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beam-migrate- SQL DDL support and migrations support library for Beam

Safe HaskellNone




Support for creating checked databases from Haskell ADTs, using Generics.

For more information, see the manual


Default checked database settings

defaultMigratableDbSettings :: forall syntax be db. (Generic (CheckedDatabaseSettings be db), GAutoMigratableDb syntax (Rep (CheckedDatabaseSettings be db))) => CheckedDatabaseSettings be db Source #

Produce a checked database for the given Haskell database type

See the manual for more information on the defaults.

Extending the defaulting sytem

class IsSql92DataTypeSyntax dataTypeSyntax => HasDefaultSqlDataType dataTypeSyntax ty where Source #

Used to define a default SQL data type for a haskell type in a particular data type syntax.

Beam defines instances for several standard SQL types, which are polymorphic over any standard data type syntax. Backends or extensions which provide custom types should instantiate instances of this class and HasDefaultSqlDataTypeConstraints for any types they provide for which they would like checked schema migrations

Minimal complete definition



defaultSqlDataType Source #


:: Proxy ty

Concrete representation of the type

-> Bool

True if this field is in an embedded key or table, False otherwise

-> dataTypeSyntax 

Provide a data type for the given type

IsSql99DataTypeSyntax dataTypeSyntax => HasDefaultSqlDataType dataTypeSyntax Bool Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Generics.Tables


defaultSqlDataType :: Proxy Bool -> Bool -> dataTypeSyntax Source #

IsSql92DataTypeSyntax dataTypeSyntax => HasDefaultSqlDataType dataTypeSyntax TimeOfDay Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Generics.Tables


defaultSqlDataType :: Proxy TimeOfDay -> Bool -> dataTypeSyntax Source #

IsSql92DataTypeSyntax dataTypeSyntax => HasDefaultSqlDataType dataTypeSyntax Day Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Generics.Tables


defaultSqlDataType :: Proxy Day -> Bool -> dataTypeSyntax Source #

IsSql92DataTypeSyntax dataTypeSyntax => HasDefaultSqlDataType dataTypeSyntax Scientific Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Generics.Tables


defaultSqlDataType :: Proxy Scientific -> Bool -> dataTypeSyntax Source #

IsSql92DataTypeSyntax dataTypeSyntax => HasDefaultSqlDataType dataTypeSyntax Double Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Generics.Tables


defaultSqlDataType :: Proxy Double -> Bool -> dataTypeSyntax Source #

IsSql92DataTypeSyntax dataTypeSyntax => HasDefaultSqlDataType dataTypeSyntax SqlBitString Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Generics.Tables


defaultSqlDataType :: Proxy SqlBitString -> Bool -> dataTypeSyntax Source #

IsSql92DataTypeSyntax dataTypeSyntax => HasDefaultSqlDataType dataTypeSyntax Text Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Generics.Tables


defaultSqlDataType :: Proxy Text -> Bool -> dataTypeSyntax Source #

IsSql92DataTypeSyntax dataTypeSyntax => HasDefaultSqlDataType dataTypeSyntax Word64 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Generics.Tables


defaultSqlDataType :: Proxy Word64 -> Bool -> dataTypeSyntax Source #

IsSql92DataTypeSyntax dataTypeSyntax => HasDefaultSqlDataType dataTypeSyntax Word32 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Generics.Tables


defaultSqlDataType :: Proxy Word32 -> Bool -> dataTypeSyntax Source #

IsSql92DataTypeSyntax dataTypeSyntax => HasDefaultSqlDataType dataTypeSyntax Word16 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Generics.Tables


defaultSqlDataType :: Proxy Word16 -> Bool -> dataTypeSyntax Source #

IsSql92DataTypeSyntax dataTypeSyntax => HasDefaultSqlDataType dataTypeSyntax Word Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Generics.Tables


defaultSqlDataType :: Proxy Word -> Bool -> dataTypeSyntax Source #

IsSql2008BigIntDataTypeSyntax dataTypeSyntax => HasDefaultSqlDataType dataTypeSyntax Int64 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Generics.Tables


defaultSqlDataType :: Proxy Int64 -> Bool -> dataTypeSyntax Source #

IsSql92DataTypeSyntax dataTypeSyntax => HasDefaultSqlDataType dataTypeSyntax Int16 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Generics.Tables


defaultSqlDataType :: Proxy Int16 -> Bool -> dataTypeSyntax Source #

IsSql92DataTypeSyntax dataTypeSyntax => HasDefaultSqlDataType dataTypeSyntax Int32 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Generics.Tables


defaultSqlDataType :: Proxy Int32 -> Bool -> dataTypeSyntax Source #

IsSql92DataTypeSyntax dataTypeSyntax => HasDefaultSqlDataType dataTypeSyntax Int Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Generics.Tables


defaultSqlDataType :: Proxy Int -> Bool -> dataTypeSyntax Source #

(IsSql92DataTypeSyntax dataTypeSyntax, HasDefaultSqlDataType dataTypeSyntax ty) => HasDefaultSqlDataType dataTypeSyntax (Maybe ty) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Generics.Tables


defaultSqlDataType :: Proxy (Maybe ty) -> Bool -> dataTypeSyntax Source #

class IsSql92ColumnSchemaSyntax columnSchemaSyntax => HasDefaultSqlDataTypeConstraints columnSchemaSyntax ty where Source #

Certain data types also come along with constraints. For example, SERIAL types in Postgres generate an automatic DEFAULT constraint.

You need an instance of this class for any type for which you want beam to be able to infer the SQL data type. If your data type does not have any constraint requirements, you can just declare an empty instance


defaultSqlDataTypeConstraints Source #


:: Proxy ty

Concrete representation of the type

-> Proxy columnSchemaSyntax

Concrete representation of the syntax

-> Bool

True if this field is embedded in a foreign key, False otherwise. For example, SERIAL types in postgres get a DEFAULT constraint, but SERIAL types in a foreign key do not.

-> [FieldCheck] 

Provide arbitrary constraints on a field of the requested type. See FieldCheck for more information on the formatting of constraints.

IsSql92ColumnSchemaSyntax columnSchemaSyntax => HasDefaultSqlDataTypeConstraints columnSchemaSyntax Bool Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Generics.Tables


defaultSqlDataTypeConstraints :: Proxy Bool -> Proxy columnSchemaSyntax -> Bool -> [FieldCheck] Source #

IsSql92ColumnSchemaSyntax columnSchemaSyntax => HasDefaultSqlDataTypeConstraints columnSchemaSyntax TimeOfDay Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Generics.Tables


defaultSqlDataTypeConstraints :: Proxy TimeOfDay -> Proxy columnSchemaSyntax -> Bool -> [FieldCheck] Source #

IsSql92ColumnSchemaSyntax columnSchemaSyntax => HasDefaultSqlDataTypeConstraints columnSchemaSyntax Day Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Generics.Tables


defaultSqlDataTypeConstraints :: Proxy Day -> Proxy columnSchemaSyntax -> Bool -> [FieldCheck] Source #

IsSql92ColumnSchemaSyntax columnSchemaSyntax => HasDefaultSqlDataTypeConstraints columnSchemaSyntax Scientific Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Generics.Tables


defaultSqlDataTypeConstraints :: Proxy Scientific -> Proxy columnSchemaSyntax -> Bool -> [FieldCheck] Source #

IsSql92ColumnSchemaSyntax columnSchemaSyntax => HasDefaultSqlDataTypeConstraints columnSchemaSyntax Double Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Generics.Tables


defaultSqlDataTypeConstraints :: Proxy Double -> Proxy columnSchemaSyntax -> Bool -> [FieldCheck] Source #

IsSql92ColumnSchemaSyntax columnSchemaSyntax => HasDefaultSqlDataTypeConstraints columnSchemaSyntax SqlBitString Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Generics.Tables

IsSql92ColumnSchemaSyntax columnSchemaSyntax => HasDefaultSqlDataTypeConstraints columnSchemaSyntax Text Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Generics.Tables


defaultSqlDataTypeConstraints :: Proxy Text -> Proxy columnSchemaSyntax -> Bool -> [FieldCheck] Source #

IsSql92ColumnSchemaSyntax columnSchemaSyntax => HasDefaultSqlDataTypeConstraints columnSchemaSyntax Word64 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Generics.Tables


defaultSqlDataTypeConstraints :: Proxy Word64 -> Proxy columnSchemaSyntax -> Bool -> [FieldCheck] Source #

IsSql92ColumnSchemaSyntax columnSchemaSyntax => HasDefaultSqlDataTypeConstraints columnSchemaSyntax Word32 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Generics.Tables


defaultSqlDataTypeConstraints :: Proxy Word32 -> Proxy columnSchemaSyntax -> Bool -> [FieldCheck] Source #

IsSql92ColumnSchemaSyntax columnSchemaSyntax => HasDefaultSqlDataTypeConstraints columnSchemaSyntax Word16 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Generics.Tables


defaultSqlDataTypeConstraints :: Proxy Word16 -> Proxy columnSchemaSyntax -> Bool -> [FieldCheck] Source #

IsSql92ColumnSchemaSyntax columnSchemaSyntax => HasDefaultSqlDataTypeConstraints columnSchemaSyntax Word Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Generics.Tables


defaultSqlDataTypeConstraints :: Proxy Word -> Proxy columnSchemaSyntax -> Bool -> [FieldCheck] Source #

IsSql92ColumnSchemaSyntax columnSchemaSyntax => HasDefaultSqlDataTypeConstraints columnSchemaSyntax Int64 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Generics.Tables


defaultSqlDataTypeConstraints :: Proxy Int64 -> Proxy columnSchemaSyntax -> Bool -> [FieldCheck] Source #

IsSql92ColumnSchemaSyntax columnSchemaSyntax => HasDefaultSqlDataTypeConstraints columnSchemaSyntax Int16 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Generics.Tables


defaultSqlDataTypeConstraints :: Proxy Int16 -> Proxy columnSchemaSyntax -> Bool -> [FieldCheck] Source #

IsSql92ColumnSchemaSyntax columnSchemaSyntax => HasDefaultSqlDataTypeConstraints columnSchemaSyntax Int32 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Generics.Tables


defaultSqlDataTypeConstraints :: Proxy Int32 -> Proxy columnSchemaSyntax -> Bool -> [FieldCheck] Source #

IsSql92ColumnSchemaSyntax columnSchemaSyntax => HasDefaultSqlDataTypeConstraints columnSchemaSyntax Int Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Generics.Tables


defaultSqlDataTypeConstraints :: Proxy Int -> Proxy columnSchemaSyntax -> Bool -> [FieldCheck] Source #

(IsSql92ColumnSchemaSyntax columnSchemaSyntax, HasDefaultSqlDataTypeConstraints columnSchemaSyntax ty) => HasDefaultSqlDataTypeConstraints columnSchemaSyntax (Maybe ty) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Generics.Tables


defaultSqlDataTypeConstraints :: Proxy (Maybe ty) -> Proxy columnSchemaSyntax -> Bool -> [FieldCheck] Source #

type Sql92HasDefaultDataType syntax ty = (HasDefaultSqlDataType (Sql92DdlCommandDataTypeSyntax syntax) ty, HasDefaultSqlDataTypeConstraints (Sql92DdlCommandColumnSchemaSyntax syntax) ty) Source #

Constraint synonym to use if you want to assert that a particular IsSql92Syntax syntax supports defaulting for a particular data type