HList-0.2.2: Heterogeneous lists



The HList library

(C) 2004, Oleg Kiselyov, Ralf Laemmel, Keean Schupke

Extensible records -- operations that (may) require GHC

See Data.HList.Record for the base module.



hUnproxyLabel :: (HUpdateAtHNat n (LVPair l a) t l', HFind l ls n, RecordLabels t ls, HasField l t (Proxy a)) => l -> a -> Record t -> Record l'Source

A variation on update.

Replace a proxy by a value of the proxied type. The signature is inferred

hasNoProxies :: HasNoProxies r => Record r -> ()Source

Test for values; refuse proxies

class NarrowM a b res | a b -> res whereSource

Narrow a record to a different record type

First is the monadic version, which returns the `failure indictator' (HNothing) if the narrowing fails because the source does not have all the fields for the target.


narrowM :: Record a -> Record b -> resSource


NarrowM a HNil (HJust (Record HNil)) 
(H2ProjectByLabels (HCons l HNil) a rin rout, NarrowM' rin rout b res) => NarrowM a (HCons (LVPair l v) b) res 

class NarrowM' rin rout b res | rin rout b -> res whereSource


narrowM' :: rin -> rout -> b -> resSource


NarrowM' HNil rout b HNothing 
(NarrowM rout b res', NarrowM'' f res' res) => NarrowM' (HCons f HNil) rout b res 

class NarrowM'' f r r' | f r -> r' whereSource


narrowM'' :: f -> r -> r'Source

class Narrow a b whereSource


narrow :: Record a -> Record bSource


Narrow a HNil 
(Narrow rout r', H2ProjectByLabels (HCons l HNil) r (HCons (LVPair l v) HNil) rout) => Narrow r (HCons (LVPair l v) r') 

class LubNarrow a b c | a b -> c whereSource

Narrow two records to their least-upper bound


lubNarrow :: a -> b -> (c, c)Source


(RecordLabels a la, RecordLabels b lb, HTIntersect la lb lc, H2ProjectByLabels lc a c aout, H2ProjectByLabels lc b c bout, HRLabelSet c) => LubNarrow (Record a) (Record b) (Record c) 

data NilLub Source

List constructors that also LUB together


ConsLub e NilLub [e] 

class ConsLub h t l | h t -> l whereSource


consLub :: h -> t -> lSource


ConsLub e NilLub [e] 
LubNarrow e0 e1 e2 => ConsLub e0 [e1] [e2] 

class HLub l e | l -> e whereSource

Extension of lubNarrow to a heterogeneous list


hLub :: l -> [e]Source


(HLub (HCons h (HCons h'' t)) e', HLub (HCons h' (HCons h'' t)) e'', LubNarrow e' e'' e, HLub (HCons e (HCons h'' t)) e) => HLub (HCons h (HCons h' (HCons h'' t))) e 
LubNarrow h h' e => HLub (HCons h (HCons h' HNil)) e 

class RecordEquiv r1 r2 res | r1 r2 -> res whereSource

Record equivalence modulo field order

Decide if two records r1 and r2 are identical or differ only in the order of their fields.

If the two record types are indeed equivalent, return the witness of their equivalence, (HJust (r1->r2,r2->r1)). If they are not equivalent, return HNothing

The function equivR does not examine the values of its arguments: it needs only their types.

The algorithm is simple: two records are equivalent if one can be narrowed to the other, and vice versa. The narrowing coercions are the desired witnesses.

The obvious optimization is to check first if two records are of the same type. That requires TypeEq however. Perhaps we shouldn't use it here. Use of the record narrowing tacitly assumes that the label of a record field uniquely determines the type of the field value. Therefore, we should not use equivR on two records with inconsistent labeling...


equivR :: Record r1 -> Record r2 -> resSource


(NarrowM r1 r2 r12, NarrowM r2 r1 r21, RecordEquiv' (Record r1 -> r12) (Record r2 -> r21) res) => RecordEquiv r1 r2 res 

class RecordEquiv' pj1 pj2 res | pj1 pj2 -> res whereSource


equivR' :: pj1 -> pj2 -> resSource


RecordEquiv' (r1 -> HNothing) pj2 HNothing 
RecordEquiv' (r1 -> HJust r2) (r2 -> HNothing) HNothing 
RecordEquiv' (r1 -> HJust r2) (r2 -> HJust r1) (HJust (r1 -> r2, r2 -> r1))