Hsmtlib- Haskell library for easy interaction with SMT-LIB 2 compliant solvers.

Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



The following module contains method that facilitate the comunication with the SMTSolvers.



beginProcess :: CmdPath -> Args -> IO ProcessSource

Creates a Process ready to be executed.

send :: Process -> String -> IO StringSource

Sends the desired input to the process std_in and then reads from std out. Working smt with this method: - z3 - mathSat - cvc4

endProcess :: Process -> IO ExitCodeSource

Sends the signal to terminate to the running process.

sendContext :: CmdPath -> Args -> Context -> IO StringSource

sendScript :: CmdPath -> Args -> FilePath -> IO StringSource

Calls readProcess and pass as arguments the arguments given plus the name of the file with the context. An empty String is passed to the std_in.

It's the same function as readProcess. readProcess: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/process-

type Process = (Maybe Handle, Maybe Handle, Maybe Handle, ProcessHandle)Source

Type returned by CreateProcess

type CmdPath = StringSource

Path to the process

type Args = [String]Source

Argumants passed to process