{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -Werror -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Data.SBV.Control.Query (
send, ask, retrieveResponse
, CheckSatResult(..), checkSat, checkSatUsing, checkSatAssuming, checkSatAssumingWithUnsatisfiableSet
, getUnsatCore, getProof, getInterpolantMathSAT, getInterpolantZ3, getAssignment, getOption, freshVar, freshVar_, freshArray, freshArray_, push, pop, getAssertionStackDepth
, inNewAssertionStack, echo, caseSplit, resetAssertions, exit, getAssertions, getValue, getUninterpretedValue, getModel, getSMTResult
, getLexicographicOptResults, getIndependentOptResults, getParetoOptResults, getAllSatResult, getUnknownReason, getObservables, ensureSat
, SMTOption(..), SMTInfoFlag(..), SMTErrorBehavior(..), SMTReasonUnknown(..), SMTInfoResponse(..), getInfo
, Logic(..), Assignment(..)
, ignoreExitCode, timeout
, (|->)
, mkSMTResult
, io
) where
import Control.Monad (unless, when, zipWithM)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
import Data.IORef (readIORef)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IM
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.List (intercalate, nubBy, sortBy, sortOn)
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe, catMaybes)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.SBV.Core.Data
import Data.SBV.Core.Symbolic ( MonadQuery(..), State(..)
, incrementInternalCounter, validationRequested
import Data.SBV.Utils.SExpr
import Data.SBV.Control.Types
import Data.SBV.Control.Utils
data Assignment = Assign SVal CV
noSurrounding :: Char -> String -> String
noSurrounding c (c':cs@(_:_)) | c == c' && c == last cs = init cs
noSurrounding _ s = s
unQuote :: String -> String
unQuote = noSurrounding '"'
unBar :: String -> String
unBar = noSurrounding '|'
fromECon :: SExpr -> Maybe String
fromECon (ECon s) = Just s
fromECon _ = Nothing
stringsOf :: SExpr -> [String]
stringsOf (ECon s) = [s]
stringsOf (ENum (i, _)) = [show i]
stringsOf (EReal r) = [show r]
stringsOf (EFloat f) = [show f]
stringsOf (EDouble d) = [show d]
stringsOf (EApp ss) = concatMap stringsOf ss
serialize :: Bool -> SExpr -> String
serialize removeQuotes = go
where go (ECon s) = if removeQuotes then unQuote s else s
go (ENum (i, _)) = shNN i
go (EReal r) = shNN r
go (EFloat f) = shNN f
go (EDouble d) = shNN d
go (EApp [x]) = go x
go (EApp ss) = "(" ++ unwords (map go ss) ++ ")"
shNN :: (Show a, Num a, Ord a) => a -> String
shNN i
| i < 0 = "(- " ++ show (-i) ++ ")"
| True = show i
getInfo :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => SMTInfoFlag -> m SMTInfoResponse
getInfo flag = do
let cmd = "(get-info " ++ show flag ++ ")"
bad = unexpected "getInfo" cmd "a valid get-info response" Nothing
isAllStatistics AllStatistics = True
isAllStatistics _ = False
isAllStat = isAllStatistics flag
grabAllStat k v = (render k, render v)
grabAllStats (EApp xs) = walk xs
where walk [] = []
walk [t] = [grabAllStat t (ECon "")]
walk (t : v : rest) = grabAllStat t v : walk rest
grabAllStats o = [grabAllStat o (ECon "")]
r <- ask cmd
parse r bad $ \pe ->
if isAllStat
then return $ Resp_AllStatistics $ grabAllStats pe
else case pe of
ECon "unsupported" -> return Resp_Unsupported
EApp [ECon ":assertion-stack-levels", ENum (i, _)] -> return $ Resp_AssertionStackLevels i
EApp (ECon ":authors" : ns) -> return $ Resp_Authors (map render ns)
EApp [ECon ":error-behavior", ECon "immediate-exit"] -> return $ Resp_Error ErrorImmediateExit
EApp [ECon ":error-behavior", ECon "continued-execution"] -> return $ Resp_Error ErrorContinuedExecution
EApp (ECon ":name" : o) -> return $ Resp_Name (render (EApp o))
EApp (ECon ":reason-unknown" : o) -> return $ Resp_ReasonUnknown (unk o)
EApp (ECon ":version" : o) -> return $ Resp_Version (render (EApp o))
EApp (ECon s : o) -> return $ Resp_InfoKeyword s (map render o)
_ -> bad r Nothing
where render = serialize True
unk [ECon s] | Just d <- getUR s = d
unk o = UnknownOther (render (EApp o))
getUR s = map toLower (unQuote s) `lookup` [(map toLower k, d) | (k, d) <- unknownReasons]
unknownReasons = [ ("memout", UnknownMemOut)
, ("incomplete", UnknownIncomplete)
, ("timeout", UnknownTimeOut)
getOption :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => (a -> SMTOption) -> m (Maybe SMTOption)
getOption f = case f undefined of
DiagnosticOutputChannel{} -> askFor "DiagnosticOutputChannel" ":diagnostic-output-channel" $ string DiagnosticOutputChannel
ProduceAssertions{} -> askFor "ProduceAssertions" ":produce-assertions" $ bool ProduceAssertions
ProduceAssignments{} -> askFor "ProduceAssignments" ":produce-assignments" $ bool ProduceAssignments
ProduceProofs{} -> askFor "ProduceProofs" ":produce-proofs" $ bool ProduceProofs
ProduceInterpolants{} -> askFor "ProduceInterpolants" ":produce-interpolants" $ bool ProduceInterpolants
ProduceUnsatAssumptions{} -> askFor "ProduceUnsatAssumptions" ":produce-unsat-assumptions" $ bool ProduceUnsatAssumptions
ProduceUnsatCores{} -> askFor "ProduceUnsatCores" ":produce-unsat-cores" $ bool ProduceUnsatCores
RandomSeed{} -> askFor "RandomSeed" ":random-seed" $ integer RandomSeed
ReproducibleResourceLimit{} -> askFor "ReproducibleResourceLimit" ":reproducible-resource-limit" $ integer ReproducibleResourceLimit
SMTVerbosity{} -> askFor "SMTVerbosity" ":verbosity" $ integer SMTVerbosity
OptionKeyword nm _ -> askFor ("OptionKeyword" ++ nm) nm $ stringList (OptionKeyword nm)
SetLogic{} -> error "Data.SBV.Query: SMTLib does not allow querying value of the logic!"
SetInfo{} -> error "Data.SBV.Query: SMTLib does not allow querying value of meta-info!"
where askFor sbvName smtLibName continue = do
let cmd = "(get-option " ++ smtLibName ++ ")"
bad = unexpected ("getOption " ++ sbvName) cmd "a valid option value" Nothing
r <- ask cmd
parse r bad $ \case ECon "unsupported" -> return Nothing
e -> continue e (bad r)
string c (ECon s) _ = return $ Just $ c s
string _ e k = k $ Just ["Expected string, but got: " ++ show (serialize False e)]
bool c (ENum (0, _)) _ = return $ Just $ c False
bool c (ENum (1, _)) _ = return $ Just $ c True
bool _ e k = k $ Just ["Expected boolean, but got: " ++ show (serialize False e)]
integer c (ENum (i, _)) _ = return $ Just $ c i
integer _ e k = k $ Just ["Expected integer, but got: " ++ show (serialize False e)]
stringList c e _ = return $ Just $ c $ stringsOf e
getUnknownReason :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => m SMTReasonUnknown
getUnknownReason = do ru <- getInfo ReasonUnknown
case ru of
Resp_Unsupported -> return $ UnknownOther "Solver responded: Unsupported."
Resp_ReasonUnknown r -> return r
_ -> error $ "Unexpected reason value received: " ++ show ru
ensureSat :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => m ()
ensureSat = do cfg <- getConfig
cs <- checkSatUsing $ satCmd cfg
case cs of
Sat -> return ()
Unk -> do s <- getUnknownReason
error $ unlines [ ""
, "*** Data.SBV.ensureSat: Solver reported Unknown!"
, "*** Reason: " ++ show s
Unsat -> error "Data.SBV.ensureSat: Solver reported Unsat!"
getSMTResult :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => m SMTResult
getSMTResult = do cfg <- getConfig
cs <- checkSat
case cs of
Unsat -> Unsatisfiable cfg <$> getUnsatCoreIfRequested
Sat -> Satisfiable cfg <$> getModel
Unk -> Unknown cfg <$> getUnknownReason
classifyModel :: SMTConfig -> SMTModel -> SMTResult
classifyModel cfg m
| any isExt (modelObjectives m) = SatExtField cfg m
| True = Satisfiable cfg m
where isExt (_, v) = not $ isRegularCV v
getLexicographicOptResults :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => m SMTResult
getLexicographicOptResults = do cfg <- getConfig
cs <- checkSat
case cs of
Unsat -> Unsatisfiable cfg <$> getUnsatCoreIfRequested
Sat -> classifyModel cfg <$> getModelWithObjectives
Unk -> Unknown cfg <$> getUnknownReason
where getModelWithObjectives = do objectiveValues <- getObjectiveValues
m <- getModel
return m {modelObjectives = objectiveValues}
getIndependentOptResults :: forall m. (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => [String] -> m [(String, SMTResult)]
getIndependentOptResults objNames = do cfg <- getConfig
cs <- checkSat
case cs of
Unsat -> getUnsatCoreIfRequested >>= \mbUC -> return [(nm, Unsatisfiable cfg mbUC) | nm <- objNames]
Sat -> continue (classifyModel cfg)
Unk -> do ur <- Unknown cfg <$> getUnknownReason
return [(nm, ur) | nm <- objNames]
where continue classify = do objectiveValues <- getObjectiveValues
nms <- zipWithM getIndependentResult [0..] objNames
return [(n, classify (m {modelObjectives = objectiveValues})) | (n, m) <- nms]
getIndependentResult :: Int -> String -> m (String, SMTModel)
getIndependentResult i s = do m <- getModelAtIndex (Just i)
return (s, m)
getParetoOptResults :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => Maybe Int -> m (Bool, [SMTResult])
getParetoOptResults (Just i)
| i <= 0 = return (True, [])
getParetoOptResults mbN = do cfg <- getConfig
cs <- checkSat
case cs of
Unsat -> return (False, [])
Sat -> continue (classifyModel cfg)
Unk -> do ur <- getUnknownReason
return (False, [ProofError cfg [show ur] Nothing])
where continue classify = do m <- getModel
(limReached, fronts) <- getParetoFronts (subtract 1 <$> mbN) [m]
return (limReached, reverse (map classify fronts))
getParetoFronts :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => Maybe Int -> [SMTModel] -> m (Bool, [SMTModel])
getParetoFronts (Just i) sofar | i <= 0 = return (True, sofar)
getParetoFronts mbi sofar = do cs <- checkSat
let more = getModel >>= \m -> getParetoFronts (subtract 1 <$> mbi) (m : sofar)
case cs of
Unsat -> return (False, sofar)
Sat -> more
Unk -> more
getModel :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => m SMTModel
getModel = getModelAtIndex Nothing
getModelAtIndex :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => Maybe Int -> m SMTModel
getModelAtIndex mbi = do
State{runMode} <- queryState
rm <- io $ readIORef runMode
case rm of
m@CodeGen -> error $ "SBV.getModel: Model is not available in mode: " ++ show m
m@Concrete{} -> error $ "SBV.getModel: Model is not available in mode: " ++ show m
SMTMode _ _ isSAT _ -> do
cfg <- getConfig
qinps <- getQuantifiedInputs
uis <- getUIs
let allModelInputs = if isSAT then takeWhile ((/= ALL) . fst) qinps
else takeWhile ((== ALL) . fst) qinps
grabObservables = length allModelInputs == length qinps
obsvs <- if grabObservables
then getObservables
else do queryDebug ["*** In a quantified context, obvservables will not be printed."]
return []
let sortByNodeId :: [(SV, (String, CV))] -> [(String, CV)]
sortByNodeId = map snd . sortBy (compare `on` (\(SV _ nid, _) -> nid))
grab (sv, nm) = wrap <$> getValueCV mbi sv
where wrap c = (sv, (nm, c))
inputAssocs <- mapM (grab . snd) allModelInputs
let assocs = sortOn fst obsvs
++ sortByNodeId [p | p@(_, (nm, _)) <- inputAssocs, not (isNonModelVar cfg nm)]
let uiFuns = [ui | ui@(_, SBVType as) <- uis, length as > 1, satTrackUFs cfg]
unless (null uiFuns) $
let solverCaps = capabilities (solver cfg)
in case supportsFlattenedModels solverCaps of
Nothing -> return ()
Just cmds -> mapM_ (send True) cmds
bindings <- let get i@(ALL, _) = return (i, Nothing)
get i@(EX, (sv, _)) = case sv `lookup` inputAssocs of
Just (_, cv) -> return (i, Just cv)
Nothing -> do cv <- getValueCV mbi sv
return (i, Just cv)
flipQ i@(q, sv) = case (isSAT, q) of
(True, _ ) -> i
(False, EX) -> (ALL, sv)
(False, ALL) -> (EX, sv)
in if validationRequested cfg
then Just <$> mapM (get . flipQ) qinps
else return Nothing
uivs <- mapM (\ui@(nm, t) -> (\a -> (nm, (t, a))) <$> getUIFunCVAssoc mbi ui) uiFuns
return SMTModel { modelObjectives = []
, modelBindings = bindings
, modelAssocs = assocs
, modelUIFuns = uivs
getObjectiveValues :: forall m. (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => m [(String, GeneralizedCV)]
getObjectiveValues = do let cmd = "(get-objectives)"
bad = unexpected "getObjectiveValues" cmd "a list of objective values" Nothing
r <- ask cmd
inputs <- map snd <$> getQuantifiedInputs
parse r bad $ \case EApp (ECon "objectives" : es) -> catMaybes <$> mapM (getObjValue (bad r) inputs) es
_ -> bad r Nothing
getObjValue :: (forall a. Maybe [String] -> m a) -> [NamedSymVar] -> SExpr -> m (Maybe (String, GeneralizedCV))
getObjValue bailOut inputs expr =
case expr of
EApp [_] -> return Nothing
EApp [ECon nm, v] -> locate nm v
_ -> dontUnderstand (show expr)
where locate nm v = case listToMaybe [p | p@(sv, _) <- inputs, show sv == nm] of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (sv, actualName) -> grab sv v >>= \val -> return $ Just (actualName, val)
dontUnderstand s = bailOut $ Just [ "Unable to understand solver output."
, "While trying to process: " ++ s
grab :: SV -> SExpr -> m GeneralizedCV
grab s topExpr
| Just v <- recoverKindedValue k topExpr = return $ RegularCV v
| True = ExtendedCV <$> cvt (simplify topExpr)
where k = kindOf s
cvt :: SExpr -> m ExtCV
cvt (ECon "oo") = return $ Infinite k
cvt (ECon "epsilon") = return $ Epsilon k
cvt (EApp [ECon "interval", x, y]) = Interval <$> cvt x <*> cvt y
cvt (ENum (i, _)) = return $ BoundedCV $ mkConstCV k i
cvt (EReal r) = return $ BoundedCV $ CV k $ CAlgReal r
cvt (EFloat f) = return $ BoundedCV $ CV k $ CFloat f
cvt (EDouble d) = return $ BoundedCV $ CV k $ CDouble d
cvt (EApp [ECon "+", x, y]) = AddExtCV <$> cvt x <*> cvt y
cvt (EApp [ECon "*", x, y]) = MulExtCV <$> cvt x <*> cvt y
cvt e = dontUnderstand (show e)
simplify :: SExpr -> SExpr
simplify (EApp [ECon "to_real", n]) = n
simplify (EApp xs) = EApp (map simplify xs)
simplify e = e
checkSatAssuming :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => [SBool] -> m CheckSatResult
checkSatAssuming sBools = fst <$> checkSatAssumingHelper False sBools
checkSatAssumingWithUnsatisfiableSet :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => [SBool] -> m (CheckSatResult, Maybe [SBool])
checkSatAssumingWithUnsatisfiableSet = checkSatAssumingHelper True
checkSatAssumingHelper :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => Bool -> [SBool] -> m (CheckSatResult, Maybe [SBool])
checkSatAssumingHelper getAssumptions sBools = do
let mkAssumption st = do swsOriginal <- mapM (\sb -> do sv <- sbvToSV st sb
return (sv, sb)) sBools
let swbs = [p | p@(sv, _) <- nubBy ((==) `on` fst) swsOriginal, sv /= trueSV]
uniqueSWBs <- mapM (\(sv, sb) -> do unique <- incrementInternalCounter st
return (sv, (unique, sb))) swbs
let translate (sv, (unique, sb)) = (nm, decls, (proxy, sb))
where nm = show sv
proxy = "__assumption_proxy_" ++ nm ++ "_" ++ show unique
decls = [ "(declare-const " ++ proxy ++ " Bool)"
, "(assert (= " ++ proxy ++ " " ++ nm ++ "))"
return $ map translate uniqueSWBs
assumptions <- inNewContext mkAssumption
let (origNames, declss, proxyMap) = unzip3 assumptions
let cmd = "(check-sat-assuming (" ++ unwords (map fst proxyMap) ++ "))"
bad = unexpected "checkSatAssuming" cmd "one of sat/unsat/unknown"
$ Just [ "Make sure you use:"
, ""
, " setOption $ ProduceUnsatAssumptions True"
, ""
, "to tell the solver to produce unsat assumptions."
mapM_ (send True) $ concat declss
r <- ask cmd
let grabUnsat
| getAssumptions = do as <- getUnsatAssumptions origNames proxyMap
return (Unsat, Just as)
| True = return (Unsat, Nothing)
parse r bad $ \case ECon "sat" -> return (Sat, Nothing)
ECon "unsat" -> grabUnsat
ECon "unknown" -> return (Unk, Nothing)
_ -> bad r Nothing
getAssertionStackDepth :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => m Int
getAssertionStackDepth = queryAssertionStackDepth <$> getQueryState
restoreTablesAndArrays :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => m ()
restoreTablesAndArrays = do st <- queryState
qs <- getQueryState
case queryTblArrPreserveIndex qs of
Nothing -> return ()
Just (tc, ac) -> do tCount <- M.size <$> (io . readIORef) (rtblMap st)
aCount <- IM.size <$> (io . readIORef) (rArrayMap st)
let tInits = [ "table" ++ show i ++ "_initializer" | i <- [tc .. tCount - 1]]
aInits = [ "array_" ++ show i ++ "_initializer" | i <- [ac .. aCount - 1]]
inits = tInits ++ aInits
case inits of
[] -> return ()
[x] -> send True $ "(assert " ++ x ++ ")"
xs -> send True $ "(assert (and " ++ unwords xs ++ "))"
recordTablesAndArrayCutOff :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => m ()
recordTablesAndArrayCutOff = do st <- queryState
qs <- getQueryState
case queryTblArrPreserveIndex qs of
Just _ -> return ()
Nothing -> do tCount <- M.size <$> (io . readIORef) (rtblMap st)
aCount <- IM.size <$> (io . readIORef) (rArrayMap st)
modifyQueryState $ \s -> s {queryTblArrPreserveIndex = Just (tCount, aCount)}
inNewAssertionStack :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => m a -> m a
inNewAssertionStack q = do push 1
r <- q
pop 1
return r
push :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => Int -> m ()
push i
| i <= 0 = error $ "Data.SBV: push requires a strictly positive level argument, received: " ++ show i
| True = do depth <- getAssertionStackDepth
send True $ "(push " ++ show i ++ ")"
modifyQueryState $ \s -> s{queryAssertionStackDepth = depth + i}
pop :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => Int -> m ()
pop i
| i <= 0 = error $ "Data.SBV: pop requires a strictly positive level argument, received: " ++ show i
| True = do depth <- getAssertionStackDepth
if i > depth
then error $ "Data.SBV: Illegally trying to pop " ++ shl i ++ ", at current level: " ++ show depth
else do QueryState{queryConfig} <- getQueryState
if not (supportsGlobalDecls (capabilities (solver queryConfig)))
then error $ unlines [ ""
, "*** Data.SBV: Backend solver does not support global-declarations."
, "*** Hence, calls to 'pop' are not supported."
, "***"
, "*** Request this as a feature for the underlying solver!"
else do send True $ "(pop " ++ show i ++ ")"
modifyQueryState $ \s -> s{queryAssertionStackDepth = depth - i}
where shl 1 = "one level"
shl n = show n ++ " levels"
caseSplit :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => Bool -> [(String, SBool)] -> m (Maybe (String, SMTResult))
caseSplit printCases cases = do cfg <- getConfig
go cfg (cases ++ [("Coverage", sNot (sOr (map snd cases)))])
where msg = when printCases . io . putStrLn
go _ [] = return Nothing
go cfg ((n,c):ncs) = do let notify s = msg $ "Case " ++ n ++ ": " ++ s
notify "Starting"
r <- checkSatAssuming [c]
case r of
Unsat -> do notify "Unsatisfiable"
go cfg ncs
Sat -> do notify "Satisfiable"
res <- Satisfiable cfg <$> getModel
return $ Just (n, res)
Unk -> do notify "Unknown"
res <- Unknown cfg <$> getUnknownReason
return $ Just (n, res)
resetAssertions :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => m ()
resetAssertions = do send True "(reset-assertions)"
modifyQueryState $ \s -> s{queryAssertionStackDepth = 0}
echo :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => String -> m ()
echo s = do let cmd = "(echo \"" ++ concatMap sanitize s ++ "\")"
_ <- ask cmd
return ()
where sanitize '"' = "\"\""
sanitize c = [c]
exit :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => m ()
exit = do send True "(exit)"
modifyQueryState $ \s -> s{queryAssertionStackDepth = 0}
getUnsatCore :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => m [String]
getUnsatCore = do
let cmd = "(get-unsat-core)"
bad = unexpected "getUnsatCore" cmd "an unsat-core response"
$ Just [ "Make sure you use:"
, ""
, " setOption $ ProduceUnsatCores True"
, ""
, "so the solver will be ready to compute unsat cores,"
, "and that there is a model by first issuing a 'checkSat' call."
, ""
, "If using z3, you might also optionally want to set:"
, ""
, " setOption $ OptionKeyword \":smt.core.minimize\" [\"true\"]"
, ""
, "to make sure the unsat core doesn't have irrelevant entries,"
, "though this might incur a performance penalty."
r <- ask cmd
parse r bad $ \case
EApp es | Just xs <- mapM fromECon es -> return $ map unBar xs
_ -> bad r Nothing
getUnsatCoreIfRequested :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => m (Maybe [String])
getUnsatCoreIfRequested = do
cfg <- getConfig
if or [b | ProduceUnsatCores b <- solverSetOptions cfg]
then Just <$> getUnsatCore
else return Nothing
getProof :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => m String
getProof = do
let cmd = "(get-proof)"
bad = unexpected "getProof" cmd "a get-proof response"
$ Just [ "Make sure you use:"
, ""
, " setOption $ ProduceProofs True"
, ""
, "to make sure the solver is ready for producing proofs,"
, "and that there is a proof by first issuing a 'checkSat' call."
r <- ask cmd
parse r bad $ \_ -> return r
getInterpolantMathSAT :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => [String] -> m String
getInterpolantMathSAT fs
| null fs
= error "SBV.getInterpolantMathSAT requires at least one marked constraint, received none!"
| True
= do let bar s = '|' : s ++ "|"
cmd = "(get-interpolant (" ++ unwords (map bar fs) ++ "))"
bad = unexpected "getInterpolant" cmd "a get-interpolant response"
$ Just [ "Make sure you use:"
, ""
, " setOption $ ProduceInterpolants True"
, ""
, "to make sure the solver is ready for producing interpolants,"
, "and that you have used the proper attributes using the"
, "constrainWithAttribute function."
r <- ask cmd
parse r bad $ \e -> return $ serialize False e
getInterpolantZ3 :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => [SBool] -> m String
getInterpolantZ3 fs
| length fs < 2
= error $ "SBV.getInterpolantZ3 requires at least two booleans, received: " ++ show fs
| True
= do ss <- let fAll [] sofar = return $ reverse sofar
fAll (b:bs) sofar = do sv <- inNewContext (`sbvToSV` b)
fAll bs (sv : sofar)
in fAll fs []
let cmd = "(get-interpolant " ++ unwords (map show ss) ++ ")"
bad = unexpected "getInterpolant" cmd "a get-interpolant response" Nothing
r <- ask cmd
parse r bad $ \e -> return $ serialize False e
getAssertions :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => m [String]
getAssertions = do
let cmd = "(get-assertions)"
bad = unexpected "getAssertions" cmd "a get-assertions response"
$ Just [ "Make sure you use:"
, ""
, " setOption $ ProduceAssertions True"
, ""
, "to make sure the solver is ready for producing assertions."
render = serialize False
r <- ask cmd
parse r bad $ \pe -> case pe of
EApp xs -> return $ map render xs
_ -> return [render pe]
getAssignment :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => m [(String, Bool)]
getAssignment = do
let cmd = "(get-assignment)"
bad = unexpected "getAssignment" cmd "a get-assignment response"
$ Just [ "Make sure you use:"
, ""
, " setOption $ ProduceAssignments True"
, ""
, "to make sure the solver is ready for producing assignments,"
, "and that there is a model by first issuing a 'checkSat' call."
grab (EApp [ECon s, ENum (0, _)]) = Just (unQuote s, False)
grab (EApp [ECon s, ENum (1, _)]) = Just (unQuote s, True)
grab _ = Nothing
r <- ask cmd
parse r bad $ \case EApp ps | Just vs <- mapM grab ps -> return vs
_ -> bad r Nothing
infix 1 |->
(|->) :: SymVal a => SBV a -> a -> Assignment
SBV a |-> v = case literal v of
SBV (SVal _ (Left cv)) -> Assign a cv
r -> error $ "Data.SBV: Impossible happened in |->: Cannot construct a CV with literal: " ++ show r
mkSMTResult :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => [Assignment] -> m SMTResult
mkSMTResult asgns = do
QueryState{queryConfig} <- getQueryState
inps <- getQuantifiedInputs
let grabValues st = do let extract (Assign s n) = sbvToSV st (SBV s) >>= \sv -> return (sv, n)
modelAssignment <- mapM extract asgns
let userSS = map fst modelAssignment
missing, extra, dup :: [String]
missing = [n | (EX, (s, n)) <- inps, s `notElem` userSS]
extra = [show s | s <- userSS, s `notElem` map (fst . snd) inps]
dup = let walk [] = []
walk (n:ns)
| n `elem` ns = show n : walk (filter (/= n) ns)
| True = walk ns
in walk userSS
unless (null (missing ++ extra ++ dup)) $ do
let misTag = "*** Missing inputs"
dupTag = "*** Duplicate bindings"
extTag = "*** Extra bindings"
maxLen = maximum $ 0
: [length misTag | not (null missing)]
++ [length extTag | not (null extra)]
++ [length dupTag | not (null dup)]
align s = s ++ replicate (maxLen - length s) ' ' ++ ": "
error $ unlines $ [""
, "*** Data.SBV: Query model construction has a faulty assignment."
, "***"
++ [ align misTag ++ intercalate ", " missing | not (null missing)]
++ [ align extTag ++ intercalate ", " extra | not (null extra) ]
++ [ align dupTag ++ intercalate ", " dup | not (null dup) ]
++ [ "***"
, "*** Data.SBV: Check your query result construction!"
let findName s = case [nm | (_, (i, nm)) <- inps, s == i] of
[nm] -> nm
[] -> error "*** Data.SBV: Impossible happened: Cannot find " ++ show s ++ " in the input list"
nms -> error $ unlines [ ""
, "*** Data.SBV: Impossible happened: Multiple matches for: " ++ show s
, "*** Candidates: " ++ unwords nms
return [(findName s, n) | (s, n) <- modelAssignment]
assocs <- inNewContext grabValues
let m = SMTModel { modelObjectives = []
, modelBindings = Nothing
, modelAssocs = assocs
, modelUIFuns = []
return $ Satisfiable queryConfig m
{-# ANN getModelAtIndex ("HLint: ignore Use forM_" :: String) #-}