Module      :  Data.Aeson.Schema.TH.Utils
Maintainer  :  Brandon Chinn <brandon@leapyear.io>
Stability   :  experimental
Portability :  portable
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveLift #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}

module Data.Aeson.Schema.TH.Utils where

import Control.Monad ((>=>))
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap, second)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift)

import Data.Aeson.Schema.Internal (Object, SchemaResult, SchemaType(..))
import qualified Data.Aeson.Schema.Show as SchemaShow

-- | Show the given schema as a type.
showSchemaType :: Type -> String
showSchemaType = SchemaShow.showSchemaType . fromSchemaType
    fromSchemaType = \case
      PromotedT name
        | name == 'SchemaBool -> SchemaShow.SchemaBool
        | name == 'SchemaInt -> SchemaShow.SchemaInt
        | name == 'SchemaDouble -> SchemaShow.SchemaDouble
        | name == 'SchemaText -> SchemaShow.SchemaText
      AppT (PromotedT name) (ConT inner)
        | name == 'SchemaCustom -> SchemaShow.SchemaCustom $ nameBase inner
      AppT (PromotedT name) inner
        | name == 'SchemaMaybe -> SchemaShow.SchemaMaybe $ fromSchemaType inner
        | name == 'SchemaList -> SchemaShow.SchemaList $ fromSchemaType inner
        | name == 'SchemaObject -> SchemaShow.SchemaObject $ fromPairs inner
        | name == 'SchemaUnion -> SchemaShow.SchemaUnion $ map fromSchemaType $ typeToList inner
      ty -> error $ "Unknown type: " ++ show ty

    fromPairs pairs = map (second fromSchemaType) $ typeToSchemaPairs pairs

typeToList :: Type -> [Type]
typeToList = \case
  PromotedNilT -> []
  AppT (AppT PromotedConsT x) xs -> x : typeToList xs
  SigT ty _ -> typeToList ty
  ty -> error $ "Not a type-level list: " ++ show ty

typeToPair :: Type -> (Type, Type)
typeToPair = \case
  AppT (AppT (PromotedTupleT 2) a) b -> (a, b)
  SigT ty _ -> typeToPair ty
  ty -> error $ "Not a type-level pair: " ++ show ty

typeToSchemaPairs :: Type -> [(String, Type)]
typeToSchemaPairs = map (bimap toTypeStr stripSigs . typeToPair) . typeToList
    toTypeStr = \case
      LitT (StrTyLit k) -> k
      x -> error $ "Not a type-level string: " ++ show x

typeQListToTypeQ :: [TypeQ] -> TypeQ
typeQListToTypeQ = foldr consT promotedNilT
    -- nb. https://stackoverflow.com/a/34457936
    consT x xs = appT (appT promotedConsT x) xs

schemaPairsToTypeQ :: [(String, TypeQ)] -> TypeQ
schemaPairsToTypeQ = typeQListToTypeQ . map pairT
    pairT (k, v) = [t| '( $(litT $ strTyLit k), $v) |]

-- | Strip all kind signatures from the given type.
stripSigs :: Type -> Type
stripSigs = \case
  ForallT tyVars ctx ty -> ForallT tyVars ctx (stripSigs ty)
  AppT ty1 ty2 -> AppT (stripSigs ty1) (stripSigs ty2)
  SigT ty _ -> stripSigs ty
  InfixT ty1 name ty2 -> InfixT (stripSigs ty1) name (stripSigs ty2)
  UInfixT ty1 name ty2 -> UInfixT (stripSigs ty1) name (stripSigs ty2)
  ParensT ty -> ParensT (stripSigs ty)
  ty -> ty

reifySchema :: Name -> TypeQ
reifySchema = reify >=> \case
  TyConI (TySynD _ _ ty) -> pure $ stripSigs ty
  info -> fail $ "Unknown reified schema: " ++ show info

-- | Unwrap the given type using the given getter operations.
-- Accepts Bool for whether to maintain functor structure (True) or strip away functor applications
-- (False).
unwrapType :: Bool -> GetterOps -> Type -> TypeQ
unwrapType _ [] = fromSchemaType
    fromSchemaType schema = case schema of
      AppT (PromotedT ty) inner
        | ty == 'SchemaCustom -> [t| SchemaResult $(pure schema) |]
        | ty == 'SchemaMaybe -> [t| Maybe $(fromSchemaType inner) |]
        | ty == 'SchemaList -> [t| [$(fromSchemaType inner)] |]
        | ty == 'SchemaObject -> [t| Object $(pure schema) |]
        | ty == 'SchemaUnion -> [t| SchemaResult $(pure schema) |]
      PromotedT ty
        | ty == 'SchemaBool -> [t| Bool |]
        | ty == 'SchemaInt -> [t| Int |]
        | ty == 'SchemaDouble -> [t| Double |]
        | ty == 'SchemaText -> [t| Text |]
      AppT t1 t2 -> appT (fromSchemaType t1) (fromSchemaType t2)
      TupleT _ -> pure schema
      _ -> fail $ "Could not convert schema: " ++ showSchemaType schema
unwrapType keepFunctor (op:ops) = \case
  schema@(AppT (PromotedT ty) inner) ->
    case op of
      GetterKey key | ty == 'SchemaObject ->
        case lookup key (getObjectSchema inner) of
          Just schema' -> unwrapType' ops schema'
          Nothing -> fail $ "Key '" ++ key ++ "' does not exist in schema: " ++ showSchemaType schema
      GetterKey key -> fail $ "Cannot get key '" ++ key ++ "' in schema: " ++ showSchemaType schema
      GetterList elems | ty == 'SchemaObject -> do
        (elem':rest) <- mapM (`unwrapType'` schema) elems
        if all (== elem') rest
          then unwrapType' ops elem'
          else fail $ "List contains different types with schema: " ++ showSchemaType schema
      GetterList _ -> fail $ "Cannot get keys in schema: " ++ showSchemaType schema
      GetterTuple elems | ty == 'SchemaObject ->
        foldl appT (tupleT $ length elems) $ map (`unwrapType'` schema) elems
      GetterTuple _ -> fail $ "Cannot get keys in schema: " ++ showSchemaType schema
      GetterBang | ty == 'SchemaMaybe -> unwrapType' ops inner
      GetterBang -> fail $ "Cannot use `!` operator on schema: " ++ showSchemaType schema
      GetterMapMaybe | ty == 'SchemaMaybe -> withFunctor [t| Maybe |] $ unwrapType' ops inner
      GetterMapMaybe -> fail $ "Cannot use `?` operator on schema: " ++ showSchemaType schema
      GetterMapList | ty == 'SchemaList -> withFunctor (pure ListT) $ unwrapType' ops inner
      GetterMapList -> fail $ "Cannot use `[]` operator on schema: " ++ showSchemaType schema
      GetterBranch branch | ty == 'SchemaUnion ->
        let subTypes = typeToList inner
        in if branch >= length subTypes
          then fail $ "Branch out of bounds for schema: " ++ showSchemaType schema
          else unwrapType' ops $ subTypes !! branch
      GetterBranch _ -> fail $ "Cannot use `@` operator on schema: " ++ showSchemaType schema
  -- allow starting from (Object schema)
  AppT (ConT ty) inner | ty == ''Object -> unwrapType' (op:ops) inner
  schema -> fail $ unlines ["Cannot get type:", show schema, show op]
    unwrapType' = unwrapType keepFunctor
    getObjectSchema = \case
      AppT (AppT PromotedConsT t1) t2 ->
        case t1 of
          AppT (AppT (PromotedTupleT 2) (LitT (StrTyLit key))) ty -> (key, ty) : getObjectSchema t2
          _ -> error $ "Could not parse a (key, schema) tuple: " ++ show t1
      PromotedNilT -> []
      t -> error $ "Could not get object schema: " ++ show t
    withFunctor f = if keepFunctor then appT f else id

{- GetterOps -}

type GetterOps = [GetterOperation]

data GetterOperation
  = GetterKey String
  | GetterList [GetterOps]
  | GetterTuple [GetterOps]
  | GetterBang
  | GetterMapList
  | GetterMapMaybe
  | GetterBranch Int
  deriving (Show,Lift)

showGetterOps :: GetterOps -> String
showGetterOps = concatMap showGetterOp
    showGetterOp = \case
      GetterKey key -> '.':key
      GetterList elems -> ".[" ++ intercalate "," (map showGetterOps elems) ++ "]"
      GetterTuple elems -> ".(" ++ intercalate "," (map showGetterOps elems) ++ ")"
      GetterBang -> "!"
      GetterMapList -> "[]"
      GetterMapMaybe -> "?"
      GetterBranch x -> '@' : show x