HList-0.2.2: Heterogeneous lists




The HList library

(C) 2004, Oleg Kiselyov, Ralf Laemmel, Keean Schupke

Some very basic technology for faking dependent types in Haskell.



data HTrue Source


Show HTrue 
HBool HTrue 
TupleType () HTrue 
TypeEq x x HTrue 
HEq HZero HZero HTrue 
HEq HNil HNil HTrue 
HOr HFalse HTrue HTrue 
HOr HTrue HFalse HTrue 
HOr HTrue HTrue HTrue 
HAnd HFalse HTrue HFalse 
HAnd HTrue HFalse HFalse 
HAnd HTrue HTrue HTrue 
Eq e => HStagedEq' HTrue e e 
Fail (DuplicatedLabel x) => HLabelSet' x ls HTrue 
HCond HTrue x y x 
HFind' HTrue e l HZero 
HOccursNot e l => HType2HNatCase HTrue e l HZero 
HLeftUnionBool HTrue r f r 
HDeleteMany e l l' => HDeleteManyCase HTrue e e l l' 
Fail (DuplicatedLabel l1) => HRLabelSet' l1 v1 l2 v2 HTrue r 
HTIntersect t l1 l2 => HTIntersectBool HTrue h t l1 (HCons h l2) 
(HList l, HOccursNot e l) => HOccursBool HTrue e (HCons e l) 
HasField' HTrue l (HCons (LVPair l v) r) v 
HasFieldP' HTrue l (RecordP (HCons l ls) (HCons v vs)) v 
(UnionSymRec r1 r2' (Record ru), HasField l2 ru v2, HUpdateAtHNat n (LVPair l2 v2) ru ru, RecordLabels ru ls, HFind l2 ls n) => UnionSymRec' HTrue r1 (LVPair l2 v2) r2' (Record ru)

Field f2 is already in r1, so it will be in the union of r1 with the rest of r2.

To inject (HCons f2 r2) in that union, we should replace the field f2

HMemberM' HTrue e (HCons e l) (HJust l) 
H2ProjectByLabels ls (RecordP ls' vs') (RecordP lin vin) rout => H2ProjectByLabels' HTrue ls (RecordP (HCons l' ls') (HCons v' vs')) (RecordP (HCons l' lin) (HCons v' vin)) rout 
HProjectByLabelP' HTrue l (HCons l ls) (HCons v vs) ls v vs 
HNat n => HLt HZero (HSucc n) HTrue 
TupleType (x, y) HTrue 
HSplit l l' l'' => HSplit (HCons (e, HTrue) l) (HCons e l') l'' 
TupleType (x, y, z) HTrue 

data HFalse Source


Show HFalse 
HBool HFalse 
HLt HZero HZero HFalse 
HOr HFalse HFalse HFalse 
HOr HFalse HTrue HTrue 
HOr HTrue HFalse HTrue 
HAnd HFalse HFalse HFalse 
HAnd HFalse HTrue HFalse 
HAnd HTrue HFalse HFalse 
HTMember e HNil HFalse 
HMember e HNil HFalse 
HStagedEq' HFalse e e' 
HOrdMember e HNil HFalse 
HLabelSet ls => HLabelSet' x ls HFalse 
HCond HFalse x y y 
TypeEq'' () x y HFalse 
HTIntersect t l1 l2 => HTIntersectBool HFalse h t l1 l2 
(HRLabelSet (HCons (LVPair l2 v2) r), HRLabelSet (HCons (LVPair l1 v1) r)) => HRLabelSet' l1 v1 l2 v2 HFalse r 
(UnionSymRec r1 r2' (Record ru), HExtend f2 (Record ru) (Record (HCons f2 ru))) => UnionSymRec' HFalse r1 f2 r2' (Record (HCons f2 ru)) 
HDeleteMany e l l' => HDeleteManyCase HFalse e e' l (HCons e' l') 
HFind e l n => HFind' HFalse e l (HSucc n) 
HType2HNat e l n => HType2HNatCase HFalse e l (HSucc n) 
HLeftUnionBool HFalse r f (HCons f r) 
(HOccurs' e l, HList l) => HOccursBool HFalse e (HCons e' l) 
(HMemberM e l r, HMemberM' r e (HCons e' l) res) => HMemberM' HFalse e (HCons e' l) res 
HasField l r v => HasField' HFalse l (HCons fld r) v 
HasField l (RecordP ls vs) v => HasFieldP' HFalse l (RecordP (HCons l' ls) (HCons v' vs)) v 
H2ProjectByLabels ls (RecordP ls' vs') rin (RecordP lo vo) => H2ProjectByLabels' HFalse ls (RecordP (HCons l' ls') (HCons v' vs')) rin (RecordP (HCons l' lo) (HCons v' vo)) 
HProjectByLabelP l ls vs lso' v vso' => HProjectByLabelP' HFalse l (HCons l' ls) (HCons v' vs) (HCons l' lso') v (HCons v' vso') 
HNat n => HEq HZero (HSucc n) HFalse 
HList l => HEq HNil (HCons e l) HFalse 
HNat n => HLt (HSucc n) HZero HFalse 
HNat n => HEq (HSucc n) HZero HFalse 
HList l => HEq (HCons e l) HNil HFalse 
HSplit l l' l'' => HSplit (HCons (e, HFalse) l) l' (HCons e l'') 

class HBool x Source



class (HBool t, HBool t', HBool t'') => HAnd t t' t'' | t t' -> t'' whereSource


hAnd :: t -> t' -> t''Source


class (HBool t, HBool t', HBool t'') => HOr t t' t'' | t t' -> t'' whereSource


hOr :: t -> t' -> t''Source


class HBool t => HCond t x y z | t x y -> z whereSource


hCond :: t -> x -> y -> zSource


HCond HFalse x y y 
HCond HTrue x y x 


data HSucc n Source


HFind e l n => HFind' HFalse e l (HSucc n) 
HType2HNat e l n => HType2HNatCase HFalse e l (HSucc n) 
HNat n => HLt HZero (HSucc n) HTrue 
HNat n => HEq HZero (HSucc n) HFalse 
(HNat n, Show (HSucc n)) => Show (HSucc (HSucc n)) 
Show (HSucc HZero) 
HNat2Integral n => HNat2Integral (HSucc n) 
HNat n => HNat (HSucc n) 
(HNat x, HBetween (HSucc x) y, HAppend y (HCons (HSucc x) HNil) z, HList y) => HBetween (HSucc (HSucc x)) z 
HNat n => HLt (HSucc n) HZero HFalse 
HNat n => HEq (HSucc n) HZero HFalse 
(HUpdateAtHNat n e' l l', HNat n) => HUpdateAtHNat (HSucc n) e' (HCons e l) (HCons e l') 
(HNat n, HNat n', HLt n n' b) => HLt (HSucc n) (HSucc n') b 
(HNat n, HNat n', HEq n n' b) => HEq (HSucc n) (HSucc n') b 
HBetween (HSucc HZero) (HCons HZero HNil) 
(HLookupByHNat n l e', HNat n) => HLookupByHNat (HSucc n) (HCons e l) e' 
(HDeleteAtHNat n l l', HNat n) => HDeleteAtHNat (HSucc n) (HCons e l) (HCons e l') 
(HLength l n, HNat n, HList l) => HLength (HCons a l) (HSucc n) 

hSucc :: HNat n => n -> HSucc nSource

hPred :: HNat n => HSucc n -> nSource

class HNat n Source


HNat HZero 
HNat n => HNat (HSucc n) 

class HNat n => HNat2Integral n whereSource


hNat2Integral :: Integral i => n -> iSource


data HJust x Source


HJust x 


NarrowM a HNil (HJust (Record HNil)) 
HMemberM' HTrue e (HCons e l) (HJust l) 
NarrowM'' f (HJust (Record r)) (HJust (Record (HCons f r))) 
Show x => Show (HJust x) 
HMemberM' (HJust l') e (HCons e' l) (HJust (HCons e' l')) 
H2ProjectByLabels ls' r' rin rout => H2ProjectByLabels' (HJust ls') ls (HCons f' r') (HCons f' rin) rout 
FromHJust l l' => FromHJust (HCons (HJust e) l) (HCons e l') 
ToHJust l l' => ToHJust (HCons e l) (HCons (HJust e) l') 
RecordEquiv' (r1 -> HJust r2) (r2 -> HNothing) HNothing 
RecordEquiv' (r1 -> HJust r2) (r2 -> HJust r1) (HJust (r1 -> r2, r2 -> r1)) 

Equality for types

class HBool b => HEq x y b | x y -> bSource


TypeEq x y b => HEq x y b

Equality on labels

HEq HZero HZero HTrue 
HEq HNil HNil HTrue 
HNat n => HEq HZero (HSucc n) HFalse 
HList l => HEq HNil (HCons e l) HFalse 
HNat n => HEq (HSucc n) HZero HFalse 
TypeEq x y b => HEq (Proxy x) (Proxy y) b

Equality on labels

(HNat n, HNat n', HEq n n' b) => HEq (HSucc n) (HSucc n') b 
HEq n n' b => HEq (Label n) (Label n') b

Equality on labels

HList l => HEq (HCons e l) HNil HFalse 
(HList l, HList l', HEq e e' b, HEq l l' b', HAnd b b' b'') => HEq (HCons e l) (HCons e' l') b'' 
HEq x x' b => HEq (Label x ns desc1) (Label x' ns desc2) b

Equality on labels (descriptions are ignored)

(HEq x x' b, TypeEq ns ns' b', HAnd b b' b'') => HEq (Label x ns desc) (Label x' ns' desc') b''

Equality on labels (descriptions are ignored)

hEq :: HEq x y b => x -> y -> bSource

Staged equality

class HStagedEq x y whereSource

  • Establish type equality statically
  • Establish remaining value-level equality dynamically


hStagedEq :: x -> y -> BoolSource


HStagedEq HNil HNil 
HStagedEq HNil (HCons e l) 
HStagedEq (HCons e l) HNil 
(TypeEq e e' b, HStagedEq l l', HStagedEq' b e e') => HStagedEq (HCons e l) (HCons e' l') 

class HBool b => HLt x y b | x y -> bSource

Less than


HLt HZero HZero HFalse 
HNat n => HLt HZero (HSucc n) HTrue 
HNat n => HLt (HSucc n) HZero HFalse 
(HNat n, HNat n', HLt n n' b) => HLt (HSucc n) (HSucc n') b 

hLt :: HLt x y b => x -> y -> bSource

class HBool b => TypeEq x y b | x y -> bSource

A predicate for type equality

There are different implementations.

See imports in Main*.hs


(HBool b, TypeCast HFalse b) => TypeEq x y b 
TypeEq x x HTrue 

typeEq :: TypeEq t t' b => t -> t' -> bSource

proxyEq :: TypeEq t t' b => Proxy t -> Proxy t' -> bSource

Type-safe cast

class TypeCast x y | x -> y, y -> x whereSource


typeCast :: x -> ySource


TypeCast x x 

A phantom type for type proxies

data Proxy e Source


Show (Proxy e) 
Typeable x => Typeable (Proxy x) 
Typeable x => ShowLabel (Proxy x)

Show label

TypeEq x y b => HEq (Proxy x) (Proxy y) b

Equality on labels

HTypeProxied l => HTypeProxied (HCons (Proxy e) l) 
Fail (ProxyFound x) => HasNoProxies (HCons (Proxy x) l) 
Fail (ProxyFound x) => HasNoProxies (HCons (LVPair lab (Proxy x)) l) 
(HType2HNat e l n, HTypes2HNats ps l ns) => HTypes2HNats (HCons (Proxy e) ps) l (HCons n ns) 
HMaybied r r' => HMaybied (HCons (LVPair l (Proxy v)) r) (HCons (LVPair l (Maybe v)) r') 

Type equality and disequality

class TypeEqTrue x y Source


class TypeEqFalse x y Source


TypeEqFalse x y 
Fail () => TypeEqFalse x x 

typeEqTrue :: TypeEqTrue x y => x -> y -> ()Source

typeEqFalse :: TypeEqFalse x y => x -> y -> ()Source


class SubType l l' Source


(HOccurs e l, SubType (TIP l) (TIP l')) => SubType (TIP l) (TIP (HCons e l')) 
SubType (TIP l) (TIP HNil)

Shielding type-indexed operations The absence of signatures is deliberate! They all must be inferred.

(RecordLabels r' ls, H2ProjectByLabels ls r r' rout) => SubType (Record r) (Record r')

Subtyping for records

H2ProjectByLabels ls' (RecordP ls vs) (RecordP ls' vs') rout => SubType (RecordP ls vs) (RecordP ls' vs') 

subType :: SubType l l' => l -> l' -> ()Source

Error messages

class Fail x Source

A class without instances for explicit failure