Module: Squeal.PostgreSQL.Schema
Description: Embedding of PostgreSQL type and alias system
Copyright: (c) Eitan Chatav, 2017
Maintainer: eitan@morphism.tech
Stability: experimental

Embedding of PostgreSQL type and alias system

  , DataKinds
  , DeriveAnyClass
  , DeriveDataTypeable
  , DeriveGeneric
  , FlexibleContexts
  , FlexibleInstances
  , GADTs
  , MagicHash
  , MultiParamTypeClasses
  , OverloadedStrings
  , PolyKinds
  , RankNTypes
  , ScopedTypeVariables
  , StandaloneDeriving
  , TypeApplications
  , TypeFamilies
  , TypeInType
  , TypeOperators

module Squeal.PostgreSQL.Schema
  ( -- * Kinds
    PGType (..)
  , NullityType (..)
  , ColumnType (..)
  , ColumnsType
  , TablesType
  , Grouping (..)
    -- * Constraints
  , PGNum
  , PGIntegral
  , PGFloating
    -- * Aliases
  , (:::)
  , Alias (Alias)
  , renderAlias
  , Aliased (As)
  , renderAliased
  , IsLabel (..)
  , IsTableColumn (..)
    -- * Type Families
  , In
  , HasUnique
  , BaseType
  , SameTypes
  , AllNotNull
  , NotAllNull
  , NullifyType
  , NullifyColumns
  , NullifyTables
  , Join
  , Create
  , Drop
  , Alter
  , Rename
    -- * Generics
  , SameField
  , SameFields
  ) where

import Control.DeepSeq
import Data.ByteString
import Data.Monoid
import Data.String
import Generics.SOP (AllZip)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import GHC.Exts
import GHC.OverloadedLabels
import GHC.TypeLits

import qualified Generics.SOP.Type.Metadata as Type

-- | `PGType` is the promoted datakind of PostgreSQL types.
data PGType
  = PGbool -- ^ logical Boolean (true/false)
  | PGint2 -- ^ signed two-byte integer
  | PGint4 -- ^ signed four-byte integer
  | PGint8 -- ^ signed eight-byte integer
  | PGnumeric -- ^ arbitrary precision numeric type
  | PGfloat4 -- ^ single precision floating-point number (4 bytes)
  | PGfloat8 -- ^ double precision floating-point number (8 bytes)
  | PGchar Nat -- ^ fixed-length character string
  | PGvarchar Nat -- ^ variable-length character string
  | PGtext -- ^ variable-length character string
  | PGbytea -- ^ binary data ("byte array")
  | PGtimestamp -- ^ date and time (no time zone)
  | PGtimestamptz -- ^ date and time, including time zone
  | PGdate -- ^ calendar date (year, month, day)
  | PGtime -- ^ time of day (no time zone)
  | PGtimetz -- ^ time of day, including time zone
  | PGinterval -- ^ time span
  | PGuuid -- ^ universally unique identifier
  | PGinet -- ^ IPv4 or IPv6 host address
  | PGjson -- ^	textual JSON data
  | PGjsonb -- ^ binary JSON data, decomposed
  | UnsafePGType Symbol -- ^ an escape hatch for unsupported PostgreSQL types

-- | `NullityType` encodes the potential presence or definite absence of a
-- @NULL@ allowing operations which are sensitive to such to be well typed.
data NullityType
  = Null PGType -- ^ @NULL@ may be present
  | NotNull PGType -- ^ @NULL@ is absent

-- | `ColumnType` encodes the allowance of @DEFAULT@ and the only way
-- to generate an `Optional` `Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.Expression`
-- is to use `Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.def`,
-- `Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.unDef` or
-- `Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.param`.
data ColumnType
  = Optional NullityType
  -- ^ @DEFAULT@ is allowed
  | Required NullityType
  -- ^ @DEFAULT@ is not allowed

-- | `ColumnsType` is a kind synonym for a row of `ColumnType`s.
type ColumnsType = [(Symbol,ColumnType)]

-- | `TablesType` is a kind synonym for a row of `ColumnsType`s.
-- It is used as a kind for both a schema, a disjoint union of tables,
-- and a joined table `Squeal.PostgreSQL.Query.FromClause`,
-- a product of tables.
type TablesType = [(Symbol,ColumnsType)]

-- | `Grouping` is an auxiliary namespace, created by
-- @GROUP BY@ clauses (`Squeal.PostgreSQL.Query.group`), and used
-- for typesafe aggregation
data Grouping
  = Ungrouped
  | Grouped [(Symbol,Symbol)]

-- | `PGNum` is a constraint on `PGType` whose
-- `Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.Expression`s have a `Num` constraint.
type PGNum ty =
  In ty '[ 'PGint2, 'PGint4, 'PGint8, 'PGnumeric, 'PGfloat4, 'PGfloat8]

-- | `PGFloating` is a constraint on `PGType` whose
-- `Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.Expression`s
-- have `Fractional` and `Floating` constraints.
type PGFloating ty = In ty '[ 'PGfloat4, 'PGfloat8, 'PGnumeric]

-- | `PGIntegral` is a constraint on `PGType` whose
-- `Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.Expression`s
-- have `Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.div_` and
-- `Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.mod_` functions.
type PGIntegral ty = In ty '[ 'PGint2, 'PGint4, 'PGint8]

-- | `:::` is like a promoted version of `As`, a type level pair between
-- an alias and some type, usually a column alias and a `ColumnType` or
-- a table alias and a `ColumnsType`.
type (:::) (alias :: Symbol) (ty :: polykind) = '(alias,ty)

-- | `Alias`es are proxies for a type level string or `Symbol`
-- and have an `IsLabel` instance so that with @-XOverloadedLabels@
-- >>> :set -XOverloadedLabels
-- >>> #foobar :: Alias "foobar"
-- Alias
data Alias (alias :: Symbol) = Alias
  deriving (Eq,Generic,Ord,Show,NFData)
instance alias1 ~ alias2 => IsLabel alias1 (Alias alias2) where
  fromLabel = Alias

-- | >>> renderAlias #alias
-- "alias"
renderAlias :: KnownSymbol alias => Alias alias -> ByteString
renderAlias = fromString . symbolVal

-- | The `As` operator is used to name an expression. `As` is like a demoted
-- version of `:::`.
-- >>> Just "hello" `As` #hi :: Aliased Maybe ("hi" ::: String)
-- As (Just "hello") Alias
data Aliased expression aliased where
    :: KnownSymbol alias
    => expression ty
    -> Alias alias
    -> Aliased expression (alias ::: ty)
deriving instance Show (expression ty)
  => Show (Aliased expression (alias ::: ty))
deriving instance Eq (expression ty)
  => Eq (Aliased expression (alias ::: ty))
deriving instance Ord (expression ty)
  => Ord (Aliased expression (alias ::: ty))

-- | >>> let renderMaybe = fromString . maybe "Nothing" (const "Just")
-- >>> renderAliased renderMaybe (Just (3::Int) `As` #an_int)
-- "Just AS an_int"
  :: (forall ty. expression ty -> ByteString)
  -> Aliased expression aliased
  -> ByteString
renderAliased render (expression `As` alias) =
  render expression <> " AS " <> renderAlias alias

-- | Analagous to `IsLabel`, the constraint
-- `IsTableColumn` defines `!` for a column alias qualified
-- by a table alias.
class IsTableColumn table column expression where
  (!) :: Alias table -> Alias column -> expression
  infixl 9 !
instance IsTableColumn table column (Alias table, Alias column) where (!) = (,)

-- | @In x xs@ is a constraint that proves that @x@ is in @xs@.
type family In x xs :: Constraint where
  In x (x ': xs) = ()
  In x (y ': xs) = In x xs

-- | @HasUnique alias xs x@ is a constraint that proves that @xs@ is a singleton
-- of @alias ::: x@.
type HasUnique alias xs x = xs ~ '[alias ::: x]

-- | `BaseType` forgets about @NULL@ and @DEFAULT@
type family BaseType (ty :: ColumnType) :: PGType where
  BaseType (optionality (nullity pg)) = pg

-- | `SameTypes` is a constraint that proves two `ColumnsType`s have the same
-- length and the same `ColumnType`s.
type family SameTypes
  (columns0 :: ColumnsType) (columns1 :: ColumnsType)
    :: Constraint where
  SameTypes '[] '[] = ()
  SameTypes ((column0 ::: ty0) ': columns0) ((column1 ::: ty1) ': columns1)
    = (ty0 ~ ty1, SameTypes columns0 columns1)

-- | `AllNotNull` is a constraint that proves a `ColumnsType` has no @NULL@s.
type family AllNotNull (columns :: ColumnsType) :: Constraint where
  AllNotNull '[] = ()
  AllNotNull ((column ::: (optionality ('NotNull ty))) ': columns)
    = AllNotNull columns

-- | `NotAllNull` is a constraint that proves a `ColumnsType` has some
-- @NOT NULL@.
type family NotAllNull columns :: Constraint where
  NotAllNull ((column ::: (optionality ('NotNull ty))) ': columns) = ()
  NotAllNull ((column ::: (optionality ('Null ty))) ': columns)
    = NotAllNull columns

-- | `NullifyType` is an idempotent that nullifies a `ColumnType`.
type family NullifyType (ty :: ColumnType) :: ColumnType where
  NullifyType (optionality ('Null ty)) = optionality ('Null ty)
  NullifyType (optionality ('NotNull ty)) = optionality ('Null ty)

-- | `NullifyColumns` is an idempotent that nullifies a `ColumnsType`.
type family NullifyColumns (columns :: ColumnsType) :: ColumnsType where
  NullifyColumns '[] = '[]
  NullifyColumns ((column ::: ty) ': columns) =
    (column ::: NullifyType ty) ': NullifyColumns columns

-- | `NullifyTables` is an idempotent that nullifies a `TablesType`
-- used to nullify the left or right hand side of an outer join
-- in a `Squeal.PostgreSQL.Query.FromClause`.
type family NullifyTables (tables :: TablesType) :: TablesType where
  NullifyTables '[] = '[]
  NullifyTables ((table ::: columns) ': tables) =
    (table ::: NullifyColumns columns) ': NullifyTables tables

-- | `Join` is simply promoted `++` and is used in @JOIN@s in
-- `Squeal.PostgreSQL.Query.FromClause`s.
type family Join xs ys where
  Join '[] ys = ys
  Join (x ': xs) ys = x ': Join xs ys

-- | @Create alias x xs@ adds @alias ::: x@ to the end of @xs@ and is used in
-- `Squeal.PostgreSQL.Definition.createTable` statements and in @ALTER TABLE@
-- `Squeal.PostgreSQL.Definition.addColumnDefault` and
-- `Squeal.PostgreSQL.Definition.addColumnNull` statements.
type family Create alias x xs where
  Create alias x '[] = '[alias ::: x]
  Create alias y (x ': xs) = x ': Create alias y xs

-- | @Drop alias xs@ removes the type associated with @alias@ in @xs@
-- and is used in `Squeal.PostgreSQL.Definition.dropTable` statements
-- and in @ALTER TABLE@ `Squeal.PostgreSQL.Definition.dropColumn` statements.
type family Drop alias xs where
  Drop alias ((alias ::: x) ': xs) = xs
  Drop alias (x ': xs) = x ': Drop alias xs

-- | @Alter alias xs x@ replaces the type associated with an @alias@ in @xs@
-- with the type `x` and is used in `Squeal.PostgreSQL.Definition.alterTable`
-- and `Squeal.PostgreSQL.Definition.alterColumn`.
type family Alter alias xs x where
  Alter alias ((alias ::: x0) ': xs) x1 = (alias ::: x1) ': xs
  Alter alias (x0 ': xs) x1 = x0 ': Alter alias xs x1

-- | @Rename alias0 alias1 xs@ replaces the alias @alias0@ by @alias1@ in @xs@
-- and is used in `Squeal.PostgreSQL.Definition.alterTableRename` and
-- `Squeal.PostgreSQL.Definition.renameColumn`.
type family Rename alias0 alias1 xs where
  Rename alias0 alias1 ((alias0 ::: x0) ': xs) = (alias1 ::: x0) ': xs
  Rename alias0 alias1 (x ': xs) = x ': Rename alias0 alias1 xs

-- | A `SameField` constraint is an equality constraint on a
-- `Generics.SOP.Type.Metadata.FieldInfo` and the column alias in a `:::` pair.
class SameField
  (fieldInfo :: Type.FieldInfo) (fieldty :: (Symbol,ColumnType)) where
instance field ~ column => SameField ('Type.FieldInfo field) (column ::: ty)

-- | A `SameFields` constraint proves that a
-- `Generics.SOP.Type.Metadata.DatatypeInfo` of a record type has the same
-- field names as the column aliases of a `ColumnsType`.
type family SameFields
  (datatypeInfo :: Type.DatatypeInfo) (columns :: ColumnsType)
    :: Constraint where
    ('Type.ADT _module _datatype '[ 'Type.Record _constructor fields])
      = AllZip SameField fields columns
    ('Type.Newtype _module _datatype ('Type.Record _constructor fields))
      = AllZip SameField fields columns