MapWith: mapWith: like fmap, but with additional parameters (isFirst, isLast, etc).

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fmap over Traversables (including lists), but pass additional parameters to the map function, such as isFirst, isLast, prevElt, nextElt, index from start or end, custom params. For examples see

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Dependencies base (>=4.9.1 && <4.15) [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright (c) David James, 2020.
Author David James
Category Combinators
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Source repo head: git clone
Uploaded by davtjames at 2020-08-25T12:29:29Z


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mapWith: like fmap, but can "inject" additional parameters such as whether first (or last) element, etc.


I often want to map over a list, but do something slightly different with the first or last element.

For a long time I used markbounds, but also wanted something that:

So, after only 2 years, I built a small library to do all of these.


Passing a "standard combination" of isFirst and isLast parameters:

let g x f l = [star f, x, star l]; star b = if b then '*' else ' '
in withFirstLast g "fred"
["*f ", " r ", " e ", " d*"]

Passing a custom combination of different types of parameter (the index from the start, whether it's the last element, and elements from another list applied from the right):

let g x n l e = concat [[x], show n, if l then "*" else "-", e]
in mapWith (g ^-> eltIx & isLast <-^ eltFrom ["x","yy","z","zzzz","y"]) "fred"

More examples are here.


Note that this is my first library and my first use of cabal, so I've probably done some dumb things.

Some things I wonder:

Future Work

Areas for potential improvement in later releases: