module Aws.SignatureV4
, generalVersionToText
, parseGeneralVersion
, signatureVersion
, SignatureV4Credentials(..)
, newCredentials
, signPostRequest
, signGetRequest
, signPostRequestIO
, signGetRequestIO
, AuthorizationInfo(..)
, authorizationInfo
, authorizationInfoQuery
, authorizationInfoHeader
, dateNormalizationEnabled
, signingAlgorithm
, UriPath
, UriQuery
, normalizeUriPath
, normalizeUriQuery
, CanonicalUri(..)
, canonicalUri
, CanonicalHeaders(..)
, canonicalHeaders
, SignedHeaders
, signedHeaders
, CanonicalRequest(..)
, canonicalRequest
, HashedCanonicalRequest
, hashedCanonicalRequest
, CredentialScope(..)
, credentialScopeToText
, StringToSign(..)
, stringToSign
, SigningKey(..)
, signingKey
, Signature(..)
, requestSignature
) where
import Aws.General
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow hiding (left)
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Crypto.Hash
import Data.Byteable
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
import qualified Blaze.ByteString.Builder as BB
import qualified Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Char8 as BB8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as B16
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import Data.IORef
import qualified Data.List as L
import Data.Monoid
import Data.String
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime, getCurrentTime, utctDay)
import Data.Typeable
import GHC.Generics
import qualified Test.QuickCheck as Q
import Test.QuickCheck.Instances ()
import qualified Text.Parser.Char as P
import qualified Text.Parser.Combinators as P
#if MIN_VERSION_time(1,5,0)
import Data.Time.Format (defaultTimeLocale, formatTime, parseTimeM)
import Data.Time.Format (formatTime, parseTime)
import System.Locale
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HTTP
signingAlgorithm :: IsString a => a
signingAlgorithm = "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256"
signingHash :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
signingHash i = toBytes (hash i :: Digest SHA256)
signingHash16 :: B.ByteString -> B8.ByteString
signingHash16 = B16.encode . signingHash
signingHmac :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
signingHmac k i = toBytes (hmac k i :: HMAC SHA256)
signatureVersion :: IsString a => a
signatureVersion = "4"
type SigV4Key = ((B.ByteString,B.ByteString),(B.ByteString,B.ByteString))
data SignatureV4Credentials = SignatureV4Credentials
{ sigV4AccessKeyId :: B.ByteString
, sigV4SecretAccessKey :: B.ByteString
, sigV4SigningKeys :: IORef [SigV4Key]
, sigV4SecurityToken :: Maybe B.ByteString
deriving (Typeable, Generic)
:: (Functor m, MonadIO m)
=> B.ByteString
-> B.ByteString
-> Maybe B.ByteString
-> m SignatureV4Credentials
newCredentials accessKeyId secretAccessKey securityToken = do
signingKeysRef <- liftIO $ newIORef []
return $ SignatureV4Credentials accessKeyId secretAccessKey signingKeysRef securityToken
type UriPath = [T.Text]
type UriQuery = HTTP.QueryText
newtype CanonicalUri = CanonicalUri B8.ByteString
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Generic)
instance NFData CanonicalUri
:: UriPath
-> UriQuery
-> CanonicalUri
canonicalUri path query = CanonicalUri . BB.toByteString
$ HTTP.encodePathSegments normalizedPath
<> BB.copyByteString "\n"
<> HTTP.renderQueryText False normalizedQuery
normalizedPath = case normalizeUriPath path of
[] -> [""]
a -> a
normalizedQuery = L.sort
. map (second $ maybe (Just "") Just)
$ normalizeUriQuery query
normalizeUriPath :: UriPath -> UriPath
normalizeUriPath =
HTTP.decodePathSegments . BB.toByteString . HTTP.encodePathSegments
. reverse . L.foldl' f []
f [] ".." = [".."]
f (_:t) ".." = t
f l "." = l
f ("":t) a = a:t
f l a = a:l
normalizeUriQuery :: UriQuery -> UriQuery
normalizeUriQuery =
HTTP.parseQueryText . BB.toByteString . HTTP.renderQueryText False
newtype CanonicalHeaders = CanonicalHeaders B8.ByteString
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Generic)
instance NFData CanonicalHeaders
canonicalHeaders :: HTTP.RequestHeaders -> CanonicalHeaders
canonicalHeaders = CanonicalHeaders
. foldHeaders
. L.sort
. map canonicalDate
canonicalDate :: HTTP.Header -> HTTP.Header
canonicalDate ("date", d) = ("date", formatDate)
formatDate = case parseHttpDate (B8.unpack d) of
Nothing -> d
Just utc -> B8.pack $ fTime canonicalDateHeaderFormat utc
canonicalDate a = a
foldHeaders :: HTTP.RequestHeaders -> B8.ByteString
foldHeaders [] = ""
foldHeaders ((h0,v0):t) = BB.toByteString $ snd run <> bChar '\n'
run = L.foldl' f (h0, bBS (CI.foldedCase h0) <> bChar ':' <> trimWs v0) t
f (ch, a) (h,v) = if ch == h
then (h, a <> bChar ',' <> trimWs v)
else (h, a <> bChar '\n' <> bBS (CI.foldedCase h) <> bChar ':' <> trimWs v)
trimWs = (\(_,_,c) -> c)
. B8.foldl' f (False, ' ', bBS "")
. fst . B8.spanEnd isSpace
f (s, '\\', b) x = (s, x, b <> bChar x)
f (s, _, b) '"' = (not s, '"', b <> bChar '"')
f (False, ' ', b) x
| isSpace x = (False, ' ', b)
f (False, _, b) x
| isSpace x = (False, ' ', b <> bChar ' ')
f (s, _, b) x = (s, x, b <> bChar x)
bChar = BB8.fromChar
bBS = BB.copyByteString
canonicalDateHeaderFormat :: String
canonicalDateHeaderFormat = "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT"
parseHttpDate :: String -> Maybe UTCTime
parseHttpDate s =
p "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT" s
<|> p "%A, %d-%b-%y %H:%M:%S GMT" s
<|> p "%a %b %_d %H:%M:%S %Y" s
<|> p "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%QZ" s
<|> p "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Q%Z" s
#if MIN_VERSION_time(1,5,0)
p = parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale
p = parseTime defaultTimeLocale
dateNormalizationEnabled :: Bool
dateNormalizationEnabled = True
dateNormalizationEnabled = False
newtype SignedHeaders = SignedHeaders B8.ByteString
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Generic)
instance NFData SignedHeaders
signedHeaders :: HTTP.RequestHeaders -> SignedHeaders
signedHeaders = SignedHeaders
. B8.intercalate ";"
. L.nub
. L.sort
. map (CI.foldedCase . fst)
newtype CanonicalRequest = CanonicalRequest B8.ByteString
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Generic)
instance NFData CanonicalRequest
:: HTTP.Method
-> UriPath
-> UriQuery
-> HTTP.RequestHeaders
-> B.ByteString
-> CanonicalRequest
canonicalRequest method path query headers payload =
CanonicalRequest $ B8.intercalate "\n"
[ method
, cUri
, cHeaders
, sHeaders
, signingHash16 payload
CanonicalUri cUri = canonicalUri path query
CanonicalHeaders cHeaders = canonicalHeaders headers
SignedHeaders sHeaders = signedHeaders headers
newtype HashedCanonicalRequest = HashedCanonicalRequest B8.ByteString
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Generic)
instance NFData HashedCanonicalRequest
hashedCanonicalRequest :: CanonicalRequest -> HashedCanonicalRequest
hashedCanonicalRequest (CanonicalRequest r) = HashedCanonicalRequest
$ signingHash16 r
data CredentialScope = CredentialScope
{ credentialScopeDate :: !UTCTime
, credentialScopeRegion :: !Region
, credentialScopeService :: !ServiceNamespace
deriving (Show, Read, Typeable, Generic)
instance NFData CredentialScope
instance Eq CredentialScope where
CredentialScope a0 b0 c0 == CredentialScope a1 b1 c1 =
utctDay a0 == utctDay a1
&& b0 == b1
&& c0 == c1
credentialScopeToText :: (IsString a, Monoid a) => CredentialScope -> a
credentialScopeToText s =
credentialScopeDateText s
<> "/" <> toText (credentialScopeRegion s)
<> "/" <> toText (credentialScopeService s)
<> "/" <> terminationString
parseCredentialScope :: (Monad m, P.CharParsing m) => m CredentialScope
parseCredentialScope = CredentialScope
<$> time
<*> (P.char '/' *> parseRegion)
<*> (P.char '/' *> parseServiceNamespace)
<* (P.char '/' *> P.text terminationString)
time = do
str <- P.count 8 P.digit
case p credentialScopeDateFormat str of
Nothing -> fail $ "failed to parse credential scope date: " <> str
Just t -> return t
#if MIN_VERSION_time(1,5,0)
p = parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale
p = parseTime defaultTimeLocale
terminationString :: IsString a => a
terminationString = "aws4_request"
credentialScopeDateFormat :: IsString a => a
credentialScopeDateFormat = "%Y%m%d"
credentialScopeDateText :: IsString a => CredentialScope -> a
credentialScopeDateText s = fTime credentialScopeDateFormat (credentialScopeDate s)
instance AwsType CredentialScope where
toText = credentialScopeToText
parse = parseCredentialScope
instance Q.Arbitrary CredentialScope where
arbitrary = CredentialScope
<$> Q.arbitrary
<*> Q.arbitrary
<*> Q.arbitrary
newtype StringToSign = StringToSign B8.ByteString
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Generic)
instance NFData StringToSign
:: UTCTime
-> CredentialScope
-> CanonicalRequest
-> StringToSign
stringToSign date credentialScope request = StringToSign $ B8.intercalate "\n"
[ signingAlgorithm
, fTime signingStringDateFormat date
, T.encodeUtf8 $ credentialScopeToText credentialScope
, hashedRequest
HashedCanonicalRequest hashedRequest = hashedCanonicalRequest request
signingStringDateFormat :: IsString a => a
signingStringDateFormat = "%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ"
newtype SigningKey = SigningKey B.ByteString
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Generic)
instance NFData SigningKey
signingKey :: SignatureV4Credentials -> CredentialScope -> SigningKey
signingKey credentials s = SigningKey kSigning
kSecret = sigV4SecretAccessKey credentials
kDate = signingHmac (signingKeyPrefix <> kSecret) dateStr
kRegion = signingHmac kDate regionStr
kService = signingHmac kRegion serviceStr
kSigning = signingHmac kService terminationString
dateStr = T.encodeUtf8 $ credentialScopeDateText s
regionStr = T.encodeUtf8 . toText $ credentialScopeRegion s
serviceStr = T.encodeUtf8 . toText $ credentialScopeService s
signingKeyPrefix :: IsString a => a
signingKeyPrefix = "AWS4"
newtype Signature = Signature B8.ByteString
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Generic)
instance NFData Signature
:: SigningKey
-> StringToSign
-> Signature
requestSignature (SigningKey key) (StringToSign str) =
Signature . B16.encode $ signingHmac key str
:: (IsString a, Monoid a)
=> SignatureV4Credentials
-> CredentialScope
-> a
authorizationCredential creds credScope =
(fromString . B8.unpack . sigV4AccessKeyId) creds <> "/" <> toText credScope
data AuthorizationInfo = AuthorizationInfo
{ authzInfoAlgorithm :: !B8.ByteString
, authzInfoCredential :: !B8.ByteString
, authzInfoSignedHeaders :: !B8.ByteString
, authzInfoDate :: !UTCTime
, authzInfoSignature :: !B8.ByteString
:: SignatureV4Credentials
-> CredentialScope
-> SignedHeaders
-> UTCTime
-> Signature
-> AuthorizationInfo
authorizationInfo creds credScope (SignedHeaders hdrs) date (Signature sig) = AuthorizationInfo
{ authzInfoAlgorithm = signingAlgorithm
, authzInfoCredential = authorizationCredential creds credScope
, authzInfoSignedHeaders = hdrs
, authzInfoDate = date
, authzInfoSignature = sig
authorizationInfoQuery :: AuthorizationInfo -> UriQuery
authorizationInfoQuery authz =
[ ("X-Amz-Signature", Just . T.decodeUtf8 $ authzInfoSignature authz)
:: AuthorizationInfo
-> HTTP.RequestHeaders
authorizationInfoHeader authz = [ ("Authorization", authzInfo) ]
authzInfo = authzInfoAlgorithm authz
<> " Credential=" <> authzInfoCredential authz
<> ", SignedHeaders=" <> authzInfoSignedHeaders authz
<> ", Signature=" <> authzInfoSignature authz
:: SignatureV4Credentials
-> Region
-> ServiceNamespace
-> UTCTime
-> HTTP.Method
-> UriPath
-> UriQuery
-> HTTP.RequestHeaders
-> B.ByteString
-> Either String UriQuery
signGetRequest credentials region service date = signGetRequest_ key credentials region service date
key = signingKey credentials CredentialScope
{ credentialScopeDate = date
, credentialScopeRegion = region
, credentialScopeService = service
:: SigningKey
-> SignatureV4Credentials
-> Region
-> ServiceNamespace
-> UTCTime
-> HTTP.Method
-> UriPath
-> UriQuery
-> HTTP.RequestHeaders
-> B.ByteString
-> Either String UriQuery
signGetRequest_ key credentials region service date method path query headers payload = do
case lookup "host" headers of
Nothing -> Left "Failed to sign request with Signature V4: host header is missing"
Just _ -> return ()
case lookup "Action" query of
Nothing -> Left "Failed to sign request with Signature V4: Action parameter is missing"
Just _ -> return ()
return $ queryToSign <> authorizationInfoQuery authz
queryToSign = query <>
[ ("X-Amz-Algorithm", Just signingAlgorithm)
, ("X-Amz-Credential", Just $ authorizationCredential credentials credentialScope)
, ("X-Amz-Date", Just $ fTime signingStringDateFormat date)
, ("X-Amz-SignedHeaders", let SignedHeaders h = shdrs in Just (T.decodeUtf8 h))
, ("X-Amz-Security-Token", T.decodeUtf8 <$> sigV4SecurityToken credentials)
authz = authorizationInfo credentials credentialScope shdrs date sig
sig = requestSignature key str
shdrs = signedHeaders headers
request = canonicalRequest method path queryToSign headers payload
str = stringToSign date credentialScope request
credentialScope = CredentialScope
{ credentialScopeDate = date
, credentialScopeRegion = region
, credentialScopeService = service
:: SignatureV4Credentials
-> Region
-> ServiceNamespace
-> UTCTime
-> HTTP.Method
-> UriPath
-> UriQuery
-> HTTP.RequestHeaders
-> B.ByteString
-> Either String HTTP.RequestHeaders
signPostRequest credentials region service date = signPostRequest_ key credentials region service date
key = signingKey credentials CredentialScope
{ credentialScopeDate = date
, credentialScopeRegion = region
, credentialScopeService = service
:: SigningKey
-> SignatureV4Credentials
-> Region
-> ServiceNamespace
-> UTCTime
-> HTTP.Method
-> UriPath
-> UriQuery
-> HTTP.RequestHeaders
-> B.ByteString
-> Either String HTTP.RequestHeaders
signPostRequest_ key credentials region service date method path query headers payload = do
case lookup "host" headers of
Nothing -> Left "Failed to sign request with Signature V4: host header is missing"
Just _ -> return ()
return $ headersWithDate <> authorizationInfoHeader authz
authz = authorizationInfo credentials credentialScope shdrs date sig
sig = requestSignature key str
shdrs = signedHeaders headersWithDate
request = canonicalRequest method path query headersWithDate payload
str = stringToSign date credentialScope request
credentialScope = CredentialScope
{ credentialScopeDate = date
, credentialScopeRegion = region
, credentialScopeService = service
headersWithDate = ("x-amz-date", fTime signingStringDateFormat date)
: filter (\x -> fst x /= "date" && fst x /= "x-amz-date") headers
++ maybe [] ((:[]) . ("X-Amz-Security-Token",)) (sigV4SecurityToken credentials)
:: SignatureV4Credentials
-> Region
-> ServiceNamespace
-> UTCTime
-> HTTP.Method
-> UriPath
-> UriQuery
-> HTTP.RequestHeaders
-> B.ByteString
-> IO (Either String UriQuery)
signGetRequestIO credentials region service date method path query headers payload = do
key <- getSigningKey credentials region service
return $ signGetRequest_ key credentials region service date method path query headers payload
:: SignatureV4Credentials
-> Region
-> ServiceNamespace
-> UTCTime
-> HTTP.Method
-> UriPath
-> UriQuery
-> HTTP.RequestHeaders
-> B.ByteString
-> IO (Either String HTTP.RequestHeaders)
signPostRequestIO credentials region service date method path query headers payload = do
key <- getSigningKey credentials region service
return $ signPostRequest_ key credentials region service date method path query headers payload
:: SignatureV4Credentials
-> Region
-> ServiceNamespace
-> IO SigningKey
getSigningKey credentials region service = do
date <- getCurrentTime
let dateStr = fTime credentialScopeDateFormat date
k <- atomicModifyIORef' (sigV4SigningKeys credentials) $ \cache ->
case L.lookup idx cache of
Just (d,k) -> if d /= dateStr
then newKey date dateStr cache
else (cache,k)
Nothing -> newKey date dateStr cache
return $ SigningKey k
idx = ((T.encodeUtf8 . toText) region, (T.encodeUtf8 . toText) service)
newKey date dateStr c =
let SigningKey key = signingKey credentials CredentialScope
{ credentialScopeDate = date
, credentialScopeRegion = region
, credentialScopeService = service
c_ = (idx, (dateStr,key)):c
in key `seq` c_ `seq` (c_, key)
fTime :: IsString a => String -> UTCTime -> a
fTime format time = fromString $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale format time