LiterateMarkdown: Converter to convert from .lhs to .md and vice versa.

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lhsc is a program to convert literate haskell files in the birdtick format to correctly rendered (git flavoured, html containing) markdown files and vice versa.

It strips away the heading tags #, replacing them with the corresponding html tags, converts the `'''haskell [...]'''` to `> [...]` as recognised by the GHC literate prepocessor. `''' [...] '''` will be converted to `< [...]` and will be discarded by ghc but will still be displayed as code when rendered. (In both cases `'''` is actually the three md backticks, but its a pain to write md about md.)


`lhsc (toLhs|toMd) file1 [file2] [...]`; The toLhs and toMd commands are not case sensitive. The program will convert each file from the other format to the specified one, creating the files ... or file1.lhs file2.lhs ... in the same directory respectively.

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Dependencies base (>= && <4.13), LiterateMarkdown [details]
License MIT
Author Fabian Schneider
Category Productivity
Bug tracker
Source repo head: git clone -b main
Uploaded by FabianSchneider at 2020-04-13T15:30:03Z

library LiterateMarkdown:converter


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lhcs - a prepocessor for literate haskell markdown

A Converter to convert from .lhs to .md and vice versa

lhsc is a program to convert literate haskell files in the birdtick format to correctly rendered (git flavoured, html containing) markdown files and vice versa.

It strips away the heading tags #, replacing them with the corresponding html tags, converts the '''haskell [...]''' to > [...] as recognised by the GHC literate prepocessor. ''' [...] ''' will be converted to < [...] and will be discarded by ghc but will still be displayed as code when rendered. (In both cases ''' is actually the three md backticks, but its a pain to write md about md.)


lhsc (toLhs|toMd) file1 [file2] [...] The toLhs and toMd commands are not case sensitive. The program will convert each file from the other format to the specified one, creating the files ... or file1.lhs file2.lhs ... in the same directory respectively.

To install the executeable on windows, if you can't convince cabal to use --bindir-method=copy you can build the project locally and copy the built executeable to C:/Users/username/AppData/Roaming/cabal/bin and ensure that this directory is in your path.