res. (BeamSqlBackend be, Projectible be res) => (Text -> BeamSqlBackendFieldNameSyntax be) -> (res, [Text]) Source #

rescopeQ :: QM be db s res -> QM be db s' res Source #