Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Module with the functions used in script Mode.
data ScriptConf Source
writeToScript :: ScriptConf -> Command -> IO ()Source
scriptFun :: ScriptConf -> Command -> IO StringSource
scriptFunExec :: ScriptConf -> Command -> IO StringSource
scriptGenResponse :: ScriptConf -> Command -> IO GenResultSource
scriptCheckSatResponse :: ScriptConf -> Command -> IO SatResultSource
scriptGetValueResponse :: ScriptConf -> Command -> IO GValResultSource
scriptSetLogic :: ScriptConf -> Name -> IO GenResultSource
scriptSetOption :: ScriptConf -> Option -> IO GenResultSource
scriptSetInfo :: ScriptConf -> Attr -> IO GenResultSource
scriptDeclareType :: ScriptConf -> Name -> Integer -> IO GenResultSource
scriptDefineType :: ScriptConf -> Name -> [Name] -> Type -> IO GenResultSource
scriptDeclareFun :: ScriptConf -> Name -> [Type] -> Type -> IO GenResultSource
scriptDefineFun :: ScriptConf -> Name -> [Binder] -> Type -> Expr -> IO GenResultSource
scriptPush :: ScriptConf -> Integer -> IO GenResultSource
scriptPop :: ScriptConf -> Integer -> IO GenResultSource
scriptAssert :: ScriptConf -> Expr -> IO GenResultSource
scriptCheckSat :: ScriptConf -> IO SatResultSource
scriptGetAssertions :: ScriptConf -> IO StringSource
scriptGetValue :: ScriptConf -> [Expr] -> IO GValResultSource
scriptGetProof :: ScriptConf -> IO StringSource
scriptGetUnsatCore :: ScriptConf -> IO StringSource
scriptGetInfo :: ScriptConf -> InfoFlag -> IO StringSource
scriptGetOption :: ScriptConf -> Name -> IO StringSource
scriptExit :: ScriptConf -> IO StringSource