{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns        #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK prune #-}
-- |
-- Module      : Data.Array.Accelerate.Interpreter
-- Description : Reference backend (interpreted)
-- Copyright   : [2008..2020] The Accelerate Team
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : Trevor L. McDonell <trevor.mcdonell@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions)
-- This interpreter is meant to be a reference implementation of the
-- semantics of the embedded array language. The emphasis is on defining
-- the semantics clearly, not on performance.

module Data.Array.Accelerate.Interpreter (

  Smart.Acc, Sugar.Arrays,
  Afunction, AfunctionR,

  -- * Interpret an array expression
  run, run1, runN,

  -- Internal (hidden)
  evalPrim, evalPrimConst, evalCoerceScalar,

) where

import Data.Array.Accelerate.AST                                    hiding ( Boundary(..) )
import Data.Array.Accelerate.AST.Environment
import Data.Array.Accelerate.AST.Var
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Array.Data
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Error
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Representation.Array
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Representation.Elt
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Representation.Shape
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Representation.Slice
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Representation.Stencil
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Representation.Tag
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Representation.Type
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Representation.Vec
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Trafo
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Trafo.Delayed                          ( DelayedOpenAfun, DelayedOpenAcc )
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Trafo.Sharing                          ( AfunctionR, AfunctionRepr(..), afunctionRepr )
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Type
import Data.Primitive.Vec
import qualified Data.Array.Accelerate.AST                          as AST
import qualified Data.Array.Accelerate.Debug                        as D
import qualified Data.Array.Accelerate.Smart                        as Smart
import qualified Data.Array.Accelerate.Sugar.Array                  as Sugar
import qualified Data.Array.Accelerate.Sugar.Elt                    as Sugar
import qualified Data.Array.Accelerate.Trafo.Delayed                as AST

import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Bits
import Data.Primitive.ByteArray
import Data.Primitive.Types
import System.IO.Unsafe                                             ( unsafePerformIO )
import Text.Printf                                                  ( printf )
import Unsafe.Coerce
import Prelude                                                      hiding ( (!!), sum )

-- Program execution
-- -----------------

-- | Run a complete embedded array program using the reference interpreter.
run :: (HasCallStack, Sugar.Arrays a) => Smart.Acc a -> a
run a = unsafePerformIO execute
    !acc    = convertAcc a
    execute = do
      D.dumpGraph $!! acc
      res <- phase "execute" D.elapsed $ evaluate $ evalOpenAcc acc Empty
      return $ Sugar.toArr $ snd res

-- | This is 'runN' specialised to an array program of one argument.
run1 :: (HasCallStack, Sugar.Arrays a, Sugar.Arrays b) => (Smart.Acc a -> Smart.Acc b) -> a -> b
run1 = runN

-- | Prepare and execute an embedded array program.
runN :: forall f. (HasCallStack, Afunction f) => f -> AfunctionR f
runN f = go
    !acc    = convertAfun f
    !afun   = unsafePerformIO $ do
                D.dumpGraph $!! acc
                return acc
    !go     = eval (afunctionRepr @f) afun Empty
    eval :: AfunctionRepr g (AfunctionR g) (ArraysFunctionR g)
         -> DelayedOpenAfun aenv (ArraysFunctionR g)
         -> Val aenv
         -> AfunctionR g
    eval (AfunctionReprLam reprF) (Alam lhs f) aenv = \a -> eval reprF f $ aenv `push` (lhs, Sugar.fromArr a)
    eval AfunctionReprBody        (Abody b)    aenv = unsafePerformIO $ phase "execute" D.elapsed (Sugar.toArr . snd <$> evaluate (evalOpenAcc b aenv))
    eval _                        _aenv        _    = error "Two men say they're Jesus; one of them must be wrong"

-- -- | Stream a lazily read list of input arrays through the given program,
-- -- collecting results as we go
-- --
-- streamOut :: Arrays a => Sugar.Seq [a] -> [a]
-- streamOut seq = let seq' = convertSeqWith config seq
--                 in evalDelayedSeq defaultSeqConfig seq'

-- Debugging
-- ---------

phase :: String -> (Double -> Double -> String) -> IO a -> IO a
phase n fmt go = D.timed D.dump_phases (\wall cpu -> printf "phase %s: %s" n (fmt wall cpu)) go

-- Delayed Arrays
-- --------------

-- Note that in contrast to the representation used in the optimised AST, the
-- delayed array representation used here is _only_ for delayed arrays --- we do
-- not require an optional Manifest|Delayed data type to evaluate the program.
data Delayed a where
  Delayed :: ArrayR (Array sh e)
          -> sh
          -> (sh -> e)
          -> (Int -> e)
          -> Delayed (Array sh e)

-- Array expression evaluation
-- ---------------------------

type WithReprs acc = (ArraysR acc, acc)

fromFunction' :: ArrayR (Array sh e) -> sh -> (sh -> e) -> WithReprs (Array sh e)
fromFunction' repr sh f = (TupRsingle repr, fromFunction repr sh f)

-- Evaluate an open array function
evalOpenAfun :: HasCallStack => DelayedOpenAfun aenv f -> Val aenv -> f
evalOpenAfun (Alam lhs f) aenv = \a -> evalOpenAfun f $ aenv `push` (lhs, a)
evalOpenAfun (Abody b)    aenv = snd $ evalOpenAcc b aenv

-- The core interpreter for optimised array programs
    :: forall aenv a. HasCallStack
    => DelayedOpenAcc aenv a
    -> Val aenv
    -> WithReprs a
evalOpenAcc AST.Delayed{}       _    = internalError "expected manifest array"
evalOpenAcc (AST.Manifest pacc) aenv =
      manifest :: forall a'. HasCallStack => DelayedOpenAcc aenv a' -> WithReprs a'
      manifest acc =
        let (repr, a') = evalOpenAcc acc aenv
        in  rnfArraysR repr a' `seq` (repr, a')

      delayed :: DelayedOpenAcc aenv (Array sh e) -> Delayed (Array sh e)
      delayed AST.Delayed{..} = Delayed reprD (evalE extentD) (evalF indexD) (evalF linearIndexD)
      delayed a' = Delayed aR (shape a) (indexArray aR a) (linearIndexArray (arrayRtype aR) a)
          (TupRsingle aR, a) = manifest a'

      evalE :: Exp aenv t -> t
      evalE exp = evalExp exp aenv

      evalF :: Fun aenv f -> f
      evalF fun = evalFun fun aenv

      evalB :: AST.Boundary aenv t -> Boundary t
      evalB bnd = evalBoundary bnd aenv

      dir :: Direction -> t -> t -> t
      dir LeftToRight l _ = l
      dir RightToLeft _ r = r
  case pacc of
    Avar (Var repr ix)          -> (TupRsingle repr, prj ix aenv)
    Alet lhs acc1 acc2          -> evalOpenAcc acc2 $ aenv `push` (lhs, snd $ manifest acc1)
    Apair acc1 acc2             -> let
                                     (r1, a1) = manifest acc1
                                     (r2, a2) = manifest acc2
                                     (TupRpair r1 r2, (a1, a2))
    Anil                        -> (TupRunit, ())
    Apply repr afun acc         -> (repr, evalOpenAfun afun aenv $ snd $ manifest acc)
    Aforeign repr _ afun acc    -> (repr, evalOpenAfun afun Empty $ snd $ manifest acc)
    Acond p acc1 acc2
      | toBool (evalE p)        -> manifest acc1
      | otherwise               -> manifest acc2

    Awhile cond body acc        -> (repr, go initial)
        (repr, initial) = manifest acc
        p       = evalOpenAfun cond aenv
        f       = evalOpenAfun body aenv
        go !x
          | toBool (linearIndexArray (Sugar.eltR @Word8) (p x) 0) = go (f x)
          | otherwise                                             = x

    Use repr arr                -> (TupRsingle repr, arr)
    Unit tp e                   -> unitOp tp (evalE e)
    -- Collect s                   -> evalSeq defaultSeqConfig s aenv

    -- Producers
    -- ---------
    Map tp f acc                -> mapOp tp (evalF f) (delayed acc)
    Generate repr sh f          -> generateOp repr (evalE sh) (evalF f)
    Transform repr sh p f acc   -> transformOp repr (evalE sh) (evalF p) (evalF f) (delayed acc)
    Backpermute shr sh p acc    -> backpermuteOp shr (evalE sh) (evalF p) (delayed acc)
    Reshape shr sh acc          -> reshapeOp shr (evalE sh) (manifest acc)

    ZipWith tp f acc1 acc2      -> zipWithOp tp (evalF f) (delayed acc1) (delayed acc2)
    Replicate slice slix acc    -> replicateOp slice (evalE slix) (manifest acc)
    Slice slice acc slix        -> sliceOp slice (manifest acc) (evalE slix)

    -- Consumers
    -- ---------
    Fold f (Just z) acc         -> foldOp (evalF f) (evalE z) (delayed acc)
    Fold f Nothing  acc         -> fold1Op (evalF f) (delayed acc)
    FoldSeg i f (Just z) acc seg -> foldSegOp i (evalF f) (evalE z) (delayed acc) (delayed seg)
    FoldSeg i f Nothing acc seg -> fold1SegOp i (evalF f) (delayed acc) (delayed seg)
    Scan  d f (Just z) acc      -> dir d scanlOp  scanrOp  (evalF f) (evalE z) (delayed acc)
    Scan  d f Nothing  acc      -> dir d scanl1Op scanr1Op (evalF f)           (delayed acc)
    Scan' d f z acc             -> dir d scanl'Op scanr'Op (evalF f) (evalE z) (delayed acc)
    Permute f def p acc         -> permuteOp (evalF f) (manifest def) (evalF p) (delayed acc)
    Stencil s tp sten b acc     -> stencilOp s tp (evalF sten) (evalB b) (delayed acc)
    Stencil2 s1 s2 tp sten b1 a1 b2 a2
                                -> stencil2Op s1 s2 tp (evalF sten) (evalB b1) (delayed a1) (evalB b2) (delayed a2)

-- Array primitives
-- ----------------

unitOp :: TypeR e -> e -> WithReprs (Scalar e)
unitOp tp e = fromFunction' (ArrayR ShapeRz tp) () (const e)

    :: ArrayR (Array sh e)
    -> sh
    -> (sh -> e)
    -> WithReprs (Array sh e)
generateOp = fromFunction'

    :: ArrayR (Array sh' b)
    -> sh'
    -> (sh' -> sh)
    -> (a -> b)
    -> Delayed (Array sh a)
    -> WithReprs (Array sh' b)
transformOp repr sh' p f (Delayed _ _ xs _)
  = fromFunction' repr sh' (\ix -> f (xs $ p ix))

    :: HasCallStack
    => ShapeR sh
    -> sh
    -> WithReprs (Array sh' e)
    -> WithReprs (Array sh  e)
reshapeOp newShapeR newShape (TupRsingle (ArrayR shr tp), (Array sh adata))
  = boundsCheck "shape mismatch" (size newShapeR newShape == size shr sh)
    ( TupRsingle (ArrayR newShapeR tp)
    , Array newShape adata

    :: SliceIndex slix sl co sh
    -> slix
    -> WithReprs (Array sl e)
    -> WithReprs (Array sh e)
replicateOp slice slix (TupRsingle repr@(ArrayR _ tp), arr)
  = fromFunction' repr' sh (\ix -> (repr, arr) ! pf ix)
    repr' = ArrayR (sliceDomainR slice) tp
    (sh, pf) = extend slice slix (shape arr)

    extend :: SliceIndex slix sl co dim
           -> slix
           -> sl
           -> (dim, dim -> sl)
    extend SliceNil              ()        ()
      = ((), const ())
    extend (SliceAll sliceIdx)   (slx, ()) (sl, sz)
      = let (dim', f') = extend sliceIdx slx sl
        in  ((dim', sz), \(ix, i) -> (f' ix, i))
    extend (SliceFixed sliceIdx) (slx, sz) sl
      = let (dim', f') = extend sliceIdx slx sl
        in  ((dim', sz), \(ix, _) -> f' ix)

    :: SliceIndex slix sl co sh
    -> WithReprs (Array sh e)
    -> slix
    -> WithReprs (Array sl e)
sliceOp slice (TupRsingle repr@(ArrayR _ tp), arr) slix
  = fromFunction' repr' sh' (\ix -> (repr, arr) ! pf ix)
    repr' = ArrayR (sliceShapeR slice) tp
    (sh', pf) = restrict slice slix (shape arr)

        :: HasCallStack
        => SliceIndex slix sl co sh
        -> slix
        -> sh
        -> (sl, sl -> sh)
    restrict SliceNil              ()        ()
      = ((), const ())
    restrict (SliceAll sliceIdx)   (slx, ()) (sl, sz)
      = let (sl', f') = restrict sliceIdx slx sl
        in  ((sl', sz), \(ix, i) -> (f' ix, i))
    restrict (SliceFixed sliceIdx) (slx, i)  (sl, sz)
      = let (sl', f') = restrict sliceIdx slx sl
        in  indexCheck i sz $ (sl', \ix -> (f' ix, i))

mapOp :: TypeR b
      -> (a -> b)
      -> Delayed   (Array sh a)
      -> WithReprs (Array sh b)
mapOp tp f (Delayed (ArrayR shr _) sh xs _)
  = fromFunction' (ArrayR shr tp) sh (\ix -> f (xs ix))

    :: TypeR c
    -> (a -> b -> c)
    -> Delayed   (Array sh a)
    -> Delayed   (Array sh b)
    -> WithReprs (Array sh c)
zipWithOp tp f (Delayed (ArrayR shr _) shx xs _) (Delayed _ shy ys _)
  = fromFunction' (ArrayR shr tp) (intersect shr shx shy) (\ix -> f (xs ix) (ys ix))

    :: (e -> e -> e)
    -> e
    -> Delayed (Array (sh, Int) e)
    -> WithReprs (Array sh e)
foldOp f z (Delayed (ArrayR (ShapeRsnoc shr) tp) (sh, n) arr _)
  = fromFunction' (ArrayR shr tp) sh (\ix -> iter (ShapeRsnoc ShapeRz) ((), n) (\((), i) -> arr (ix, i)) f z)

    :: HasCallStack
    => (e -> e -> e)
    -> Delayed (Array (sh, Int) e)
    -> WithReprs (Array sh e)
fold1Op f (Delayed (ArrayR (ShapeRsnoc shr) tp) (sh, n) arr _)
  = boundsCheck "empty array" (n > 0)
  $ fromFunction' (ArrayR shr tp) sh (\ix -> iter1 (ShapeRsnoc ShapeRz) ((), n) (\((), i) -> arr (ix, i)) f)

    :: HasCallStack
    => IntegralType i
    -> (e -> e -> e)
    -> e
    -> Delayed (Array (sh, Int) e)
    -> Delayed (Segments i)
    -> WithReprs (Array (sh, Int) e)
foldSegOp itp f z (Delayed repr (sh, _) arr _) (Delayed _ ((), n) _ seg)
  | IntegralDict <- integralDict itp
  = boundsCheck "empty segment descriptor" (n > 0)
  $ fromFunction' repr (sh, n-1)
  $ \(sz, ix) ->   let start = fromIntegral $ seg ix
                       end   = fromIntegral $ seg (ix+1)
                   boundsCheck "empty segment" (end >= start)
                   $ iter (ShapeRsnoc ShapeRz) ((), end-start) (\((), i) -> arr (sz, start+i)) f z

    :: HasCallStack
    => IntegralType i
    -> (e -> e -> e)
    -> Delayed (Array (sh, Int) e)
    -> Delayed (Segments i)
    -> WithReprs (Array (sh, Int) e)
fold1SegOp itp f (Delayed repr (sh, _) arr _) (Delayed _ ((), n) _ seg)
  | IntegralDict <- integralDict itp
  = boundsCheck "empty segment descriptor" (n > 0)
  $ fromFunction' repr (sh, n-1)
  $ \(sz, ix)   -> let start = fromIntegral $ seg ix
                       end   = fromIntegral $ seg (ix+1)
                   boundsCheck "empty segment" (end > start)
                   $ iter1 (ShapeRsnoc ShapeRz) ((), end-start) (\((), i) -> arr (sz, start+i)) f

    :: forall sh e. HasCallStack
    => (e -> e -> e)
    -> Delayed (Array (sh, Int) e)
    -> WithReprs (Array (sh, Int) e)
scanl1Op f (Delayed (ArrayR shr tp) sh@(_, n) ain _)
  = boundsCheck "empty array" (n > 0)
    ( TupRsingle $ ArrayR shr tp
    , adata `seq` Array sh adata
    (adata, _)  = runArrayData @e $ do
      aout <- newArrayData tp (size shr sh)

      let write (sz, 0) = writeArrayData tp aout (toIndex shr sh (sz, 0)) (ain (sz, 0))
          write (sz, i) = do
            x <- readArrayData tp aout (toIndex shr sh (sz, i-1))
            let y = ain (sz, i)
            writeArrayData tp aout (toIndex shr sh (sz, i)) (f x y)

      iter shr sh write (>>) (return ())
      return (aout, undefined)

    :: forall sh e.
       (e -> e -> e)
    -> e
    -> Delayed (Array (sh, Int) e)
    -> WithReprs (Array (sh, Int) e)
scanlOp f z (Delayed (ArrayR shr tp) (sh, n) ain _)
  = ( TupRsingle $ ArrayR shr tp
    , adata `seq` Array sh' adata
    sh'         = (sh, n+1)
    (adata, _)  = runArrayData @e $ do
      aout <- newArrayData tp (size shr sh')

      let write (sz, 0) = writeArrayData tp aout (toIndex shr sh' (sz, 0)) z
          write (sz, i) = do
            x <- readArrayData tp aout (toIndex shr sh' (sz, i-1))
            let y = ain (sz, i-1)
            writeArrayData tp aout (toIndex shr sh' (sz, i)) (f x y)

      iter shr sh' write (>>) (return ())
      return (aout, undefined)

    :: forall sh e.
       (e -> e -> e)
    -> e
    -> Delayed (Array (sh, Int) e)
    -> WithReprs (Array (sh, Int) e, Array sh e)
scanl'Op f z (Delayed (ArrayR shr@(ShapeRsnoc shr') tp) (sh, n) ain _)
  = ( TupRsingle (ArrayR shr tp) `TupRpair` TupRsingle (ArrayR shr' tp)
    , aout `seq` asum `seq` ( Array (sh, n) aout, Array sh asum )
    ((aout, asum), _) = runArrayData @(e, e) $ do
      aout <- newArrayData tp (size shr  (sh, n))
      asum <- newArrayData tp (size shr' sh)

      let write (sz, 0)
            | n == 0    = writeArrayData tp asum (toIndex shr' sh sz) z
            | otherwise = writeArrayData tp aout (toIndex shr  (sh, n) (sz, 0)) z
          write (sz, i) = do
            x <- readArrayData tp aout (toIndex shr (sh, n) (sz, i-1))
            let y = ain (sz, i-1)
            if i == n
              then writeArrayData tp asum (toIndex shr' sh      sz)      (f x y)
              else writeArrayData tp aout (toIndex shr  (sh, n) (sz, i)) (f x y)

      iter shr (sh, n+1) write (>>) (return ())
      return ((aout, asum), undefined)

    :: forall sh e.
       (e -> e -> e)
    -> e
    -> Delayed (Array (sh, Int) e)
    -> WithReprs (Array (sh, Int) e)
scanrOp f z (Delayed (ArrayR shr tp) (sz, n) ain _)
  = ( TupRsingle (ArrayR shr tp)
    , adata `seq` Array sh' adata
    sh'         = (sz, n+1)
    (adata, _)  = runArrayData @e $ do
      aout <- newArrayData tp (size shr sh')

      let write (sz, 0) = writeArrayData tp aout (toIndex shr sh' (sz, n)) z
          write (sz, i) = do
            let x = ain (sz, n-i)
            y <- readArrayData tp aout (toIndex shr sh' (sz, n-i+1))
            writeArrayData tp aout (toIndex shr sh' (sz, n-i)) (f x y)

      iter shr sh' write (>>) (return ())
      return (aout, undefined)

    :: forall sh e. HasCallStack
    => (e -> e -> e)
    -> Delayed (Array (sh, Int) e)
    -> WithReprs (Array (sh, Int) e)
scanr1Op f (Delayed (ArrayR shr tp) sh@(_, n) ain _)
  = boundsCheck "empty array" (n > 0)
    ( TupRsingle $ ArrayR shr tp
    , adata `seq` Array sh adata
    (adata, _)  = runArrayData @e $ do
      aout <- newArrayData tp (size shr sh)

      let write (sz, 0) = writeArrayData tp aout (toIndex shr sh (sz, n-1)) (ain (sz, n-1))
          write (sz, i) = do
            let x = ain (sz, n-i-1)
            y <- readArrayData tp aout (toIndex shr sh (sz, n-i))
            writeArrayData tp aout (toIndex shr sh (sz, n-i-1)) (f x y)

      iter shr sh write (>>) (return ())
      return (aout, undefined)

    :: forall sh e.
       (e -> e -> e)
    -> e
    -> Delayed (Array (sh, Int) e)
    -> WithReprs (Array (sh, Int) e, Array sh e)
scanr'Op f z (Delayed (ArrayR shr@(ShapeRsnoc shr') tp) (sh, n) ain _)
  = ( TupRsingle (ArrayR shr tp) `TupRpair` TupRsingle (ArrayR shr' tp)
    , aout `seq` asum `seq` ( Array (sh, n) aout, Array sh asum )
    ((aout, asum), _) = runArrayData @(e, e) $ do
      aout <- newArrayData tp (size shr  (sh, n))
      asum <- newArrayData tp (size shr' sh)

      let write (sz, 0)
            | n == 0    = writeArrayData tp asum (toIndex shr' sh sz) z
            | otherwise = writeArrayData tp aout (toIndex shr  (sh, n) (sz, n-1)) z

          write (sz, i) = do
            let x = ain (sz, n-i)
            y <- readArrayData tp aout (toIndex shr (sh, n) (sz, n-i))
            if i == n
              then writeArrayData tp asum (toIndex shr' sh      sz)          (f x y)
              else writeArrayData tp aout (toIndex shr  (sh, n) (sz, n-i-1)) (f x y)

      iter shr (sh, n+1) write (>>) (return ())
      return ((aout, asum), undefined)

    :: forall sh sh' e. HasCallStack
    => (e -> e -> e)
    -> WithReprs (Array sh' e)
    -> (sh -> PrimMaybe sh')
    -> Delayed   (Array sh  e)
    -> WithReprs (Array sh' e)
permuteOp f (TupRsingle (ArrayR shr' _), def@(Array _ adef)) p (Delayed (ArrayR shr tp) sh _ ain)
  = (TupRsingle $ ArrayR shr' tp, adata `seq` Array sh' adata)
    sh'         = shape def
    n'          = size shr' sh'
    (adata, _)  = runArrayData @e $ do
      aout <- newArrayData tp n'

      let -- initialise array with default values
          init i
            | i >= n'   = return ()
            | otherwise = do
                x <- readArrayData tp adef i
                writeArrayData tp aout i x
                init (i+1)

          -- project each element onto the destination array and update
          update src
            = case p src of
                (0,_)        -> return ()
                (1,((),dst)) -> do
                  let i = toIndex shr  sh  src
                      j = toIndex shr' sh' dst
                      x = ain i
                  y <- readArrayData tp aout j
                  writeArrayData tp aout j (f x y)
                _            -> internalError "unexpected tag"

      init 0
      iter shr sh update (>>) (return ())
      return (aout, undefined)

    :: ShapeR sh'
    -> sh'
    -> (sh' -> sh)
    -> Delayed (Array sh e)
    -> WithReprs (Array sh' e)
backpermuteOp shr sh' p (Delayed (ArrayR _ tp) _ arr _)
  = fromFunction' (ArrayR shr tp) sh' (\ix -> arr $ p ix)

    :: HasCallStack
    => StencilR sh a stencil
    -> TypeR b
    -> (stencil -> b)
    -> Boundary (Array sh a)
    -> Delayed  (Array sh a)
    -> WithReprs (Array sh b)
stencilOp stencil tp f bnd arr@(Delayed _ sh _ _)
  = fromFunction' (ArrayR shr tp) sh
  $ f . stencilAccess stencil (bounded shr bnd arr)
    shr = stencilShapeR stencil

    :: HasCallStack
    => StencilR sh a stencil1
    -> StencilR sh b stencil2
    -> TypeR c
    -> (stencil1 -> stencil2 -> c)
    -> Boundary (Array sh a)
    -> Delayed  (Array sh a)
    -> Boundary (Array sh b)
    -> Delayed  (Array sh b)
    -> WithReprs (Array sh c)
stencil2Op s1 s2 tp stencil bnd1 arr1@(Delayed _ sh1 _ _) bnd2 arr2@(Delayed _ sh2 _ _)
  = fromFunction' (ArrayR shr tp) (intersect shr sh1 sh2) f
    f ix  = stencil (stencilAccess s1 (bounded shr bnd1 arr1) ix)
                    (stencilAccess s2 (bounded shr bnd2 arr2) ix)
    shr = stencilShapeR s1

    :: StencilR sh e stencil
    -> (sh -> e)
    -> sh
    -> stencil
stencilAccess stencil = goR (stencilShapeR stencil) stencil
    -- Base cases, nothing interesting to do here since we know the lower
    -- dimension is Z.
    goR :: ShapeR sh -> StencilR sh e stencil -> (sh -> e) -> sh -> stencil
    goR _ (StencilRunit3 _) rf ix =
          (z, i) = ix
          rf' d  = rf (z, i+d)
      ((( ()
      , rf' (-1))
      , rf'   0 )
      , rf'   1 )

    goR _ (StencilRunit5 _) rf ix =
      let (z, i) = ix
          rf' d  = rf (z, i+d)
      ((((( ()
      , rf' (-2))
      , rf' (-1))
      , rf'   0 )
      , rf'   1 )
      , rf'   2 )

    goR _ (StencilRunit7 _) rf ix =
      let (z, i) = ix
          rf' d  = rf (z, i+d)
      ((((((( ()
      , rf' (-3))
      , rf' (-2))
      , rf' (-1))
      , rf'   0 )
      , rf'   1 )
      , rf'   2 )
      , rf'   3 )

    goR _ (StencilRunit9 _) rf ix =
      let (z, i) = ix
          rf' d  = rf (z, i+d)
      ((((((((( ()
      , rf' (-4))
      , rf' (-3))
      , rf' (-2))
      , rf' (-1))
      , rf'   0 )
      , rf'   1 )
      , rf'   2 )
      , rf'   3 )
      , rf'   4 )

    -- Recursive cases. Note that because the stencil pattern is defined with
    -- cons ordering, whereas shapes (and indices) are defined as a snoc-list,
    -- when we recurse on the stencil structure we must manipulate the
    -- _left-most_ index component.
    goR (ShapeRsnoc shr) (StencilRtup3 s1 s2 s3) rf ix =
      let (i, ix') = uncons shr ix
          rf' d ds = rf (cons shr (i+d) ds)
      ((( ()
      , goR shr s1 (rf' (-1)) ix')
      , goR shr s2 (rf'   0)  ix')
      , goR shr s3 (rf'   1)  ix')

    goR (ShapeRsnoc shr) (StencilRtup5 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5) rf ix =
      let (i, ix') = uncons shr ix
          rf' d ds = rf (cons shr (i+d) ds)
      ((((( ()
      , goR shr s1 (rf' (-2)) ix')
      , goR shr s2 (rf' (-1)) ix')
      , goR shr s3 (rf'   0)  ix')
      , goR shr s4 (rf'   1)  ix')
      , goR shr s5 (rf'   2)  ix')

    goR (ShapeRsnoc shr) (StencilRtup7 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7) rf ix =
      let (i, ix') = uncons shr ix
          rf' d ds = rf (cons shr (i+d) ds)
      ((((((( ()
      , goR shr s1 (rf' (-3)) ix')
      , goR shr s2 (rf' (-2)) ix')
      , goR shr s3 (rf' (-1)) ix')
      , goR shr s4 (rf'   0)  ix')
      , goR shr s5 (rf'   1)  ix')
      , goR shr s6 (rf'   2)  ix')
      , goR shr s7 (rf'   3)  ix')

    goR (ShapeRsnoc shr) (StencilRtup9 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9) rf ix =
      let (i, ix') = uncons shr ix
          rf' d ds = rf (cons shr (i+d) ds)
      ((((((((( ()
      , goR shr s1 (rf' (-4)) ix')
      , goR shr s2 (rf' (-3)) ix')
      , goR shr s3 (rf' (-2)) ix')
      , goR shr s4 (rf' (-1)) ix')
      , goR shr s5 (rf'   0)  ix')
      , goR shr s6 (rf'   1)  ix')
      , goR shr s7 (rf'   2)  ix')
      , goR shr s8 (rf'   3)  ix')
      , goR shr s9 (rf'   4)  ix')

    -- Add a left-most component to an index
    cons :: ShapeR sh -> Int -> sh -> (sh, Int)
    cons ShapeRz          ix ()       = ((), ix)
    cons (ShapeRsnoc shr) ix (sh, sz) = (cons shr ix sh, sz)

    -- Remove the left-most index of an index, and return the remainder
    uncons :: ShapeR sh -> (sh, Int) -> (Int, sh)
    uncons ShapeRz          ((), v)  = (v, ())
    uncons (ShapeRsnoc shr) (v1, v2) = let (i, v1') = uncons shr v1
                                       in  (i, (v1', v2))

    :: HasCallStack
    => ShapeR sh
    -> Boundary (Array sh e)
    -> Delayed (Array sh e)
    -> sh
    -> e
bounded shr bnd (Delayed _ sh f _) ix =
  if inside shr sh ix
    then f ix
      case bnd of
        Function g -> g ix
        Constant v -> v
        _          -> f (bound shr sh ix)

    -- Whether the index (second argument) is inside the bounds of the given
    -- shape (first argument).
    inside :: ShapeR sh -> sh -> sh -> Bool
    inside ShapeRz          ()       ()       = True
    inside (ShapeRsnoc shr) (sh, sz) (ih, iz) = iz >= 0 && iz < sz && inside shr sh ih

    -- Return the index (second argument), updated to obey the given boundary
    -- conditions when outside the bounds of the given shape (first argument)
    bound :: HasCallStack => ShapeR sh -> sh -> sh -> sh
    bound ShapeRz () () = ()
    bound (ShapeRsnoc shr) (sh, sz) (ih, iz) = (bound shr sh ih, ih')
          | iz < 0 = case bnd of
                          Clamp  -> 0
                          Mirror -> -iz
                          Wrap   -> sz + iz
                          _      -> internalError "unexpected boundary condition"
          | iz >= sz  = case bnd of
                          Clamp  -> sz - 1
                          Mirror -> sz - (iz - sz + 2)
                          Wrap   -> iz - sz
                          _      -> internalError "unexpected boundary condition"
          | otherwise = iz

-- toSeqOp :: forall slix sl dim co e proxy. (Elt slix, Shape sl, Shape dim, Elt e)
--         => SliceIndex (EltRepr slix)
--                       (EltRepr sl)
--                       co
--                       (EltRepr dim)
--         -> proxy slix
--         -> Array dim e
--         -> [Array sl e]
-- toSeqOp sliceIndex _ arr = map (sliceOp sliceIndex arr :: slix -> Array sl e)
--                                (enumSlices sliceIndex (shape arr))

-- Stencil boundary conditions
-- ---------------------------

data Boundary t where
  Clamp    :: Boundary t
  Mirror   :: Boundary t
  Wrap     :: Boundary t
  Constant :: t -> Boundary (Array sh t)
  Function :: (sh -> e) -> Boundary (Array sh e)

evalBoundary :: HasCallStack => AST.Boundary aenv t -> Val aenv -> Boundary t
evalBoundary bnd aenv =
  case bnd of
    AST.Clamp      -> Clamp
    AST.Mirror     -> Mirror
    AST.Wrap       -> Wrap
    AST.Constant v -> Constant v
    AST.Function f -> Function (evalFun f aenv)

-- Scalar expression evaluation
-- ----------------------------

-- Evaluate a closed scalar expression
evalExp :: HasCallStack => Exp aenv t -> Val aenv -> t
evalExp e aenv = evalOpenExp e Empty aenv

-- Evaluate a closed scalar function
evalFun :: HasCallStack => Fun aenv t -> Val aenv -> t
evalFun f aenv = evalOpenFun f Empty aenv

-- Evaluate an open scalar function
evalOpenFun :: HasCallStack => OpenFun env aenv t -> Val env -> Val aenv -> t
evalOpenFun (Body e)    env aenv = evalOpenExp e env aenv
evalOpenFun (Lam lhs f) env aenv =
  \x -> evalOpenFun f (env `push` (lhs, x)) aenv

-- Evaluate an open scalar expression
-- NB: The implementation of 'Index' and 'Shape' demonstrate clearly why
--     array expressions must be hoisted out of scalar expressions before code
--     execution. If these operations are in the body of a function that gets
--     mapped over an array, the array argument would be evaluated many times
--     leading to a large amount of wasteful recomputation.
    :: forall env aenv t. HasCallStack
    => OpenExp env aenv t
    -> Val env
    -> Val aenv
    -> t
evalOpenExp pexp env aenv =
      evalE :: OpenExp env aenv t' -> t'
      evalE e = evalOpenExp e env aenv

      evalF :: OpenFun env aenv f' -> f'
      evalF f = evalOpenFun f env aenv

      evalA :: ArrayVar aenv a -> WithReprs a
      evalA (Var repr ix) = (TupRsingle repr, prj ix aenv)
  case pexp of
    Let lhs exp1 exp2           -> let !v1  = evalE exp1
                                       env' = env `push` (lhs, v1)
                                   in  evalOpenExp exp2 env' aenv
    Evar (Var _ ix)             -> prj ix env
    Const _ c                   -> c
    Undef tp                    -> undefElt (TupRsingle tp)
    PrimConst c                 -> evalPrimConst c
    PrimApp f x                 -> evalPrim f (evalE x)
    Nil                         -> ()
    Pair e1 e2                  -> let !x1 = evalE e1
                                       !x2 = evalE e2
                                   in  (x1, x2)
    VecPack   vecR e            -> pack   vecR $! evalE e
    VecUnpack vecR e            -> unpack vecR $! evalE e
    IndexSlice slice slix sh    -> restrict slice (evalE slix)
                                                  (evalE sh)
        restrict :: SliceIndex slix sl co sh -> slix -> sh -> sl
        restrict SliceNil              ()        ()         = ()
        restrict (SliceAll sliceIdx)   (slx, ()) (sl, sz)   =
          let sl' = restrict sliceIdx slx sl
          in  (sl', sz)
        restrict (SliceFixed sliceIdx) (slx, _i)  (sl, _sz) =
          restrict sliceIdx slx sl

    IndexFull slice slix sh     -> extend slice (evalE slix)
                                                (evalE sh)
        extend :: SliceIndex slix sl co sh -> slix -> sl -> sh
        extend SliceNil              ()        ()       = ()
        extend (SliceAll sliceIdx)   (slx, ()) (sl, sz) =
          let sh' = extend sliceIdx slx sl
          in  (sh', sz)
        extend (SliceFixed sliceIdx) (slx, sz) sl       =
          let sh' = extend sliceIdx slx sl
          in  (sh', sz)

    ToIndex shr sh ix           -> toIndex shr (evalE sh) (evalE ix)
    FromIndex shr sh ix         -> fromIndex shr (evalE sh) (evalE ix)
    Case e rhs def              -> evalE (caseof (evalE e) rhs)
        caseof :: TAG -> [(TAG, OpenExp env aenv t)] -> OpenExp env aenv t
        caseof tag = go
            go ((t,c):cs)
              | tag == t  = c
              | otherwise = go cs
            go []
              | Just d <- def = d
              | otherwise     = internalError "unmatched case"

    Cond c t e
      | toBool (evalE c)        -> evalE t
      | otherwise               -> evalE e

    While cond body seed        -> go (evalE seed)
        f       = evalF body
        p       = evalF cond
        go !x
          | toBool (p x) = go (f x)
          | otherwise    = x

    Index acc ix                -> let (TupRsingle repr, a) = evalA acc
                                   in (repr, a) ! evalE ix
    LinearIndex acc i           -> let (TupRsingle repr, a) = evalA acc
                                       ix   = fromIndex (arrayRshape repr) (shape a) (evalE i)
                                   in (repr, a) ! ix
    Shape acc                   -> shape $ snd $ evalA acc
    ShapeSize shr sh            -> size shr (evalE sh)
    Foreign _ _ f e             -> evalOpenFun f Empty Empty $ evalE e
    Coerce t1 t2 e              -> evalCoerceScalar t1 t2 (evalE e)

-- Coercions
-- ---------

-- Coercion between two scalar types. We require that the size of the source and
-- destination values are equal (this is not checked at this point).
evalCoerceScalar :: ScalarType a -> ScalarType b -> a -> b
evalCoerceScalar SingleScalarType{}    SingleScalarType{} a = unsafeCoerce a
evalCoerceScalar VectorScalarType{}    VectorScalarType{} a = unsafeCoerce a  -- XXX: or just unpack/repack the (Vec ba#)
evalCoerceScalar (SingleScalarType ta) VectorScalarType{} a = vector ta a
    vector :: SingleType a -> a -> Vec n b
    vector (NumSingleType t) = num t

    num :: NumType a -> a -> Vec n b
    num (IntegralNumType t) = integral t
    num (FloatingNumType t) = floating t

    integral :: IntegralType a -> a -> Vec n b
    integral TypeInt{}     = poke
    integral TypeInt8{}    = poke
    integral TypeInt16{}   = poke
    integral TypeInt32{}   = poke
    integral TypeInt64{}   = poke
    integral TypeWord{}    = poke
    integral TypeWord8{}   = poke
    integral TypeWord16{}  = poke
    integral TypeWord32{}  = poke
    integral TypeWord64{}  = poke

    floating :: FloatingType a -> a -> Vec n b
    floating TypeHalf{}    = poke
    floating TypeFloat{}   = poke
    floating TypeDouble{}  = poke

    {-# INLINE poke #-}
    poke :: forall a b n. Prim a => a -> Vec n b
    poke x = runST $ do
      mba <- newByteArray (sizeOf (undefined::a))
      writeByteArray mba 0 x
      ByteArray ba# <- unsafeFreezeByteArray mba
      return $ Vec ba#

evalCoerceScalar VectorScalarType{} (SingleScalarType tb) a = scalar tb a
    scalar :: SingleType b -> Vec n a -> b
    scalar (NumSingleType t) = num t

    num :: NumType b -> Vec n a -> b
    num (IntegralNumType t) = integral t
    num (FloatingNumType t) = floating t

    integral :: IntegralType b -> Vec n a -> b
    integral TypeInt{}     = peek
    integral TypeInt8{}    = peek
    integral TypeInt16{}   = peek
    integral TypeInt32{}   = peek
    integral TypeInt64{}   = peek
    integral TypeWord{}    = peek
    integral TypeWord8{}   = peek
    integral TypeWord16{}  = peek
    integral TypeWord32{}  = peek
    integral TypeWord64{}  = peek

    floating :: FloatingType b -> Vec n a -> b
    floating TypeHalf{}    = peek
    floating TypeFloat{}   = peek
    floating TypeDouble{}  = peek

    {-# INLINE peek #-}
    peek :: Prim a => Vec n b -> a
    peek (Vec ba#) = indexByteArray (ByteArray ba#) 0

-- Scalar primitives
-- -----------------

evalPrimConst :: PrimConst a -> a
evalPrimConst (PrimMinBound ty) = evalMinBound ty
evalPrimConst (PrimMaxBound ty) = evalMaxBound ty
evalPrimConst (PrimPi       ty) = evalPi ty

evalPrim :: PrimFun (a -> r) -> (a -> r)
evalPrim (PrimAdd                ty) = evalAdd ty
evalPrim (PrimSub                ty) = evalSub ty
evalPrim (PrimMul                ty) = evalMul ty
evalPrim (PrimNeg                ty) = evalNeg ty
evalPrim (PrimAbs                ty) = evalAbs ty
evalPrim (PrimSig                ty) = evalSig ty
evalPrim (PrimQuot               ty) = evalQuot ty
evalPrim (PrimRem                ty) = evalRem ty
evalPrim (PrimQuotRem            ty) = evalQuotRem ty
evalPrim (PrimIDiv               ty) = evalIDiv ty
evalPrim (PrimMod                ty) = evalMod ty
evalPrim (PrimDivMod             ty) = evalDivMod ty
evalPrim (PrimBAnd               ty) = evalBAnd ty
evalPrim (PrimBOr                ty) = evalBOr ty
evalPrim (PrimBXor               ty) = evalBXor ty
evalPrim (PrimBNot               ty) = evalBNot ty
evalPrim (PrimBShiftL            ty) = evalBShiftL ty
evalPrim (PrimBShiftR            ty) = evalBShiftR ty
evalPrim (PrimBRotateL           ty) = evalBRotateL ty
evalPrim (PrimBRotateR           ty) = evalBRotateR ty
evalPrim (PrimPopCount           ty) = evalPopCount ty
evalPrim (PrimCountLeadingZeros  ty) = evalCountLeadingZeros ty
evalPrim (PrimCountTrailingZeros ty) = evalCountTrailingZeros ty
evalPrim (PrimFDiv               ty) = evalFDiv ty
evalPrim (PrimRecip              ty) = evalRecip ty
evalPrim (PrimSin                ty) = evalSin ty
evalPrim (PrimCos                ty) = evalCos ty
evalPrim (PrimTan                ty) = evalTan ty
evalPrim (PrimAsin               ty) = evalAsin ty
evalPrim (PrimAcos               ty) = evalAcos ty
evalPrim (PrimAtan               ty) = evalAtan ty
evalPrim (PrimSinh               ty) = evalSinh ty
evalPrim (PrimCosh               ty) = evalCosh ty
evalPrim (PrimTanh               ty) = evalTanh ty
evalPrim (PrimAsinh              ty) = evalAsinh ty
evalPrim (PrimAcosh              ty) = evalAcosh ty
evalPrim (PrimAtanh              ty) = evalAtanh ty
evalPrim (PrimExpFloating        ty) = evalExpFloating ty
evalPrim (PrimSqrt               ty) = evalSqrt ty
evalPrim (PrimLog                ty) = evalLog ty
evalPrim (PrimFPow               ty) = evalFPow ty
evalPrim (PrimLogBase            ty) = evalLogBase ty
evalPrim (PrimTruncate        ta tb) = evalTruncate ta tb
evalPrim (PrimRound           ta tb) = evalRound ta tb
evalPrim (PrimFloor           ta tb) = evalFloor ta tb
evalPrim (PrimCeiling         ta tb) = evalCeiling ta tb
evalPrim (PrimAtan2              ty) = evalAtan2 ty
evalPrim (PrimIsNaN              ty) = evalIsNaN ty
evalPrim (PrimIsInfinite         ty) = evalIsInfinite ty
evalPrim (PrimLt                 ty) = evalLt ty
evalPrim (PrimGt                 ty) = evalGt ty
evalPrim (PrimLtEq               ty) = evalLtEq ty
evalPrim (PrimGtEq               ty) = evalGtEq ty
evalPrim (PrimEq                 ty) = evalEq ty
evalPrim (PrimNEq                ty) = evalNEq ty
evalPrim (PrimMax                ty) = evalMax ty
evalPrim (PrimMin                ty) = evalMin ty
evalPrim PrimLAnd                    = evalLAnd
evalPrim PrimLOr                     = evalLOr
evalPrim PrimLNot                    = evalLNot
evalPrim (PrimFromIntegral ta tb)    = evalFromIntegral ta tb
evalPrim (PrimToFloating ta tb)      = evalToFloating ta tb

-- Implementation of scalar primitives
-- -----------------------------------

toBool :: PrimBool -> Bool
toBool 0 = False
toBool _ = True

fromBool :: Bool -> PrimBool
fromBool False = 0
fromBool True  = 1

evalLAnd :: (PrimBool, PrimBool) -> PrimBool
evalLAnd (x, y) = fromBool (toBool x && toBool y)

evalLOr  :: (PrimBool, PrimBool) -> PrimBool
evalLOr (x, y) = fromBool (toBool x || toBool y)

evalLNot :: PrimBool -> PrimBool
evalLNot = fromBool . not . toBool

evalFromIntegral :: IntegralType a -> NumType b -> a -> b
evalFromIntegral ta (IntegralNumType tb)
  | IntegralDict <- integralDict ta
  , IntegralDict <- integralDict tb
  = fromIntegral

evalFromIntegral ta (FloatingNumType tb)
  | IntegralDict <- integralDict ta
  , FloatingDict <- floatingDict tb
  = fromIntegral

evalToFloating :: NumType a -> FloatingType b -> a -> b
evalToFloating (IntegralNumType ta) tb
  | IntegralDict <- integralDict ta
  , FloatingDict <- floatingDict tb
  = realToFrac

evalToFloating (FloatingNumType ta) tb
  | FloatingDict <- floatingDict ta
  , FloatingDict <- floatingDict tb
  = realToFrac

-- Extract methods from reified dictionaries

-- Constant methods of Bounded

evalMinBound :: BoundedType a -> a
evalMinBound (IntegralBoundedType ty)
  | IntegralDict <- integralDict ty
  = minBound

evalMaxBound :: BoundedType a -> a
evalMaxBound (IntegralBoundedType ty)
  | IntegralDict <- integralDict ty
  = maxBound

-- Constant method of floating

evalPi :: FloatingType a -> a
evalPi ty | FloatingDict <- floatingDict ty = pi

evalSin :: FloatingType a -> (a -> a)
evalSin ty | FloatingDict <- floatingDict ty = sin

evalCos :: FloatingType a -> (a -> a)
evalCos ty | FloatingDict <- floatingDict ty = cos

evalTan :: FloatingType a -> (a -> a)
evalTan ty | FloatingDict <- floatingDict ty = tan

evalAsin :: FloatingType a -> (a -> a)
evalAsin ty | FloatingDict <- floatingDict ty = asin

evalAcos :: FloatingType a -> (a -> a)
evalAcos ty | FloatingDict <- floatingDict ty = acos

evalAtan :: FloatingType a -> (a -> a)
evalAtan ty | FloatingDict <- floatingDict ty = atan

evalSinh :: FloatingType a -> (a -> a)
evalSinh ty | FloatingDict <- floatingDict ty = sinh

evalCosh :: FloatingType a -> (a -> a)
evalCosh ty | FloatingDict <- floatingDict ty = cosh

evalTanh :: FloatingType a -> (a -> a)
evalTanh ty | FloatingDict <- floatingDict ty = tanh

evalAsinh :: FloatingType a -> (a -> a)
evalAsinh ty | FloatingDict <- floatingDict ty = asinh

evalAcosh :: FloatingType a -> (a -> a)
evalAcosh ty | FloatingDict <- floatingDict ty = acosh

evalAtanh :: FloatingType a -> (a -> a)
evalAtanh ty | FloatingDict <- floatingDict ty = atanh

evalExpFloating :: FloatingType a -> (a -> a)
evalExpFloating ty | FloatingDict <- floatingDict ty = exp

evalSqrt :: FloatingType a -> (a -> a)
evalSqrt ty | FloatingDict <- floatingDict ty = sqrt

evalLog :: FloatingType a -> (a -> a)
evalLog ty | FloatingDict <- floatingDict ty = log

evalFPow :: FloatingType a -> ((a, a) -> a)
evalFPow ty | FloatingDict <- floatingDict ty = uncurry (**)

evalLogBase :: FloatingType a -> ((a, a) -> a)
evalLogBase ty | FloatingDict <- floatingDict ty = uncurry logBase

evalTruncate :: FloatingType a -> IntegralType b -> (a -> b)
evalTruncate ta tb
  | FloatingDict <- floatingDict ta
  , IntegralDict <- integralDict tb
  = truncate

evalRound :: FloatingType a -> IntegralType b -> (a -> b)
evalRound ta tb
  | FloatingDict <- floatingDict ta
  , IntegralDict <- integralDict tb
  = round

evalFloor :: FloatingType a -> IntegralType b -> (a -> b)
evalFloor ta tb
  | FloatingDict <- floatingDict ta
  , IntegralDict <- integralDict tb
  = floor

evalCeiling :: FloatingType a -> IntegralType b -> (a -> b)
evalCeiling ta tb
  | FloatingDict <- floatingDict ta
  , IntegralDict <- integralDict tb
  = ceiling

evalAtan2 :: FloatingType a -> ((a, a) -> a)
evalAtan2 ty | FloatingDict <- floatingDict ty = uncurry atan2

evalIsNaN :: FloatingType a -> (a -> PrimBool)
evalIsNaN ty | FloatingDict <- floatingDict ty = fromBool . isNaN

evalIsInfinite :: FloatingType a -> (a -> PrimBool)
evalIsInfinite ty | FloatingDict <- floatingDict ty = fromBool . isInfinite

-- Methods of Num

evalAdd :: NumType a -> ((a, a) -> a)
evalAdd (IntegralNumType ty) | IntegralDict <- integralDict ty = uncurry (+)
evalAdd (FloatingNumType ty) | FloatingDict <- floatingDict ty = uncurry (+)

evalSub :: NumType a -> ((a, a) -> a)
evalSub (IntegralNumType ty) | IntegralDict <- integralDict ty = uncurry (-)
evalSub (FloatingNumType ty) | FloatingDict <- floatingDict ty = uncurry (-)

evalMul :: NumType a -> ((a, a) -> a)
evalMul (IntegralNumType ty) | IntegralDict <- integralDict ty = uncurry (*)
evalMul (FloatingNumType ty) | FloatingDict <- floatingDict ty = uncurry (*)

evalNeg :: NumType a -> (a -> a)
evalNeg (IntegralNumType ty) | IntegralDict <- integralDict ty = negate
evalNeg (FloatingNumType ty) | FloatingDict <- floatingDict ty = negate

evalAbs :: NumType a -> (a -> a)
evalAbs (IntegralNumType ty) | IntegralDict <- integralDict ty = abs
evalAbs (FloatingNumType ty) | FloatingDict <- floatingDict ty = abs

evalSig :: NumType a -> (a -> a)
evalSig (IntegralNumType ty) | IntegralDict <- integralDict ty = signum
evalSig (FloatingNumType ty) | FloatingDict <- floatingDict ty = signum

evalQuot :: IntegralType a -> ((a, a) -> a)
evalQuot ty | IntegralDict <- integralDict ty = uncurry quot

evalRem :: IntegralType a -> ((a, a) -> a)
evalRem ty | IntegralDict <- integralDict ty = uncurry rem

evalQuotRem :: IntegralType a -> ((a, a) -> (a, a))
evalQuotRem ty | IntegralDict <- integralDict ty = uncurry quotRem

evalIDiv :: IntegralType a -> ((a, a) -> a)
evalIDiv ty | IntegralDict <- integralDict ty = uncurry div

evalMod :: IntegralType a -> ((a, a) -> a)
evalMod ty | IntegralDict <- integralDict ty = uncurry mod

evalDivMod :: IntegralType a -> ((a, a) -> (a, a))
evalDivMod ty | IntegralDict <- integralDict ty = uncurry divMod

evalBAnd :: IntegralType a -> ((a, a) -> a)
evalBAnd ty | IntegralDict <- integralDict ty = uncurry (.&.)

evalBOr :: IntegralType a -> ((a, a) -> a)
evalBOr ty | IntegralDict <- integralDict ty = uncurry (.|.)

evalBXor :: IntegralType a -> ((a, a) -> a)
evalBXor ty | IntegralDict <- integralDict ty = uncurry xor

evalBNot :: IntegralType a -> (a -> a)
evalBNot ty | IntegralDict <- integralDict ty = complement

evalBShiftL :: IntegralType a -> ((a, Int) -> a)
evalBShiftL ty | IntegralDict <- integralDict ty = uncurry shiftL

evalBShiftR :: IntegralType a -> ((a, Int) -> a)
evalBShiftR ty | IntegralDict <- integralDict ty = uncurry shiftR

evalBRotateL :: IntegralType a -> ((a, Int) -> a)
evalBRotateL ty | IntegralDict <- integralDict ty = uncurry rotateL

evalBRotateR :: IntegralType a -> ((a, Int) -> a)
evalBRotateR ty | IntegralDict <- integralDict ty = uncurry rotateR

evalPopCount :: IntegralType a -> (a -> Int)
evalPopCount ty | IntegralDict <- integralDict ty = popCount

evalCountLeadingZeros :: IntegralType a -> (a -> Int)
evalCountLeadingZeros ty | IntegralDict <- integralDict ty = countLeadingZeros

evalCountTrailingZeros :: IntegralType a -> (a -> Int)
evalCountTrailingZeros ty | IntegralDict <- integralDict ty = countTrailingZeros

evalFDiv :: FloatingType a -> ((a, a) -> a)
evalFDiv ty | FloatingDict <- floatingDict ty = uncurry (/)

evalRecip :: FloatingType a -> (a -> a)
evalRecip ty | FloatingDict <- floatingDict ty = recip

evalLt :: SingleType a -> ((a, a) -> PrimBool)
evalLt (NumSingleType (IntegralNumType ty)) | IntegralDict <- integralDict ty = fromBool . uncurry (<)
evalLt (NumSingleType (FloatingNumType ty)) | FloatingDict <- floatingDict ty = fromBool . uncurry (<)

evalGt :: SingleType a -> ((a, a) -> PrimBool)
evalGt (NumSingleType (IntegralNumType ty)) | IntegralDict <- integralDict ty = fromBool . uncurry (>)
evalGt (NumSingleType (FloatingNumType ty)) | FloatingDict <- floatingDict ty = fromBool . uncurry (>)

evalLtEq :: SingleType a -> ((a, a) -> PrimBool)
evalLtEq (NumSingleType (IntegralNumType ty)) | IntegralDict <- integralDict ty = fromBool . uncurry (<=)
evalLtEq (NumSingleType (FloatingNumType ty)) | FloatingDict <- floatingDict ty = fromBool . uncurry (<=)

evalGtEq :: SingleType a -> ((a, a) -> PrimBool)
evalGtEq (NumSingleType (IntegralNumType ty)) | IntegralDict <- integralDict ty = fromBool . uncurry (>=)
evalGtEq (NumSingleType (FloatingNumType ty)) | FloatingDict <- floatingDict ty = fromBool . uncurry (>=)

evalEq :: SingleType a -> ((a, a) -> PrimBool)
evalEq (NumSingleType (IntegralNumType ty)) | IntegralDict <- integralDict ty = fromBool . uncurry (==)
evalEq (NumSingleType (FloatingNumType ty)) | FloatingDict <- floatingDict ty = fromBool . uncurry (==)

evalNEq :: SingleType a -> ((a, a) -> PrimBool)
evalNEq (NumSingleType (IntegralNumType ty)) | IntegralDict <- integralDict ty = fromBool . uncurry (/=)
evalNEq (NumSingleType (FloatingNumType ty)) | FloatingDict <- floatingDict ty = fromBool . uncurry (/=)

evalMax :: SingleType a -> ((a, a) -> a)
evalMax (NumSingleType (IntegralNumType ty)) | IntegralDict <- integralDict ty = uncurry max
evalMax (NumSingleType (FloatingNumType ty)) | FloatingDict <- floatingDict ty = uncurry max

evalMin :: SingleType a -> ((a, a) -> a)
evalMin (NumSingleType (IntegralNumType ty)) | IntegralDict <- integralDict ty = uncurry min
evalMin (NumSingleType (FloatingNumType ty)) | FloatingDict <- floatingDict ty = uncurry min

-- Sequence evaluation
-- ---------------

-- Position in sequence.
type SeqPos = Int

-- Configuration for sequence evaluation.
data SeqConfig = SeqConfig
  { chunkSize :: Int -- Allocation limit for a sequence in
                     -- words. Actual runtime allocation should be the
                     -- maximum of this size and the size of the
                     -- largest element in the sequence.

-- Default sequence evaluation configuration for testing purposes.
defaultSeqConfig :: SeqConfig
defaultSeqConfig = SeqConfig { chunkSize = 2 }

type Chunk a = Vector' a

-- The empty chunk. O(1).
emptyChunk :: Arrays a => Chunk a
emptyChunk = empty'

-- Number of arrays in chunk. O(1).
clen :: Arrays a => Chunk a -> Int
clen = length'

elemsPerChunk :: SeqConfig -> Int -> Int
elemsPerChunk conf n
  | n < 1 = chunkSize conf
  | otherwise =
    let (a,b) = chunkSize conf `quotRem` n
    in a + signum b

-- Drop a number of arrays from a chunk. O(1). Note: Require keeping a
-- scan of element sizes.
cdrop :: Arrays a => Int -> Chunk a -> Chunk a
cdrop = drop' dropOp (fst . offsetsOp)

-- Get all the shapes of a chunk of arrays. O(1).
chunkShapes :: Chunk (Array sh a) -> Vector sh
chunkShapes = shapes'

-- Get all the elements of a chunk of arrays. O(1).
chunkElems :: Chunk (Array sh a) -> Vector a
chunkElems = elements'

-- Convert a vector to a chunk of scalars.
vec2Chunk :: Elt e => Vector e -> Chunk (Scalar e)
vec2Chunk = vec2Vec'

-- Convert a list of arrays to a chunk.
fromListChunk :: Arrays a => [a] -> Vector' a
fromListChunk = fromList' concatOp

-- Convert a chunk to a list of arrays.
toListChunk :: Arrays a => Vector' a -> [a]
toListChunk = toList' fetchAllOp

-- fmap for Chunk. O(n).
--   TODO: Use vectorised function.
mapChunk :: (Arrays a, Arrays b)
         => (a -> b)
         -> Chunk a -> Chunk b
mapChunk f c = fromListChunk $ map f (toListChunk c)

-- zipWith for Chunk. O(n).
--  TODO: Use vectorised function.
zipWithChunk :: (Arrays a, Arrays b, Arrays c)
             => (a -> b -> c)
             -> Chunk a -> Chunk b -> Chunk c
zipWithChunk f c1 c2 = fromListChunk $ zipWith f (toListChunk c1) (toListChunk c2)

-- A window on a sequence.
data Window a = Window
  { chunk :: Chunk a   -- Current allocated chunk.
  , wpos  :: SeqPos    -- Position of the window on the sequence, given
                       -- in number of elements.

-- The initial empty window.
window0 :: Arrays a => Window a
window0 = Window { chunk = emptyChunk, wpos = 0 }

-- Index the given window by the given index on the sequence.
(!#) :: Arrays a => Window a -> SeqPos -> Chunk a
w !# i
  | j <- i - wpos w
  , j >= 0
  = cdrop j (chunk w)
  | otherwise
  = error $ "Window indexed before position. wpos = " ++ show (wpos w) ++ " i = " ++ show i

-- Move the give window by supplying the next chunk.
moveWin :: Arrays a => Window a -> Chunk a -> Window a
moveWin w c = w { chunk = c
                , wpos = wpos w + clen (chunk w)

-- A cursor on a sequence.
data Cursor senv a = Cursor
  { ref  :: Idx senv a -- Reference to the sequence.
  , cpos :: SeqPos     -- Position of the cursor on the sequence,
                       -- given in number of elements.

-- Initial cursor.
cursor0 :: Idx senv a -> Cursor senv a
cursor0 x = Cursor { ref = x, cpos = 0 }

-- Advance cursor by a relative amount.
moveCursor :: Int -> Cursor senv a -> Cursor senv a
moveCursor k c = c { cpos = cpos c + k }

-- Valuation for an environment of sequence windows.
data Val' senv where
  Empty' :: Val' ()
  Push'  :: Val' senv -> Window t -> Val' (senv, t)

-- Projection of a window from a window valuation using a de Bruijn
-- index.
prj' :: Idx senv t -> Val' senv -> Window t
prj' ZeroIdx       (Push' _   v) = v
prj' (SuccIdx idx) (Push' val _) = prj' idx val

-- Projection of a chunk from a window valuation using a sequence
-- cursor.
prjChunk :: Arrays a => Cursor senv a -> Val' senv -> Chunk a
prjChunk c senv = prj' (ref c) senv !# cpos c

-- An executable sequence.
data ExecSeq senv arrs where
  ExecP :: Arrays a => Window a -> ExecP senv a -> ExecSeq (senv, a) arrs -> ExecSeq senv  arrs
  ExecC :: Arrays a =>             ExecC senv a ->                           ExecSeq senv  a
  ExecR :: Arrays a =>             Cursor senv a ->                          ExecSeq senv  [a]

-- An executable producer.
data ExecP senv a where
  ExecStreamIn :: Int
               -> [a]
               -> ExecP senv a

  ExecMap :: Arrays a
          => (Chunk a -> Chunk b)
          -> Cursor senv a
          -> ExecP senv b

  ExecZipWith :: (Arrays a, Arrays b)
              => (Chunk a -> Chunk b -> Chunk c)
              -> Cursor senv a
              -> Cursor senv b
              -> ExecP senv c

  -- Stream scan skeleton.
  ExecScan :: Arrays a
           => (s -> Chunk a -> (Chunk r, s)) -- Chunk scanner.
           -> s                              -- Accumulator (internal state).
           -> Cursor senv a                  -- Input stream.
           -> ExecP senv r

-- An executable consumer.
data ExecC senv a where

  -- Stream reduction skeleton.
  ExecFold :: Arrays a
           => (s -> Chunk a -> s) -- Chunk consumer function.
           -> (s -> r)            -- Finalizer function.
           -> s                   -- Accumulator (internal state).
           -> Cursor senv a       -- Input stream.
           -> ExecC senv r

  ExecStuple :: IsAtuple a
             => Atuple (ExecC senv) (TupleRepr a)
             -> ExecC senv a

minCursor :: ExecSeq senv a -> SeqPos
minCursor s = travS s 0
    travS :: ExecSeq senv a -> Int -> SeqPos
    travS s i =
      case s of
        ExecP _ p s' -> travP p i `min` travS s' (i+1)
        ExecC   c    -> travC c i
        ExecR   _    -> maxBound

    k :: Cursor senv a -> Int -> SeqPos
    k c i
      | i == idxToInt (ref c) = cpos c
      | otherwise             = maxBound

    travP :: ExecP senv a -> Int -> SeqPos
    travP p i =
      case p of
        ExecStreamIn _ _ -> maxBound
        ExecMap _ c -> k c i
        ExecZipWith _ c1 c2 -> k c1 i `min` k c2 i
        ExecScan _ _ c -> k c i

    travT :: Atuple (ExecC senv) t -> Int -> SeqPos
    travT NilAtup        _ = maxBound
    travT (SnocAtup t c) i = travT t i `min` travC c i

    travC :: ExecC senv a -> Int -> SeqPos
    travC c i =
      case c of
        ExecFold _ _ _ cu -> k cu i
        ExecStuple t      -> travT t i

    :: SeqConfig
    -> DelayedSeq arrs
    -> arrs
evalDelayedSeq cfg (DelayedSeq aenv s) | aenv' <- evalExtend aenv Empty
                                       = evalSeq cfg s aenv'

evalSeq :: forall aenv arrs.
         -> PreOpenSeq DelayedOpenAcc aenv () arrs
         -> Val aenv -> arrs
evalSeq conf s aenv = evalSeq' s
    evalSeq' :: PreOpenSeq DelayedOpenAcc aenv senv arrs -> arrs
    evalSeq' (Producer _ s) = evalSeq' s
    evalSeq' (Consumer _)   = loop (initSeq aenv s)
    evalSeq' (Reify _)      = reify (initSeq aenv s)

    -- Initialize the producers and the accumulators of the consumers
    -- with the given array enviroment.
    initSeq :: forall senv arrs'.
                Val aenv
             -> PreOpenSeq DelayedOpenAcc aenv senv arrs'
             -> ExecSeq senv arrs'
    initSeq aenv s =
      case s of
        Producer   p s' -> ExecP window0 (initProducer p) (initSeq aenv s')
        Consumer   c    -> ExecC         (initConsumer c)
        Reify      ix   -> ExecR (cursor0 ix)

    -- Generate a list from the sequence.
    reify :: forall arrs. ExecSeq () [arrs]
          -> [arrs]
    reify s = case step s Empty' of
                (Just s', a) -> a ++ reify s'
                (Nothing, a) -> a

    -- Iterate the given sequence until it terminates.
    -- A sequence only terminates when one of the producers are exhausted.
    loop :: Arrays arrs
         => ExecSeq () arrs
         -> arrs
    loop s =
      case step' s of
        (Nothing, arrs) -> arrs
        (Just s', _)    -> loop s'

        step' :: ExecSeq () arrs -> (Maybe (ExecSeq () arrs), arrs)
        step' s = step s Empty'

    -- One iteration of a sequence.
    step :: forall senv arrs'.
            ExecSeq senv arrs'
         -> Val' senv
         -> (Maybe (ExecSeq senv arrs'), arrs')
    step s senv =
      case s of
        ExecP w p s' ->
          let (c, mp')  = produce p senv
              finished  = 0 == clen (w !# minCursor s')
              w'        = if finished then moveWin w c else w
              (ms'', a) = step s' (senv `Push'` w')
          in case ms'' of
            Nothing  -> (Nothing, a)
            Just s'' | finished
                     , Just p' <- mp'
                     -> (Just (ExecP w' p' s''), a)
                     | not finished
                     -> (Just (ExecP w' p  s''), a)
                     | otherwise
                     -> (Nothing, a)
        ExecC   c    -> let (c', acc) = consume c senv
                        in (Just (ExecC c'), acc)
        ExecR ix     -> let c = prjChunk ix senv in (Just (ExecR (moveCursor (clen c) ix)), toListChunk c)

    evalA :: DelayedOpenAcc aenv a -> a
    evalA acc = evalOpenAcc acc aenv

    evalAF :: DelayedOpenAfun aenv f -> f
    evalAF f = evalOpenAfun f aenv

    evalE :: DelayedExp aenv t -> t
    evalE exp = evalExp exp aenv

    evalF :: DelayedFun aenv f -> f
    evalF fun = evalFun fun aenv

    initProducer :: forall a senv.
                    Producer DelayedOpenAcc aenv senv a
                 -> ExecP senv a
    initProducer p =
      case p of
        StreamIn arrs -> ExecStreamIn 1 arrs
        ToSeq sliceIndex slix (delayed -> Delayed sh ix _) ->
          let n   = R.size (R.sliceShape sliceIndex (fromElt sh))
              k   = elemsPerChunk conf n
          in ExecStreamIn k (toSeqOp sliceIndex slix (fromFunction sh ix))
        MapSeq     f x       -> ExecMap     (mapChunk (evalAF f)) (cursor0 x)
        ChunkedMapSeq f x    -> ExecMap     (evalAF f) (cursor0 x)
        ZipWithSeq f x y     -> ExecZipWith (zipWithChunk (evalAF f)) (cursor0 x) (cursor0 y)
        ScanSeq    f e x     -> ExecScan scanner (evalE e) (cursor0 x)
            scanner a c =
              let v0 = chunkElems c
                  (v1, a') = scanl'Op (evalF f) a (delayArray v0)
              in (vec2Chunk v1, fromScalar a')

    initConsumer :: forall a senv.
                    Consumer DelayedOpenAcc aenv senv a
                 -> ExecC senv a
    initConsumer c =
      case c of
        FoldSeq f e x ->
          let f' = evalF f
              a0 = fromFunction (Z :. chunkSize conf) (const (evalE e))
              consumer v c = zipWith'Op f' (delayArray v) (delayArray (chunkElems c))
              finalizer = fold1Op f' . delayArray
          in ExecFold consumer finalizer a0 (cursor0 x)
        FoldSeqFlatten f acc x ->
          let f' = evalAF f
              a0 = evalA acc
              consumer a c = f' a (chunkShapes c) (chunkElems c)
          in ExecFold consumer id a0 (cursor0 x)
        Stuple t ->
          let initTup :: Atuple (Consumer DelayedOpenAcc aenv senv) t -> Atuple (ExecC senv) t
              initTup NilAtup        = NilAtup
              initTup (SnocAtup t c) = SnocAtup (initTup t) (initConsumer c)
          in ExecStuple (initTup t)

    delayed :: DelayedOpenAcc aenv (Array sh e) -> Delayed (Array sh e)
    delayed AST.Manifest{}  = $internalError "evalOpenAcc" "expected delayed array"
    delayed AST.Delayed{..} = Delayed (evalExp extentD aenv)
                                      (evalFun indexD aenv)
                                      (evalFun linearIndexD aenv)

produce :: Arrays a => ExecP senv a -> Val' senv -> (Chunk a, Maybe (ExecP senv a))
produce p senv =
  case p of
    ExecStreamIn k xs ->
      let (xs', xs'') = (take k xs, drop k xs)
          c           = fromListChunk xs'
          mp          = if null xs''
                        then Nothing
                        else Just (ExecStreamIn k xs'')
      in (c, mp)
    ExecMap f x ->
      let c = prjChunk x senv
      in (f c, Just $ ExecMap f (moveCursor (clen c) x))
    ExecZipWith f x y ->
      let c1 = prjChunk x senv
          c2 = prjChunk y senv
          k = clen c1 `min` clen c2
      in (f c1 c2, Just $ ExecZipWith f (moveCursor k x) (moveCursor k y))
    ExecScan scanner a x ->
      let c = prjChunk x senv
          (c', a') = scanner a c
          k = clen c
      in (c', Just $ ExecScan scanner a' (moveCursor k x))

consume :: forall senv a. ExecC senv a -> Val' senv -> (ExecC senv a, a)
consume c senv =
  case c of
    ExecFold f g acc x ->
      let c    = prjChunk x senv
          acc' = f acc c
      -- Even though we call g here, lazy evaluation should guarantee it is
      -- only ever called once.
      in (ExecFold f g acc' (moveCursor (clen c) x), g acc')
    ExecStuple t ->
      let consT :: Atuple (ExecC senv) t -> (Atuple (ExecC senv) t, t)
          consT NilAtup        = (NilAtup, ())
          consT (SnocAtup t c) | (c', acc) <- consume c senv
                               , (t', acc') <- consT t
                               = (SnocAtup t' c', (acc', acc))
          (t', acc) = consT t
      in (ExecStuple t', toAtuple acc)

evalExtend :: Extend DelayedOpenAcc aenv aenv' -> Val aenv -> Val aenv'
evalExtend BaseEnv aenv = aenv
evalExtend (PushEnv ext1 ext2) aenv | aenv' <- evalExtend ext1 aenv
                                    = Push aenv' (evalOpenAcc ext2 aenv')

delayArray :: Array sh e -> Delayed (Array sh e)
delayArray arr@(Array _ adata) = Delayed (shape arr) (arr!) (toElt . unsafeIndexArrayData adata)

fromScalar :: Scalar a -> a
fromScalar = (!Z)

concatOp :: forall e. Elt e => [Vector e] -> Vector e
concatOp = concatVectors

fetchAllOp :: (Shape sh, Elt e) => Segments sh -> Vector e -> [Array sh e]
fetchAllOp segs elts
  | (offsets, n) <- offsetsOp segs
  , (n ! Z) <= size (shape elts)
  = [fetch (segs ! (Z :. i)) (offsets ! (Z :. i)) | i <- [0 .. size (shape segs) - 1]]
  | otherwise = error $ "illegal argument to fetchAllOp"
    fetch sh offset = fromFunction sh (\ ix -> elts ! (Z :. ((toIndex sh ix) + offset)))

dropOp :: Elt e => Int -> Vector e -> Vector e
dropOp i v   -- TODO
             --  * Implement using C-style pointer-plus.
             --    ; dropOp is used often (from prjChunk),
             --      so it ought to be efficient O(1).
  | n <- size (shape v)
  , i <= n
  , i >= 0
  = fromFunction (Z :. n - i) (\ (Z :. j) -> v ! (Z :. i + j))
  | otherwise = error $ "illegal argument to drop"

offsetsOp :: Shape sh => Segments sh -> (Vector Int, Scalar Int)
offsetsOp segs = scanl'Op (+) 0 $ delayArray (mapOp size (delayArray segs))