stripeapi- Stripe-Library
Safe HaskellNone



Contains the types generated from the schema Topup



data Topup Source #

Defines the object schema located at components.schemas.topup in the specification.

To top up your Stripe balance, you create a top-up object. You can retrieve individual top-ups, as well as list all top-ups. Top-ups are identified by a unique, random ID.

Related guide: Topping Up your Platform Account.




  • topupAmount :: Int

    amount: Amount transferred.

  • topupBalanceTransaction :: Maybe TopupBalanceTransaction'Variants

    balance_transaction: ID of the balance transaction that describes the impact of this top-up on your account balance. May not be specified depending on status of top-up.

  • topupCreated :: Int

    created: Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.

  • topupCurrency :: Text

    currency: Three-letter ISO currency code, in lowercase. Must be a supported currency.


    • Maximum length of 5000
  • topupDescription :: Maybe Text

    description: An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users.


    • Maximum length of 5000
  • topupExpectedAvailabilityDate :: Maybe Int

    expected_availability_date: Date the funds are expected to arrive in your Stripe account for payouts. This factors in delays like weekends or bank holidays. May not be specified depending on status of top-up.

  • topupFailureCode :: Maybe Text

    failure_code: Error code explaining reason for top-up failure if available (see the errors section for a list of codes).


    • Maximum length of 5000
  • topupFailureMessage :: Maybe Text

    failure_message: Message to user further explaining reason for top-up failure if available.


    • Maximum length of 5000
  • topupId :: Text

    id: Unique identifier for the object.


    • Maximum length of 5000
  • topupLivemode :: Bool

    livemode: Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.

  • topupMetadata :: Object

    metadata: Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.

  • topupSource :: Source

    source: `Source` objects allow you to accept a variety of payment methods. They represent a customer's payment instrument, and can be used with the Stripe API just like a `Card` object: once chargeable, they can be charged, or can be attached to customers.

    Related guides: Sources API and Sources & Customers.

  • topupStatementDescriptor :: Maybe Text

    statement_descriptor: Extra information about a top-up. This will appear on your source's bank statement. It must contain at least one letter.


    • Maximum length of 5000
  • topupStatus :: TopupStatus'

    status: The status of the top-up is either `canceled`, `failed`, `pending`, `reversed`, or `succeeded`.

  • topupTransferGroup :: Maybe Text

    transfer_group: A string that identifies this top-up as part of a group.


    • Maximum length of 5000


Instances details
Eq Topup Source # 
Instance details

Defined in StripeAPI.Types.Topup


(==) :: Topup -> Topup -> Bool #

(/=) :: Topup -> Topup -> Bool #

Show Topup Source # 
Instance details

Defined in StripeAPI.Types.Topup


showsPrec :: Int -> Topup -> ShowS #

show :: Topup -> String #

showList :: [Topup] -> ShowS #

ToJSON Topup Source # 
Instance details

Defined in StripeAPI.Types.Topup

FromJSON Topup Source # 
Instance details

Defined in StripeAPI.Types.Topup

data TopupBalanceTransaction'Variants Source #

Defines the oneOf schema located at in the specification.

ID of the balance transaction that describes the impact of this top-up on your account balance. May not be specified depending on status of top-up.

data TopupStatus' Source #

Defines the enum schema located at in the specification.

The status of the top-up is either `canceled`, `failed`, `pending`, `reversed`, or `succeeded`.


TopupStatus'Other Value

This case is used if the value encountered during decoding does not match any of the provided cases in the specification.

TopupStatus'Typed Text

This constructor can be used to send values to the server which are not present in the specification yet.


Represents the JSON value "canceled"


Represents the JSON value "failed"


Represents the JSON value "pending"


Represents the JSON value "reversed"


Represents the JSON value "succeeded"