aws-general-0.2.2: Bindings for Amazon Web Services (AWS) General Reference

CopyrightCopyright © 2014 AlephCloud Systems, Inc.
MaintainerLars Kuhtz <>
Safe HaskellNone





AWS General API Version

Signature Version

AWS Credentials

data SignatureV4Credentials Source

AWS access credentials.

This type is compatible with the Credential type from the aws package. You may use the following function to get a SignatureV4Credential from a Credential:

cred2credv4 :: Credential -> SignatureV4Credential
#if MIN_VERSION_aws(0,9,2)
cred2credv4 (Credential a b c _) = SignatureV4Credential a b c
cred2credv4 (Credential a b c) = SignatureV4Credential a b c




sigV4AccessKeyId :: ByteString
sigV4SecretAccessKey :: ByteString
sigV4SigningKeys :: IORef [SigV4Key]

used internally for caching the singing key

sigV4SecurityToken :: Maybe ByteString

newCredentials Source


:: (Functor m, MonadIO m) 
=> ByteString

Access Key ID

-> ByteString

Secret Access Key

-> Maybe ByteString

Security Token

-> m SignatureV4Credentials 

AWS Signature 4 Request Types

There are two types of version 4 signed requests for GET and for POST requests

Common Parameters

Both request types must include the following information in some way

  • Host
  • Action
  • Date
  • Authorization parameters:

    • Algorithm
    • Credential
    • Signed headers
    • signature

POST Request

Computed by signPostRequest or signPostRequestIO.


  • host,
  • x-amz-date (or date),
  • authorization (containing all authorization parameters), and
  • content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded. charset=utf-8.

The query parameters (including Action and Version) are placed in the body.

GET Request

Computed with signGetRequest or signGetRequestIO.


  • host

TODO why is this content-type required?


  • Action,
  • Version,
  • X-Amz-Algorithm,
  • X-Amz-Credential,
  • Authorization parameters:

    • X-Amz-Date,
    • X-Amz-SignedHeaders,
    • X-Amz-Signature,
    • SignedHeaders,
    • Signature.

(NOTE that the AWS specification considers X-Amz-Date an authorization parameter only for URI requests. So for URI requests there are five authorization parameters whereas otherwise there are just four.)

Somewhat surprisingly (and covered neither by the AWS Signature V4 test suite nor by the AWS API reference) the canonical request includes all authorization parameters except for the signature.

TODO: is it possible to do a POST with this style and place the query in the body?

Pure signing

signPostRequest Source


:: SignatureV4Credentials

AWS credentials

-> Region

request region

-> ServiceNamespace

service of the request

-> UTCTime

request time

-> Method

HTTP method of request

-> UriPath

URI Path of request

-> UriQuery

URI Query of request

-> RequestHeaders

request headers

-> ByteString

request payload

-> Either String RequestHeaders 

Compute an AWS Signature Version 4

This version computes the derivied signing key each time it is invoked

The request headers must include the host header. The query must include the Action parameter.

The x-amz-date header is generated by the code. A possibly existing x-amz-date header or date header is replaced.

signGetRequest Source


:: SignatureV4Credentials

AWS credentials

-> Region

request region

-> ServiceNamespace

service of the request

-> UTCTime

request time

-> Method

HTTP method of request

-> UriPath

URI Path of request

-> UriQuery

URI Query of request

-> RequestHeaders

request headers

-> ByteString

request payload

-> Either String UriQuery 

Compute an AWS Signature Version 4

This version computes the derivied signing key each time it is invoked

The request headers must include the host header. The query must include the Action parameter.

Signing With Cached Key

signPostRequestIO Source


:: SignatureV4Credentials

AWS credentials

-> Region 
-> ServiceNamespace 
-> UTCTime 
-> Method

HTTP method of request

-> UriPath

URI Path of request

-> UriQuery

URI Query of request

-> RequestHeaders

request headers

-> ByteString

request payload

-> IO (Either String RequestHeaders) 

The request headers must include the host header. The query must include the Action parameter.

The x-amz-date header is generated by the code. A possibly existing x-amz-date header or date header is replaced.

signGetRequestIO Source


:: SignatureV4Credentials

AWS credentials

-> Region 
-> ServiceNamespace 
-> UTCTime 
-> Method

HTTP method of request

-> UriPath

URI Path of request

-> UriQuery

URI Query of request

-> RequestHeaders

request headers

-> ByteString

request payload

-> IO (Either String UriQuery) 

The request headers must include the host header. The query must include the Action parameter.

Authorization Info


dateNormalizationEnabled :: Bool Source

Normalization of the date header breaks the AWS test suite, since the tests in that test suite use an invalid date.

Date normalization is enabled by default but can be turned of via the cabal (compiletime) flag normalize-signature-v4-date.


signingAlgorithm :: IsString a => a Source

We only support SHA256 since SHA1 has been deprecated

Canoncial URI

normalizeUriPath :: UriPath -> UriPath Source

Normalize URI Path according to RFC 3986 (6.2.2)

normalizeUriQuery :: UriQuery -> UriQuery Source

Normalize URI Query according to RFC 3986 (6.2.2)

canonicalUri :: UriPath -> UriQuery -> CanonicalUri Source

Compute canonical URI

The input is assumed to be an absolute URI. If the first segment is .. it is kept as is. Most likely such an URI is invalid.

Canonical Headers

canonicalHeaders :: RequestHeaders -> CanonicalHeaders Source

Compute canonical HTTP headers

It is assumed (and not checked) that the header values comform with the definitions in RFC 2661. In particular non-comformant usage of quotation characters may lead to invalid results.


Canonical Request

canonicalRequest Source


:: Method

HTTP method of request

-> UriPath

canonical URI Path of request

-> UriQuery

canonical URI Query of request

-> RequestHeaders

canonical request headers

-> ByteString

Request payload

-> CanonicalRequest 

Create Canonical Request for AWS Signature Version 4

This functions performs normalization of the URI and the Headers which is expensive. We should consider providing an alternate version of this function that bypasses these steps and simply assumes that the input is already canonical.

Credenital Scope

String to Sign

stringToSign Source


:: UTCTime

request date

-> CredentialScope

credential scope for the request

-> CanonicalRequest

canonical request

-> StringToSign 

Create the String to Sign for AWS Signature Version 4

Signing Key

newtype SigningKey Source

This key can be computed once and cached. It is valid for all requests to the same service and the region till 00:00:00 UTC time.


SigningKey ByteString 


Low level signing function