{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -Werror -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Data.SBV.Control.Utils (
, ask, send, getValue, getFunction, getUninterpretedValue
, getValueCV, getUIFunCVAssoc, getUnsatAssumptions
, SMTValue(..), SMTFunction(..), registerUISMTFunction
, getQueryState, modifyQueryState, getConfig, getObjectives, getUIs
, getSBVAssertions, getSBVPgm, getQuantifiedInputs, getObservables
, checkSat, checkSatUsing, getAllSatResult
, inNewContext, freshVar, freshVar_, freshArray, freshArray_
, parse
, unexpected
, timeout
, queryDebug
, retrieveResponse
, recoverKindedValue
, runProofOn
, executeQuery
) where
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.List (sortBy, sortOn, elemIndex, partition, groupBy, tails, intercalate, nub, sort, isPrefixOf)
import Data.Char (isPunctuation, isSpace, chr, ord, isDigit)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.Int
import Data.Word
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IMap
import qualified Data.Sequence as S
import Control.Monad (join, unless, zipWithM, when, replicateM)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
import Control.Monad.Reader (runReaderT)
import Data.IORef (readIORef, writeIORef)
import Data.Time (getZonedTime)
import Data.SBV.Core.Data ( SV(..), trueSV, falseSV, CV(..), trueCV, falseCV, SBV, AlgReal, sbvToSV, kindOf, Kind(..)
, HasKind(..), mkConstCV, CVal(..), SMTResult(..)
, NamedSymVar, SMTConfig(..), SMTModel(..)
, QueryState(..), SVal(..), Quantifier(..), cache
, newExpr, SBVExpr(..), Op(..), FPOp(..), SBV(..), SymArray(..)
, SolverContext(..), SBool, Objective(..), SolverCapabilities(..), capabilities
, Result(..), SMTProblem(..), trueSV, SymVal(..), SBVPgm(..), SMTSolver(..), SBVRunMode(..)
, SBVType(..), forceSVArg, RoundingMode(RoundNearestTiesToEven), (.=>)
, RCSet(..)
import Data.SBV.Core.Symbolic ( IncState(..), withNewIncState, State(..), svToSV, symbolicEnv, SymbolicT
, MonadQuery(..), QueryContext(..), Queriable(..), Fresh(..)
, registerLabel, svMkSymVar, validationRequested
, isSafetyCheckingIStage, isSetupIStage, isRunIStage, IStage(..), QueryT(..)
, extractSymbolicSimulationState, MonadSymbolic(..), newUninterpreted
import Data.SBV.Core.AlgReals (mergeAlgReals)
import Data.SBV.Core.Kind (smtType, hasUninterpretedSorts)
import Data.SBV.Core.Operations (svNot, svNotEqual, svOr)
import Data.SBV.SMT.SMT (showModel, parseCVs, SatModel)
import Data.SBV.SMT.SMTLib (toIncSMTLib, toSMTLib)
import Data.SBV.SMT.Utils (showTimeoutValue, addAnnotations, alignPlain, debug, mergeSExpr, SBVException(..))
import Data.SBV.Utils.ExtractIO
import Data.SBV.Utils.Lib (qfsToString, isKString)
import Data.SBV.Utils.SExpr
import Data.SBV.Utils.PrettyNum (cvToSMTLib)
import Data.SBV.Control.Types
import qualified Data.Set as Set (empty, fromList, toAscList, map)
import qualified Control.Exception as C
import GHC.Stack
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
instance MonadIO m => SolverContext (QueryT m) where
constrain = addQueryConstraint False []
softConstrain = addQueryConstraint True []
namedConstraint nm = addQueryConstraint False [(":named", nm)]
constrainWithAttribute = addQueryConstraint False
contextState = queryState
setOption o
| isStartModeOption o = error $ unlines [ ""
, "*** Data.SBV: '" ++ show o ++ "' can only be set at start-up time."
, "*** Hint: Move the call to 'setOption' before the query."
| True = send True $ setSMTOption o
addQueryConstraint :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => Bool -> [(String, String)] -> SBool -> m ()
addQueryConstraint isSoft atts b = do sv <- inNewContext (\st -> liftIO $ do mapM_ (registerLabel "Constraint" st) [nm | (":named", nm) <- atts]
sbvToSV st b)
unless (null atts && sv == trueSV) $
send True $ "(" ++ asrt ++ " " ++ addAnnotations atts (show sv) ++ ")"
where asrt | isSoft = "assert-soft"
| True = "assert"
getConfig :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => m SMTConfig
getConfig = queryConfig <$> getQueryState
getObjectives :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => m [Objective (SV, SV)]
getObjectives = do State{rOptGoals} <- queryState
io $ reverse <$> readIORef rOptGoals
getSBVPgm :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => m SBVPgm
getSBVPgm = do State{spgm} <- queryState
io $ readIORef spgm
getSBVAssertions :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => m [(String, Maybe CallStack, SV)]
getSBVAssertions = do State{rAsserts} <- queryState
io $ reverse <$> readIORef rAsserts
io :: MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
io = liftIO
syncUpSolver :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => Bool -> IncState -> m ()
syncUpSolver afterAPush is = do
cfg <- getConfig
ls <- io $ do let swap (a, b) = (b, a)
cmp (a, _) (b, _) = a `compare` b
arrange (i, (at, rt, es)) = ((i, at, rt), es)
inps <- reverse <$> readIORef (rNewInps is)
ks <- readIORef (rNewKinds is)
cnsts <- sortBy cmp . map swap . Map.toList <$> readIORef (rNewConsts is)
arrs <- IMap.toAscList <$> readIORef (rNewArrs is)
tbls <- map arrange . sortBy cmp . map swap . Map.toList <$> readIORef (rNewTbls is)
uis <- Map.toAscList <$> readIORef (rNewUIs is)
as <- readIORef (rNewAsgns is)
constraints <- readIORef (rNewConstraints is)
return $ toIncSMTLib afterAPush cfg inps ks cnsts arrs tbls uis as constraints cfg
mapM_ (send True) $ mergeSExpr ls
getQueryState :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => m QueryState
getQueryState = do state <- queryState
mbQS <- io $ readIORef (rQueryState state)
case mbQS of
Nothing -> error $ unlines [ ""
, "*** Data.SBV: Impossible happened: Query context required in a non-query mode."
, "Please report this as a bug!"
Just qs -> return qs
modifyQueryState :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => (QueryState -> QueryState) -> m ()
modifyQueryState f = do state <- queryState
mbQS <- io $ readIORef (rQueryState state)
case mbQS of
Nothing -> error $ unlines [ ""
, "*** Data.SBV: Impossible happened: Query context required in a non-query mode."
, "Please report this as a bug!"
Just qs -> let fqs = f qs
in fqs `seq` io $ writeIORef (rQueryState state) $ Just fqs
inNewContext :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => (State -> IO a) -> m a
inNewContext act = do st <- queryState
(is, r) <- io $ withNewIncState st act
mbQS <- io . readIORef . rQueryState $ st
let afterAPush = case mbQS of
Nothing -> False
Just qs -> isJust (queryTblArrPreserveIndex qs)
syncUpSolver afterAPush is
return r
instance (MonadIO m, SymVal a, SMTValue a) => Queriable m (SBV a) a where
create = freshVar_
project = getValue
embed = return . literal
instance (MonadIO m, SymVal a, SMTValue a, Foldable t, Traversable t, Fresh m (t (SBV a))) => Queriable m (t (SBV a)) (t a) where
create = fresh
project = mapM getValue
embed = return . fmap literal
freshVar_ :: forall a m. (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m, SymVal a) => m (SBV a)
freshVar_ = inNewContext $ fmap SBV . svMkSymVar (Just EX) k Nothing
where k = kindOf (Proxy @a)
freshVar :: forall a m. (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m, SymVal a) => String -> m (SBV a)
freshVar nm = inNewContext $ fmap SBV . svMkSymVar (Just EX) k (Just nm)
where k = kindOf (Proxy @a)
freshArray_ :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m, SymArray array, HasKind a, HasKind b) => Maybe (SBV b) -> m (array a b)
freshArray_ = mkFreshArray Nothing
freshArray :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m, SymArray array, HasKind a, HasKind b) => String -> Maybe (SBV b) -> m (array a b)
freshArray nm = mkFreshArray (Just nm)
mkFreshArray :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m, SymArray array, HasKind a, HasKind b) => Maybe String -> Maybe (SBV b) -> m (array a b)
mkFreshArray mbNm mbVal = inNewContext $ newArrayInState mbNm mbVal
queryDebug :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => [String] -> m ()
queryDebug msgs = do QueryState{queryConfig} <- getQueryState
io $ debug queryConfig msgs
ask :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => String -> m String
ask s = do QueryState{queryAsk, queryTimeOutValue} <- getQueryState
case queryTimeOutValue of
Nothing -> queryDebug ["[SEND] " `alignPlain` s]
Just i -> queryDebug ["[SEND, TimeOut: " ++ showTimeoutValue i ++ "] " `alignPlain` s]
r <- io $ queryAsk queryTimeOutValue s
queryDebug ["[RECV] " `alignPlain` r]
return r
askIgnoring :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => String -> [String] -> m String
askIgnoring s ignoreList = do
QueryState{queryAsk, queryRetrieveResponse, queryTimeOutValue} <- getQueryState
case queryTimeOutValue of
Nothing -> queryDebug ["[SEND] " `alignPlain` s]
Just i -> queryDebug ["[SEND, TimeOut: " ++ showTimeoutValue i ++ "] " `alignPlain` s]
r <- io $ queryAsk queryTimeOutValue s
queryDebug ["[RECV] " `alignPlain` r]
let loop currentResponse
| currentResponse `notElem` ignoreList
= return currentResponse
| True
= do queryDebug ["[WARN] Previous response is explicitly ignored, beware!"]
newResponse <- io $ queryRetrieveResponse queryTimeOutValue
queryDebug ["[RECV] " `alignPlain` newResponse]
loop newResponse
loop r
send :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => Bool -> String -> m ()
send requireSuccess s = do
QueryState{queryAsk, querySend, queryConfig, queryTimeOutValue} <- getQueryState
if requireSuccess && supportsCustomQueries (capabilities (solver queryConfig))
then do r <- io $ queryAsk queryTimeOutValue s
case words r of
["success"] -> queryDebug ["[GOOD] " `alignPlain` s]
_ -> do case queryTimeOutValue of
Nothing -> queryDebug ["[FAIL] " `alignPlain` s]
Just i -> queryDebug [("[FAIL, TimeOut: " ++ showTimeoutValue i ++ "] ") `alignPlain` s]
let cmd = case words (dropWhile (\c -> isSpace c || isPunctuation c) s) of
(c:_) -> c
_ -> "Command"
unexpected cmd s "success" Nothing r Nothing
else do
queryDebug ["[FIRE] " `alignPlain` s]
io $ querySend queryTimeOutValue s
retrieveResponse :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => String -> Maybe Int -> m [String]
retrieveResponse userTag mbTo = do
ts <- io (show <$> getZonedTime)
let synchTag = show $ userTag ++ " (at: " ++ ts ++ ")"
cmd = "(echo " ++ synchTag ++ ")"
queryDebug ["[SYNC] Attempting to synchronize with tag: " ++ synchTag]
send False cmd
QueryState{queryRetrieveResponse} <- getQueryState
let loop sofar = do
s <- io $ queryRetrieveResponse mbTo
if s == synchTag || show s == synchTag
then do queryDebug ["[SYNC] Synchronization achieved using tag: " ++ synchTag]
return $ reverse sofar
else do queryDebug ["[RECV] " `alignPlain` s]
loop (s : sofar)
loop []
class SMTValue a where
sexprToVal :: SExpr -> Maybe a
default sexprToVal :: Read a => SExpr -> Maybe a
sexprToVal (ECon c) = case reads c of
[(v, "")] -> Just v
_ -> Nothing
sexprToVal _ = Nothing
fromIntegralToVal :: Integral a => SExpr -> Maybe a
fromIntegralToVal (ENum (i, _)) = Just $ fromIntegral i
fromIntegralToVal _ = Nothing
instance SMTValue Int8 where sexprToVal = fromIntegralToVal
instance SMTValue Int16 where sexprToVal = fromIntegralToVal
instance SMTValue Int32 where sexprToVal = fromIntegralToVal
instance SMTValue Int64 where sexprToVal = fromIntegralToVal
instance SMTValue Word8 where sexprToVal = fromIntegralToVal
instance SMTValue Word16 where sexprToVal = fromIntegralToVal
instance SMTValue Word32 where sexprToVal = fromIntegralToVal
instance SMTValue Word64 where sexprToVal = fromIntegralToVal
instance SMTValue Integer where sexprToVal = fromIntegralToVal
instance SMTValue Float where
sexprToVal (EFloat f) = Just f
sexprToVal (ENum (v, _)) = Just (fromIntegral v)
sexprToVal _ = Nothing
instance SMTValue Double where
sexprToVal (EDouble f) = Just f
sexprToVal (ENum (v, _)) = Just (fromIntegral v)
sexprToVal _ = Nothing
instance SMTValue Bool where
sexprToVal (ENum (1, _)) = Just True
sexprToVal (ENum (0, _)) = Just False
sexprToVal _ = Nothing
instance SMTValue AlgReal where
sexprToVal (EReal a) = Just a
sexprToVal (ENum (v, _)) = Just (fromIntegral v)
sexprToVal _ = Nothing
instance SMTValue Char where
sexprToVal (ENum (i, _)) = Just (chr (fromIntegral i))
sexprToVal _ = Nothing
instance (SMTValue a, Typeable a) => SMTValue [a] where
sexprToVal (ECon s)
| isKString @[a] undefined && length s >= 2 && head s == '"' && last s == '"'
= Just $ map unsafeCoerce s'
| True
= Just $ map (unsafeCoerce . c2w8) s'
where s' = qfsToString (tail (init s))
c2w8 :: Char -> Word8
c2w8 = fromIntegral . ord
sexprToVal (EApp (ECon "seq.++" : rest)) = do elts <- mapM sexprToVal rest
return $ concat elts
sexprToVal (EApp [ECon "seq.unit", a]) = do a' <- sexprToVal a
return [a']
sexprToVal (EApp [ECon "as", ECon "seq.empty", _]) = return []
sexprToVal _ = Nothing
instance (SMTValue a, SMTValue b) => SMTValue (Either a b) where
sexprToVal (EApp [ECon "left_SBVEither", a]) = Left <$> sexprToVal a
sexprToVal (EApp [ECon "right_SBVEither", b]) = Right <$> sexprToVal b
sexprToVal (EApp [EApp [ECon "as", ECon "left_SBVEither", _], a]) = Left <$> sexprToVal a
sexprToVal (EApp [EApp [ECon "as", ECon "right_SBVEither", _], b]) = Right <$> sexprToVal b
sexprToVal _ = Nothing
instance SMTValue a => SMTValue (Maybe a) where
sexprToVal (ECon "nothing_SBVMaybe") = return Nothing
sexprToVal (EApp [ECon "just_SBVMaybe", a]) = Just <$> sexprToVal a
sexprToVal ( EApp [ECon "as", ECon "nothing_SBVMaybe", _]) = return Nothing
sexprToVal (EApp [EApp [ECon "as", ECon "just_SBVMaybe", _], a]) = Just <$> sexprToVal a
sexprToVal _ = Nothing
instance SMTValue () where
sexprToVal (ECon "mkSBVTuple0") = Just ()
sexprToVal _ = Nothing
instance (Ord a, SymVal a) => SMTValue (RCSet a) where
sexprToVal e = recoverKindedValue k e >>= cvt . cvVal
where ke = kindOf (Proxy @a)
k = KSet ke
cvt (CSet (RegularSet s)) = Just $ RegularSet $ Set.map (fromCV . CV ke) s
cvt (CSet (ComplementSet s)) = Just $ ComplementSet $ Set.map (fromCV . CV ke) s
cvt _ = Nothing
sexprToTuple :: Int -> SExpr -> [SExpr]
sexprToTuple n e = try e
try (EApp (ECon f : args)) = case splitAt (length "mkSBVTuple") f of
("mkSBVTuple", c) | all isDigit c && read c == n && length args == n -> args
_ -> bad
try (EApp (EApp [ECon "as", ECon f, _] : args)) = try (EApp (ECon f : args))
try _ = bad
bad = error $ "Data.SBV.sexprToTuple: Impossible: Expected a constructor for " ++ show n ++ " tuple, but got: " ++ show e
instance (SMTValue a, SMTValue b) => SMTValue (a, b) where
sexprToVal s = case sexprToTuple 2 s of
[a, b] -> (,) <$> sexprToVal a <*> sexprToVal b
_ -> Nothing
instance (SMTValue a, SMTValue b, SMTValue c) => SMTValue (a, b, c) where
sexprToVal s = case sexprToTuple 3 s of
[a, b, c] -> (,,) <$> sexprToVal a <*> sexprToVal b <*> sexprToVal c
_ -> Nothing
instance (SMTValue a, SMTValue b, SMTValue c, SMTValue d) => SMTValue (a, b, c, d) where
sexprToVal s = case sexprToTuple 4 s of
[a, b, c, d] -> (,,,) <$> sexprToVal a <*> sexprToVal b <*> sexprToVal c <*> sexprToVal d
_ -> Nothing
instance (SMTValue a, SMTValue b, SMTValue c, SMTValue d, SMTValue e) => SMTValue (a, b, c, d, e) where
sexprToVal s = case sexprToTuple 5 s of
[a, b, c, d, e] -> (,,,,) <$> sexprToVal a <*> sexprToVal b <*> sexprToVal c <*> sexprToVal d <*> sexprToVal e
_ -> Nothing
instance (SMTValue a, SMTValue b, SMTValue c, SMTValue d, SMTValue e, SMTValue f) => SMTValue (a, b, c, d, e, f) where
sexprToVal s = case sexprToTuple 6 s of
[a, b, c, d, e, f] -> (,,,,,) <$> sexprToVal a <*> sexprToVal b <*> sexprToVal c <*> sexprToVal d <*> sexprToVal e <*> sexprToVal f
_ -> Nothing
instance (SMTValue a, SMTValue b, SMTValue c, SMTValue d, SMTValue e, SMTValue f, SMTValue g) => SMTValue (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) where
sexprToVal s = case sexprToTuple 7 s of
[a, b, c, d, e, f, g] -> (,,,,,,) <$> sexprToVal a <*> sexprToVal b <*> sexprToVal c <*> sexprToVal d <*> sexprToVal e <*> sexprToVal f <*> sexprToVal g
_ -> Nothing
instance (SMTValue a, SMTValue b, SMTValue c, SMTValue d, SMTValue e, SMTValue f, SMTValue g, SMTValue h) => SMTValue (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) where
sexprToVal s = case sexprToTuple 8 s of
[a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h] -> (,,,,,,,) <$> sexprToVal a <*> sexprToVal b <*> sexprToVal c <*> sexprToVal d <*> sexprToVal e <*> sexprToVal f <*> sexprToVal g <*> sexprToVal h
_ -> Nothing
getValue :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m, SMTValue a) => SBV a -> m a
getValue s = do sv <- inNewContext (`sbvToSV` s)
let nm = show sv
cmd = "(get-value (" ++ nm ++ "))"
bad = unexpected "getValue" cmd "a model value" Nothing
r <- ask cmd
let extract v = case sexprToVal v of
Nothing -> bad r Nothing
Just c -> return c
parse r bad $ \case EApp [EApp [ECon o, v]] | o == show sv -> extract v
EApp [EApp [ENum (i, _), v@(ENum (j, _))]] | sv `elem` [falseSV, trueSV] && i `elem` [0, 1] && i == j -> extract v
_ -> bad r Nothing
class (HasKind r, SatModel r, SMTValue r) => SMTFunction fun a r | fun -> a r where
sexprToArg :: fun -> [SExpr] -> Maybe a
smtFunName :: (MonadIO m, SolverContext m, MonadSymbolic m) => fun -> m String
smtFunSaturate :: fun -> SBV r
smtFunType :: fun -> SBVType
smtFunDefault :: fun -> Maybe r
sexprToFun :: (MonadIO m, SolverContext m, MonadQuery m, MonadSymbolic m) => fun -> SExpr -> m (Maybe ([(a, r)], r))
{-# MINIMAL sexprToArg, smtFunSaturate, smtFunType #-}
smtFunDefault _
| Just v <- defaultKindedValue (kindOf (Proxy @r)), Just (res, []) <- parseCVs [v]
= Just res
| True
= Nothing
smtFunName f = do st@State{rUIMap} <- contextState
uiMap <- liftIO $ readIORef rUIMap
findName st uiMap
where findName st@State{spgm} uiMap = do
r <- liftIO $ sbvToSV st (smtFunSaturate f)
liftIO $ forceSVArg r
SBVPgm asgns <- liftIO $ readIORef spgm
let cantFind = error $ unlines $ [ ""
, "*** Data.SBV.getFunction: Must be called on an uninterpreted function!"
, "***"
, "*** Expected to receive a function created by \"uninterpret\""
++ tag
++ [ "***"
, "*** Make sure to call getFunction on uninterpreted functions only!"
, "*** If that is already the case, please report this as a bug."
where tag = case map fst (Map.toList uiMap) of
[] -> [ "*** But, there are no matching uninterpreted functions in the context." ]
[x] -> [ "*** The only possible candidate is: " ++ x ]
cands -> [ "*** Candidates are:"
, "*** " ++ intercalate ", " cands
case S.findIndexR ((== r) . fst) asgns of
Nothing -> cantFind
Just i -> case asgns `S.index` i of
(sv, SBVApp (Uninterpreted nm) _) | r == sv -> return nm
_ -> cantFind
sexprToFun f e = do nm <- smtFunName f
case parseSExprFunction e of
Just (Left nm') -> case (nm == nm', smtFunDefault f) of
(True, Just v) -> return $ Just ([], v)
_ -> bailOut nm
Just (Right v) -> return $ convert v
Nothing -> do mbPVS <- pointWiseExtract nm (smtFunType f)
return $ mbPVS >>= convert
where convert (vs, d) = (,) <$> mapM sexprPoint vs <*> sexprToVal d
sexprPoint (as, v) = (,) <$> sexprToArg f as <*> sexprToVal v
bailOut nm = error $ unlines [ ""
, "*** Data.SBV.getFunction: Unable to extract an interpretation for function " ++ show nm
, "***"
, "*** Failed while trying to extract a pointwise interpretation."
, "***"
, "*** This could be a bug with SBV or the backend solver. Please report!"
registerUISMTFunction :: (MonadIO m, SolverContext m, MonadSymbolic m) => SMTFunction fun a r => fun -> m ()
registerUISMTFunction f = do st <- contextState
nm <- smtFunName f
io $ newUninterpreted st nm (smtFunType f) Nothing
pointWiseExtract :: forall m. (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => String -> SBVType -> m (Maybe ([([SExpr], SExpr)], SExpr))
pointWiseExtract nm typ
| isBoolFunc
= tryPointWise
| True
= error $ unlines [ ""
, "*** Data.SBV.getFunction: Unsupported: Extracting interpretation for function:"
, "***"
, "*** " ++ nm ++ " :: " ++ show typ
, "***"
, "*** At this time, the expression returned by the solver is too complicated for SBV!"
, "***"
, "*** You can ignore uninterpreted function models for sat models using the 'satTrackUFs' parameter:"
, "***"
, "*** satWith z3{satTrackUFs = False}"
, "*** allSatWith z3{satTrackUFs = False}"
, "***"
, "*** You can see the response from the solver by running with '{verbose = True}' option."
, "***"
, "*** NB. If this is a use case you'd like SBV to support, please get in touch!"
where trueSExpr = ENum (1, Nothing)
falseSExpr = ENum (0, Nothing)
isTrueSExpr (ENum (1, Nothing)) = True
isTrueSExpr (ENum (0, Nothing)) = False
isTrueSExpr s = error $ "Data.SBV.pointWiseExtract: Impossible happened: Received: " ++ show s
(nArgs, isBoolFunc) = case typ of
SBVType ts -> (length ts - 1, all (== KBool) ts)
getBVal :: [SExpr] -> m ([SExpr], SExpr)
getBVal args = do let shc c | isTrueSExpr c = "true"
| True = "false"
as = unwords $ map shc args
cmd = "(get-value ((" ++ nm ++ " " ++ as ++ ")))"
bad = unexpected "get-value" cmd ("pointwise value of boolean function " ++ nm ++ " on " ++ show as) Nothing
r <- ask cmd
parse r bad $ \case EApp [EApp [_, e]] -> return (args, e)
_ -> bad r Nothing
getBVals :: m [([SExpr], SExpr)]
getBVals = mapM getBVal $ replicateM nArgs [falseSExpr, trueSExpr]
| not isBoolFunc
= return Nothing
| nArgs < 1
= error $ "Data.SBV.pointWiseExtract: Impossible happened, nArgs < 1: " ++ show nArgs ++ " type: " ++ show typ
| True
= do vs <- getBVals
let (trues, falses) = partition (\(_, v) -> isTrueSExpr v) vs
return $ Just $ if length trues <= length falses
then (trues, falseSExpr)
else (falses, trueSExpr)
mkArg :: forall a. Kind -> SBV a
mkArg k = case defaultKindedValue k of
Nothing -> error $ unlines [ ""
, "*** Data.SBV.smtFunSaturate: Impossible happened!"
, "*** Unable to create a valid parameter for kind: " ++ show k
, "*** Please report this as an SBV bug!"
Just c -> SBV $ SVal k (Left c)
instance ( SymVal a, HasKind a, SMTValue a
, SatModel r, HasKind r, SMTValue r
) => SMTFunction (SBV a -> SBV r) a r
sexprToArg _ [a0] = sexprToVal a0
sexprToArg _ _ = Nothing
smtFunType _ = SBVType [kindOf (Proxy @a), kindOf (Proxy @r)]
smtFunSaturate f = f $ mkArg (kindOf (Proxy @a))
instance ( SymVal a, HasKind a, SMTValue a
, SymVal b, HasKind b, SMTValue b
, SatModel r, HasKind r, SMTValue r
) => SMTFunction (SBV a -> SBV b -> SBV r) (a, b) r
sexprToArg _ [a0, a1] = (,) <$> sexprToVal a0 <*> sexprToVal a1
sexprToArg _ _ = Nothing
smtFunType _ = SBVType [kindOf (Proxy @a), kindOf (Proxy @b), kindOf (Proxy @r)]
smtFunSaturate f = f (mkArg (kindOf (Proxy @a)))
(mkArg (kindOf (Proxy @b)))
instance ( SymVal a, HasKind a, SMTValue a
, SymVal b, HasKind b, SMTValue b
, SymVal c, HasKind c, SMTValue c
, SatModel r, HasKind r, SMTValue r
) => SMTFunction (SBV a -> SBV b -> SBV c -> SBV r) (a, b, c) r
sexprToArg _ [a0, a1, a2] = (,,) <$> sexprToVal a0 <*> sexprToVal a1 <*> sexprToVal a2
sexprToArg _ _ = Nothing
smtFunType _ = SBVType [kindOf (Proxy @a), kindOf (Proxy @b), kindOf (Proxy @c), kindOf (Proxy @r)]
smtFunSaturate f = f (mkArg (kindOf (Proxy @a)))
(mkArg (kindOf (Proxy @b)))
(mkArg (kindOf (Proxy @c)))
instance ( SymVal a, HasKind a, SMTValue a
, SymVal b, HasKind b, SMTValue b
, SymVal c, HasKind c, SMTValue c
, SymVal d, HasKind d, SMTValue d
, SatModel r, HasKind r, SMTValue r
) => SMTFunction (SBV a -> SBV b -> SBV c -> SBV d -> SBV r) (a, b, c, d) r
sexprToArg _ [a0, a1, a2, a3] = (,,,) <$> sexprToVal a0 <*> sexprToVal a1 <*> sexprToVal a2 <*> sexprToVal a3
sexprToArg _ _ = Nothing
smtFunType _ = SBVType [kindOf (Proxy @a), kindOf (Proxy @b), kindOf (Proxy @c), kindOf (Proxy @d), kindOf (Proxy @r)]
smtFunSaturate f = f (mkArg (kindOf (Proxy @a)))
(mkArg (kindOf (Proxy @b)))
(mkArg (kindOf (Proxy @c)))
(mkArg (kindOf (Proxy @d)))
instance ( SymVal a, HasKind a, SMTValue a
, SymVal b, HasKind b, SMTValue b
, SymVal c, HasKind c, SMTValue c
, SymVal d, HasKind d, SMTValue d
, SymVal e, HasKind e, SMTValue e
, SatModel r, HasKind r, SMTValue r
) => SMTFunction (SBV a -> SBV b -> SBV c -> SBV d -> SBV e -> SBV r) (a, b, c, d, e) r
sexprToArg _ [a0, a1, a2, a3, a4] = (,,,,) <$> sexprToVal a0 <*> sexprToVal a1 <*> sexprToVal a2 <*> sexprToVal a3 <*> sexprToVal a4
sexprToArg _ _ = Nothing
smtFunType _ = SBVType [kindOf (Proxy @a), kindOf (Proxy @b), kindOf (Proxy @c), kindOf (Proxy @d), kindOf (Proxy @e), kindOf (Proxy @r)]
smtFunSaturate f = f (mkArg (kindOf (Proxy @a)))
(mkArg (kindOf (Proxy @b)))
(mkArg (kindOf (Proxy @c)))
(mkArg (kindOf (Proxy @d)))
(mkArg (kindOf (Proxy @e)))
instance ( SymVal a, HasKind a, SMTValue a
, SymVal b, HasKind b, SMTValue b
, SymVal c, HasKind c, SMTValue c
, SymVal d, HasKind d, SMTValue d
, SymVal e, HasKind e, SMTValue e
, SymVal f, HasKind f, SMTValue f
, SatModel r, HasKind r, SMTValue r
) => SMTFunction (SBV a -> SBV b -> SBV c -> SBV d -> SBV e -> SBV f -> SBV r) (a, b, c, d, e, f) r
sexprToArg _ [a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5] = (,,,,,) <$> sexprToVal a0 <*> sexprToVal a1 <*> sexprToVal a2 <*> sexprToVal a3 <*> sexprToVal a4 <*> sexprToVal a5
sexprToArg _ _ = Nothing
smtFunType _ = SBVType [kindOf (Proxy @a), kindOf (Proxy @b), kindOf (Proxy @c), kindOf (Proxy @d), kindOf (Proxy @e), kindOf (Proxy @f), kindOf (Proxy @r)]
smtFunSaturate f = f (mkArg (kindOf (Proxy @a)))
(mkArg (kindOf (Proxy @b)))
(mkArg (kindOf (Proxy @c)))
(mkArg (kindOf (Proxy @d)))
(mkArg (kindOf (Proxy @e)))
(mkArg (kindOf (Proxy @f)))
instance ( SymVal a, HasKind a, SMTValue a
, SymVal b, HasKind b, SMTValue b
, SymVal c, HasKind c, SMTValue c
, SymVal d, HasKind d, SMTValue d
, SymVal e, HasKind e, SMTValue e
, SymVal f, HasKind f, SMTValue f
, SymVal g, HasKind g, SMTValue g
, SatModel r, HasKind r, SMTValue r
) => SMTFunction (SBV a -> SBV b -> SBV c -> SBV d -> SBV e -> SBV f -> SBV g -> SBV r) (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) r
sexprToArg _ [a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6] = (,,,,,,) <$> sexprToVal a0 <*> sexprToVal a1 <*> sexprToVal a2 <*> sexprToVal a3 <*> sexprToVal a4 <*> sexprToVal a5 <*> sexprToVal a6
sexprToArg _ _ = Nothing
smtFunType _ = SBVType [kindOf (Proxy @a), kindOf (Proxy @b), kindOf (Proxy @c), kindOf (Proxy @d), kindOf (Proxy @e), kindOf (Proxy @f), kindOf (Proxy @g), kindOf (Proxy @r)]
smtFunSaturate f = f (mkArg (kindOf (Proxy @a)))
(mkArg (kindOf (Proxy @b)))
(mkArg (kindOf (Proxy @c)))
(mkArg (kindOf (Proxy @d)))
(mkArg (kindOf (Proxy @e)))
(mkArg (kindOf (Proxy @f)))
(mkArg (kindOf (Proxy @g)))
instance ( SymVal a, HasKind a, SMTValue a
, SymVal b, HasKind b, SMTValue b
, SymVal c, HasKind c, SMTValue c
, SymVal d, HasKind d, SMTValue d
, SymVal e, HasKind e, SMTValue e
, SymVal f, HasKind f, SMTValue f
, SymVal g, HasKind g, SMTValue g
, SymVal h, HasKind h, SMTValue h
, SatModel r, HasKind r, SMTValue r
) => SMTFunction (SBV a -> SBV b -> SBV c -> SBV d -> SBV e -> SBV f -> SBV g -> SBV h -> SBV r) (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) r
sexprToArg _ [a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7] = (,,,,,,,) <$> sexprToVal a0 <*> sexprToVal a1 <*> sexprToVal a2 <*> sexprToVal a3 <*> sexprToVal a4 <*> sexprToVal a5 <*> sexprToVal a6 <*> sexprToVal a7
sexprToArg _ _ = Nothing
smtFunType _ = SBVType [kindOf (Proxy @a), kindOf (Proxy @b), kindOf (Proxy @c), kindOf (Proxy @d), kindOf (Proxy @e), kindOf (Proxy @f), kindOf (Proxy @g), kindOf (Proxy @h), kindOf (Proxy @r)]
smtFunSaturate f = f (mkArg (kindOf (Proxy @a)))
(mkArg (kindOf (Proxy @b)))
(mkArg (kindOf (Proxy @c)))
(mkArg (kindOf (Proxy @d)))
(mkArg (kindOf (Proxy @e)))
(mkArg (kindOf (Proxy @f)))
(mkArg (kindOf (Proxy @g)))
(mkArg (kindOf (Proxy @h)))
getFunction :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m, SolverContext m, MonadSymbolic m, SMTFunction fun a r) => fun -> m ([(a, r)], r)
getFunction f = do nm <- smtFunName f
let cmd = "(get-value (" ++ nm ++ "))"
bad = unexpected "getFunction" cmd "a function value" Nothing
r <- ask cmd
parse r bad $ \case EApp [EApp [ECon o, e]] | o == nm -> do mbAssocs <- sexprToFun f e
case mbAssocs of
Just assocs -> return assocs
Nothing -> do mbPVS <- pointWiseExtract nm (smtFunType f)
case mbPVS >>= convert of
Just x -> return x
Nothing -> bad r Nothing
_ -> bad r Nothing
where convert (vs, d) = (,) <$> mapM sexprPoint vs <*> sexprToVal d
sexprPoint (as, v) = (,) <$> sexprToArg f as <*> sexprToVal v
getUninterpretedValue :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m, HasKind a) => SBV a -> m String
getUninterpretedValue s =
case kindOf s of
KUninterpreted _ (Left _) -> do sv <- inNewContext (`sbvToSV` s)
let nm = show sv
cmd = "(get-value (" ++ nm ++ "))"
bad = unexpected "getValue" cmd "a model value" Nothing
r <- ask cmd
parse r bad $ \case EApp [EApp [ECon o, ECon v]] | o == show sv -> return v
_ -> bad r Nothing
k -> error $ unlines [""
, "*** SBV.getUninterpretedValue: Called on an 'interpreted' kind"
, "*** "
, "*** Kind: " ++ show k
, "*** Hint: Use 'getValue' to extract value for interpreted kinds."
, "*** "
, "*** Only truly uninterpreted sorts should be used with 'getUninterpretedValue.'"
getValueCVHelper :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => Maybe Int -> SV -> m CV
getValueCVHelper mbi s
| s == trueSV
= return trueCV
| s == falseSV
= return falseCV
| True
= do let nm = show s
k = kindOf s
modelIndex = case mbi of
Nothing -> ""
Just i -> " :model_index " ++ show i
cmd = "(get-value (" ++ nm ++ ")" ++ modelIndex ++ ")"
bad = unexpected "getModel" cmd ("a value binding for kind: " ++ show k) Nothing
r <- ask cmd
parse r bad $ \case EApp [EApp [ECon v, val]] | v == nm -> case recoverKindedValue (kindOf s) val of
Just cv -> return cv
Nothing -> bad r Nothing
_ -> bad r Nothing
defaultKindedValue :: Kind -> Maybe CV
defaultKindedValue k = CV k <$> cvt k
where cvt :: Kind -> Maybe CVal
cvt KBool = Just $ CInteger 0
cvt KBounded{} = Just $ CInteger 0
cvt KUnbounded = Just $ CInteger 0
cvt KReal = Just $ CAlgReal 0
cvt (KUninterpreted _ ui) = uninterp ui
cvt KFloat = Just $ CFloat 0
cvt KDouble = Just $ CDouble 0
cvt KChar = Just $ CChar '\NUL'
cvt KString = Just $ CString ""
cvt (KList _) = Just $ CList []
cvt (KSet _) = Just $ CSet $ RegularSet Set.empty
cvt (KTuple ks) = CTuple <$> mapM cvt ks
cvt (KMaybe _) = Just $ CMaybe Nothing
cvt (KEither k1 _) = CEither . Left <$> cvt k1
uninterp (Right (c:_)) = Just $ CUserSort (Just 1, c)
uninterp (Right []) = Nothing
uninterp (Left _) = Nothing
recoverKindedValue :: Kind -> SExpr -> Maybe CV
recoverKindedValue k e = case k of
KBool | ENum (i, _) <- e -> Just $ mkConstCV k i
| True -> Nothing
KBounded{} | ENum (i, _) <- e -> Just $ mkConstCV k i
| True -> Nothing
KUnbounded | ENum (i, _) <- e -> Just $ mkConstCV k i
| True -> Nothing
KReal | ENum (i, _) <- e -> Just $ mkConstCV k i
| EReal i <- e -> Just $ CV KReal (CAlgReal i)
| True -> Nothing
KUninterpreted{} | ECon s <- e -> Just $ CV k $ CUserSort (getUIIndex k s, s)
| True -> Nothing
KFloat | ENum (i, _) <- e -> Just $ mkConstCV k i
| EFloat i <- e -> Just $ CV KFloat (CFloat i)
| True -> Nothing
KDouble | ENum (i, _) <- e -> Just $ mkConstCV k i
| EDouble i <- e -> Just $ CV KDouble (CDouble i)
| True -> Nothing
KChar | ENum (i, _) <- e -> Just $ CV KChar $ CChar $ chr $ fromIntegral i
| True -> Nothing
KString | ECon s <- e -> Just $ CV KString $ CString $ interpretString s
| True -> Nothing
KList ek -> Just $ CV k $ CList $ interpretList ek e
KSet ek -> Just $ CV k $ CSet $ interpretSet ek e
KTuple{} -> Just $ CV k $ CTuple $ interpretTuple e
KMaybe{} -> Just $ CV k $ CMaybe $ interpretMaybe k e
KEither{} -> Just $ CV k $ CEither $ interpretEither k e
where getUIIndex (KUninterpreted _ (Right xs)) i = i `elemIndex` xs
getUIIndex _ _ = Nothing
stringLike xs = length xs >= 2 && head xs == '"' && last xs == '"'
interpretString xs
| not (stringLike xs)
= error $ "Expected a string constant with quotes, received: <" ++ xs ++ ">"
| True
= qfsToString $ tail (init xs)
isStringSequence (KList (KBounded _ 8)) = True
isStringSequence _ = False
interpretList _ (ECon s)
| isStringSequence k && stringLike s
= map (CInteger . fromIntegral . ord) $ interpretString s
interpretList ek topExpr = walk topExpr
where walk (EApp [ECon "as", ECon "seq.empty", _]) = []
walk (EApp [ECon "seq.unit", v]) = case recoverKindedValue ek v of
Just w -> [cvVal w]
Nothing -> error $ "Cannot parse a sequence item of kind " ++ show ek ++ " from: " ++ show v ++ extra v
walk (EApp (ECon "seq.++" : rest)) = concatMap walk rest
walk cur = error $ "Expected a sequence constant, but received: " ++ show cur ++ extra cur
extra cur | show cur == t = ""
| True = "\nWhile parsing: " ++ t
where t = show topExpr
interpretSet ke setExpr
| isUniversal setExpr = ComplementSet Set.empty
| isEmpty setExpr = RegularSet Set.empty
| Just (Right assocs) <- mbAssocs = decode assocs
| True = tbd "Expected a set value, but couldn't decipher the solver output."
where tbd w = error $ unlines [ ""
, "*** Data.SBV.interpretSet: Unable to process solver output."
, "***"
, "*** Kind : " ++ show (KSet ke)
, "*** Received: " ++ show setExpr
, "*** Reason : " ++ w
, "***"
, "*** This is either a bug or something SBV currently does not support."
, "*** Please report this as a feature request!"
isTrue (ENum (1, Nothing)) = True
isTrue (ENum (0, Nothing)) = False
isTrue bad = tbd $ "Non-boolean membership value seen: " ++ show bad
isUniversal (EApp [EApp [ECon "as", ECon "const", EApp [ECon "Array", _, ECon "Bool"]], r]) = isTrue r
isUniversal _ = False
isEmpty (EApp [EApp [ECon "as", ECon "const", EApp [ECon "Array", _, ECon "Bool"]], r]) = not $ isTrue r
isEmpty _ = False
mbAssocs = parseSExprFunction setExpr
decode (args, r) | isTrue r = ComplementSet $ Set.fromList [x | (x, False) <- map contents args]
| True = RegularSet $ Set.fromList [x | (x, True) <- map contents args]
contents ([v], r) = (element v, isTrue r)
contents bad = tbd $ "Multi-valued set member seen: " ++ show bad
element x = case recoverKindedValue ke x of
Just v -> cvVal v
Nothing -> tbd $ "Unexpected value for kind: " ++ show (x, ke)
interpretTuple te = walk (1 :: Int) (zipWith recoverKindedValue ks args) []
where (ks, n) = case k of
KTuple eks -> (eks, length eks)
_ -> error $ unlines [ "Impossible: Expected a tuple kind, but got: " ++ show k
, "While trying to parse: " ++ show te
args = sexprToTuple n te
walk _ [] sofar = reverse sofar
walk i (Just el:es) sofar = walk (i+1) es (cvVal el : sofar)
walk i (Nothing:_) _ = error $ unlines [ "Couldn't parse a tuple element at position " ++ show i
, "Kind: " ++ show k
, "Expr: " ++ show te
interpretMaybe (KMaybe _) (ECon "nothing_SBVMaybe") = Nothing
interpretMaybe (KMaybe ek) (EApp [ECon "just_SBVMaybe", a]) = case recoverKindedValue ek a of
Just (CV _ v) -> Just v
Nothing -> error $ unlines [ "Couldn't parse a maybe just value"
, "Kind: " ++ show ek
, "Expr: " ++ show a
interpretMaybe _ ( EApp [ECon "as", ECon "nothing_SBVMaybe", _]) = Nothing
interpretMaybe mk (EApp [EApp [ECon "as", ECon "just_SBVMaybe", _], a]) = interpretMaybe mk (EApp [ECon "just_SBVMaybe", a])
interpretMaybe _ other = error $ "Expected an SMaybe sexpr, but received: " ++ show (k, other)
interpretEither (KEither k1 _) (EApp [ECon "left_SBVEither", a]) = case recoverKindedValue k1 a of
Just (CV _ v) -> Left v
Nothing -> error $ unlines [ "Couldn't parse an either value on the left"
, "Kind: " ++ show k1
, "Expr: " ++ show a
interpretEither (KEither _ k2) (EApp [ECon "right_SBVEither", b]) = case recoverKindedValue k2 b of
Just (CV _ v) -> Right v
Nothing -> error $ unlines [ "Couldn't parse an either value on the right"
, "Kind: " ++ show k2
, "Expr: " ++ show b
interpretEither ek (EApp [EApp [ECon "as", ECon "left_SBVEither", _], a]) = interpretEither ek (EApp [ECon "left_SBVEither", a])
interpretEither ek (EApp [EApp [ECon "as", ECon "right_SBVEither", _], b]) = interpretEither ek (EApp [ECon "right_SBVEither", b])
interpretEither _ other = error $ "Expected an SEither sexpr, but received: " ++ show (k, other)
getValueCV :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => Maybe Int -> SV -> m CV
getValueCV mbi s
| kindOf s /= KReal
= getValueCVHelper mbi s
| True
= do cfg <- getConfig
if not (supportsApproxReals (capabilities (solver cfg)))
then getValueCVHelper mbi s
else do send True "(set-option :pp.decimal false)"
rep1 <- getValueCVHelper mbi s
send True "(set-option :pp.decimal true)"
send True $ "(set-option :pp.decimal_precision " ++ show (printRealPrec cfg) ++ ")"
rep2 <- getValueCVHelper mbi s
let bad = unexpected "getValueCV" "get-value" ("a real-valued binding for " ++ show s) Nothing (show (rep1, rep2)) Nothing
case (rep1, rep2) of
(CV KReal (CAlgReal a), CV KReal (CAlgReal b)) -> return $ CV KReal (CAlgReal (mergeAlgReals ("Cannot merge real-values for " ++ show s) a b))
_ -> bad
getUIFunCVAssoc :: forall m. (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => Maybe Int -> (String, SBVType) -> m ([([CV], CV)], CV)
getUIFunCVAssoc mbi (nm, typ) = do
let modelIndex = case mbi of
Nothing -> ""
Just i -> " :model_index " ++ show i
cmd = "(get-value (" ++ nm ++ ")" ++ modelIndex ++ ")"
bad = unexpected "get-value" cmd "a function value" Nothing
r <- ask cmd
let (ats, rt) = case typ of
SBVType as | length as > 1 -> (init as, last as)
_ -> error $ "Data.SBV.getUIFunCVAssoc: Expected a function type, got: " ++ show typ
let convert (vs, d) = (,) <$> mapM toPoint vs <*> toRes d
toPoint (as, v)
| length as == length ats = (,) <$> zipWithM recoverKindedValue ats as <*> toRes v
| True = error $ "Data.SBV.getUIFunCVAssoc: Mismatching type/value arity, got: " ++ show (as, ats)
toRes :: SExpr -> Maybe CV
toRes = recoverKindedValue rt
tryPointWise bailOut = do mbSExprs <- pointWiseExtract nm typ
case mbSExprs of
Nothing -> bailOut
Just sExprs -> maybe bailOut return (convert sExprs)
parse r bad $ \case EApp [EApp [ECon o, e]] | o == nm -> let bailOut = bad r Nothing
in case parseSExprFunction e of
Just (Right assocs) | Just res <- convert assocs -> return res
| True -> tryPointWise bailOut
Just (Left nm') | nm == nm', Just res <- defaultKindedValue rt -> return ([], res)
| True -> bad r Nothing
Nothing -> tryPointWise bailOut
_ -> bad r Nothing
checkSat :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => m CheckSatResult
checkSat = do cfg <- getConfig
checkSatUsing $ satCmd cfg
checkSatUsing :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => String -> m CheckSatResult
checkSatUsing cmd = do let bad = unexpected "checkSat" cmd "one of sat/unsat/unknown" Nothing
ignoreList = ["WARNING: optimization with quantified constraints is not supported"]
r <- askIgnoring cmd ignoreList
parse r bad $ \case ECon "sat" -> return Sat
ECon "unsat" -> return Unsat
ECon "unknown" -> return Unk
_ -> bad r Nothing
getQuantifiedInputs :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => m [(Quantifier, NamedSymVar)]
getQuantifiedInputs = do State{rinps} <- queryState
((rQinps, rTrackers), _) <- liftIO $ readIORef rinps
let qinps = reverse rQinps
trackers = map (EX,) $ reverse rTrackers
(preQs, postQs) = span (\(q, _) -> q == EX) qinps
return $ preQs ++ trackers ++ postQs
getObservables :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => m [(String, CV)]
getObservables = do State{rObservables} <- queryState
rObs <- liftIO $ readIORef rObservables
let walk [] sofar = return sofar
walk ((n, f, s):os) sofar = do cv <- getValueCV Nothing s
if f cv
then walk os ((n, cv) : sofar)
else walk os sofar
walk rObs []
getUIs :: forall m. (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => m [(String, SBVType)]
getUIs = do State{rUIMap, rIncState} <- queryState
prior <- io $ readIORef rUIMap
new <- io $ readIORef rIncState >>= readIORef . rNewUIs
return $ nub $ sort $ Map.toList prior ++ Map.toList new
getAllSatResult :: forall m. (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m, SolverContext m) => m (Bool, Bool, Bool, [SMTResult])
getAllSatResult = do queryDebug ["*** Checking Satisfiability, all solutions.."]
cfg <- getConfig
topState@State{rUsedKinds} <- queryState
ki <- liftIO $ readIORef rUsedKinds
qinps <- getQuantifiedInputs
allUninterpreteds <- getUIs
let allUiFuns = [u | satTrackUFs cfg
, u@(nm, SBVType as) <- allUninterpreteds, length as > 1
, not (isNonModelVar cfg nm)
collectAcceptable [] sofar = return sofar
collectAcceptable ((nm, t@(SBVType ats)):rest) sofar
| not (any hasUninterpretedSorts ats)
= collectAcceptable rest (nm : sofar)
| True
= do queryDebug [ "*** SBV.allSat: Uninterpreted function: " ++ nm ++ " :: " ++ show t
, "*** Will *not* be used in allSat consideretions since its type"
, "*** has uninterpreted sorts present."
collectAcceptable rest sofar
uiFuns <- reverse <$> collectAcceptable allUiFuns []
unless (null uiFuns) $
let solverCaps = capabilities (solver cfg)
in case supportsFlattenedModels solverCaps of
Nothing -> return ()
Just cmds -> mapM_ (send True) cmds
let usorts = [s | us@(KUninterpreted s _) <- Set.toAscList ki, isFree us]
unless (null usorts) $ queryDebug [ "*** SBV.allSat: Uninterpreted sorts present: " ++ unwords usorts
, "*** SBV will use equivalence classes to generate all-satisfying instances."
let allModelInputs = takeWhile ((/= ALL) . fst) qinps
grabObservables = length allModelInputs == length qinps
vars :: [(SVal, NamedSymVar)]
vars = let sortByNodeId :: [NamedSymVar] -> [NamedSymVar]
sortByNodeId = sortBy (compare `on` (\(SV _ n, _) -> n))
mkSVal :: NamedSymVar -> (SVal, NamedSymVar)
mkSVal nm@(sv, _) = (SVal (kindOf sv) (Right (cache (const (return sv)))), nm)
ignored n = isNonModelVar cfg n || "__internal_sbv" `isPrefixOf` n
in map mkSVal $ sortByNodeId [nv | (_, nv@(_, n)) <- allModelInputs, not (ignored n)]
w = ALL `elem` map fst qinps
(sc, unk, ms) <- loop grabObservables topState (allUiFuns, uiFuns) qinps vars cfg
return (sc, w, unk, reverse ms)
where isFree (KUninterpreted _ (Left _)) = True
isFree _ = False
loop grabObservables topState (allUiFuns, uiFunsToReject) qinps vars cfg = go (1::Int) []
where go :: Int -> [SMTResult] -> m (Bool, Bool, [SMTResult])
go !cnt sofar
| Just maxModels <- allSatMaxModelCount cfg, cnt > maxModels
= do queryDebug ["*** Maximum model count request of " ++ show maxModels ++ " reached, stopping the search."]
when (allSatPrintAlong cfg) $ io $ putStrLn "Search stopped since model count request was reached."
return (True, False, sofar)
| True
= do queryDebug ["Looking for solution " ++ show cnt]
let endMsg = when (allSatPrintAlong cfg && not (null sofar)) $ do
let msg 0 = "No solutions found."
msg 1 = "This is the only solution."
msg n = "Found " ++ show n ++ " different solutions."
io . putStrLn $ msg (cnt - 1)
cs <- checkSat
case cs of
Unsat -> do endMsg
return (False, False, sofar)
Unk -> do queryDebug ["*** Solver returned unknown, terminating query."]
return (False, True, sofar)
Sat -> do assocs <- mapM (\(sval, (sv, n)) -> do cv <- getValueCV Nothing sv
return (sv, (n, (sval, cv)))) vars
let getUIFun ui@(nm, t) = do cvs <- getUIFunCVAssoc Nothing ui
return (nm, (t, cvs))
uiFunVals <- mapM getUIFun allUiFuns
obsvs <- if grabObservables
then getObservables
else do queryDebug ["*** In a quantified context, obvservables will not be printed."]
return []
bindings <- let grab i@(ALL, _) = return (i, Nothing)
grab i@(EX, (sv, _)) = case sv `lookup` assocs of
Just (_, (_, cv)) -> return (i, Just cv)
Nothing -> do cv <- getValueCV Nothing sv
return (i, Just cv)
in if validationRequested cfg
then Just <$> mapM grab qinps
else return Nothing
let model = SMTModel { modelObjectives = []
, modelBindings = bindings
, modelAssocs = sortOn fst obsvs ++ [(n, cv) | (_, (n, (_, cv))) <- assocs]
, modelUIFuns = uiFunVals
m = Satisfiable cfg model
(interpreteds, uninterpreteds) = partition (not . isFree . kindOf . fst) (map (snd . snd) assocs)
interpretedEqs :: [SVal]
interpretedEqs = [mkNotEq (kindOf sv) sv (SVal (kindOf sv) (Left cv)) | (sv, cv) <- interpreteds]
where mkNotEq k a b
| isDouble k || isFloat k = svNot (a `fpNotEq` b)
| True = a `svNotEqual` b
fpNotEq a b = SVal KBool $ Right $ cache r
where r st = do sva <- svToSV st a
svb <- svToSV st b
newExpr st KBool (SBVApp (IEEEFP FP_ObjEqual) [sva, svb])
uninterpretedEqs :: [SVal]
uninterpretedEqs = concatMap pwDistinct
. filter (\l -> length l > 1)
. map (map fst)
. groupBy ((==) `on` snd)
. sortOn snd
$ uninterpreteds
where pwDistinct :: [SVal] -> [SVal]
pwDistinct ss = [x `svNotEqual` y | (x:ys) <- tails ss, y <- ys]
uninterpretedReject :: Maybe [String]
uninterpretedFuns :: [String]
(uninterpretedReject, uninterpretedFuns) = (uiReject, concat defs)
where uiReject = case rejects of
[] -> Nothing
xs -> Just xs
(rejects, defs) = unzip [mkNotEq ui | ui@(nm, _) <- uiFunVals, nm `elem` uiFunsToReject]
mkNotEq (nm, (SBVType ts, vs)) = (reject, def ++ dif)
where nm' = nm ++ "_model" ++ show cnt
reject = nm' ++ "_reject"
scv = cvToSMTLib RoundNearestTiesToEven
(ats, rt) = (init ts, last ts)
args = unwords ["(x!" ++ show i ++ " " ++ smtType t ++ ")" | (t, i) <- zip ats [(0::Int)..]]
res = smtType rt
params = ["x!" ++ show i | (_, i) <- zip ats [(0::Int)..]]
uparams = unwords params
chain (vals, fallThru) = walk vals
where walk [] = [" " ++ scv fallThru ++ replicate (length vals) ')']
walk ((as, r) : rest) = (" (ite " ++ cond as ++ " " ++ scv r ++ "") : walk rest
cond as = "(and " ++ unwords (zipWith eq params as) ++ ")"
eq p a = "(= " ++ p ++ " " ++ scv a ++ ")"
def = ("(define-fun " ++ nm' ++ " (" ++ args ++ ") " ++ res)
: chain vs
++ [")"]
pad = replicate (1 + length nm' - length nm) ' '
dif = [ "(define-fun " ++ reject ++ " () Bool"
, " (exists (" ++ args ++ ")"
, " (distinct (" ++ nm ++ pad ++ uparams ++ ")"
, " (" ++ nm' ++ " " ++ uparams ++ "))))"
eqs = interpretedEqs ++ uninterpretedEqs
disallow = case eqs of
[] -> Nothing
_ -> Just $ SBV $ foldr1 svOr eqs
when (allSatPrintAlong cfg) $ do
io $ putStrLn $ "Solution #" ++ show cnt ++ ":"
io $ putStrLn $ showModel cfg model
let resultsSoFar = m : sofar
| Just maxModels <- allSatMaxModelCount cfg, (cnt+1) > maxModels = False
| True = True
if not needMoreIterations
then go (cnt+1) resultsSoFar
else do let uiFunRejector = "uiFunRejector_model_" ++ show cnt
header = "define-fun " ++ uiFunRejector ++ " () Bool "
defineRejector [] = return ()
defineRejector [x] = send True $ "(" ++ header ++ x ++ ")"
defineRejector (x:xs) = mapM_ (send True) $ mergeSExpr $ ("(" ++ header)
: (" (or " ++ x)
: [" " ++ e | e <- xs]
++ [" ))"]
rejectFuncs <- case uninterpretedReject of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just fs -> do mapM_ (send True) $ mergeSExpr uninterpretedFuns
defineRejector fs
return $ Just uiFunRejector
case (disallow, rejectFuncs) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> return (False, False, resultsSoFar)
(Just d, Nothing) -> do constrain d
go (cnt+1) resultsSoFar
(Nothing, Just f) -> do send True $ "(assert " ++ f ++ ")"
go (cnt+1) resultsSoFar
(Just d, Just f) ->
do constrain $ d .=> d
svd <- io $ svToSV topState (unSBV d)
send True $ "(assert (or " ++ f ++ " " ++ show svd ++ "))"
go (cnt+1) resultsSoFar
getUnsatAssumptions :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => [String] -> [(String, a)] -> m [a]
getUnsatAssumptions originals proxyMap = do
let cmd = "(get-unsat-assumptions)"
bad = unexpected "getUnsatAssumptions" cmd "a list of unsatisfiable assumptions"
$ Just [ "Make sure you use:"
, ""
, " setOption $ ProduceUnsatAssumptions True"
, ""
, "to make sure the solver is ready for producing unsat assumptions,"
, "and that there is a model by first issuing a 'checkSat' call."
fromECon (ECon s) = Just s
fromECon _ = Nothing
r <- ask cmd
let walk [] sofar = return $ reverse sofar
walk (a:as) sofar = case a `lookup` proxyMap of
Just v -> walk as (v:sofar)
Nothing -> do queryDebug [ "*** In call to 'getUnsatAssumptions'"
, "***"
, "*** Unexpected assumption named: " ++ show a
, "*** Was expecting one of : " ++ show originals
, "***"
, "*** This can happen if unsat-cores are also enabled. Ignoring."
walk as sofar
parse r bad $ \case
EApp es | Just xs <- mapM fromECon es -> walk xs []
_ -> bad r Nothing
timeout :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => Int -> m a -> m a
timeout n q = do modifyQueryState (\qs -> qs {queryTimeOutValue = Just n})
r <- q
modifyQueryState (\qs -> qs {queryTimeOutValue = Nothing})
return r
parse :: String -> (String -> Maybe [String] -> a) -> (SExpr -> a) -> a
parse r fCont sCont = case parseSExpr r of
Left e -> fCont r (Just [e])
Right res -> sCont res
unexpected :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => String -> String -> String -> Maybe [String] -> String -> Maybe [String] -> m a
unexpected ctx sent expected mbHint received mbReason = do
extras <- retrieveResponse "terminating upon unexpected response" (Just 5000000)
cfg <- getConfig
let exc = SBVException { sbvExceptionDescription = "Unexpected response from the solver, context: " ++ ctx
, sbvExceptionSent = Just sent
, sbvExceptionExpected = Just expected
, sbvExceptionReceived = Just received
, sbvExceptionStdOut = Just $ unlines extras
, sbvExceptionStdErr = Nothing
, sbvExceptionExitCode = Nothing
, sbvExceptionConfig = cfg
, sbvExceptionReason = mbReason
, sbvExceptionHint = mbHint
io $ C.throwIO exc
runProofOn :: SBVRunMode -> QueryContext -> [String] -> Result -> SMTProblem
runProofOn rm context comments res@(Result ki _qcInfo _observables _codeSegs is consts tbls arrs uis axs pgm cstrs _assertions outputs) =
let (config, isSat, isSafe, isSetup) = case rm of
SMTMode _ stage s c -> (c, s, isSafetyCheckingIStage stage, isSetupIStage stage)
_ -> error $ "runProofOn: Unexpected run mode: " ++ show rm
flipQ (ALL, x) = (EX, x)
flipQ (EX, x) = (ALL, x)
skolemize :: [(Quantifier, NamedSymVar)] -> [Either SV (SV, [SV])]
skolemize quants = go quants ([], [])
where go [] (_, sofar) = reverse sofar
go ((ALL, (v, _)):rest) (us, sofar) = go rest (v:us, Left v : sofar)
go ((EX, (v, _)):rest) (us, sofar) = go rest (us, Right (v, reverse us) : sofar)
qinps = if isSat then fst is else map flipQ (fst is)
skolemMap = skolemize qinps
o | isSafe = trueSV
| True = case outputs of
[] | isSetup -> trueSV
[so] -> case so of
SV KBool _ -> so
_ -> error $ unlines [ "Impossible happened, non-boolean output: " ++ show so
, "Detected while generating the trace:\n" ++ show res
os -> error $ unlines [ "User error: Multiple output values detected: " ++ show os
, "Detected while generating the trace:\n" ++ show res
, "*** Check calls to \"output\", they are typically not needed!"
in SMTProblem { smtLibPgm = toSMTLib config context ki isSat comments is skolemMap consts tbls arrs uis axs pgm cstrs o }
executeQuery :: forall m a. ExtractIO m => QueryContext -> QueryT m a -> SymbolicT m a
executeQuery queryContext (QueryT userQuery) = do
st <- symbolicEnv
rm <- liftIO $ readIORef (runMode st)
() <- liftIO $ case (queryContext, rm) of
(QueryInternal, _) -> return ()
(QueryExternal, SMTMode QueryExternal ISetup _ _) -> return ()
_ -> invalidQuery rm
let allowQQs = case rm of
SMTMode _ _ _ cfg -> allowQuantifiedQueries cfg
CodeGen -> False
Concrete{} -> False
() <- unless allowQQs $ liftIO $
case queryContext of
QueryInternal -> return ()
QueryExternal -> do
((userInps, _), _) <- readIORef (rinps st)
let badInps = reverse [n | (ALL, (_, n)) <- userInps]
case badInps of
[] -> return ()
_ -> let plu | length badInps > 1 = "s require"
| True = " requires"
in error $ unlines [ ""
, "*** Data.SBV: Unsupported query call in the presence of quantified inputs."
, "***"
, "*** The following variable" ++ plu ++ " explicit quantification: "
, "***"
, "*** " ++ intercalate ", " badInps
, "***"
, "*** While quantification and queries can co-exist in principle, SBV currently"
, "*** does not support this scenario. Avoid using quantifiers with user queries"
, "*** if possible. Please do get in touch if your use case does require such"
, "*** a feature to see how we can accommodate such scenarios."
case rm of
SMTMode qc stage isSAT cfg | not (isRunIStage stage) -> do
let backend = engine (solver cfg)
res <- liftIO $ extractSymbolicSimulationState st
setOpts <- liftIO $ reverse <$> readIORef (rSMTOptions st)
let SMTProblem{smtLibPgm} = runProofOn rm queryContext [] res
cfg' = cfg { solverSetOptions = solverSetOptions cfg ++ setOpts }
pgm = smtLibPgm cfg'
liftIO $ writeIORef (runMode st) $ SMTMode qc IRun isSAT cfg
lift $ join $ liftIO $ backend cfg' st (show pgm) $ extractIO . runReaderT userQuery
SMTMode _ IRun _ _ -> error $ unlines [ ""
, "*** Data.SBV: Unsupported nested query is detected."
, "***"
, "*** Please group your queries into one block. Note that this"
, "*** can also arise if you have a call to 'query' not within 'runSMT'"
, "*** For instance, within 'sat'/'prove' calls with custom user queries."
, "*** The solution is to do the sat/prove part in the query directly."
, "***"
, "*** While multiple/nested queries should not be necessary in general,"
, "*** please do get in touch if your use case does require such a feature,"
, "*** to see how we can accommodate such scenarios."
_ -> invalidQuery rm
where invalidQuery rm = error $ unlines [ ""
, "*** Data.SBV: Invalid query call."
, "***"
, "*** Current mode: " ++ show rm
, "***"
, "*** Query calls are only valid within runSMT/runSMTWith calls"
{-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Reduce duplication" :: String) #-}
{-# ANN getAllSatResult ("HLint: ignore Use forM_" :: String) #-}