Module: Squeal.PostgreSQL.Query
Description: Squeal queries
Copyright: (c) Eitan Chatav, 2017
Maintainer: eitan@morphism.tech
Stability: experimental

Squeal queries.

  , DeriveDataTypeable
  , DeriveGeneric
  , FlexibleInstances
  , GADTs
  , GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
  , KindSignatures
  , LambdaCase
  , MultiParamTypeClasses
  , OverloadedStrings
  , ScopedTypeVariables
  , StandaloneDeriving
  , TypeApplications
  , TypeInType
  , TypeOperators
  , UndecidableInstances

module Squeal.PostgreSQL.Query
  ( -- * Queries
    Query (UnsafeQuery, renderQuery)
  , union
  , unionAll
  , intersect
  , intersectAll
  , except
  , exceptAll
    -- * Select
  , select
  , selectDistinct
  , selectStar
  , selectDistinctStar
  , selectDotStar
  , selectDistinctDotStar
    -- * Table Expressions
  , TableExpression (..)
  , renderTableExpression
  , from
  , where_
  , group
  , having
  , orderBy
  , limit
  , offset
    -- * From
  , FromClause (..)
  , renderFromClause
    -- * Grouping
  , By (By, By2)
  , renderBy
  , GroupByClause (NoGroups, Group)
  , renderGroupByClause
  , HavingClause (NoHaving, Having)
  , renderHavingClause
    -- * Sorting
  , SortExpression (..)
  , renderSortExpression
  ) where

import Control.DeepSeq
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.String
import Data.Word
import Generics.SOP hiding (from)
import GHC.TypeLits

import qualified GHC.Generics as GHC

import Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression
import Squeal.PostgreSQL.Prettyprint
import Squeal.PostgreSQL.Schema

{- |
The process of retrieving or the command to retrieve data from a database
is called a `Query`. The `select`, `selectStar`, `selectDotStar`,
`selectDistinct`, `selectDistinctStar` and `selectDistinctDotStar` commands
are used to specify queries.

simple query:

>>> :{
  query :: Query '["tab" ::: '["col" ::: 'Required ('Null 'PGint4)]] '[]
    '["col" ::: 'Required ('Null 'PGint4)]
  query = selectStar (from (Table (#tab `As` #t)))
in renderQuery query
"SELECT * FROM tab AS t"

restricted query:

>>> :{
  query :: Query
    '[ "tab" :::
       '[ "col1" ::: 'Required ('NotNull 'PGint4)
        , "col2" ::: 'Required ('NotNull 'PGint4) ]]
    '[ "sum" ::: 'Required ('NotNull 'PGint4)
     , "col1" ::: 'Required ('NotNull 'PGint4) ]
  query = 
      ((#col1 + #col2) `As` #sum :* #col1 `As` #col1 :* Nil)
      ( from (Table (#tab `As` #t))
        & where_ (#col1 .> #col2)
        & where_ (#col2 .> 0) )
in renderQuery query
"SELECT (col1 + col2) AS sum, col1 AS col1 FROM tab AS t WHERE ((col1 > col2) AND (col2 > 0))"


>>> :{
  query :: Query '["tab" ::: '["col" ::: 'Required ('Null 'PGint4)]] '[]
    '["col" ::: 'Required ('Null 'PGint4)]
  query =
      (from (Subquery (selectStar (from (Table (#tab `As` #t))) `As` #sub)))
in renderQuery query

limits and offsets:

>>> :{
  query :: Query '["tab" ::: '["col" ::: 'Required ('Null 'PGint4)]] '[]
    '["col" ::: 'Required ('Null 'PGint4)]
  query = selectStar
    (from (Table (#tab `As` #t)) & limit 100 & offset 2 & limit 50 & offset 2)
in renderQuery query

parameterized query:

>>> :{
  query :: Query '["tab" ::: '["col" ::: 'Required ('NotNull 'PGfloat8)]]
    '[ 'Required ('NotNull 'PGfloat8)]
    '["col" ::: 'Required ('NotNull 'PGfloat8)]
  query = selectStar
    (from (Table (#tab `As` #t)) & where_ (#col .> param @1))
in renderQuery query
"SELECT * FROM tab AS t WHERE (col > ($1 :: float8))"

aggregation query:

>>> :{
  query :: Query
    '[ "tab" :::
       '[ "col1" ::: 'Required ('NotNull 'PGint4)
        , "col2" ::: 'Required ('NotNull 'PGint4) ]]
    '[ "sum" ::: 'Required ('NotNull 'PGint4)
     , "col1" ::: 'Required ('NotNull 'PGint4) ]
  query =
    select (sum_ #col2 `As` #sum :* #col1 `As` #col1 :* Nil)
    ( from (Table (#tab `As` #table1))
      & group (By #col1 :* Nil) 
      & having (#col1 + sum_ #col2 .> 1) )
in renderQuery query
"SELECT sum(col2) AS sum, col1 AS col1 FROM tab AS table1 GROUP BY col1 HAVING ((col1 + sum(col2)) > 1)"

sorted query:

>>> :{
  query :: Query '["tab" ::: '["col" ::: 'Required ('Null 'PGint4)]] '[]
    '["col" ::: 'Required ('Null 'PGint4)]
  query = selectStar
    (from (Table (#tab `As` #t)) & orderBy [#col & AscNullsFirst])
in renderQuery query


>>> :set -XFlexibleContexts
>>> :{
  query :: Query
    '[ "orders" :::
         '[ "id"    ::: 'Required ('NotNull 'PGint4)
          , "price"   ::: 'Required ('NotNull 'PGfloat4)
          , "customer_id" ::: 'Required ('NotNull 'PGint4)
          , "shipper_id"  ::: 'Required ('NotNull 'PGint4)
     , "customers" :::
         '[ "id" ::: 'Required ('NotNull 'PGint4)
          , "name" ::: 'Required ('NotNull 'PGtext)
     , "shippers" :::
         '[ "id" ::: 'Required ('NotNull 'PGint4)
          , "name" ::: 'Required ('NotNull 'PGtext)
    '[ "order_price" ::: 'Required ('NotNull 'PGfloat4)
     , "customer_name" ::: 'Required ('NotNull 'PGtext)
     , "shipper_name" ::: 'Required ('NotNull 'PGtext)
  query = select
    ( #o ! #price `As` #order_price :*
      #c ! #name `As` #customer_name :*
      #s ! #name `As` #shipper_name :* Nil )
    ( from (Table (#orders `As` #o)
      & InnerJoin (Table (#customers `As` #c))
        (#o ! #customer_id .== #c ! #id)
      & InnerJoin (Table (#shippers `As` #s))
        (#o ! #shipper_id .== #s ! #id)) )
in renderQuery query
"SELECT o.price AS order_price, c.name AS customer_name, s.name AS shipper_name FROM orders AS o INNER JOIN customers AS c ON (o.customer_id = c.id) INNER JOIN shippers AS s ON (o.shipper_id = s.id)"


>>> :{
  query :: Query '["tab" ::: '["col" ::: 'Required ('Null 'PGint4)]] '[]
    '["col" ::: 'Required ('Null 'PGint4)]
  query = selectDotStar #t1
    (from (Table (#tab `As` #t1) & CrossJoin (Table (#tab `As` #t2))))
in renderQuery query
"SELECT t1.* FROM tab AS t1 CROSS JOIN tab AS t2"

set operations:

>>> :{
  query :: Query '["tab" ::: '["col" ::: 'Required ('Null 'PGint4)]] '[]
    '["col" ::: 'Required ('Null 'PGint4)]
  query =
    selectStar (from (Table (#tab `As` #t)))
    selectStar (from (Table (#tab `As` #t)))
in renderQuery query

newtype Query
  (schema :: TablesType)
  (params :: [ColumnType])
  (columns :: ColumnsType)
    = UnsafeQuery { renderQuery :: ByteString }
    deriving (GHC.Generic,Show,Eq,Ord,NFData)

-- | The results of two queries can be combined using the set operation
-- `union`. Duplicate rows are eliminated. 
  :: Query schema params columns
  -> Query schema params columns
  -> Query schema params columns
q1 `union` q2 = UnsafeQuery $
  parenthesized (renderQuery q1)
  <+> "UNION"
  <+> parenthesized (renderQuery q2)

-- | The results of two queries can be combined using the set operation
-- `unionAll`, the disjoint union. Duplicate rows are retained.
  :: Query schema params columns
  -> Query schema params columns
  -> Query schema params columns
q1 `unionAll` q2 = UnsafeQuery $
  parenthesized (renderQuery q1)
  <+> "UNION" <+> "ALL"
  <+> parenthesized (renderQuery q2)

-- | The results of two queries can be combined using the set operation
-- `intersect`, the intersection. Duplicate rows are eliminated.
  :: Query schema params columns
  -> Query schema params columns
  -> Query schema params columns
q1 `intersect` q2 = UnsafeQuery $
  parenthesized (renderQuery q1)
  <+> parenthesized (renderQuery q2)

-- | The results of two queries can be combined using the set operation
-- `intersectAll`, the intersection. Duplicate rows are retained.
  :: Query schema params columns
  -> Query schema params columns
  -> Query schema params columns
q1 `intersectAll` q2 = UnsafeQuery $
  parenthesized (renderQuery q1)
  <+> "INTERSECT" <+> "ALL"
  <+> parenthesized (renderQuery q2)

-- | The results of two queries can be combined using the set operation
-- `except`, the set difference. Duplicate rows are eliminated.
  :: Query schema params columns
  -> Query schema params columns
  -> Query schema params columns
q1 `except` q2 = UnsafeQuery $
  parenthesized (renderQuery q1)
  <+> "EXCEPT"
  <+> parenthesized (renderQuery q2)

-- | The results of two queries can be combined using the set operation
-- `exceptAll`, the set difference. Duplicate rows are retained.
  :: Query schema params columns
  -> Query schema params columns
  -> Query schema params columns
q1 `exceptAll` q2 = UnsafeQuery $
  parenthesized (renderQuery q1)
  <+> "EXCEPT" <+> "ALL"
  <+> parenthesized (renderQuery q2)

SELECT queries

-- | the `TableExpression` in the `select` command constructs an intermediate
-- virtual table by possibly combining tables, views, eliminating rows,
-- grouping, etc. This table is finally passed on to processing by
-- the select list. The select list determines which columns of
-- the intermediate table are actually output.
  :: SListI columns
  => NP (Aliased (Expression tables grouping params)) (column ': columns)
  -- ^ select list
  -> TableExpression schema params tables grouping
  -- ^ intermediate virtual table
  -> Query schema params (column ': columns)
select list tabs = UnsafeQuery $
  <+> renderCommaSeparated (renderAliased renderExpression) list
  <+> renderTableExpression tabs

-- | After the select list has been processed, the result table can
-- be subject to the elimination of duplicate rows using `selectDistinct`.
  :: SListI columns
  => NP (Aliased (Expression tables 'Ungrouped params)) (column ': columns)
  -- ^ select list
  -> TableExpression schema params tables 'Ungrouped
  -- ^ intermediate virtual table
  -> Query schema params (column ': columns)
selectDistinct list tabs = UnsafeQuery $
  <+> renderCommaSeparated (renderAliased renderExpression) list
  <+> renderTableExpression tabs

-- | The simplest kind of query is `selectStar` which emits all columns
-- that the table expression produces.
  :: HasUnique table tables columns
  => TableExpression schema params tables 'Ungrouped
  -- ^ intermediate virtual table
  -> Query schema params columns
selectStar tabs = UnsafeQuery $ "SELECT" <+> "*" <+> renderTableExpression tabs

-- | A `selectDistinctStar` emits all columns that the table expression
-- produces and eliminates duplicate rows.
  :: HasUnique table tables columns
  => TableExpression schema params tables 'Ungrouped
  -- ^ intermediate virtual table
  -> Query schema params columns
selectDistinctStar tabs = UnsafeQuery $
  "SELECT DISTINCT" <+> "*" <+> renderTableExpression tabs

-- | When working with multiple tables, it can also be useful to ask
-- for all the columns of a particular table, using `selectDotStar`.
  :: HasTable table tables columns
  => Alias table
  -- ^ particular virtual subtable
  -> TableExpression schema params tables 'Ungrouped
  -- ^ intermediate virtual table
  -> Query schema params columns
selectDotStar table tables = UnsafeQuery $
  "SELECT" <+> renderAlias table <> ".*" <+> renderTableExpression tables

-- | A `selectDistinctDotStar` asks for all the columns of a particular table, 
-- and eliminates duplicate rows.
  :: HasTable table tables columns
  => Alias table
  -- ^ particular virtual subtable
  -> TableExpression schema params tables 'Ungrouped
  -- ^ intermediate virtual table
  -> Query schema params columns
selectDistinctDotStar table tables = UnsafeQuery $
  "SELECT DISTINCT" <+> renderAlias table <> ".*"
  <+> renderTableExpression tables

Table Expressions

-- | A `TableExpression` computes a table. The table expression contains
-- a `fromClause` that is optionally followed by a `whereClause`,
-- `groupByClause`, `havingClause`, `orderByClause`, `limitClause`
-- and `offsetClause`s. Trivial table expressions simply refer
-- to a table on disk, a so-called base table, but more complex expressions
-- can be used to modify or combine base tables in various ways.
data TableExpression
  (schema :: TablesType)
  (params :: [ColumnType])
  (tables :: TablesType)
  (grouping :: Grouping)
    = TableExpression
    { fromClause :: FromClause schema params tables
    -- ^ A table reference that can be a table name, or a derived table such
    -- as a subquery, a @JOIN@ construct, or complex combinations of these.
    , whereClause :: [Condition tables 'Ungrouped params]
    -- ^ optional search coditions, combined with `.&&`. After the processing
    -- of the `fromClause` is done, each row of the derived virtual table
    -- is checked against the search condition. If the result of the
    -- condition is true, the row is kept in the output table,
    -- otherwise it is discarded. The search condition typically references
    -- at least one column of the table generated in the `fromClause`;
    -- this is not required, but otherwise the WHERE clause will
    -- be fairly useless.
    , groupByClause :: GroupByClause tables grouping
    -- ^ The `groupByClause` is used to group together those rows in a table
    -- that have the same values in all the columns listed. The order in which
    -- the columns are listed does not matter. The effect is to combine each
    -- set of rows having common values into one group row that represents all
    -- rows in the group. This is done to eliminate redundancy in the output
    -- and/or compute aggregates that apply to these groups.
    , havingClause :: HavingClause tables grouping params
    -- ^ If a table has been grouped using `groupBy`, but only certain groups
    -- are of interest, the `havingClause` can be used, much like a
    -- `whereClause`, to eliminate groups from the result. Expressions in the
    -- `havingClause` can refer both to grouped expressions and to ungrouped
    -- expressions (which necessarily involve an aggregate function).
    , orderByClause :: [SortExpression tables grouping params]
    -- ^ The `orderByClause` is for optional sorting. When more than one
    -- `SortExpression` is specified, the later (right) values are used to sort
    -- rows that are equal according to the earlier (left) values.
    , limitClause :: [Word64]
    -- ^ The `limitClause` is combined with `min` to give a limit count
    -- if nonempty. If a limit count is given, no more than that many rows
    -- will be returned (but possibly fewer, if the query itself yields
    -- fewer rows).
    , offsetClause :: [Word64]
    -- ^ The `offsetClause` is combined with `+` to give an offset count
    -- if nonempty. The offset count says to skip that many rows before
    -- beginning to return rows. The rows are skipped before the limit count
    -- is applied.

-- | Render a `TableExpression`
  :: TableExpression schema params tables grouping
  -> ByteString
  (TableExpression tables whs' grps' hvs' srts' lims' offs') = mconcat
    [ "FROM ", renderFromClause tables
    , renderWheres whs'
    , renderGroupByClause grps'
    , renderHavingClause hvs'
    , renderOrderByClause srts'
    , renderLimits lims'
    , renderOffsets offs'
      renderWheres = \case
        [] -> ""
        wh:[] -> " WHERE" <+> renderExpression wh
        wh:whs -> " WHERE" <+> renderExpression (foldr (.&&) wh whs)
      renderOrderByClause = \case
        [] -> ""
        srts -> " ORDER BY"
          <+> commaSeparated (renderSortExpression <$> srts)
      renderLimits = \case
        [] -> ""
        lims -> " LIMIT" <+> fromString (show (minimum lims))
      renderOffsets = \case
        [] -> ""
        offs -> " OFFSET" <+> fromString (show (sum offs))

-- | A `from` generates a `TableExpression` from a table reference that can be
-- a table name, or a derived table such as a subquery, a JOIN construct,
-- or complex combinations of these. A `from` may be transformed by `where_`,
-- `group`, `having`, `orderBy`, `limit` and `offset`, using the `&` operator
-- to match the left-to-right sequencing of their placement in SQL.
  :: FromClause schema params tables -- ^ table reference
  -> TableExpression schema params tables 'Ungrouped
from tables = TableExpression tables [] NoGroups NoHaving [] [] []

-- | A `where_` is an endomorphism of `TableExpression`s which adds a
-- search condition to the `whereClause`.
  :: Condition tables 'Ungrouped params
  -> TableExpression schema params tables grouping
  -> TableExpression schema params tables grouping
where_ wh tables = tables {whereClause = wh : whereClause tables}

-- | A `group` is a transformation of `TableExpression`s which switches
-- its `Grouping` from `Ungrouped` to `Grouped`. Use @group Nil@ to perform
-- a "grand total" aggregation query.
  :: SListI bys
  => NP (By tables) bys
  -> TableExpression schema params tables 'Ungrouped 
  -> TableExpression schema params tables ('Grouped bys)
group bys tables = TableExpression
  { fromClause = fromClause tables
  , whereClause = whereClause tables
  , groupByClause = Group bys
  , havingClause = Having []
  , orderByClause = []
  , limitClause = limitClause tables
  , offsetClause = offsetClause tables

-- | A `having` is an endomorphism of `TableExpression`s which adds a
-- search condition to the `havingClause`.
  :: Condition tables ('Grouped bys) params
  -> TableExpression schema params tables ('Grouped bys)
  -> TableExpression schema params tables ('Grouped bys)
having hv tables = tables
  { havingClause = case havingClause tables of Having hvs -> Having (hv:hvs) }

-- | An `orderBy` is an endomorphism of `TableExpression`s which appends an
-- ordering to the right of the `orderByClause`.
  :: [SortExpression tables grouping params]
  -> TableExpression schema params tables grouping
  -> TableExpression schema params tables grouping
orderBy srts tables = tables {orderByClause = orderByClause tables ++ srts}

-- | A `limit` is an endomorphism of `TableExpression`s which adds to the
-- `limitClause`.
  :: Word64
  -> TableExpression schema params tables grouping
  -> TableExpression schema params tables grouping
limit lim tables = tables {limitClause = lim : limitClause tables}

-- | An `offset` is an endomorphism of `TableExpression`s which adds to the
-- `offsetClause`.
  :: Word64
  -> TableExpression schema params tables grouping
  -> TableExpression schema params tables grouping
offset off tables = tables {offsetClause = off : offsetClause tables}

FROM clauses

{- |
A `FromClause` can be a table name, or a derived table such
as a subquery, a @JOIN@ construct, or complex combinations of these.

* A real `Table` is a table from the schema.

* `Subquery` derives a table from a `Query`.

* A joined table is a table derived from two other (real or derived) tables
according to the rules of the particular join type. `CrossJoin`, `InnerJoin`,
`LeftOuterJoin`, `RightOuterJoin` and `FullOuterJoin` are available and can
be nested using the `&` operator to match the left-to-right sequencing of
their placement in SQL.

    * @t1 & CrossJoin t2@. For every possible combination of rows from
    @t1@ and @t2@ (i.e., a Cartesian product), the joined table will contain
    a row consisting of all columns in @t1@ followed by all columns in @t2@.
    If the tables have @n@ and @m@ rows respectively, the joined table will
    have @n * m@ rows.

    * @t1 & InnerJoin t2 on@. For each row @r1@ of @t1@, the joined
    table has a row for each row in @t2@ that satisfies the @on@ condition
    with @r1@

    * @t1 & LeftOuterJoin t2 on@. First, an inner join is performed.
    Then, for each row in @t1@ that does not satisfy the @on@ condition with
    any row in @t2@, a joined row is added with null values in columns of @t2@.
    Thus, the joined table always has at least one row for each row in @t1@.

    * @t1 & RightOuterJoin t2 on@. First, an inner join is performed.
    Then, for each row in @t2@ that does not satisfy the @on@ condition with
    any row in @t1@, a joined row is added with null values in columns of @t1@.
    This is the converse of a left join: the result table will always
    have a row for each row in @t2@.

    * @t1 & FullOuterJoin t2 on@. First, an inner join is performed.
    Then, for each row in @t1@ that does not satisfy the @on@ condition with
    any row in @t2@, a joined row is added with null values in columns of @t2@.
    Also, for each row of @t2@ that does not satisfy the join condition
    with any row in @t1@, a joined row with null values in the columns of @t1@
    is added.
data FromClause schema params tables where
    :: Aliased (Table schema) table
    -> FromClause schema params '[table]
    :: Aliased (Query schema params) table
    -> FromClause schema params '[table]
    :: FromClause schema params right
    -> FromClause schema params left
    -> FromClause schema params (Join left right)
    :: FromClause schema params right
    -> Condition (Join left right) 'Ungrouped params
    -> FromClause schema params left
    -> FromClause schema params (Join left right)
    :: FromClause schema params right
    -> Condition (Join left right) 'Ungrouped params
    -> FromClause schema params left
    -> FromClause schema params (Join left (NullifyTables right))
    :: FromClause schema params right
    -> Condition (Join left right) 'Ungrouped params
    -> FromClause schema params left
    -> FromClause schema params (Join (NullifyTables left) right)
    :: FromClause schema params right
    -> Condition (Join left right) 'Ungrouped params
    -> FromClause schema params left
    -> FromClause schema params
        (Join (NullifyTables left) (NullifyTables right))

-- | Renders a `FromClause`.
renderFromClause :: FromClause schema params tables -> ByteString
renderFromClause = \case
  Table table -> renderAliased renderTable table
  Subquery selection -> renderAliased (parenthesized . renderQuery) selection
  CrossJoin right left ->
    renderFromClause left <+> "CROSS JOIN" <+> renderFromClause right
  InnerJoin right on left -> renderJoin "INNER JOIN" right on left
  LeftOuterJoin right on left -> renderJoin "LEFT OUTER JOIN" right on left
  RightOuterJoin right on left -> renderJoin "RIGHT OUTER JOIN" right on left
  FullOuterJoin right on left -> renderJoin "FULL OUTER JOIN" right on left
    renderJoin op right on left =
      renderFromClause left <+> op <+> renderFromClause right
      <+> "ON" <+> renderExpression on


-- | `By`s are used in `group` to reference a list of columns which are then
-- used to group together those rows in a table that have the same values
-- in all the columns listed. @By \#col@ will reference an unambiguous
-- column @col@; otherwise @By2 (\#tab \! \#col)@ will reference a table
-- qualified column @tab.col@.
data By
    (tables :: TablesType)
    (by :: (Symbol,Symbol)) where
      :: (HasUnique table tables columns, HasColumn column columns ty)
      => Alias column
      -> By tables '(table, column)
      :: (HasTable table tables columns, HasColumn column columns ty)
      => (Alias table, Alias column)
      -> By tables '(table, column)
deriving instance Show (By tables by)
deriving instance Eq (By tables by)
deriving instance Ord (By tables by)

-- | Renders a `By`.
renderBy :: By tables tabcolty -> ByteString
renderBy = \case
  By column -> renderAlias column
  By2 (table, column) -> renderAlias table <> "." <> renderAlias column

-- | A `GroupByClause` indicates the `Grouping` of a `TableExpression`.
-- A `NoGroups` indicates `Ungrouped` while a `Group` indicates `Grouped`.
-- @NoGroups@ is distinguised from @Group Nil@ since no aggregation can be
-- done on @NoGroups@ while all output `Expression`s must be aggregated
-- in @Group Nil@.
data GroupByClause tables grouping where
  NoGroups :: GroupByClause tables 'Ungrouped
    :: SListI bys
    => NP (By tables) bys
    -> GroupByClause tables ('Grouped bys)

-- | Renders a `GroupByClause`.
renderGroupByClause :: GroupByClause tables grouping -> ByteString
renderGroupByClause = \case
  NoGroups -> ""
  Group Nil -> ""
  Group bys -> " GROUP BY" <+> renderCommaSeparated renderBy bys

-- | A `HavingClause` is used to eliminate groups that are not of interest.
-- An `Ungrouped` `TableExpression` may only use `NoHaving` while a `Grouped`
-- `TableExpression` must use `Having` whose conditions are combined with
-- `.&&`.
data HavingClause tables grouping params where
  NoHaving :: HavingClause tables 'Ungrouped params
    :: [Condition tables ('Grouped bys) params]
    -> HavingClause tables ('Grouped bys) params
deriving instance Show (HavingClause tables grouping params)
deriving instance Eq (HavingClause tables grouping params)
deriving instance Ord (HavingClause tables grouping params)

-- | Render a `HavingClause`.
renderHavingClause :: HavingClause tables grouping params -> ByteString
renderHavingClause = \case
  NoHaving -> ""
  Having [] -> ""
  Having conditions ->
    " HAVING" <+> commaSeparated (renderExpression <$> conditions)


-- | `SortExpression`s are used by `sortBy` to optionally sort the results
-- of a `Query`. `Asc` or `Desc` set the sort direction of a `NotNull` result
-- column to ascending or descending. Ascending order puts smaller values
-- first, where "smaller" is defined in terms of the `.<` operator. Similarly,
-- descending order is determined with the `.>` operator. `AscNullsFirst`,
-- `AscNullsLast`, `DescNullsFirst` and `DescNullsLast` options are used to
-- determine whether nulls appear before or after non-null values in the sort
-- ordering of a `Null` result column.
data SortExpression tables grouping params where
      :: Expression tables grouping params ('Required ('NotNull ty))
      -> SortExpression tables grouping params
      :: Expression tables grouping params ('Required ('NotNull ty))
      -> SortExpression tables grouping params
      :: Expression tables grouping params ('Required ('Null ty))
      -> SortExpression tables grouping params
      :: Expression tables grouping params ('Required ('Null ty))
      -> SortExpression tables grouping params
      :: Expression tables grouping params ('Required ('Null ty))
      -> SortExpression tables grouping params
      :: Expression tables grouping params ('Required ('Null ty))
      -> SortExpression tables grouping params
deriving instance Show (SortExpression tables grouping params)

-- | Render a `SortExpression`.
renderSortExpression :: SortExpression tables grouping params -> ByteString
renderSortExpression = \case
  Asc expression -> renderExpression expression <+> "ASC"
  Desc expression -> renderExpression expression <+> "DESC"
  AscNullsFirst expression -> renderExpression expression
  DescNullsFirst expression -> renderExpression expression
  AscNullsLast expression -> renderExpression expression <+> "ASC NULLS LAST"
  DescNullsLast expression -> renderExpression expression <+> "DESC NULLS LAST"