-- |
-- Module      :  Data.SBV.Plugin.Env
-- Copyright   :  (c) Levent Erkok
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  erkokl@gmail.com
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- The environment for mapping concrete functions/types to symbolic ones.

{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

module Data.SBV.Plugin.Env (buildTCEnv, buildFunEnv, buildDests, buildSpecials, uninterestingTypes) where

import GhcPlugins
import GHC.Prim
import GHC.Types  hiding (Type, TyCon)

import qualified Data.Map            as M
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH

import Control.Monad.Reader

import Data.Int
import Data.Word
import Data.Bits
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust)
import Data.Ratio

import qualified Data.SBV           as S hiding (proveWith, proveWithAny)
import qualified Data.SBV.Dynamic   as S

import Data.SBV.Plugin.Common

-- | What tuple-sizes we support? We go upto 15, but would be easy to change if necessary
supportTupleSizes :: [Int]
supportTupleSizes = [2 .. 15]

-- | Build the initial environment containing types
buildTCEnv :: Int -> CoreM (M.Map TCKey S.Kind)
buildTCEnv wsz = do xs <- mapM grabTyCon basics
                    ys <- mapM grabTyApp apps
                    return $ M.fromList [(TCKey k, v) | (k, v) <- xs ++ ys]

  where grab = grabTH lookupTyCon

        grabTyCon (x, k) = grabTyApp (x, [], k)

        grabTyApp (x, as, k) = do fn   <- grab x
                                  args <- mapM grab as
                                  return ((fn, args), k)

        basics = concat [ [(t, S.KBool)              | t <- [''Bool              ]]
                        , [(t, S.KUnbounded)         | t <- [''Integer           ]]
                        , [(t, S.KFloat)             | t <- [''Float,   ''Float# ]]
                        , [(t, S.KDouble)            | t <- [''Double,  ''Double#]]
                        , [(t, S.KBounded True  wsz) | t <- [''Int,     ''Int#   ]]
                        , [(t, S.KBounded True    8) | t <- [''Int8              ]]
                        , [(t, S.KBounded True   16) | t <- [''Int16             ]]
                        , [(t, S.KBounded True   32) | t <- [''Int32,   ''Int32# ]]
                        , [(t, S.KBounded True   64) | t <- [''Int64,   ''Int64# ]]
                        , [(t, S.KBounded False wsz) | t <- [''Word,    ''Word#  ]]
                        , [(t, S.KBounded False   8) | t <- [''Word8             ]]
                        , [(t, S.KBounded False  16) | t <- [''Word16            ]]
                        , [(t, S.KBounded False  32) | t <- [''Word32,  ''Word32#]]
                        , [(t, S.KBounded False  64) | t <- [''Word64,  ''Word64#]]

        apps =  [ (''Ratio, [''Integer], S.KReal) ]

-- | Build the initial environment containing functions
buildFunEnv :: Int -> CoreM (M.Map (Id, SKind) Val)
buildFunEnv wsz = M.fromList `fmap` mapM thToGHC (basicFuncs wsz ++ symFuncs wsz)

-- | Basic conversions, only on one kind
basicFuncs :: Int -> [(TH.Name, SKind, Val)]
basicFuncs wsz = [ ('F#,    tlift1 (KBase S.KFloat),               Func  Nothing return)
                 , ('D#,    tlift1 (KBase S.KDouble),              Func  Nothing return)
                 , ('I#,    tlift1 (KBase (S.KBounded True  wsz)), Func  Nothing return)
                 , ('W#,    tlift1 (KBase (S.KBounded False wsz)), Func  Nothing return)
                 , ('True,  KBase S.KBool,                         Base  S.svTrue)
                 , ('False, KBase S.KBool,                         Base  S.svFalse)
                 , ('(&&),  tlift2 (KBase S.KBool),                lift2 S.svAnd)
                 , ('(||),  tlift2 (KBase S.KBool),                lift2 S.svOr)
                 , ('not,   tlift1 (KBase S.KBool),                lift1 S.svNot)

-- | Symbolic functions supported by the plugin; those from a class.
symFuncs :: Int -> [(TH.Name, SKind, Val)]
symFuncs wsz =  -- equality is for all kinds
          [(op, tlift2Bool (KBase k), lift2 sOp) | k <- allKinds, (op, sOp) <- [('(==), S.svEqual), ('(/=), S.svNotEqual)]]

          -- arithmetic
       ++ [(op, tlift1 (KBase k), lift1 sOp) | k <- arithKinds, (op, sOp) <- unaryOps]
       ++ [(op, tlift2 (KBase k), lift2 sOp) | k <- arithKinds, (op, sOp) <- binaryOps]

          -- literal conversions from Integer
       ++ [(op, KFun (KBase S.KUnbounded) (KBase k), lift1Int sOp) | k <- integerKinds, (op, sOp) <- [('fromInteger, S.svInteger k)]]

          -- comparisons
       ++ [(op, tlift2Bool (KBase k), lift2 sOp) | k <- arithKinds, (op, sOp) <- compOps ]

          -- integer div/rem
      ++ [(op, tlift2 (KBase k), lift2 sOp) | k <- integralKinds, (op, sOp) <- [('div, S.svDivide), ('quot, S.svQuot), ('rem, S.svRem)]]

         -- bit-vector
      ++ [ (op, tlift2 (KBase k),          lift2 sOp) | k <- bvKinds, (op, sOp) <- bvBinOps   ]
      ++ [ (op, tlift2ShRot wsz (KBase k), lift2 sOp) | k <- bvKinds, (op, sOp) <- bvShiftRots]

         -- bv-splits
      ++ [('S.split, tSplit s, liftSplit s) | s <- [16, 32, 64]]

         -- bv-joins
      ++ [ ('(S.#),  tJoin s, lift2 S.svJoin) | s <- [8, 16, 32]]

         -- constructing "fixed-size" lists
      ++ [ ('enumFromTo,     tEnumFromTo     (KBase k), sEnumFromTo)     | k <- arithKinds ]
      ++ [ ('enumFromThenTo, tEnumFromThenTo (KBase k), sEnumFromThenTo) | k <- arithKinds ]

       -- Bit-vectors
       bvKinds = [S.KBounded s sz | s <- [False, True], sz <- [8, 16, 32, 64]]

       -- Those that are "integral"ish
       integralKinds = S.KUnbounded : bvKinds

       -- Those that can be converted from an Integer
       integerKinds = S.KReal : integralKinds

       -- Float kinds
       floatKinds = [S.KFloat, S.KDouble]

       -- All arithmetic kinds
       arithKinds = floatKinds ++ integerKinds

       -- Everything
       allKinds   = S.KBool : arithKinds

       -- Unary arithmetic ops
       unaryOps   = [ ('abs,        S.svAbs)
                    , ('negate,     S.svUNeg)
                    , ('complement, S.svNot)

       -- Binary arithmetic ops
       binaryOps  = [ ('(+),        S.svPlus)
                    , ('(-),        S.svMinus)
                    , ('(*),        S.svTimes)
                    , ('(/),        S.svDivide)
                    , ('(^),        S.svExp)
                    , ('quot,       S.svQuot)
                    , ('rem,        S.svRem)

       -- Comparisons
       compOps = [ ('(<),  S.svLessThan)
                 , ('(>),  S.svGreaterThan)
                 , ('(<=), S.svLessEq)
                 , ('(>=), S.svGreaterEq)

       -- Binary bit-vector ops
       bvBinOps = [ ('(.&.),   S.svAnd)
                  , ('(.|.),   S.svOr)
                  , ('xor,     S.svXOr)

       -- Shift/rotates, where second argument is an int
       bvShiftRots = [ ('shiftL,  S.svShiftLeft)
                     , ('shiftR,  S.svShiftRight)
                     , ('rotateL, S.svRotateLeft)
                     , ('rotateR, S.svRotateRight)

-- | Destructors
buildDests :: CoreM (M.Map Var (Val -> [(Var, SKind)] -> (S.SVal, [((Var, SKind), Val)])))
buildDests = do simple <- mapM mkSingle dests
                tups   <- mapM mkTuple  supportTupleSizes
                nil    <- mkNil
                cons   <- mkCons
                return $ M.fromList (simple ++ tups ++ [nil, cons])
        dests = [ ('W#, dest1)
                , ('I#, dest1)
                , ('F#, dest1)
                , ('D#, dest1)

        dest1 a [bk] = (S.svTrue, [(bk, a)])
        dest1 a bs   = error $ "Impossible happened: Mistmatched arity case-binder for: " ++ showSDocUnsafe (ppr a) ++ ". Expected 1, got: " ++ show (length bs) ++ " arguments."

        mkSingle :: (TH.Name, b) -> CoreM (Id, b)
        mkSingle (n, sfn) = do f <- grabTH lookupId n
                               return (f, sfn)

        mkTuple n = do d <- grabTH lookupId (TH.tupleDataName n)
                       let dest (Tup xs) bs
                             | length xs == n && length bs == n
                             = (S.svTrue, zip bs xs)
                           dest a b = error $ "Impossible: Tuple-case mismatch: " ++ showSDocUnsafe (ppr (n, a, b))
                       return (d, dest)

        mkNil  = do d <- lookupId nilDataConName
                    let dest (Lst []) [] = (S.svTrue,  [])
                        dest (Lst _)  _  = (S.svFalse, [])
                        dest a        b  = error $ "Impossible: []-case mismatch: " ++ showSDocUnsafe (ppr (a, b))
                    return (d, dest)

        mkCons  = do d <- lookupId consDataConName
                     let dest (Lst [])     _      = (S.svFalse, [])
                         dest (Lst (x:xs)) [h, t] = (S.svTrue, [(h, x), (t, Lst xs)])
                         dest a            b      = error $ "Impossible: (:)-case mismatch: " ++ showSDocUnsafe (ppr (a, b))
                     return (d, dest)

-- | These types show up during uninterpretation, but are not really "interesting" as they
-- are singly inhabited.
uninterestingTypes :: CoreM [Type]
uninterestingTypes = map varType `fmap` mapM (grabTH lookupId) ['void#]

-- | Certain things are just too special, as they uniformly apply to uninterpreted types.
buildSpecials :: CoreM Specials
buildSpecials = do isEq  <- do eq  <- grabTH lookupId '(==)
                               neq <- grabTH lookupId '(/=)

                               let choose = [(eq, liftEq S.svEqual), (neq, liftEq S.svNotEqual)]

                               return (`lookup` choose)

                   isTup <- do let mkTup n = Func Nothing g
                                     where g (Typ _) = return $ Func Nothing g
                                           g v       = h (n-1) [v]
                                           h 0 sofar = return $ Tup (reverse sofar)
                                           h i sofar = return $ Func Nothing $ \v -> h (i-1) (v:sofar)
                               ts <- mapM (grabTH lookupId . TH.tupleDataName) supportTupleSizes
                               let choose = zip ts (map mkTup supportTupleSizes)
                               return (`lookup` choose)

                   isLst <- do nil  <- lookupId nilDataConName
                               cons <- lookupId consDataConName

                               let snil  = Lst []

                                   scons = Func Nothing g
                                     where g (Typ _)    = return $ Func Nothing g
                                           g v          = return $ Func Nothing (k v)
                                           k v (Lst xs) = return (Lst (v:xs))
                                           k v a        = error $ "Impossible: (:) received incompatible arguments: " ++ showSDocUnsafe (ppr (v, a))

                                   choose = [(nil, snil), (cons, scons)]

                               return (`lookup` choose)

                   return Specials{ isEquality = isEq
                                  , isTuple    = isTup
                                  , isList     = isLst

-- | Lift a binary type, with result bool
tlift2Bool :: SKind -> SKind
tlift2Bool k = KFun k (KFun k (KBase S.KBool))

-- | Lift a unary type
tlift1 :: SKind -> SKind
tlift1 k = KFun k k

-- | Lift a binary type
tlift2 :: SKind -> SKind
tlift2 k = KFun k (tlift1 k)

-- | Lift a binary type, where second argument is Int
tlift2ShRot :: Int -> SKind -> SKind
tlift2ShRot wsz k = KFun k (KFun (KBase (S.KBounded True wsz)) k)

-- | Construct the type for a split operation
tSplit :: Int -> SKind
tSplit n = KFun a (KTup [r, r])
  where a = KBase (S.KBounded False n)
        r = KBase (S.KBounded False (n `div` 2))

-- | Construct the type for a join operation
tJoin :: Int -> SKind
tJoin n = KFun a (KFun a r)
   where a = KBase (S.KBounded False n)
         r = KBase (S.KBounded False (n*2))

-- | Type of enumFromTo: [x .. y]
tEnumFromTo :: SKind -> SKind
tEnumFromTo a = KFun a (KFun a (KLst a))

-- | Type of enumFromThenTo: [x .. y]
tEnumFromThenTo :: SKind -> SKind
tEnumFromThenTo a = KFun a (KFun a (KFun a (KLst a)))

-- | Lift a unary SBV function that via kind/integer
lift1Int :: (Integer -> S.SVal) -> Val
lift1Int f = Func Nothing g
   where g (Base i) = return $ Base $ f (fromMaybe (error ("Cannot extract an integer from value: " ++ show i)) (S.svAsInteger i))
         g _        = error "Impossible happened: lift1Int received non-base argument!"

-- | Lift a unary SBV function to the plugin value space
lift1 :: (S.SVal -> S.SVal) -> Val
lift1 f = Func Nothing g
  where g (Typ _)  = return $ Func Nothing h
        g v        = h v
        h (Base a) = return $ Base $ f a
        h v        = error  $ "Impossible happened: lift1 received non-base argument: " ++ showSDocUnsafe (ppr v)

-- | Lift a two argument SBV function to our the plugin value space
lift2 :: (S.SVal -> S.SVal -> S.SVal) -> Val
lift2 f = Func Nothing g
   where g (Typ  _)   = return $ Func Nothing h
         g v          = h v
         h (Base a)   = return $ Func Nothing (k a)
         h v          = error  $ "Impossible happened: lift2 received non-base argument (h): " ++ showSDocUnsafe (ppr v)
         k a (Base b) = return $ Base $ f a b
         k _ v        = error  $ "Impossible happened: lift2 received non-base argument (k): " ++ showSDocUnsafe (ppr v)

-- | Lifting splits
liftSplit :: Int -> Val
liftSplit n = Func Nothing g
   where g (Typ _)  = return $ Func Nothing g
         g (Base a) = do let half = n `div` 2
                             f    = Base $ S.svExtract (n-1) half a
                             s    = Base $ S.svExtract (half-1) 0 a
                         return $ Tup [f, s]
         g v        = error $ "Impossible happened: liftSplit received unexpected argument: " ++ showSDocUnsafe (ppr (n, v))

-- | Lifting an equality is special; since it acts uniformly over tuples.
liftEq :: (S.SVal -> S.SVal -> S.SVal) -> Val
liftEq baseEq = Func Nothing g
   where g (Typ  _) = return $ Func Nothing g
         g v1       = return $ Func Nothing $ \v2 -> return $ Base $ liftEqVal baseEq v1 v2

-- | Lifting enumFromTo: [x .. y]
sEnumFromTo :: Val
sEnumFromTo = Func Nothing (g [])
    where g [x]  y       = enumList x Nothing y
          g args (Typ _) = return $ Func Nothing (g args)
          g args v       = return $ Func Nothing (g (v:args))

-- | Lifting sEnumFromThenTo: [x, y .. z]
sEnumFromThenTo :: Val
sEnumFromThenTo = Func Nothing (g [])
    where g [x, y] z         = enumList y (Just x) z
          g args   (Typ _)   = return $ Func Nothing (g args)
          g args   v         = return $ Func Nothing (g (v:args))

-- | Implement [x .. y] or [x, y .. z]; provided the inputs are concrete
enumList :: Val -> Maybe Val -> Val -> Eval Val
enumList bf mbs bt
   | Just bs <- mbs, Just f <- extract bf, Just s <- extract bs, Just t <- extract bt = mkLst $ S.svEnumFromThenTo f (Just s) t
   |                 Just f <- extract bf,                       Just t <- extract bt = mkLst $ S.svEnumFromThenTo f Nothing  t
   | True                                                                             = cantHandle
  where extract (Base b) = Just b
        extract _        = error $ "SBVPlugin.enumList: Impossible happened: " ++ showSDocUnsafe (ppr (bf, mbs, bt))
        mkLst (Just xs)  = return $ Lst $ map Base xs
        mkLst _          = cantHandle
        cantHandle       = do Env{bailOut} <- ask
                              bailOut "Found unsupported list comprehension expression"
                                      (concat [ [ "From: " ++ showSDocUnsafe (ppr bf) ]
                                              , [ "Then: " ++ showSDocUnsafe (ppr bs) | Just bs <- [mbs]]
                                              , [ "To  : " ++ showSDocUnsafe (ppr bt)
                                                , "Kind: " ++ (if isJust mbs then "[x, y .. z]" else "[x .. y]")
                                                , "Hint: The plugin only allows finite comprehensions with concrete boundaries."

thToGHC :: (TH.Name, a, b) -> CoreM ((Id, a), b)
thToGHC (n, k, sfn) = do f <- grabTH lookupId n
                         return ((f, k), sfn)

grabTH :: (Name -> CoreM b) -> TH.Name -> CoreM b
grabTH f n = do mbN <- thNameToGhcName n
                case mbN of
                  Just gn -> f gn
                  Nothing -> error $ "[SBV] Impossible happened, while trying to locate GHC name for: " ++ show n