HaRe: the Haskell Refactorer.
A full Haskell 98 refactoring tool. HaRe supports the full Haskell 98 standard, implemented in Haskell and supporting Emacs and VIm.
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Maintainer's Corner
For package maintainers and hackage trustees
Versions [RSS] | 0.6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, |
Dependencies | base (>4 && <=, containers, directory, filepath, ghc, haskell98, hint, mtl, network, pretty, process, syb [details] |
License | BSD-3-Clause |
Author | Chris Brown, Huiqing Li, Simon Thompson |
Maintainer | Chris Brown |
Category | Development, Refactoring |
Home page | http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/projects/refactor-fp |
Bug tracker | mailto:chrisb@cs.st-andrews.ac.uk |
Uploaded | by ChrisBrown at 2010-07-07T16:38:31Z |
Distributions | |
Reverse Dependencies | 1 direct, 0 indirect [details] |
Executables | hare-client, hare, hare-evaluate |
Downloads | 36284 total (182 in the last 30 days) |
Rating | (no votes yet) [estimated by Bayesian average] |
Your Rating |
Status | Docs not available [build log] All reported builds failed as of 2016-12-29 [all 7 reports] |
Readme for HaRe-
[back to package description]_ _ ____ | | | | __ _ | _ \ ___ | |_| |/ _` | | |_) / _ \ | _ | (_| | | _ < __/ |_| |_|\__,_| |_| \_\___| HaRe, the Haskell Refactorer a snapshot of our current prototype 07/07/2010 http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/projects/refactor-fp/hare.html -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This snapshot includes most dependencies (version A below), and should build and work on Windows/Cygwin and Unix, with either gvim 6.2 or with emacs 21.4. HaRe_07072010 (HaRe 0.6) is still a prototype, made available so you can play with basic refactoring support for Haskell, and give us feedback or bug reports (see below for changes since HaRe 0.5 and known remaining issues). The major new feature in this 0.6 release - apart from bug fixes - is a number of new refactorings. WE DO NOT RECOMMEND TO USE THIS PROTOTYPE ON YOUR PRODUCTION SOURCES JUST YET! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- what you need 0 basics: 1. ghc-6.12.1 2. hint- (available from cabal) 3. unix/gnu tools (or cygwin tools, if on windows) 4. vim or emacs (we've tested with gvim 6.2 and with emacs 21.4) 5. If you intend on running the test suite, HUnit-1.0. A [recommended] partial build (fewer tools needed, but tied to particular snapshot): 1. fetch refactorer snapshot. this includes: - modified Programatica snapshot (includes happy output) - refactorer sources --------------- one easy way to arrange these things the following text assumes this directory structure and unix/cygwin tools (adapt makefile if necessary): README.txt <- you're reading this makefile editors <- editor interface scripts for Vim/Emacs refactorer <- refactorer StrategyLib-4.0-beta <- Strafunski's library for strategic programming diffs <- modified files for tools tools <- programatica snapshot You might want to check the paths in makefile, refactorer/HuMakefile and refactorer/myghc--make for sanity wrt to your system (you should not actually need Happy for A). They should work without change on windows/cygwin (windows/mingw has also been reported to work), and feedback from the first release suggests the same for unixish systems, from Max OS X to Linux (please let us know if not, or if you can add new platforms). If on Suns, the call to ghc in refactorer/myghc--make needs a little looking after: in principle, you could remove the SunOS*) case and use the default case *). In practice, at least on Suns, you will want to make sure that ghc uses the linker from binutils instead of the Sun linker (order of magnitude difference in linking time..), which is what setting GCC_EXEC_PREFIX before calling ghc does - just put in the path to your local binutils installation. ***IMPORTANT*** for Mac OS users: please make sure that the .gvimrc file contains the lines set noguipty set nocompatible --------------- how to build 1. run: runhaskell Setup.hs configure --prefix /path/to/hare (where /path/to/hare is a folder with read/write access) runhaskell Setup.hs build runhaskell Setup.hs install export PATH=/path/to/hare/bin:$PATH --------------- how to use 2. load the scripted interface into your favourite editor (you may or may not want to include this in your standard startup files for Haskell) - emacs: M-x load-file /path/to/hare/share/hare-0.6/haskell-refac.el M-x haskell-refac-mode (to switch off: M-x haskell-refac-mode) You will then need to customize HaRe to point to your installation so Programatica can find its chase files. In the refactoring menu, go to customize -> chasepaths. Replace HaskellLibraries with: /path/to/hare/share/hare-0.6 Choose Save. - gvim: :source editors/refactor.vim :RefacStart (or select start from menu) :RefacStop (or select stop from menu) You will then need to customize HaRe to point to your installation so Programatica can find its chase files. In the refactoring menu, go to customize -> chasepaths. Replace HaskellLibraries with: /path/to/hare/share/hare-0.6 Choose Save. 3. this should give you a menu with refactoring commands, and a separate refactoring process. 4. the Programatica frontend we use is project-based. before doing any refactorings, you have to start a project (select "new" to start a project with only the current module in it, then select "chase" to add the Prelude modules). project settings are kept in a "hi" directory, created in the current directory (it is recommended to edit files from within the directory they reside in). ***IMPORTANT:*** Please re-create your projects once you have updated your HaRe to a new snapshot/release. 5. for most refactorings, the editor interface will pass the current filename (should be the module name, as well), the refactoring command, and the current cursor position. For some refactorings, you'll also need to highlight an expression, or enter a new name. Here's the current list: Introduce Pattern Match : place cursor over pattern variable Introduce Sub pattern : place cursor over pattern variable Introduce Case Expression : place cursor over pattern variable Generative Fold : highlight expression to fold. Must have equation in comment directly before definition of highlighted expression. Clone Analysis : select from menu Clone Extraction : highlight clone from the clone class to extract, follow step-by-step instructions. Converting Let to Where : place cursor at start of identifer whose definition is to be moved Converting Where to Let : place cursor at start of identifer whose definition is to be moved. create type signatures : select from menu remove redundant declarations : highlight definition to clean up add constructor to data type : place cursor at start of data type, you'll be prompted to add the new Constructor name, followed by any Type parameters as a complete string Split a tuple : place cureso at start of top level definition that returns a tuple. Slicing based on a subexpression : highlight sub-expression to extract. Instantiate a general pattern : select a function equation and enter the new instances for each pattern in the argument set. Extract an expression : highlight an expression within a definition Convert data type to newtype : place cursor at start of data type add definition to merge : place cursor at start of definition that is to be merged merge definitions : use "add definition for merge" for each definition to be merged. then choose merge definitions from menu. fold function definition : highlight function equation to fold against. fold constant definition : highlight constant equation to foldl against. convert pattern to an as pattern : highlight pattern to convert. unfold references to as patterns : place cursor over as pattern name. remove field from a data type : place cursor at start of field to remove. add field to data type : place cursor over start of constructor. enter new field name. add debug information : add trace calls to function by placing cursor at the start of the function to trace rename : place cursor at start of identifier to be renamed, you'll be prompted for a new name Lift def to top level : place cursor at start of identifier whose definition is to be moved Lift def one level : place cursor at start of identifier whose definition is to be moved Demote : place cursor at start of identifier whose definition is to be moved Introduce new def : highlight expression to be named, you'll be prompted for a new name Unfold def : place cursor at start of identifier where its definition is to be unfolded Generalise def : place cursor at start of identifier where its definition is to be unfolded Remove def : place cursor at start of identifier whose definition is to be removed Duplicate def : place cursor at start of identifier whose definition is to be duplicated, you'll be prompted for a new name Add one parameter : place cursor at start of identifier whose definition is to be modified, you'll be prompted for a new name rm one parameter : place cursor in formal parameter which is to be removed Move def to another module : place cursor at start of the identifier whose definition is to be moved, you'll be prompted for the module name Clean imports : cursor position does not matter, just choose the command from the refactor menu Make import explicit : place cursor at the start of the module name in the import declaration Add to export : place cursor at start of the identifier which is to be added to the export Remove from export : place cursor at start of the entry to be removed in the export list From concrete to abstract data type: place cursor at start of the data type name Add field names : place cursor at start of the data type name Add discriminators : place cursor at start of the data type name Add constructors : place cursor at start of the data type name Eliminate nested patterns : place cursor at start of the data type name Eliminate patterns : place cursor at start of the data type name Create an ADT module : place cursor at start of the data type name Eliminate intermidiate list: cusor position does not matter, just choose the command from the menu. 6. If the 'Customize' menu in Emacs does not work, you can do the customisation by: M-x customize-group / haskell-refac --------------- known issues - the editor interface still needs improvement, although all known bugs have been fixed (windows vim users: it is recommended to install vim in its standard location). - there is no standard for associating comments with semantic entities. we use heuristics to decide when to move/remove comments together with definitions => these heuristics may not match everyone's commenting style outline: when (re-)moving a definition, we also (re-)move the last consecutive comments right before this definition (with at most one empty line between the comments and the definition); we also (re-)move the comment whose start location is in the same line as the definition's last line of code. Example: .... --Comment1 --Comment2 --Comment3 fun1 x = x+1 --Comment4 --Comment5 ... In this case, Comment2, Comment3 and Comment4 belong to function fun1. - if you're routinely working in a mixed Windows/Unix setup, you'll notice that the file-format (encoding of line endings) of HaRe output depends on whether you're using a Windows or a Unix HaRe, not on whether the input is in Windows or Unix format. - the Programatica frontend is currently limited to Haskell 98 - the Programatica frontend does not work with no-source files. ---------------change from 08/05/2009 -- general + make HaRe compatible with the latest version of GHC + ported to hint library, as an abstraction for GHC API. + bug fixes. ---------------change from 22/11/2006 -- general + make HaRE compatible with the latest version of GHC + several refactorings and bug fixes relating to slicing refactorings have been added + API has been extended + Now uses GHC API for some refactorings ---------------changes from 15/04/2005 -- general + make HaRe compatable with the latest version of GHC and Programatica. + Several refactorings related to slicing and data types have been added. + A pointwise to pointfree transformation has been added. ---------------changes from 11/03/2005 -- bugfix -- Introduce new defintion: only replaced the highlighted expression if the expression contains negative numbers. -- checking for inscoped identifiers. -- checking for conflicting export list. ---------------changes from 03/12/2004 --gereral removed the unnecessary files in the snapshot. --bugfix -- Introduce new definition: only replaced the highlighted expression if the expression contains literals. ----------------changes from 19/11/2004 -- general + Updated to a new Programatica version which supports hierarchical modules. + Adding an refactoring to the editor now only need to modify only file. -- bugfixes + the 'Customize' menu did not work. ----------------changes from 16/09/2004 -- general + The API. An API for program analysis and tranformation. Together with Programatica and Strafunski, this API can be used for the implementation for elementary refactorings. The file that contains this API is RefacUtils.hs (the module name is RefacUtils). You can find the documentation for the API at HaRe_20012008/refactorer/doc. + The hidden token stream manipulation. The basic idea is to move the token stream manipulations from the implementation of individual refactorings to the API, so that a program transformation function from the API modifies not only the AST but also the token stream. This liberates the implementator of refactoring from caring about the token stream. + For those users who are interested in the implementation of refactorings, we have written and documented the implementation of two very simple refactorings: swapping the first two arguments of a function, and from it-then-else expression to case expression. You can find the implementation at HaRe_20012008/refactorer/RefacSwapArgs.hs, and HaRe_20012008/refactorer/RefacCase.hs. + We have a test suite to HaRe 0.3, and you can find it at HaRe_20012008/testing. There is a README file to explain how it works. --------------- changes from 09/08/2004 -- bugfixes + demote directly recursive definition. + non-break space ---------------changes from 26/04/2004 - features + The refactor menu has been switched to hierarchical menus to reduce clutter. + In 'generalise a definition', 'replace all' has been switched on. - refactoring - new refactorings: + 'from concrete to abstract data type': transforms a concrete data type defintion into an abstract one. This is a composite refactoring. It consists of five elementary refactorings: + 'Add field names': add field names to a data type declaration. + 'Add disriminators': add a discriminator for each data constructor defined in the identified data type. + 'Add constructors': add a constructor function for each data constructor defined in the identified data type. + 'Eliminate nested patterns': remove patterns nested in a pattern specified by the data constructor defined in the identified data type. + 'Eliminate patterns': remove those patterns specified by the data constructor defined in the identified data type. + 'Create an ADT module': create the ADT module interface. + 'eliminate intermidiate list' (this refactoring is still in an experimental stage) -bug fixes + After generalising a function with a type signature, the type signature is now commented out in the program source. + wrong layout when refactoring on operator functions. + wrong layout when refactoring on an expression ending with [] or () --------------- changes from 26/02/2004 - general - update to a new Programmatica version - refactoring - new refactorings: + 'move def to another module' : move a definition from the current module to a user-specified module + 'clean imports' : remove redundancies from the imports + 'make import implicit' : make the used entities from an import explicit in the declaration + 'add to export' : add an entity to the export list + 'remove from export' : remove an entity from the export list - bugfixes: + qualified uses of a top-level identifier becomes unqualified after its definition has been demoted. --------------- changes from 27/01/2004 - refactoring - features: + in 'introduce a new definition', 'replace all' has been switched on. The refactorer should be able to detect all identical expressions in the scope. + operators can now be renamed - bugfixes: + module names can differ from file names + avoid dangling parenthesis after unfoldDef (could trigger layout rule syntax errors) + do not reverse names of new variables introduced by unfoldDef (did you know that 0_x is legal?-) + do not trip over hard tabs + give an error message when trying to lifting a definition in a class/instance declaration to the top level. + only write client modules when they are really changed. + renaming data types should not rename data constructors as well + lifting defs should not add globally available ids as parameters + the reported layout bugs with lifitng and intro new defs have been fixed - known issues + hard tabs are not counted correctly yet + refactorings shouldn't introduce hard tabs! - editor interfaces - features: + Emacs: thanks to help from JP Bernardy, we have now moved the emacs lisp script to a subset that both Emacs and XEmacs can work with; in the process, the gui has been cleaned up a bit and should now operate more like a normal minor mode.. + Vim: don't try to open files modified by the refactorer, unless they are already associated with a buffer; show warning dialog instead (now in line with emacs version) - bugfixes: + Emacs: don't create separate refactoring processes per buffer - known issues + in Vim, it is still possible to start refactorings while there are modified buffers (fixed in Emacs a while ago) --------------- changes from 01/10/2003 - general: - Programatica and HaRe have added workarounds for the Template Haskell syntax problems in ghc-6.0, so HaRe now builds with ghc-6.0.1 (ghc-6.2.1 has introduced yet another change, so does not work yet..) - upgraded to StrategyLib-4.0-beta - refactoring: - Programatica frontend does now give source location information for all literals => refactorings should no longer have problems with String and Char literals - HaRe is now module-aware: all refactorings have been updated to try and take import/export relations into account. - following your requests, HaRe can now work with literate Haskell files. This relies on some guesswork, so expect to find some rough corners - please report your experience so we can try to fix problems. Might also interact oddly with our heuristics for attaching comments to definitions. - Automatic renaming has been disabled during liftOneLevel, liftToTopLevel, demote and generaliseDef. In the case that one of these refactorings will cause name clash/capture, the user will be prompted to do renaming first. - refactoring bugfixes: + introNewDef and generaliseDef now replace the marked expression itself, not the first occurrence of the marked expression + wrong layout during liftOneLevel + non-exhaustive case in RefacLocUtils.hs + missing parentheses during generaliseDef + a parameter can be now be removed from a direct recursive definition if it is not used in the definition. + when adding an parameter to a direct recursive definition, use the new formal parameter name, instead of the default actual argument name, as the actual argument inside this function. + the way to created a new name has been changed. For example add a new parameter 'y' to a definition 'f', the default argument name is f_y instead of 'f_y_1'. + erroneous caching of export list + multi-module undo ... - editor interfaces: - Emacs now reloads files modified by the refactorer without prompting the user, and warns when a refactoring has changed files not currently opened. - editor interface bugfixes: Emacs: + the error-in-mini-buffer effects preventing file reloading in some Emacs configurations were finally traced and eliminated (the stopwatch issue also seems to be gone). + refac buffer now automatically scrolls to last line + refactorings are now blocked while there are unsaved buffers