Agda- A dependently typed functional programming language and proof assistant

Safe HaskellNone




The scope monad with operations.


The scope checking monad

type ScopeM = TCM Source #

To simplify interaction between scope checking and type checking (in particular when chasing imports), we use the same monad.


General operations

createModule :: Bool -> ModuleName -> ScopeM () Source #

Create a new module with an empty scope (Bool is True if it is a datatype module)

modifyScopes :: (Map ModuleName Scope -> Map ModuleName Scope) -> ScopeM () Source #

Apply a function to the scope map.

modifyNamedScope :: ModuleName -> (Scope -> Scope) -> ScopeM () Source #

Apply a function to the given scope.

modifyNamedScopeM :: ModuleName -> (Scope -> ScopeM (a, Scope)) -> ScopeM a Source #

Apply a monadic function to the top scope.

modifyCurrentScope :: (Scope -> Scope) -> ScopeM () Source #

Apply a function to the current scope.

modifyCurrentNameSpace :: NameSpaceId -> (NameSpace -> NameSpace) -> ScopeM () Source #

Apply a function to the public or private name space.

withLocalVars :: ScopeM a -> ScopeM a Source #

Run a computation without changing the local variables.


freshAbstractName :: Fixity' -> Name -> ScopeM Name Source #

Create a fresh abstract name from a concrete name.

This function is used when we translate a concrete name in a binder. The Range of the concrete name is saved as the nameBindingSite of the abstract name.

freshAbstractName_ :: Name -> ScopeM Name Source #

freshAbstractName_ = freshAbstractName noFixity'

freshAbstractQName :: Fixity' -> Name -> ScopeM QName Source #

Create a fresh abstract qualified name.

Resolving names

resolveName :: QName -> ScopeM ResolvedName Source #

Look up the abstract name referred to by a given concrete name.

resolveName' :: [KindOfName] -> Maybe (Set Name) -> QName -> ScopeM ResolvedName Source #

Look up the abstract name corresponding to a concrete name of a certain kind and/or from a given set of names. Sometimes we know already that we are dealing with a constructor or pattern synonym (e.g. when we have parsed a pattern). Then, we can ignore conflicting definitions of that name of a different kind. (See issue 822.)

resolveModule :: QName -> ScopeM AbstractModule Source #

Look up a module in the scope.

getNotation Source #


:: QName 
-> Set Name

The name must correspond to one of the names in this set.

-> ScopeM NewNotation 

Get the notation of a name. The name is assumed to be in scope.

Binding names

bindVariable :: Name -> Name -> ScopeM () Source #

Bind a variable. The abstract name is supplied as the second argument.

bindName :: Access -> KindOfName -> Name -> QName -> ScopeM () Source #

Bind a defined name. Must not shadow anything.

rebindName :: Access -> KindOfName -> Name -> QName -> ScopeM () Source #

Rebind a name. Use with care! Ulf, 2014-06-29: Currently used to rebind the name defined by an unquoteDecl, which is a QuotableName in the body, but a DefinedName later on.

bindModule :: Access -> Name -> ModuleName -> ScopeM () Source #

Bind a module name.

bindQModule :: Access -> QName -> ModuleName -> ScopeM () Source #

Bind a qualified module name. Adds it to the imports field of the scope.

Module manipulation operations

stripNoNames :: ScopeM () Source #

Clear the scope of any no names.

copyScope :: QName -> ModuleName -> Scope -> ScopeM (Scope, (Ren ModuleName, Ren QName)) Source #

Create a new scope with the given name from an old scope. Renames public names in the old scope to match the new name and returns the renamings.

applyImportDirectiveM :: QName -> ImportDirective -> Scope -> ScopeM (ImportDirective, Scope) Source #

Apply an import directive and check that all the names mentioned actually exist.

lookupImportedName :: (Eq a, Eq b) => ImportedName' a b -> [ImportedName' (a, c) (b, d)] -> ImportedName' c d Source #

A finite map for ImportedNames.

mapImportDir Source #


:: (Eq a, Eq b) 
=> [ImportedName' (a, c) (b, d)]

Translation of imported names.

-> [ImportedName' (a, c) (b, d)]

Translation of names defined by this import.

-> ImportDirective' a b 
-> ImportDirective' c d 

Translation of ImportDirective.

mapUsing Source #


:: (Eq a, Eq b) 
=> [ImportedName' (a, c) (b, d)]

Translation of names in using or hiding list.

-> Using' a b 
-> Using' c d 

Translation of Using or Hiding.

mapRenaming Source #


:: (Eq a, Eq b) 
=> [ImportedName' (a, c) (b, d)]

Translation of renFrom names.

-> [ImportedName' (a, c) (b, d)]

Translation of rento names.

-> Renaming' a b 
-> Renaming' c d 

Translation of Renaming.