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beam-migrate- SQL DDL support and migrations support library for Beam

Safe HaskellNone




Checked database entities

type CheckedDatabaseSettings be db = db (CheckedDatabaseEntity be db) Source #

The type of a checked database descriptor. Conceptually, this is just a DatabaseSettings with a set of predicates. Use unCheckDatabase to get the regular DatabaseSettings object and collectChecks to access the predicates.

class IsDatabaseEntity be entity => IsCheckedDatabaseEntity be entity where Source #

Like IsDatabaseEntity in beam-core, but for entities against which we can generate DatabasePredicates. Conceptually, this is the same as IsDatabaseEntity, but with one extra function to generate DatabasePredicates from the description.

Minimal complete definition

unCheck, collectEntityChecks, checkedDbEntityAuto

Associated Types

data CheckedDatabaseEntityDescriptor be entity :: * Source #

The type of the descriptor for this checked entity. Usually this wraps the corresponding DatabaseEntityDescriptor from IsDatabaseEntity, along with some mechanism for generating DatabasePredicates.

type CheckedDatabaseEntityDefaultRequirements be entity syntax :: Constraint Source #

Like DatabaseEntityDefaultRequirements but for checked entities


unCheck :: CheckedDatabaseEntityDescriptor be entity -> DatabaseEntityDescriptor be entity Source #

Produce the corresponding DatabaseEntityDescriptior

collectEntityChecks :: CheckedDatabaseEntityDescriptor be entity -> [SomeDatabasePredicate] Source #

Produce the set of DatabasePredicates that apply to this entity

checkedDbEntityAuto :: CheckedDatabaseEntityDefaultRequirements be entity syntax => Proxy syntax -> Text -> CheckedDatabaseEntityDescriptor be entity Source #

Like dbEntityAuto but for checked databases. Most often, this wraps dbEntityAuto and provides some means to generate DatabasePredicates

Beamable tbl => IsCheckedDatabaseEntity be (TableEntity tbl) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Types.CheckedEntities

IsCheckedDatabaseEntity be (DomainTypeEntity ty) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Types.CheckedEntities

data CheckedDatabaseEntity be (db :: (* -> *) -> *) entityType where Source #

Like DatabaseEntity but for checked databases

unCheckDatabase :: forall be db. Database be db => CheckedDatabaseSettings be db -> DatabaseSettings be db Source #

Convert a CheckedDatabaseSettings to a regular DatabaseSettings. The return value is suitable for use in any regular beam query or DML statement.

collectChecks :: forall be db. Database be db => CheckedDatabaseSettings be db -> [SomeDatabasePredicate] Source #

A beam-migrate database schema is defined completely by the set of predicates that apply to it. This function allows you to access this definition for a CheckedDatabaseSettings object.

Modifyinging checked entities

data CheckedFieldModification tbl a Source #

Purposefully opaque type describing how to modify a table field. Used to parameterize the second argument to modifyCheckedTable. For now, the only way to construct a value is the IsString instance, which allows you to rename the field.

modifyCheckedTable :: (Text -> Text) -> tbl (CheckedFieldModification tbl) -> EntityModification (CheckedDatabaseEntity be db) be (TableEntity tbl) Source #

Modify a checked table.

The first argument is a function that takes the original table name as input and produces a new table name.

The second argument gives instructions on how to rename each field in the table. Use checkedTableModification to create a value of this type which does no renaming. Each field in the table supplied here has the type CheckedFieldModification. Most commonly, the programmer will use the OverloadedStrings instance to provide a new name.


Rename a table, without renaming any of its fields:

modifyCheckedTable (_ -> NewTblNm) checkedTableModification

Modify a table, renaming the field called _field1 in Haskell to FirstName. Note that below, FirstName represents a CheckedFieldModification object.

modifyCheckedTable id (checkedTableModification { _field1 = FirstName })

checkedTableModification :: forall tbl. Beamable tbl => tbl (CheckedFieldModification tbl) Source #

Produce a table field modification that does nothing

Most commonly supplied as the second argument to modifyCheckedTable when you just want to rename the table, not the fields.


class (Typeable p, Hashable p, Eq p) => DatabasePredicate p where Source #

A predicate is a type that describes some condition that the database schema must meet. Beam represents database schemas as the set of all predicates that apply to a database schema. The Hashable and Eq instances allow us to build HashSets of predicates to represent schemas in this way.


englishDescription :: p -> String Source #

An english language description of this predicate. For example, "There is a table named TableName"

predicateSpecificity :: proxy p -> PredicateSpecificity Source #

Whether or not this predicate applies to all backends or only one backend. This is used when attempting to translate schemas between backends. If you are unsure, provide PredicateSpecificityOnlyBackend along with an identifier unique to your backend.

serializePredicate :: p -> Value Source #

Serialize a predicate to a JSON Value.

predicateCascadesDropOn :: DatabasePredicate p' => p -> p' -> Bool Source #

Some predicates require other predicates to be true. For example, in order for a table to have a column, that table must exist. This function takes in the current predicate and another arbitrary database predicate. It should return True if this predicate needs the other predicate to be true in order to exist.

By default, this simply returns False, which makes sense for many predicates.

DatabasePredicate TableHasPrimaryKey Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Checks

DatabasePredicate TableExistsPredicate Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Checks

(Typeable syntax, Sql92SerializableConstraintDefinitionSyntax (Sql92ColumnSchemaColumnConstraintDefinitionSyntax syntax), Hashable (Sql92ColumnSchemaColumnConstraintDefinitionSyntax syntax), Sql92DisplaySyntax (Sql92ColumnSchemaColumnConstraintDefinitionSyntax syntax), Eq (Sql92ColumnSchemaColumnConstraintDefinitionSyntax syntax)) => DatabasePredicate (TableColumnHasConstraint syntax) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Checks

(Typeable syntax, Sql92SerializableDataTypeSyntax (Sql92ColumnSchemaColumnTypeSyntax syntax), Hashable (Sql92ColumnSchemaColumnTypeSyntax syntax), Sql92DisplaySyntax (Sql92ColumnSchemaColumnTypeSyntax syntax), Eq (Sql92ColumnSchemaColumnTypeSyntax syntax)) => DatabasePredicate (TableHasColumn syntax) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Checks

data SomeDatabasePredicate where Source #

A Database predicate is a value of any type which satisfies DatabasePredicate. We often want to store these in lists and sets, so we need a monomorphic container that can store these polymorphic values.

data PredicateSpecificity Source #

Some predicates make sense in any backend. Others only make sense in one. This denotes the difference.

Eq PredicateSpecificity Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Types.Predicates

Show PredicateSpecificity Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Types.Predicates

Generic PredicateSpecificity Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Types.Predicates

Associated Types

type Rep PredicateSpecificity :: * -> * #

Hashable PredicateSpecificity Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Types.Predicates

ToJSON PredicateSpecificity Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Types.Predicates

FromJSON PredicateSpecificity Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Types.Predicates

type Rep PredicateSpecificity Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Types.Predicates

type Rep PredicateSpecificity = D1 (MetaData "PredicateSpecificity" "Database.Beam.Migrate.Types.Predicates" "beam-migrate-" False) (C1 (MetaCons "PredicateSpecificityOnlyBackend" PrefixI False) (S1 (MetaSel (Nothing :: Maybe Symbol) NoSourceUnpackedness NoSourceStrictness DecidedLazy) (Rec0 String)) :+: C1 (MetaCons "PredicateSpecificityAllBackends" PrefixI False) (U1 :: * -> *))

Entity checks

newtype TableCheck Source #

A predicate that depends on the name of a table as well as its fields


TableCheck (forall tbl. Table tbl => Text -> tbl (TableField tbl) -> SomeDatabasePredicate) 

newtype DomainCheck Source #

A predicate that depends on the name of a domain type

newtype FieldCheck Source #

A predicate that depedns on the name of a table and one of its fields


data MigrationStep syntax next where Source #

Represents a particular step in a migration


MigrationStep :: Text -> Migration syntax a -> (a -> next) -> MigrationStep syntax next 
Functor (MigrationStep syntax) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Types


fmap :: (a -> b) -> MigrationStep syntax a -> MigrationStep syntax b #

(<$) :: a -> MigrationStep syntax b -> MigrationStep syntax a #

newtype MigrationSteps syntax from to Source #

A series of MigrationSteps that take a database from the schema in from to the one in to. Use the migrationStep function and the arrow interface to sequence MigrationSteps.


MigrationSteps (Kleisli (F (MigrationStep syntax)) from to) 
Arrow (MigrationSteps syntax) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Types


arr :: (b -> c) -> MigrationSteps syntax b c #

first :: MigrationSteps syntax b c -> MigrationSteps syntax (b, d) (c, d) #

second :: MigrationSteps syntax b c -> MigrationSteps syntax (d, b) (d, c) #

(***) :: MigrationSteps syntax b c -> MigrationSteps syntax b' c' -> MigrationSteps syntax (b, b') (c, c') #

(&&&) :: MigrationSteps syntax b c -> MigrationSteps syntax b c' -> MigrationSteps syntax b (c, c') #

Category (MigrationSteps syntax :: * -> * -> *) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Types


id :: MigrationSteps syntax a a #

(.) :: MigrationSteps syntax b c -> MigrationSteps syntax a b -> MigrationSteps syntax a c #

type Migration syntax = F (MigrationF syntax) Source #

A sequence of potentially reversible schema update commands

data MigrationF syntax next where Source #

Free monadic function for Migrations


MigrationRunCommand :: {..} -> MigrationF syntax next 


Functor (MigrationF syntax) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Types


fmap :: (a -> b) -> MigrationF syntax a -> MigrationF syntax b #

(<$) :: a -> MigrationF syntax b -> MigrationF syntax a #

data MigrationCommand cmd Source #

A migration command along with metadata on wheth




Show cmd => Show (MigrationCommand cmd) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Beam.Migrate.Types

data MigrationDataLoss Source #

Information on whether a MigrationCommand loses data. You can monoidally combine these to get the potential data loss for a sequence of commands.



The command loses data


The command keeps all data

runMigrationSteps Source #


:: Monad m 
=> Int

Zero-based index of the first step to run

-> Maybe Int

Index of the last step to run, or Nothing to run every step

-> MigrationSteps syntax () a

The set of steps to run

-> (forall a'. Int -> Text -> Migration syntax a' -> m a')

Callback for each step. Called with the step index, the step description and the migration.

-> m a 

Run the migration steps between the given indices, using a custom execution function.

runMigrationSilenced :: Migration syntax a -> a Source #

Get the result of a migration, without running any steps

executeMigration :: Applicative m => (syntax -> m ()) -> Migration syntax a -> m a Source #

Execute a given migration, provided a command to execute arbitrary syntax. You usually use this with runNoReturn.

eraseMigrationType :: a -> MigrationSteps syntax a a' -> MigrationSteps syntax () () Source #

Remove the explicit source and destination schemas from a MigrationSteps object

migrationStep :: Text -> (a -> Migration syntax a') -> MigrationSteps syntax a a' Source #

Create a MigrationSteps from the given description and migration function.

upDown :: syntax -> Maybe syntax -> Migration syntax () Source #

Given a command in the forward direction, and an optional one in the reverse direction, construct a Migration that performs the given command. Multiple commands can be sequenced monadically.

migrationDataLoss :: Migration syntax a -> MigrationDataLoss Source #

Given a migration, get the potential data loss, if it's run top-down

migrateScript Source #


:: (Monoid m, Semigroup m) 
=> (Text -> m)

Called at the beginning of each MigrationStep with the step description

-> (syntax -> m)

Called for each command in the migration step

-> MigrationSteps syntax () a

The set of steps to run

-> m 

Given functions to render a migration step description and the underlying syntax, create a script for the given MigrationSteps.

evaluateDatabase :: forall syntax a. MigrationSteps syntax () a -> a Source #

Run a MigrationSteps without executing any of the commands against a database.

stepNames :: forall syntax a. MigrationSteps syntax () a -> [Text] Source #

Collect the names of all steps in hte given MigrationSteps