{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

-- |
-- Top-Level data types for B9 build artifacts.
module B9.Artifact.Readable
  ( ArtifactGenerator (..),
    InstanceId (..),
    ArtifactTarget (..),
    CloudInitType (..),
    ArtifactAssembly (..),
    AssembledArtifact (..),
    AssemblyOutput (..),

    -- ** Re-exports
    ArtifactSource (..),

import B9.Artifact.Readable.Source
import B9.DiskImages
import B9.QCUtil
import B9.Vm
import Control.Parallel.Strategies
import Data.Binary
import Data.Data
import Data.Hashable
import Data.Semigroup as Sem
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import System.FilePath ((<.>))
import Test.QuickCheck

-- | Artifacts represent the things B9 can build. A generator specifies howto
-- generate parameterized, multiple artifacts. The general structure is:
-- @
--   Let [ ... bindings ... ]
--       [ Sources
--           [ ... list all input files ... ]
--           [ Artifact ...
--           , Artifact ...
--           , Let [ ... ] [ ... ]
--           ]
--       ]
-- @
-- The reasons why 'Sources' takes a list of 'ArtifactGenerator's is that
--   1. this makes the value easier to read/write for humans
--   2. the sources are static files used in all children (e.g. company logo image)
--   3. the sources are parameterized by variables that bound to different values
--      for each artifact, e.g. a template network config file which contains
--      the host IP address.
-- To bind such variables use 'Let', 'Each', 'LetX' or 'EachT'.
-- String substitution of these variables is done by "B9.Artifact.Content.StringTemplate".
-- These variables can be used as value in nested 'Let's, in most file names/paths
-- and in source files added with 'B9.Artifact.Content.StringTemplate.SourceFile'
-- -- @deprecated TODO remove this when switching to Dhall
data ArtifactGenerator
  = -- | Add sources available to 'ArtifactAssembly's in
    -- nested artifact generators.
  | -- | Bind variables, variables are available in nested
    -- generators.
    -- @deprecated TODO remove this when switching to Dhall
      [(String, String)]
  | -- | A 'Let' where each variable is assigned to each
    -- value; the nested generator is executed for each
    -- permutation.
    -- @
    --     LetX [("x", ["1","2","3"]), ("y", ["a","b"])] [..]
    -- @
    -- Is equal to:
    -- @
    --     Let [] [
    --       Let [("x", "1"), ("y", "a")] [..]
    --       Let [("x", "1"), ("y", "b")] [..]
    --       Let [("x", "2"), ("y", "a")] [..]
    --       Let [("x", "2"), ("y", "b")] [..]
    --       Let [("x", "3"), ("y", "a")] [..]
    --       Let [("x", "3"), ("y", "b")] [..]
    --     ]
    -- @
    -- @deprecated TODO remove this when switching to Dhall
      [(String, [String])]
  | -- | Bind each variable to their first value, then each
    -- variable to the second value, etc ... and execute the
    -- nested generator in every step. 'LetX' represents a
    -- product of all variables, whereas 'Each' represents a
    -- sum of variable bindings - 'Each' is more like a /zip/
    -- whereas 'LetX' is more like a list comprehension.
    -- @deprecated TODO remove this when switching to Dhall
      [(String, [String])]
  | -- | The transposed version of 'Each': Bind the variables
    -- in the first list to each a set of values from the
    -- second argument; execute the nested generators for
    -- each binding
    -- @deprecated TODO remove this when switching to Dhall
  | -- | Generate an artifact defined by an
    -- 'ArtifactAssembly'; the assembly can access the files
    -- created from the 'Sources' and variables bound by
    -- 'Let'ish elements. An artifact has an instance id,
    -- that is a unique, human readable string describing the
    -- artifact to assemble.
  | EmptyArtifact
  deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Data, Typeable, Generic)

--instance Hashable ArtifactGenerator
--instance Binary ArtifactGenerator
instance NFData ArtifactGenerator

instance Sem.Semigroup ArtifactGenerator where
  (Let [] []) <> x = x
  x <> (Let [] []) = x
  x <> y = Let [] [x, y]

instance Monoid ArtifactGenerator where
  mempty = Let [] []
  mappend = (Sem.<>)

-- | Identify an artifact. __Deprecated__ TODO: B9 does not check if all
-- instances IDs are unique.
newtype InstanceId
  = IID String
  deriving (Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Eq, NFData, Binary, Hashable)

-- | The variable containing the instance id. __Deprecated__
instanceIdKey :: String
instanceIdKey = "instance_id"

-- | The variable containing the buildId that identifies each execution of
-- B9. For more info about variable substitution in source files see
-- 'B9.Artifact.Content.StringTemplate'
buildIdKey :: String
buildIdKey = "build_id"

-- | The variable containing the date and time a build was started. For more
-- info about variable substitution in source files see
-- 'B9.Artifact.Content.StringTemplate'
buildDateKey :: String
buildDateKey = "build_date"

-- | Define an __output__ of a build. Assemblies are nested into
-- 'ArtifactGenerator's. They contain all the files defined by the 'Sources'
-- they are nested into.
data ArtifactAssembly
  = -- | Generate a __cloud-init__ compatible directory, ISO-
    -- or VFAT image, as specified by the list of
    -- 'CloudInitType's. Every item will use the second
    -- argument to create an appropriate /file name/,
    -- e.g. for the 'CI_ISO' type the output is @second_param.iso@.
  | -- | a set of VM-images that were created by executing a
    -- build script on them.
  deriving (Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Eq, Generic)

instance Hashable ArtifactAssembly

instance Binary ArtifactAssembly

instance NFData ArtifactAssembly

-- | A symbolic representation of the targets assembled by
-- 'B9.Artifact.Readable.Interpreter.assemble' from an 'ArtifactAssembly'. There is a
-- list of 'ArtifactTarget's because e.g. a single 'CloudInit' can produce up to
-- three output files, a directory, an ISO image and a VFAT image.
data AssembledArtifact
  = AssembledArtifact
  deriving (Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Eq, Generic)

instance Hashable AssembledArtifact

instance Binary AssembledArtifact

instance NFData AssembledArtifact

data ArtifactTarget
  = CloudInitTarget
  | VmImagesTarget
  deriving (Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Eq, Generic)

instance Hashable ArtifactTarget

instance Binary ArtifactTarget

instance NFData ArtifactTarget

data CloudInitType
  = CI_ISO
  | CI_DIR
  deriving (Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Eq, Generic)

instance Hashable CloudInitType

instance Binary CloudInitType

instance NFData CloudInitType

-- | The output of an 'ArtifactAssembly' is either a set of generated files,
--  or it might be a directory that contains the artifacts sources.
data AssemblyOutput
  = AssemblyGeneratesOutputFiles [FilePath]
  | AssemblyCopiesSourcesToDirectory FilePath
  deriving (Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Eq, Generic)

-- | Return the files that the artifact assembly consist of.
getAssemblyOutput :: ArtifactAssembly -> [AssemblyOutput]
getAssemblyOutput (VmImages ts _) =
  AssemblyGeneratesOutputFiles . getImageDestinationOutputFiles <$> ts
getAssemblyOutput (CloudInit ts o) = getCloudInitOutputFiles o <$> ts
    getCloudInitOutputFiles baseName t = case t of
      CI_ISO -> AssemblyGeneratesOutputFiles [baseName <.> "iso"]
      CI_VFAT -> AssemblyGeneratesOutputFiles [baseName <.> "vfat"]
      CI_DIR -> AssemblyCopiesSourcesToDirectory baseName

-- * QuickCheck instances

instance Arbitrary ArtifactGenerator where
  arbitrary =
      [ Sources <$> halfSize arbitrary <*> halfSize arbitrary,
        Let <$> halfSize arbitraryEnv <*> halfSize arbitrary,
        halfSize arbitraryEachT <*> halfSize arbitrary,
        halfSize arbitraryEach <*> halfSize arbitrary,
        Artifact <$> smaller arbitrary <*> smaller arbitrary,
        pure EmptyArtifact

arbitraryEachT :: Gen ([ArtifactGenerator] -> ArtifactGenerator)
arbitraryEachT = sized $ \n ->
  EachT <$> vectorOf n (halfSize (listOf1 (choose ('a', 'z'))))
    <*> oneof
      [ listOf (vectorOf n (halfSize arbitrary)),
        listOf1 (listOf (halfSize arbitrary))

arbitraryEach :: Gen ([ArtifactGenerator] -> ArtifactGenerator)
arbitraryEach = sized $ \n ->
    <$> listOf
      ( (,) <$> listOf1 (choose ('a', 'z'))
          <*> vectorOf
            (halfSize (listOf1 (choose ('a', 'z'))))

instance Arbitrary InstanceId where
  arbitrary = IID <$> arbitraryFilePath

instance Arbitrary ArtifactAssembly where
  arbitrary =
      [ CloudInit <$> arbitrary <*> arbitraryFilePath,
        VmImages <$> smaller arbitrary <*> pure NoVmScript

instance Arbitrary CloudInitType where
  arbitrary = elements [CI_ISO, CI_VFAT, CI_DIR]