{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies        #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}
-- |
-- Module      : Data.Array.Accelerate.Representation.Slice
-- Copyright   : [2008..2020] The Accelerate Team
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : Trevor L. McDonell <trevor.mcdonell@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions)

module Data.Array.Accelerate.Representation.Slice

import Data.Array.Accelerate.Representation.Shape

import Language.Haskell.TH

-- | Class of slice representations (which are nested pairs)
class Slice sl where
  type SliceShape    sl      -- the projected slice
  type CoSliceShape  sl      -- the complement of the slice
  type FullShape     sl      -- the combined dimension
  sliceIndex :: SliceIndex sl (SliceShape sl) (CoSliceShape sl) (FullShape sl)

instance Slice () where
  type SliceShape    () = ()
  type CoSliceShape  () = ()
  type FullShape     () = ()
  sliceIndex = SliceNil

instance Slice sl => Slice (sl, ()) where
  type SliceShape   (sl, ()) = (SliceShape  sl, Int)
  type CoSliceShape (sl, ()) = CoSliceShape sl
  type FullShape    (sl, ()) = (FullShape   sl, Int)
  sliceIndex = SliceAll (sliceIndex @sl)

instance Slice sl => Slice (sl, Int) where
  type SliceShape   (sl, Int) = SliceShape sl
  type CoSliceShape (sl, Int) = (CoSliceShape sl, Int)
  type FullShape    (sl, Int) = (FullShape    sl, Int)
  sliceIndex = SliceFixed (sliceIndex @sl)

-- |Generalised array index, which may index only in a subset of the dimensions
-- of a shape.
data SliceIndex ix slice coSlice sliceDim where
  SliceNil   :: SliceIndex () () () ()
  SliceAll   :: SliceIndex ix slice co dim -> SliceIndex (ix, ()) (slice, Int) co       (dim, Int)
  SliceFixed :: SliceIndex ix slice co dim -> SliceIndex (ix, Int) slice      (co, Int) (dim, Int)

instance Show (SliceIndex ix slice coSlice sliceDim) where
  show SliceNil          = "SliceNil"
  show (SliceAll rest)   = "SliceAll (" ++ show rest ++ ")"
  show (SliceFixed rest) = "SliceFixed (" ++ show rest ++ ")"

-- | Project the shape of a slice from the full shape.
sliceShape :: forall slix co sl dim.
              SliceIndex slix sl co dim
           -> dim
           -> sl
sliceShape SliceNil        ()      = ()
sliceShape (SliceAll   sl) (sh, n) = (sliceShape sl sh, n)
sliceShape (SliceFixed sl) (sh, _) = sliceShape sl sh

sliceShapeR :: SliceIndex slix sl co dim -> ShapeR sl
sliceShapeR SliceNil        = ShapeRz
sliceShapeR (SliceAll sl)   = ShapeRsnoc $ sliceShapeR sl
sliceShapeR (SliceFixed sl) = sliceShapeR sl

sliceDomainR :: SliceIndex slix sl co dim -> ShapeR dim
sliceDomainR SliceNil        = ShapeRz
sliceDomainR (SliceAll sl)   = ShapeRsnoc $ sliceDomainR sl
sliceDomainR (SliceFixed sl) = ShapeRsnoc $ sliceDomainR sl

-- | Enumerate all slices within a given bound. The innermost dimension changes
-- most rapidly.
-- See 'Data.Array.Accelerate.Sugar.Slice.enumSlices' for an example.
    :: forall slix co sl dim.
       SliceIndex slix sl co dim
    -> dim
    -> [slix]
enumSlices SliceNil        ()       = [()]
enumSlices (SliceAll   sl) (sh, _)  = [ (sh', ()) | sh' <- enumSlices sl sh]
enumSlices (SliceFixed sl) (sh, n)  = [ (sh', i)  | sh' <- enumSlices sl sh, i <- [0..n-1]]

rnfSliceIndex :: SliceIndex ix slice co sh -> ()
rnfSliceIndex SliceNil        = ()
rnfSliceIndex (SliceAll sh)   = rnfSliceIndex sh
rnfSliceIndex (SliceFixed sh) = rnfSliceIndex sh

liftSliceIndex :: SliceIndex ix slice co sh -> Q (TExp (SliceIndex ix slice co sh))
liftSliceIndex SliceNil          = [|| SliceNil ||]
liftSliceIndex (SliceAll rest)   = [|| SliceAll $$(liftSliceIndex rest) ||]
liftSliceIndex (SliceFixed rest) = [|| SliceFixed $$(liftSliceIndex rest) ||]