module B9.VmBuilder
( buildWithVm,
import B9.Artifact.Readable
import B9.B9Error
import B9.B9Logging
import B9.B9Monad
import B9.BuildInfo
import B9.Container
import B9.DiskImageBuilder
import B9.DiskImages
import qualified B9.Docker as Docker
import B9.ExecEnv
import qualified B9.LibVirtLXC as LXC
import qualified B9.SystemdNspawn as SystemdNspawn
import B9.Vm
import Control.Eff
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.List
import Data.Proxy
import System.Directory
( canonicalizePath,
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Text.Show.Pretty (ppShow)
buildWithVm ::
IsB9 e => InstanceId -> [ImageTarget] -> FilePath -> VmScript -> Eff e Bool
buildWithVm iid imageTargets instanceDir vmScript = do
res <- withBackend (buildWithBackend iid imageTargets instanceDir vmScript)
case res of
Nothing ->
errorExitL "No container configured."
Just success ->
return success
buildWithBackend :: forall backendCfg e. (Backend backendCfg, IsB9 e) => InstanceId -> [ImageTarget] -> FilePath -> VmScript -> backendCfg -> Eff e Bool
buildWithBackend iid imageTargets instanceDir vmScript backendCfg = do
let vmBuildSupportedImageTypes = supportedImageTypes (Proxy :: Proxy backendCfg)
buildImages <- createBuildImages imageTargets vmBuildSupportedImageTypes
success <- runVmScript backendCfg iid imageTargets buildImages instanceDir vmScript
when success (createDestinationImages buildImages imageTargets)
return success
createBuildImages :: IsB9 e => [ImageTarget] -> [ImageType] -> Eff e [Image]
createBuildImages imageTargets vmBuildSupportedImageTypes = do
dbgL "creating build images"
traceL (ppShow imageTargets)
buildImages <- mapM createBuildImage imageTargets
traceL (ppShow buildImages)
return buildImages
createBuildImage (ImageTarget dest imageSource _mnt) = do
buildDir <- getBuildDir
destTypes <- preferredDestImageTypes imageSource
let buildImgType =
( destTypes
`intersect` preferredSourceImageTypes dest
`intersect` vmBuildSupportedImageTypes
srcImg <- resolveImageSource imageSource
let buildImg =
changeImageFormat buildImgType (changeImageDirectory buildDir srcImg)
buildImgAbsolutePath <- ensureAbsoluteImageDirExists buildImg
materializeImageSource imageSource buildImg
return buildImgAbsolutePath
runVmScript ::
forall e backendCfg.
(Backend backendCfg, IsB9 e) =>
backendCfg ->
InstanceId ->
[ImageTarget] ->
[Image] ->
FilePath ->
VmScript ->
Eff e Bool
runVmScript _ _ _ _ _ NoVmScript = return True
runVmScript backendCfg (IID iid) imageTargets buildImages instanceDir vmScript = do
dbgL (printf "starting vm script with instanceDir '%s'" instanceDir)
traceL (ppShow vmScript)
execEnv <- setUpExecEnv
let (VmScript _ _ script) = vmScript
result <- runExcB9 $ runInEnvironment backendCfg execEnv script
handleErrors (either (Left . show) Right result)
handleErrors :: IsB9 e => Either String Bool -> Eff e Bool
handleErrors (Right False) = do
errorL "The containerized build failed!"
return False
handleErrors (Right True) = do
traceL "The containerized build was successful."
return True
handleErrors (Left err) =
errorExitL ("Failed to complete the containerized build: " ++ show err)
setUpExecEnv :: IsB9 e => Eff e ExecEnv
setUpExecEnv = do
let (VmScript cpu shares _) = vmScript
let mountedImages = buildImages `zip` (itImageMountPoint <$> imageTargets)
sharesAbs <- createSharedDirs instanceDir shares
(ExecEnv iid mountedImages sharesAbs (Resources AutomaticRamSize 8 cpu))
createSharedDirs ::
IsB9 e => FilePath -> [SharedDirectory] -> Eff e [SharedDirectory]
createSharedDirs instanceDir = mapM createSharedDir
createSharedDir (SharedDirectoryRO d m) = do
d' <- createAndCanonicalize d
return $ SharedDirectoryRO d' m
createSharedDir (SharedDirectory d m) = do
d' <- createAndCanonicalize d
return $ SharedDirectory d' m
createSharedDir (SharedSources mp) = do
d' <- createAndCanonicalize instanceDir
return $ SharedDirectoryRO d' mp
createAndCanonicalize d = liftIO $ do
createDirectoryIfMissing True d
canonicalizePath d
createDestinationImages :: IsB9 e => [Image] -> [ImageTarget] -> Eff e ()
createDestinationImages buildImages imageTargets = do
dbgL "converting build- to output images"
let pairsToConvert =
buildImages `zip` (itImageDestination `map` imageTargets)
traceL (ppShow pairsToConvert)
mapM_ (uncurry createDestinationImage) pairsToConvert
withBackend :: IsB9 e => (forall x. Backend x => x -> Eff e a) -> Eff e (Maybe a)
withBackend k = do
lxcCfg <- getBackendConfig (Proxy :: Proxy LXC.LibVirtLXC)
case lxcCfg of
Just cfg ->
Just <$> k cfg
Nothing -> do
dockerCfg <- getBackendConfig (Proxy :: Proxy Docker.Docker)
case dockerCfg of
Just cfg ->
Just <$> k cfg
Nothing -> do
systemdNspawnCfg <- getBackendConfig (Proxy :: Proxy SystemdNspawn.SystemdNspawn)
case systemdNspawnCfg of
Just cfg ->
Just <$> k cfg
Nothing ->
return Nothing