-- |
-- Module      :  Data.SBV.Plugin.Common
-- Copyright   :  (c) Levent Erkok
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  erkokl@gmail.com
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Common data-structures/utilities

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}

module Data.SBV.Plugin.Common where

import Control.Monad.Reader

import CostCentre
import GhcPlugins

import Unique (nonDetCmpUnique)

import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import qualified Data.Map as M

import Data.IORef

import qualified Data.SBV         as S
import qualified Data.SBV.Dynamic as S

import Data.SBV.Plugin.Data

-- | Certain "very-polymorphic" things are just special
data Specials = Specials { isEquality :: Var -> Maybe Val
                         , isTuple    :: Var -> Maybe Val
                         , isList     :: Var -> Maybe Val

-- | TyCon's are no longer Ord in GHC 8.2.1; so we make a newtype
newtype TCKey = TCKey (TyCon, [TyCon])

-- | Extract the unique "key"
tcKeyToUList :: TCKey -> [Unique]
tcKeyToUList (TCKey (a, as)) = map getUnique (a:as)

-- | Make a rudimentary Eq instance for TCKey
instance Eq TCKey where
  k1 == k2 = tcKeyToUList k1 == tcKeyToUList k2

-- | Make a rudimentary Ord instance for TCKey
instance Ord TCKey where
  k1 `compare` k2 = tcKeyToUList k1 `cmp` tcKeyToUList k2
    where []     `cmp` []     = EQ
          []     `cmp` _      = LT
          _      `cmp` []     = GT
          (a:as) `cmp` (b:bs) = case a `nonDetCmpUnique` b of
                                   EQ -> as `cmp` bs
                                   r  -> r

-- | Interpreter environment
data Env = Env { curLoc         :: [SrcSpan]
               , flags          :: DynFlags
               , machWordSize   :: Int
               , mbListSize     :: Maybe Int
               , uninteresting  :: [Type]
               , rUninterpreted :: IORef [((Var, Type), (Bool, String, Val))]
               , rUsedNames     :: IORef [String]
               , rUITypes       :: IORef [(Type, S.Kind)]
               , specials       :: Specials
               , tcMap          :: M.Map TCKey S.Kind
               , envMap         :: M.Map (Var, SKind) Val
               , destMap        :: M.Map Var          (Val -> [(Var, SKind)] -> (S.SVal, [((Var, SKind), Val)]))
               , coreMap        :: M.Map Var          (SrcSpan, CoreExpr)
               , bailOut        :: forall a. String -> [String] -> Eval a

-- | The interpreter monad
type Eval a = ReaderT Env S.Symbolic a

-- | Configuration info as we run the plugin
data Config = Config { isGHCi        :: Bool
                     , opts          :: [SBVAnnotation]
                     , sbvAnnotation :: Var -> [SBVAnnotation]
                     , cfgEnv        :: Env

-- | Given the user options, determine which solver(s) to use
pickSolvers :: [SBVOption] -> IO [S.SMTConfig]
pickSolvers slvrs
  | AnySolver `elem` slvrs = S.sbvAvailableSolvers
  | True                   = case mapMaybe (`lookup` solvers) slvrs of
                                [] -> return [S.defaultSMTCfg]
                                xs -> return xs
  where solvers = [ (Z3,        S.z3)
                  , (Yices,     S.yices)
                  , (Boolector, S.boolector)
                  , (CVC4,      S.cvc4)
                  , (MathSAT,   S.mathSAT)
                  , (ABC,       S.abc)

-- | The kinds used by the plugin
data SKind = KBase S.Kind
           | KTup  [SKind]
           | KLst  SKind
           | KFun  SKind SKind
           deriving (Eq, Ord)

-- | The values kept track of by the interpreter
data Val = Base S.SVal
         | Typ  SKind
         | Tup  [Val]
         | Lst  [Val]
         | Func (Maybe String) (Val -> Eval Val)

-- | Outputable instance for SKind
instance Outputable SKind where
   ppr (KBase k)   = text (show k)
   ppr (KTup  ks)  = parens $ sep (punctuate (text ",") (map ppr ks))
   ppr (KLst  k)   = brackets $ ppr k
   ppr (KFun  k r) = parens (ppr k) <+> text "->" <+> ppr r

-- | Outputable instance for S.Kind
instance Outputable S.Kind where
   ppr = text . show

-- | Outputable instance for Val
instance Outputable Val where
   ppr (Base s)   = text (show s)
   ppr (Typ  k)   = ppr k
   ppr (Tup  vs)  = parens   $ sep $ punctuate (text ",") (map ppr vs)
   ppr (Lst  vs)  = brackets $ sep $ punctuate (text ",") (map ppr vs)
   ppr (Func k _) = text ("Func<" ++ show k ++ ">")

-- | Structural lifting of a boolean function (eq/neq) over Val
liftEqVal :: (S.SVal -> S.SVal -> S.SVal) -> Val -> Val -> S.SVal
liftEqVal baseEq v1 v2 = k v1 v2
  where k (Base a) (Base b)                          = a `baseEq` b
        k (Tup as) (Tup bs) | length as == length bs = foldr S.svAnd S.svTrue                            (zipWith k as bs)
        k (Lst as) (Lst bs)                          = foldr S.svAnd (S.svBool (length as == length bs)) (zipWith k as bs)
        k _ _                                        = error  $ "Impossible happened: liftEq received unexpected arguments: " ++ showSDocUnsafe (ppr (v1, v2))

-- | Symbolic equality over values
eqVal :: Val -> Val -> S.SVal
eqVal = liftEqVal S.svEqual

-- | Symbolic if-then-else over values.
iteVal :: ([String] -> Eval Val) -> S.SVal -> Val -> Val -> Eval Val
iteVal bailOut t v1 v2 = k v1 v2
  where k (Base a) (Base b)                          = return $ Base $ S.svIte t a b
        k (Tup as) (Tup bs) | length as == length bs = Tup `fmap` zipWithM k as bs
        k (Lst as) (Lst bs) | length as == length bs = Lst `fmap` zipWithM k as bs
                            | True                   = bailOut [ "Alternatives are producing lists of differing sizes:"
                                                               , "   Length " ++ show (length as) ++ ": " ++ showSDocUnsafe (ppr (Lst as))
                                                               , "vs Length " ++ show (length bs) ++ ": " ++ showSDocUnsafe (ppr (Lst bs))
        k (Func n1 f) (Func n2 g)                    = return $ Func (n1 `mplus` n2) $ \a -> f a >>= \fa -> g a >>= \ga -> k fa ga
        k _ _                                        = bailOut [ "Unsupported if-then-else/case with alternatives:"
                                                               , "    Value:" ++ showSDocUnsafe (ppr v1)
                                                               , "       vs:" ++ showSDocUnsafe (ppr v2)

-- | Compute the span given a Tick. Returns the old-span if the tick span useless.
tickSpan :: Tickish t -> SrcSpan
tickSpan (ProfNote cc _ _) = cc_loc cc
tickSpan (SourceNote s _)  = RealSrcSpan s
tickSpan _                 = noSrcSpan

-- | Compute the span for a binding.
varSpan :: Var -> SrcSpan
varSpan = nameSrcSpan . varName

-- | Pick the first "good" span, hopefully corresponding to
-- the closest location to where we are in the code
-- when we issue an error message.
pickSpan :: [SrcSpan] -> SrcSpan
pickSpan ss = case filter isGoodSrcSpan ss of
                (s:_) -> s
                []    -> noSrcSpan

-- | Show a GHC span in user-friendly form
showSpan :: DynFlags -> SrcSpan -> String
showSpan flags s = showSDoc flags (ppr s)

-- | This comes mighty handy! Wonder why GHC doesn't have it already:
instance Show CoreExpr where
  show = go
    where sh x = showSDocUnsafe (ppr x)
          go (Var   i)      = "(Var "  ++ sh i ++ ")"
          go (Lit   l)      = "(Lit "  ++ sh l ++ ")"
          go (App f a)      = "(App "  ++ go f ++ " " ++ go a ++ ")"
          go (Lam b e)      = "(Lam "  ++ sh b ++ " " ++ go e ++ ")"
          go (Let b e)      = "(Let "  ++ sh b ++ " " ++ go e ++ ")"
          go (Case e b t _) = "(Case " ++ go e ++ " " ++ sh b ++ " " ++ sh t ++ "...)"
          go (Cast e _)     = "(Cast " ++ go e ++ " ...)"
          go (Tick _ e)     = "(Tick " ++ go e ++ ")"
          go (Type t)       = "(Type " ++ sh t ++ ")"
          go (Coercion _)   = "(Coercion ...)"