Module      :  Data.Aeson.Schema.TH.Get
Maintainer  :  Brandon Chinn <brandon@leapyear.io>
Stability   :  experimental
Portability :  portable

The 'get' quasiquoter.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

module Data.Aeson.Schema.TH.Get where

import Control.Monad (unless, (>=>))
import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack)
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote (QuasiQuoter(..))
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (lift)

import Data.Aeson.Schema.Internal (getKey)
import Data.Aeson.Schema.TH.Parse (GetterExp(..), getterExp, parse)
import Data.Aeson.Schema.TH.Utils (GetterOperation(..), showGetterOps)
import Data.Aeson.Schema.Utils.Sum (fromSumType)

-- | Defines a QuasiQuoter for extracting JSON data.
-- Example:
-- > let Just result = decode ... :: Maybe (Object MySchema)
-- >
-- > [get| result.foo.a |]          :: Int
-- > [get| result.foo.nodes |]      :: [Object (..)]
-- > [get| result.foo.nodes[] |]    :: [Object (..)]
-- > [get| result.foo.nodes[].b |]  :: [Maybe Bool]
-- > [get| result.foo.nodes[].b! |] :: [Bool] -- runtime error if any values are Nothing
-- > [get| result.foo.c |]          :: Text
-- > [get| result.foo.(a,c) |]      :: (Int, Text)
-- > [get| result.foo.[c,d] |]      :: [Text]
-- >
-- > let nodes = [get| result.foo.nodes |]
-- > flip map nodes $ \node -> fromMaybe ([get| node.num |] == 0) [get| node.b |]
-- > map [get| .num |] nodes
-- Syntax:
-- * @x.y@ is only valid if @x@ is an 'Data.Aeson.Schema.Object'. Returns the value of the key @y@.
-- * @.y@ returns a function that takes in an 'Data.Aeson.Schema.Object' and returns the value of
--   the key @y@.
-- * @x.[y,z.a]@ is only valid if @x@ is an 'Data.Aeson.Schema.Object', and if @y@ and @z.a@ have
--   the same type. Returns the value of the operations @y@ and @z.a@ as a list.
--   MUST be the last operation.
-- * @x.(y,z.a)@ is only valid if @x@ is an 'Data.Aeson.Schema.Object'. Returns the value of the
--   operations @y@ and @z.a@ as a tuple.
--   MUST be the last operation.
-- * @x!@ is only valid if @x@ is a 'Maybe'. Unwraps the value of @x@ from a 'Just' value and
--   errors (at runtime!) if @x@ is 'Nothing'.
-- * @x[]@ is only valid if @x@ is a list. Applies the remaining rules as an 'fmap' over the
--   values in the list, e.g.
--     * @x[]@ without anything after is equivalent to @x@
--     * @x[].y@ gets the key @y@ in all the Objects in @x@
--     * @x[]!@ unwraps all 'Just' values in @x@ (and errors if any 'Nothing' values exist in @x@)
-- * @x?@ follows the same rules as @x[]@ except it's only valid if @x@ is a 'Maybe'.
-- * @x\@#@ is only valid if @x@ is a 'SumType'. If the sum type contains a value at the given
--   branch (e.g. @x\@0@ for @Here v@), return 'Just' that value, otherwise 'Nothing'. (added in
--   v1.1.0)
--   e.g. with the schema @{ a: Int | Bool }@, calling @[get| .a\@0 |]@ will return @Maybe Int@ if
--   the sum type contains an 'Int'.
get :: QuasiQuoter
get = QuasiQuoter
  { quoteExp = parse getterExp >=> generateGetterExp
  , quoteDec = error "Cannot use `get` for Dec"
  , quoteType = error "Cannot use `get` for Type"
  , quotePat = error "Cannot use `get` for Pat"

generateGetterExp :: GetterExp -> ExpQ
generateGetterExp GetterExp{..} = maybe expr (appE expr . varE . mkName) start
    startDisplay = case start of
      Nothing -> ""
      Just s -> if '.' `elem` s then "(" ++ s ++ ")" else s
    expr = mkGetterExp [] getterOps

    applyToNext next = \case
      Right f -> [| $next . $f |]
      Left f -> infixE (Just next) f Nothing

    applyToEach history fromElems elems = do
      val <- newName "v"
      let mkElem ops = appE (mkGetterExp history ops) (varE val)
      lamE [varP val] $ fromElems $ map mkElem elems

    mkGetterExp history = \case
      [] -> [| id |]
      op:ops ->
        let applyToNext' = applyToNext $ mkGetterExp (op:history) ops
            applyToEach' = applyToEach history
            checkLast label = unless (null ops) $ fail $ label ++ " operation MUST be last."
            fromJustMsg = startDisplay ++ showGetterOps (reverse history)
        in case op of
          GetterKey key       -> applyToNext' $ Right $ appTypeE [| getKey |] (litT $ strTyLit key)
          GetterList elems    -> checkLast ".[*]" >> applyToEach' listE elems
          GetterTuple elems   -> checkLast ".(*)" >> applyToEach' tupE elems
          GetterBang          -> applyToNext' $ Right [| fromJust $(lift fromJustMsg) |]
          GetterMapMaybe      -> applyToNext' $ Left [| (<$?>) |]
          GetterMapList       -> applyToNext' $ Left [| (<$:>) |]
          GetterBranch branch ->
            let branchTyLit = litT $ numTyLit $ fromIntegral branch
            in applyToNext' $ Right [| fromSumType (Proxy :: Proxy $branchTyLit) |]

-- | fromJust with helpful error message
fromJust :: HasCallStack => String -> Maybe a -> a
fromJust msg = Maybe.fromMaybe (error errMsg)
    errMsg = "Called 'fromJust' on null expression" ++ if null msg then "" else ": " ++ msg

-- | fmap specialized to Maybe
(<$?>) :: (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b
(<$?>) = (<$>)

-- | fmap specialized to [a]
(<$:>) :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
(<$:>) = (<$>)