{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitNamespaces #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoStarIsType #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableSuperClasses #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin GHC.TypeLits.KnownNat.Solver #-}
module Generics.POSable.POSable (POSable(..), Generic, Finite) where
import Data.Finite (combineProduct, combineSum,
separateProduct, separateSum)
import Generics.POSable.Representation
import Generics.SOP hiding (Nil, shift)
import Generics.SOP.NP hiding (Nil)
import Data.Kind (Type)
import qualified Generics.SOP as SOP
import GHC.Base (Nat)
import GHC.TypeLits (KnownNat, natVal, type (*),
type (+))
import Data.Finite.Internal
class (KnownNat (Choices x)) => POSable x where
type Choices x :: Nat
type Choices x = GChoices (SOP I (Code x))
choices :: x -> Finite (Choices x)
default choices ::
( Generic x
, GPOSable (SOP I (Code x))
, GChoices (SOP I (Code x)) ~ Choices x
) => x -> Finite (Choices x)
choices x
x = SOP I (Code x) -> Finite (GChoices (SOP I (Code x)))
forall x. GPOSable x => x -> Finite (GChoices x)
gchoices (SOP I (Code x) -> Finite (GChoices (SOP I (Code x))))
-> SOP I (Code x) -> Finite (GChoices (SOP I (Code x)))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ x -> SOP I (Code x)
forall a. Generic a => a -> Rep a
from x
tags :: [Integer]
default tags ::
( GPOSable (SOP I (Code x))
) => [Integer]
tags = GPOSable (SOP I (Code x)) => [Integer]
forall x. GPOSable x => [Integer]
gtags @(SOP I (Code x))
fromPOSable :: Finite (Choices x) -> Product (Fields x) -> x
default fromPOSable ::
( Generic x
, GPOSable (SOP I (Code x))
, Fields x ~ GFields (SOP I (Code x))
, Choices x ~ GChoices (SOP I (Code x))
) => Finite (Choices x) -> Product (Fields x) -> x
fromPOSable Finite (Choices x)
cs Product (Fields x)
fs = SOP I (Code x) -> x
forall a. Generic a => Rep a -> a
to (SOP I (Code x) -> x) -> SOP I (Code x) -> x
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Finite (GChoices (SOP I (Code x)))
-> Product (GFields (SOP I (Code x))) -> SOP I (Code x)
forall x.
GPOSable x =>
Finite (GChoices x) -> Product (GFields x) -> x
gfromPOSable Finite (GChoices (SOP I (Code x)))
Finite (Choices x)
cs Product (GFields (SOP I (Code x)))
Product (Fields x)
type Fields x :: [[Type]]
type Fields x = GFields (SOP I (Code x))
fields :: x -> Product (Fields x)
default fields ::
( Generic x
, Fields x ~ GFields (SOP I (Code x))
, GPOSable (SOP I (Code x))
) => x -> Product (Fields x)
fields x
x = SOP I (Code x) -> Product (GFields (SOP I (Code x)))
forall x. GPOSable x => x -> Product (GFields x)
gfields (SOP I (Code x) -> Product (GFields (SOP I (Code x))))
-> SOP I (Code x) -> Product (GFields (SOP I (Code x)))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ x -> SOP I (Code x)
forall a. Generic a => a -> Rep a
from x
emptyFields :: ProductType (Fields x)
default emptyFields ::
( GPOSable (SOP I (Code x))
, Fields x ~ GFields (SOP I (Code x))
) => ProductType (Fields x)
emptyFields = GPOSable (SOP I (Code x)) => ProductType (GFields (SOP I (Code x)))
forall x. GPOSable x => ProductType (GFields x)
gemptyFields @(SOP I (Code x))
class (KnownNat (GChoices x)) => GPOSable x where
type GChoices x :: Nat
gchoices :: x -> Finite (GChoices x)
gtags :: [Integer]
type GFields x :: [[Type]]
gfields :: x -> Product (GFields x)
gfromPOSable :: Finite (GChoices x) -> Product (GFields x) -> x
gemptyFields :: ProductType (GFields x)
( All2 POSable xss
, KnownNat (Sums (MapProducts (Map2Choices xss)))
, All2 KnownNat (Map2Choices xss)
, All KnownNat (MapProducts (Map2Choices xss))
, KnownNat (Length xss)
) => GPOSable (SOP I xss) where
type GChoices (SOP I xss) = Sums (MapProducts (Map2Choices xss))
gchoices :: SOP I xss -> Finite (GChoices (SOP I xss))
gchoices SOP I xss
x = NS Finite (MapProducts (Map2Choices xss))
-> Finite (Sums (MapProducts (Map2Choices xss)))
forall (xs :: [Nat]).
All KnownNat xs =>
NS Finite xs -> Finite (Sums xs)
sums (NS Finite (MapProducts (Map2Choices xss))
-> Finite (Sums (MapProducts (Map2Choices xss))))
-> NS Finite (MapProducts (Map2Choices xss))
-> Finite (Sums (MapProducts (Map2Choices xss)))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ NS (NP Finite) (Map2Choices xss)
-> NS Finite (MapProducts (Map2Choices xss))
forall (xss :: [[Nat]]).
All2 KnownNat xss =>
NS (NP Finite) xss -> NS Finite (MapProducts xss)
mapProducts (NS (NP Finite) (Map2Choices xss)
-> NS Finite (MapProducts (Map2Choices xss)))
-> NS (NP Finite) (Map2Choices xss)
-> NS Finite (MapProducts (Map2Choices xss))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ NS (NP I) xss -> NS (NP Finite) (Map2Choices xss)
forall (xss :: [[Type]]).
All2 POSable xss =>
NS (NP I) xss -> NS (NP Finite) (Map2Choices xss)
map2choices (NS (NP I) xss -> NS (NP Finite) (Map2Choices xss))
-> NS (NP I) xss -> NS (NP Finite) (Map2Choices xss)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ SOP I xss -> NS (NP I) xss
forall k (f :: k -> Type) (xss :: [[k]]).
SOP f xss -> NS (NP f) xss
unSOP SOP I xss
gtags :: [Integer]
gtags = NP ProductsMapChoices xss -> [Integer]
forall (xss :: [[Type]]).
All KnownNat (MapProducts (Map2Choices xss)) =>
NP ProductsMapChoices xss -> [Integer]
getTags ((All2 KnownNat (Map2Choices xss), All2 POSable xss) =>
NP ProductsMapChoices xss
forall (xss :: [[Type]]).
(All2 KnownNat (Map2Choices xss), All2 POSable xss) =>
NP ProductsMapChoices xss
pureChoices2 @xss)
type GFields (SOP I xss) = FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss))
gfields :: SOP I xss -> Product (GFields (SOP I xss))
gfields (SOP NS (NP I) xss
x) = NP ProductType (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss))
-> NS Product (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss))
-> Product (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss)))
forall (xss :: [[[Type]]]).
NP ProductType xss -> NS Product xss -> Product (FoldMerge xss)
(NP (NP ProductType) (Map2Fields xss)
-> NP ProductType (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss))
forall (xss :: [[[[Type]]]]).
NP (NP ProductType) xss -> NP ProductType (MapConcat xss)
mapConcatT (All2 POSable xss => NP (NP ProductType) (Map2Fields xss)
forall (xss :: [[Type]]).
All2 POSable xss =>
NP (NP ProductType) (Map2Fields xss)
pureMap2Fields @xss))
(NS (NP Product) (Map2Fields xss)
-> NS Product (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss))
forall (xss :: [[[[Type]]]]).
NS (NP Product) xss -> NS Product (MapConcat xss)
mapConcat (NS (NP I) xss -> NS (NP Product) (Map2Fields xss)
forall (xss :: [[Type]]).
All2 POSable xss =>
NS (NP I) xss -> NS (NP Product) (Map2Fields xss)
map2Fields NS (NP I) xss
gemptyFields :: ProductType (GFields (SOP I xss))
gemptyFields = NP ProductType (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss))
-> ProductType (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss)))
forall (xss :: [[[Type]]]).
NP ProductType xss -> ProductType (FoldMerge xss)
foldMergeT (NP ProductType (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss))
-> ProductType (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss))))
-> NP ProductType (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss))
-> ProductType (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss)))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ NP (NP ProductType) (Map2Fields xss)
-> NP ProductType (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss))
forall (xss :: [[[[Type]]]]).
NP (NP ProductType) xss -> NP ProductType (MapConcat xss)
mapConcatT (All2 POSable xss => NP (NP ProductType) (Map2Fields xss)
forall (xss :: [[Type]]).
All2 POSable xss =>
NP (NP ProductType) (Map2Fields xss)
pureMap2Fields @xss)
gfromPOSable :: Finite (GChoices (SOP I xss))
-> Product (GFields (SOP I xss)) -> SOP I xss
gfromPOSable Finite (GChoices (SOP I xss))
cs Product (GFields (SOP I xss))
fs = NS (NP I) xss -> SOP I xss
forall k (f :: k -> Type) (xss :: [[k]]).
NS (NP f) xss -> SOP f xss
SOP (NS ProductsMapChoices xss
-> Product (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss)))
-> NP ProductConcatFieldsT xss
-> NS (NP I) xss
forall (xss :: [[Type]]).
(All2 KnownNat (Map2Choices xss), All2 POSable xss) =>
NS ProductsMapChoices xss
-> Product (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss)))
-> NP ProductConcatFieldsT xss
-> NS (NP I) xss
mapFromPOSable NS ProductsMapChoices xss
cs' Product (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss)))
Product (GFields (SOP I xss))
fs (All2 POSable xss => NP ProductConcatFieldsT xss
forall (xss :: [[Type]]).
All2 POSable xss =>
NP ProductConcatFieldsT xss
pureConcatFields @xss))
cs' :: NS ProductsMapChoices xss
cs' = Finite (Sums (MapProducts (Map2Choices xss)))
-> NP ProductsMapChoices xss -> NS ProductsMapChoices xss
forall (xs :: [[Type]]).
All KnownNat (MapProducts (Map2Choices xs)) =>
Finite (Sums (MapProducts (Map2Choices xs)))
-> NP ProductsMapChoices xs -> NS ProductsMapChoices xs
unSums Finite (Sums (MapProducts (Map2Choices xss)))
Finite (GChoices (SOP I xss))
cs ((All2 KnownNat (Map2Choices xss), All2 POSable xss) =>
NP ProductsMapChoices xss
forall (xss :: [[Type]]).
(All2 KnownNat (Map2Choices xss), All2 POSable xss) =>
NP ProductsMapChoices xss
pureChoices2 @xss)
getTags :: All KnownNat (MapProducts (Map2Choices xss)) => NP ProductsMapChoices xss -> [Integer]
getTags :: NP ProductsMapChoices xss -> [Integer]
getTags NP ProductsMapChoices xss
SOP.Nil = []
getTags (ProductsMapChoices Finite (Products (MapChoices x))
x :* NP ProductsMapChoices xs
xs) = Finite (Products (MapChoices x)) -> Integer
forall (n :: Nat) (proxy :: Nat -> Type).
KnownNat n =>
proxy n -> Integer
natVal Finite (Products (MapChoices x))
x Integer -> [Integer] -> [Integer]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: NP ProductsMapChoices xs -> [Integer]
forall (xss :: [[Type]]).
All KnownNat (MapProducts (Map2Choices xss)) =>
NP ProductsMapChoices xss -> [Integer]
getTags NP ProductsMapChoices xs
type family Length (xs :: [x]) :: Nat where
Length '[] = 0
Length (x ': xs) = Length xs + 1
type family MapLength (xss :: [[x]]) :: [Nat] where
MapLength '[] = '[]
MapLength (x ': xs) = Length x ': MapLength xs
type family MapChoices (xs :: [Type]) :: [Nat] where
MapChoices '[] = '[]
MapChoices (x ': xs) = Choices x ': MapChoices xs
type family Map2Choices (xss :: [[Type]]) :: [[Nat]] where
Map2Choices '[] = '[]
Map2Choices (xs ': xss) = MapChoices xs ': Map2Choices xss
type family MapFields (xs :: [Type]) :: [[[Type]]] where
MapFields '[] = '[]
MapFields (x ': xs) = Fields x ': MapFields xs
type family Map2Fields (xss :: [[Type]]) :: [[[[Type]]]] where
Map2Fields '[] = '[]
Map2Fields (xs ': xss) = MapFields xs ': Map2Fields xss
type family Products (xs :: [Nat]) :: Nat where
Products '[] = 1
Products (x ': xs) = x * Products xs
type family MapProducts (xss :: [[Nat]]) :: [Nat] where
MapProducts '[] = '[]
MapProducts (xs ': xss) = Products xs ': MapProducts xss
type family Sums (xs :: [Nat]) :: Nat where
Sums '[] = 0
Sums (x ': xs) = x + Sums xs
mapChoices :: forall xs . (All POSable xs) => NP I xs -> NP Finite (MapChoices xs)
mapChoices :: NP I xs -> NP Finite (MapChoices xs)
mapChoices NP I xs
SOP.Nil = NP Finite (MapChoices xs)
forall k (a :: k -> Type). NP a '[]
mapChoices (I x
x :* NP I xs
xs) = x -> Finite (Choices x)
forall x. POSable x => x -> Finite (Choices x)
choices (I x -> x
forall a. I a -> a
unI I x
x) Finite (Choices x)
-> NP Finite (MapChoices xs)
-> NP Finite (Choices x : MapChoices xs)
forall k (a :: k -> Type) (x :: k) (xs :: [k]).
a x -> NP a xs -> NP a (x : xs)
:* NP I xs -> NP Finite (MapChoices xs)
forall (xs :: [Type]).
All POSable xs =>
NP I xs -> NP Finite (MapChoices xs)
mapChoices NP I xs
map2choices :: (All2 POSable xss) => NS (NP I) xss -> NS (NP Finite) (Map2Choices xss)
map2choices :: NS (NP I) xss -> NS (NP Finite) (Map2Choices xss)
map2choices (Z NP I x
x) = NP Finite (MapChoices x)
-> NS (NP Finite) (MapChoices x : Map2Choices xs)
forall k (a :: k -> Type) (x :: k) (xs :: [k]).
a x -> NS a (x : xs)
Z (NP I x -> NP Finite (MapChoices x)
forall (xs :: [Type]).
All POSable xs =>
NP I xs -> NP Finite (MapChoices xs)
mapChoices NP I x
map2choices (S NS (NP I) xs
xs) = NS (NP Finite) (Map2Choices xs)
-> NS (NP Finite) (MapChoices x : Map2Choices xs)
forall k (a :: k -> Type) (xs :: [k]) (x :: k).
NS a xs -> NS a (x : xs)
S (NS (NP I) xs -> NS (NP Finite) (Map2Choices xs)
forall (xss :: [[Type]]).
All2 POSable xss =>
NS (NP I) xss -> NS (NP Finite) (Map2Choices xss)
map2choices NS (NP I) xs
sums :: All KnownNat xs => NS Finite xs -> Finite (Sums xs)
sums :: NS Finite xs -> Finite (Sums xs)
sums (Z Finite x
y) = Either (Finite x) (Finite (Sums xs)) -> Finite (x + Sums xs)
forall (n :: Nat) (m :: Nat).
KnownNat n =>
Either (Finite n) (Finite m) -> Finite (n + m)
combineSum (Finite x -> Either (Finite x) (Finite (Sums xs))
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left Finite x
sums (S NS Finite xs
ys) = Either (Finite x) (Finite (Sums xs)) -> Finite (x + Sums xs)
forall (n :: Nat) (m :: Nat).
KnownNat n =>
Either (Finite n) (Finite m) -> Finite (n + m)
combineSum (Finite (Sums xs) -> Either (Finite x) (Finite (Sums xs))
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right (NS Finite xs -> Finite (Sums xs)
forall (xs :: [Nat]).
All KnownNat xs =>
NS Finite xs -> Finite (Sums xs)
sums NS Finite xs
mapProducts :: (All2 KnownNat xss) => NS (NP Finite) xss -> NS Finite (MapProducts xss)
mapProducts :: NS (NP Finite) xss -> NS Finite (MapProducts xss)
mapProducts (Z NP Finite x
x) = Finite (Products x) -> NS Finite (Products x : MapProducts xs)
forall k (a :: k -> Type) (x :: k) (xs :: [k]).
a x -> NS a (x : xs)
Z (NP Finite x -> Finite (Products x)
forall (xs :: [Nat]).
All KnownNat xs =>
NP Finite xs -> Finite (Products xs)
combineProducts NP Finite x
mapProducts (S NS (NP Finite) xs
xs) = NS Finite (MapProducts xs)
-> NS Finite (Products x : MapProducts xs)
forall k (a :: k -> Type) (xs :: [k]) (x :: k).
NS a xs -> NS a (x : xs)
S (NS (NP Finite) xs -> NS Finite (MapProducts xs)
forall (xss :: [[Nat]]).
All2 KnownNat xss =>
NS (NP Finite) xss -> NS Finite (MapProducts xss)
mapProducts NS (NP Finite) xs
combineProducts :: (All KnownNat xs) => NP Finite xs -> Finite (Products xs)
combineProducts :: NP Finite xs -> Finite (Products xs)
combineProducts NP Finite xs
SOP.Nil = Finite (Products xs)
combineProducts (Finite x
y :* NP Finite xs
ys) = (Finite x, Finite (Products xs)) -> Finite (x * Products xs)
forall (n :: Nat) (m :: Nat).
KnownNat n =>
(Finite n, Finite m) -> Finite (n * m)
combineProduct (Finite x
y, NP Finite xs -> Finite (Products xs)
forall (xs :: [Nat]).
All KnownNat xs =>
NP Finite xs -> Finite (Products xs)
combineProducts NP Finite xs
mapFields :: forall xs . (All POSable xs) => NP I xs -> NP Product (MapFields xs)
mapFields :: NP I xs -> NP Product (MapFields xs)
mapFields NP I xs
SOP.Nil = NP Product (MapFields xs)
forall k (a :: k -> Type). NP a '[]
mapFields (I x
x :* NP I xs
xs) = x -> Product (Fields x)
forall x. POSable x => x -> Product (Fields x)
fields (I x -> x
forall a. I a -> a
unI I x
x) Product (Fields x)
-> NP Product (MapFields xs)
-> NP Product (Fields x : MapFields xs)
forall k (a :: k -> Type) (x :: k) (xs :: [k]).
a x -> NP a xs -> NP a (x : xs)
:* NP I xs -> NP Product (MapFields xs)
forall (xs :: [Type]).
All POSable xs =>
NP I xs -> NP Product (MapFields xs)
mapFields NP I xs
map2Fields :: (All2 POSable xss) => NS (NP I) xss -> NS (NP Product) (Map2Fields xss)
map2Fields :: NS (NP I) xss -> NS (NP Product) (Map2Fields xss)
map2Fields (Z NP I x
x) = NP Product (MapFields x)
-> NS (NP Product) (MapFields x : Map2Fields xs)
forall k (a :: k -> Type) (x :: k) (xs :: [k]).
a x -> NS a (x : xs)
Z (NP I x -> NP Product (MapFields x)
forall (xs :: [Type]).
All POSable xs =>
NP I xs -> NP Product (MapFields xs)
mapFields NP I x
map2Fields (S NS (NP I) xs
xs) = NS (NP Product) (Map2Fields xs)
-> NS (NP Product) (MapFields x : Map2Fields xs)
forall k (a :: k -> Type) (xs :: [k]) (x :: k).
NS a xs -> NS a (x : xs)
S (NS (NP I) xs -> NS (NP Product) (Map2Fields xs)
forall (xss :: [[Type]]).
All2 POSable xss =>
NS (NP I) xss -> NS (NP Product) (Map2Fields xss)
map2Fields NS (NP I) xs
mapConcat :: NS (NP Product) xss -> NS Product (MapConcat xss)
mapConcat :: NS (NP Product) xss -> NS Product (MapConcat xss)
mapConcat (Z NP Product x
x) = Product (Concat x) -> NS Product (Concat x : MapConcat xs)
forall k (a :: k -> Type) (x :: k) (xs :: [k]).
a x -> NS a (x : xs)
Z (NP Product x -> Product (Concat x)
forall (xs :: [[[Type]]]). NP Product xs -> Product (Concat xs)
appends NP Product x
mapConcat (S NS (NP Product) xs
xs) = NS Product (MapConcat xs) -> NS Product (Concat x : MapConcat xs)
forall k (a :: k -> Type) (xs :: [k]) (x :: k).
NS a xs -> NS a (x : xs)
S (NS (NP Product) xs -> NS Product (MapConcat xs)
forall (xss :: [[[[Type]]]]).
NS (NP Product) xss -> NS Product (MapConcat xss)
mapConcat NS (NP Product) xs
appends :: NP Product xs -> Product (Concat xs)
appends :: NP Product xs -> Product (Concat xs)
appends NP Product xs
SOP.Nil = Product '[]
Product (Concat xs)
appends (Product x
x :* NP Product xs
xs) = Product x -> Product (Concat xs) -> Product (x ++ Concat xs)
forall (x :: [[Type]]) (y :: [[Type]]).
Product x -> Product y -> Product (x ++ y)
concatP Product x
x (NP Product xs -> Product (Concat xs)
forall (xs :: [[[Type]]]). NP Product xs -> Product (Concat xs)
appends NP Product xs
foldMerge :: NP ProductType xss -> NS Product xss -> Product (FoldMerge xss)
foldMerge :: NP ProductType xss -> NS Product xss -> Product (FoldMerge xss)
foldMerge (ProductType x
_ :* NP ProductType xs
SOP.Nil) (Z Product x
y) = Product x
Product (FoldMerge xss)
foldMerge (ProductType x
_ :* NP ProductType xs
SOP.Nil) (S NS Product xs
_) = [Char] -> Product x
forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error [Char]
"Reached an inaccessible pattern"
foldMerge NP ProductType xss
SOP.Nil NS Product xss
_ = Product '[]
Product (FoldMerge xss)
foldMerge (ProductType x
_ :* ProductType x
x' :* NP ProductType xs
xs) (Z Product x
y) = Either
(Product x, ProductType (FoldMerge (x : xs)))
(ProductType x, Product (FoldMerge (x : xs)))
-> Product (Merge x (FoldMerge (x : xs)))
forall (l :: [[Type]]) (r :: [[Type]]).
Either (Product l, ProductType r) (ProductType l, Product r)
-> Product (Merge l r)
merge (Either
(Product x, ProductType (FoldMerge (x : xs)))
(ProductType x, Product (FoldMerge (x : xs)))
-> Product (Merge x (FoldMerge (x : xs))))
-> Either
(Product x, ProductType (FoldMerge (x : xs)))
(ProductType x, Product (FoldMerge (x : xs)))
-> Product (Merge x (FoldMerge (x : xs)))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Product x, ProductType (FoldMerge (x : xs)))
-> Either
(Product x, ProductType (FoldMerge (x : xs)))
(ProductType x, Product (FoldMerge (x : xs)))
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left (Product x
y, NP ProductType (x : xs) -> ProductType (FoldMerge (x : xs))
forall (xss :: [[[Type]]]).
NP ProductType xss -> ProductType (FoldMerge xss)
foldMergeT (ProductType x
x' ProductType x -> NP ProductType xs -> NP ProductType (x : xs)
forall k (a :: k -> Type) (x :: k) (xs :: [k]).
a x -> NP a xs -> NP a (x : xs)
:* NP ProductType xs
foldMerge (ProductType x
x :* ProductType x
x' :* NP ProductType xs
xs) (S NS Product xs
ys) = Either
(Product x, ProductType (FoldMerge (x : xs)))
(ProductType x, Product (FoldMerge (x : xs)))
-> Product (Merge x (FoldMerge (x : xs)))
forall (l :: [[Type]]) (r :: [[Type]]).
Either (Product l, ProductType r) (ProductType l, Product r)
-> Product (Merge l r)
merge (Either
(Product x, ProductType (FoldMerge (x : xs)))
(ProductType x, Product (FoldMerge (x : xs)))
-> Product (Merge x (FoldMerge (x : xs))))
-> Either
(Product x, ProductType (FoldMerge (x : xs)))
(ProductType x, Product (FoldMerge (x : xs)))
-> Product (Merge x (FoldMerge (x : xs)))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (ProductType x, Product (FoldMerge (x : xs)))
-> Either
(Product x, ProductType (FoldMerge (x : xs)))
(ProductType x, Product (FoldMerge (x : xs)))
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right (ProductType x
x, NP ProductType (x : xs)
-> NS Product (x : xs) -> Product (FoldMerge (x : xs))
forall (xss :: [[[Type]]]).
NP ProductType xss -> NS Product xss -> Product (FoldMerge xss)
foldMerge (ProductType x
x' ProductType x -> NP ProductType xs -> NP ProductType (x : xs)
forall k (a :: k -> Type) (x :: k) (xs :: [k]).
a x -> NP a xs -> NP a (x : xs)
:* NP ProductType xs
xs) NS Product xs
NS Product (x : xs)
appendsT :: NP ProductType xs -> ProductType (Concat xs)
appendsT :: NP ProductType xs -> ProductType (Concat xs)
appendsT NP ProductType xs
SOP.Nil = ProductType '[]
ProductType (Concat xs)
appendsT (ProductType x
x :* NP ProductType xs
xs) = ProductType x
-> ProductType (Concat xs) -> ProductType (x ++ Concat xs)
forall (x :: [[Type]]) (y :: [[Type]]).
ProductType x -> ProductType y -> ProductType (x ++ y)
concatPT ProductType x
x (NP ProductType xs -> ProductType (Concat xs)
forall (xs :: [[[Type]]]).
NP ProductType xs -> ProductType (Concat xs)
appendsT NP ProductType xs
mapConcatT :: NP (NP ProductType) xss -> NP ProductType (MapConcat xss)
mapConcatT :: NP (NP ProductType) xss -> NP ProductType (MapConcat xss)
mapConcatT NP (NP ProductType) xss
SOP.Nil = NP ProductType (MapConcat xss)
forall k (a :: k -> Type). NP a '[]
mapConcatT (NP ProductType x
x :* NP (NP ProductType) xs
xs) = NP ProductType x -> ProductType (Concat x)
forall (xs :: [[[Type]]]).
NP ProductType xs -> ProductType (Concat xs)
appendsT NP ProductType x
x ProductType (Concat x)
-> NP ProductType (MapConcat xs)
-> NP ProductType (Concat x : MapConcat xs)
forall k (a :: k -> Type) (x :: k) (xs :: [k]).
a x -> NP a xs -> NP a (x : xs)
:* NP (NP ProductType) xs -> NP ProductType (MapConcat xs)
forall (xss :: [[[[Type]]]]).
NP (NP ProductType) xss -> NP ProductType (MapConcat xss)
mapConcatT NP (NP ProductType) xs
foldMergeT :: NP ProductType xss -> ProductType (FoldMerge xss)
foldMergeT :: NP ProductType xss -> ProductType (FoldMerge xss)
foldMergeT (ProductType x
x :* NP ProductType xs
SOP.Nil) = ProductType x
ProductType (FoldMerge xss)
foldMergeT NP ProductType xss
SOP.Nil = ProductType '[]
ProductType (FoldMerge xss)
foldMergeT (ProductType x
x :* ProductType x
x' :* NP ProductType xs
xs) = ProductType x
-> ProductType (FoldMerge (x : xs))
-> ProductType (Merge x (FoldMerge (x : xs)))
forall (l :: [[Type]]) (r :: [[Type]]).
ProductType l -> ProductType r -> ProductType (Merge l r)
mergeT ProductType x
x (NP ProductType (x : xs) -> ProductType (FoldMerge (x : xs))
forall (xss :: [[[Type]]]).
NP ProductType xss -> ProductType (FoldMerge xss)
foldMergeT (ProductType x
x' ProductType x -> NP ProductType xs -> NP ProductType (x : xs)
forall k (a :: k -> Type) (x :: k) (xs :: [k]).
a x -> NP a xs -> NP a (x : xs)
:* NP ProductType xs
newtype ProductFields a = ProductFields (Product (Fields a))
newtype ProductFieldsT a = ProductFieldsT (ProductType (Fields a))
newtype ProductConcatFieldsT a = ProductConcatFieldsT (ProductType (Concat (MapFields a)))
newtype ProductMapFieldsT a = ProductMapFieldsT (NP ProductType (MapFields a))
pureMapFields :: forall xs . (All POSable xs) => NP ProductType (MapFields xs)
pureMapFields :: NP ProductType (MapFields xs)
pureMapFields = NP ProductFieldsT xs -> NP ProductType (MapFields xs)
forall (ys :: [Type]).
NP ProductFieldsT ys -> NP ProductType (MapFields ys)
convert (NP ProductFieldsT xs -> NP ProductType (MapFields xs))
-> NP ProductFieldsT xs -> NP ProductType (MapFields xs)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ All POSable xs => NP ProductFieldsT xs
forall (xs :: [Type]). All POSable xs => NP ProductFieldsT xs
pureFields @xs
convert :: NP ProductFieldsT ys -> NP ProductType (MapFields ys)
convert :: NP ProductFieldsT ys -> NP ProductType (MapFields ys)
convert NP ProductFieldsT ys
SOP.Nil = NP ProductType (MapFields ys)
forall k (a :: k -> Type). NP a '[]
convert (ProductFieldsT ProductType (Fields x)
x :* NP ProductFieldsT xs
xs) = ProductType (Fields x)
x ProductType (Fields x)
-> NP ProductType (MapFields xs)
-> NP ProductType (Fields x : MapFields xs)
forall k (a :: k -> Type) (x :: k) (xs :: [k]).
a x -> NP a xs -> NP a (x : xs)
:* NP ProductFieldsT xs -> NP ProductType (MapFields xs)
forall (ys :: [Type]).
NP ProductFieldsT ys -> NP ProductType (MapFields ys)
convert NP ProductFieldsT xs
pureFields :: (All POSable xs) => NP ProductFieldsT xs
pureFields :: NP ProductFieldsT xs
pureFields = Proxy POSable
-> (forall a. POSable a => ProductFieldsT a)
-> NP ProductFieldsT xs
forall k (c :: k -> Constraint) (xs :: [k])
(proxy :: (k -> Constraint) -> Type) (f :: k -> Type).
All c xs =>
proxy c -> (forall (a :: k). c a => f a) -> NP f xs
cpure_NP (Proxy POSable
forall k (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy POSable) forall a. POSable a => ProductFieldsT a
pureProductFields :: forall x . (POSable x) => ProductFieldsT x
pureProductFields :: ProductFieldsT x
pureProductFields = ProductType (Fields x) -> ProductFieldsT x
forall a. ProductType (Fields a) -> ProductFieldsT a
ProductFieldsT (ProductType (Fields x) -> ProductFieldsT x)
-> ProductType (Fields x) -> ProductFieldsT x
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ POSable x => ProductType (Fields x)
forall x. POSable x => ProductType (Fields x)
emptyFields @x
pureMap2Fields :: forall xss . (All2 POSable xss) => NP (NP ProductType) (Map2Fields xss)
pureMap2Fields :: NP (NP ProductType) (Map2Fields xss)
pureMap2Fields = NP ProductMapFieldsT xss -> NP (NP ProductType) (Map2Fields xss)
forall (yss :: [[Type]]).
NP ProductMapFieldsT yss -> NP (NP ProductType) (Map2Fields yss)
convert (NP ProductMapFieldsT xss -> NP (NP ProductType) (Map2Fields xss))
-> NP ProductMapFieldsT xss -> NP (NP ProductType) (Map2Fields xss)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ All2 POSable xss => NP ProductMapFieldsT xss
forall (zss :: [[Type]]).
All2 POSable zss =>
NP ProductMapFieldsT zss
pure2Fields @xss
convert :: NP ProductMapFieldsT yss -> NP (NP ProductType) (Map2Fields yss)
convert :: NP ProductMapFieldsT yss -> NP (NP ProductType) (Map2Fields yss)
convert NP ProductMapFieldsT yss
SOP.Nil = NP (NP ProductType) (Map2Fields yss)
forall k (a :: k -> Type). NP a '[]
convert (ProductMapFieldsT NP ProductType (MapFields x)
x :* NP ProductMapFieldsT xs
xs) = NP ProductType (MapFields x)
x NP ProductType (MapFields x)
-> NP (NP ProductType) (Map2Fields xs)
-> NP (NP ProductType) (MapFields x : Map2Fields xs)
forall k (a :: k -> Type) (x :: k) (xs :: [k]).
a x -> NP a xs -> NP a (x : xs)
:* NP ProductMapFieldsT xs -> NP (NP ProductType) (Map2Fields xs)
forall (yss :: [[Type]]).
NP ProductMapFieldsT yss -> NP (NP ProductType) (Map2Fields yss)
convert NP ProductMapFieldsT xs
pure2Fields :: (All2 POSable zss) => NP ProductMapFieldsT zss
pure2Fields :: NP ProductMapFieldsT zss
pure2Fields = Proxy (All POSable)
-> (forall (a :: [Type]). All POSable a => ProductMapFieldsT a)
-> NP ProductMapFieldsT zss
forall k (c :: k -> Constraint) (xs :: [k])
(proxy :: (k -> Constraint) -> Type) (f :: k -> Type).
All c xs =>
proxy c -> (forall (a :: k). c a => f a) -> NP f xs
cpure_NP (Proxy (All POSable)
forall k (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy (All POSable)) forall (a :: [Type]). All POSable a => ProductMapFieldsT a
pureProductMapFieldsT :: forall xs . (All POSable xs) => ProductMapFieldsT xs
pureProductMapFieldsT :: ProductMapFieldsT xs
pureProductMapFieldsT = NP ProductType (MapFields xs) -> ProductMapFieldsT xs
forall (a :: [Type]).
NP ProductType (MapFields a) -> ProductMapFieldsT a
ProductMapFieldsT (NP ProductType (MapFields xs) -> ProductMapFieldsT xs)
-> NP ProductType (MapFields xs) -> ProductMapFieldsT xs
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ All POSable xs => NP ProductType (MapFields xs)
forall (xs :: [Type]).
All POSable xs =>
NP ProductType (MapFields xs)
pureMapFields @xs
pureConcatFields :: forall xss . (All2 POSable xss) => NP ProductConcatFieldsT xss
pureConcatFields :: NP ProductConcatFieldsT xss
pureConcatFields = NP ProductMapFieldsT xss -> NP ProductConcatFieldsT xss
forall (yss :: [[Type]]).
NP ProductMapFieldsT yss -> NP ProductConcatFieldsT yss
convert (NP ProductMapFieldsT xss -> NP ProductConcatFieldsT xss)
-> NP ProductMapFieldsT xss -> NP ProductConcatFieldsT xss
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ All2 POSable xss => NP ProductMapFieldsT xss
forall (zss :: [[Type]]).
All2 POSable zss =>
NP ProductMapFieldsT zss
pure2Fields @xss
convert :: NP ProductMapFieldsT yss -> NP ProductConcatFieldsT yss
convert :: NP ProductMapFieldsT yss -> NP ProductConcatFieldsT yss
convert NP ProductMapFieldsT yss
SOP.Nil = NP ProductConcatFieldsT yss
forall k (a :: k -> Type). NP a '[]
convert (ProductMapFieldsT NP ProductType (MapFields x)
x :* NP ProductMapFieldsT xs
xs) = ProductType (Concat (MapFields x)) -> ProductConcatFieldsT x
forall (a :: [Type]).
ProductType (Concat (MapFields a)) -> ProductConcatFieldsT a
ProductConcatFieldsT (NP ProductType (MapFields x) -> ProductType (Concat (MapFields x))
forall (xs :: [[[Type]]]).
NP ProductType xs -> ProductType (Concat xs)
appendsT NP ProductType (MapFields x)
x) ProductConcatFieldsT x
-> NP ProductConcatFieldsT xs -> NP ProductConcatFieldsT (x : xs)
forall k (a :: k -> Type) (x :: k) (xs :: [k]).
a x -> NP a xs -> NP a (x : xs)
:* NP ProductMapFieldsT xs -> NP ProductConcatFieldsT xs
forall (yss :: [[Type]]).
NP ProductMapFieldsT yss -> NP ProductConcatFieldsT yss
convert NP ProductMapFieldsT xs
newtype FChoices a = FChoices (Finite (Choices a))
newtype ProductsMapChoices a = ProductsMapChoices (Finite (Products (MapChoices a)))
newtype FMapChoices a = FMapChoices (NP Finite (MapChoices a))
pureChoices2 :: forall xss . (All2 KnownNat (Map2Choices xss)) => (All2 POSable xss) => NP ProductsMapChoices xss
pureChoices2 :: NP ProductsMapChoices xss
pureChoices2 = NP FMapChoices xss -> NP ProductsMapChoices xss
forall (yss :: [[Type]]).
All2 KnownNat (Map2Choices yss) =>
NP FMapChoices yss -> NP ProductsMapChoices yss
convert (NP FMapChoices xss -> NP ProductsMapChoices xss)
-> NP FMapChoices xss -> NP ProductsMapChoices xss
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ All2 POSable xss => NP FMapChoices xss
forall (xss :: [[Type]]). All2 POSable xss => NP FMapChoices xss
pure2Choices @xss
convert :: (All2 KnownNat (Map2Choices yss)) => NP FMapChoices yss -> NP ProductsMapChoices yss
convert :: NP FMapChoices yss -> NP ProductsMapChoices yss
convert NP FMapChoices yss
SOP.Nil = NP ProductsMapChoices yss
forall k (a :: k -> Type). NP a '[]
convert (FMapChoices NP Finite (MapChoices x)
x :* NP FMapChoices xs
xs) = Finite (Products (MapChoices x)) -> ProductsMapChoices x
forall (a :: [Type]).
Finite (Products (MapChoices a)) -> ProductsMapChoices a
ProductsMapChoices (NP Finite (MapChoices x) -> Finite (Products (MapChoices x))
forall (xs :: [Nat]).
All KnownNat xs =>
NP Finite xs -> Finite (Products xs)
combineProducts NP Finite (MapChoices x)
x) ProductsMapChoices x
-> NP ProductsMapChoices xs -> NP ProductsMapChoices (x : xs)
forall k (a :: k -> Type) (x :: k) (xs :: [k]).
a x -> NP a xs -> NP a (x : xs)
:* NP FMapChoices xs -> NP ProductsMapChoices xs
forall (yss :: [[Type]]).
All2 KnownNat (Map2Choices yss) =>
NP FMapChoices yss -> NP ProductsMapChoices yss
convert NP FMapChoices xs
pureMapChoices :: forall xs . (All POSable xs) => NP Finite (MapChoices xs)
pureMapChoices :: NP Finite (MapChoices xs)
pureMapChoices = NP FChoices xs -> NP Finite (MapChoices xs)
forall (ys :: [Type]). NP FChoices ys -> NP Finite (MapChoices ys)
convert (NP FChoices xs -> NP Finite (MapChoices xs))
-> NP FChoices xs -> NP Finite (MapChoices xs)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ All POSable xs => NP FChoices xs
forall (xs :: [Type]). All POSable xs => NP FChoices xs
pureChoices @xs
convert :: NP FChoices ys -> NP Finite (MapChoices ys)
convert :: NP FChoices ys -> NP Finite (MapChoices ys)
convert NP FChoices ys
SOP.Nil = NP Finite (MapChoices ys)
forall k (a :: k -> Type). NP a '[]
convert (FChoices Finite (Choices x)
x :* NP FChoices xs
xs) = Finite (Choices x)
x Finite (Choices x)
-> NP Finite (MapChoices xs)
-> NP Finite (Choices x : MapChoices xs)
forall k (a :: k -> Type) (x :: k) (xs :: [k]).
a x -> NP a xs -> NP a (x : xs)
:* NP FChoices xs -> NP Finite (MapChoices xs)
forall (ys :: [Type]). NP FChoices ys -> NP Finite (MapChoices ys)
convert NP FChoices xs
pureChoices :: (All POSable xs) => NP FChoices xs
pureChoices :: NP FChoices xs
pureChoices = Proxy POSable
-> (forall a. POSable a => FChoices a) -> NP FChoices xs
forall k (c :: k -> Constraint) (xs :: [k])
(proxy :: (k -> Constraint) -> Type) (f :: k -> Type).
All c xs =>
proxy c -> (forall (a :: k). c a => f a) -> NP f xs
cpure_NP (Proxy POSable
forall k (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy POSable) (Finite (Choices a) -> FChoices a
forall a. Finite (Choices a) -> FChoices a
FChoices Finite (Choices a)
pure2Choices :: (All2 POSable xss) => NP FMapChoices xss
pure2Choices :: NP FMapChoices xss
pure2Choices = Proxy (All POSable)
-> (forall (a :: [Type]). All POSable a => FMapChoices a)
-> NP FMapChoices xss
forall k (c :: k -> Constraint) (xs :: [k])
(proxy :: (k -> Constraint) -> Type) (f :: k -> Type).
All c xs =>
proxy c -> (forall (a :: k). c a => f a) -> NP f xs
cpure_NP (Proxy (All POSable)
forall k (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy (All POSable)) forall (a :: [Type]). All POSable a => FMapChoices a
pureFMapChoices :: forall xs . (All POSable xs) => FMapChoices xs
pureFMapChoices :: FMapChoices xs
pureFMapChoices = NP Finite (MapChoices xs) -> FMapChoices xs
forall (a :: [Type]). NP Finite (MapChoices a) -> FMapChoices a
FMapChoices (NP Finite (MapChoices xs) -> FMapChoices xs)
-> NP Finite (MapChoices xs) -> FMapChoices xs
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ All POSable xs => NP Finite (MapChoices xs)
forall (xs :: [Type]). All POSable xs => NP Finite (MapChoices xs)
pureMapChoices @xs
separateProducts :: (All KnownNat (MapChoices xs)) => ProductsMapChoices xs -> NP FChoices xs -> NP FChoices xs
separateProducts :: ProductsMapChoices xs -> NP FChoices xs -> NP FChoices xs
separateProducts ProductsMapChoices xs
_ NP FChoices xs
SOP.Nil = NP FChoices xs
forall k (a :: k -> Type). NP a '[]
separateProducts (ProductsMapChoices Finite (Products (MapChoices xs))
x) (FChoices x
_ :* NP FChoices xs
ys) = Finite (Choices x) -> FChoices x
forall a. Finite (Choices a) -> FChoices a
FChoices Finite (Choices x)
x' FChoices x -> NP FChoices xs -> NP FChoices (x : xs)
forall k (a :: k -> Type) (x :: k) (xs :: [k]).
a x -> NP a xs -> NP a (x : xs)
:* ProductsMapChoices xs -> NP FChoices xs -> NP FChoices xs
forall (xs :: [Type]).
All KnownNat (MapChoices xs) =>
ProductsMapChoices xs -> NP FChoices xs -> NP FChoices xs
separateProducts (Finite (Products (MapChoices xs)) -> ProductsMapChoices xs
forall (a :: [Type]).
Finite (Products (MapChoices a)) -> ProductsMapChoices a
ProductsMapChoices Finite (Products (MapChoices xs))
xs) NP FChoices xs
(Finite (Choices x)
x', Finite (Products (MapChoices xs))
xs) = Finite (Choices x * Products (MapChoices xs))
-> (Finite (Choices x), Finite (Products (MapChoices xs)))
forall (n :: Nat) (m :: Nat).
KnownNat n =>
Finite (n * m) -> (Finite n, Finite m)
separateProduct Finite (Choices x * Products (MapChoices xs))
Finite (Products (MapChoices xs))
zipFromPOSable :: All POSable xs => NP FChoices xs -> NP ProductFields xs -> NP I xs
zipFromPOSable :: NP FChoices xs -> NP ProductFields xs -> NP I xs
zipFromPOSable NP FChoices xs
SOP.Nil NP ProductFields xs
SOP.Nil = NP I xs
forall k (a :: k -> Type). NP a '[]
zipFromPOSable (FChoices Finite (Choices x)
c :* NP FChoices xs
cs) (ProductFields Product (Fields x)
f :* NP ProductFields xs
fs) = x -> I x
forall a. a -> I a
I (Finite (Choices x) -> Product (Fields x) -> x
forall x.
POSable x =>
Finite (Choices x) -> Product (Fields x) -> x
fromPOSable Finite (Choices x)
c Product (Fields x)
Product (Fields x)
f) I x -> NP I xs -> NP I (x : xs)
forall k (a :: k -> Type) (x :: k) (xs :: [k]).
a x -> NP a xs -> NP a (x : xs)
:* NP FChoices xs -> NP ProductFields xs -> NP I xs
forall (xs :: [Type]).
All POSable xs =>
NP FChoices xs -> NP ProductFields xs -> NP I xs
zipFromPOSable NP FChoices xs
cs NP ProductFields xs
NP ProductFields xs
foldMergeT2 :: NP ProductConcatFieldsT xss -> ProductType (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss)))
foldMergeT2 :: NP ProductConcatFieldsT xss
-> ProductType (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss)))
foldMergeT2 (ProductConcatFieldsT ProductType (Concat (MapFields x))
x :* NP ProductConcatFieldsT xs
SOP.Nil) = ProductType (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss)))
ProductType (Concat (MapFields x))
foldMergeT2 NP ProductConcatFieldsT xss
SOP.Nil = ProductType '[]
ProductType (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss)))
foldMergeT2 (ProductConcatFieldsT ProductType (Concat (MapFields x))
x :* ProductConcatFieldsT x
x' :* NP ProductConcatFieldsT xs
xs) = ProductType (Concat (MapFields x))
-> ProductType
(FoldMerge (Concat (MapFields x) : MapConcat (Map2Fields xs)))
-> ProductType
(Concat (MapFields x))
(FoldMerge (Concat (MapFields x) : MapConcat (Map2Fields xs))))
forall (l :: [[Type]]) (r :: [[Type]]).
ProductType l -> ProductType r -> ProductType (Merge l r)
mergeT ProductType (Concat (MapFields x))
x (NP ProductConcatFieldsT (x : xs)
-> ProductType (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields (x : xs))))
forall (xss :: [[Type]]).
NP ProductConcatFieldsT xss
-> ProductType (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss)))
foldMergeT2 (ProductConcatFieldsT x
x' ProductConcatFieldsT x
-> NP ProductConcatFieldsT xs -> NP ProductConcatFieldsT (x : xs)
forall k (a :: k -> Type) (x :: k) (xs :: [k]).
a x -> NP a xs -> NP a (x : xs)
:* NP ProductConcatFieldsT xs
unSums :: (All KnownNat (MapProducts (Map2Choices xs))) => Finite (Sums (MapProducts (Map2Choices xs))) -> NP ProductsMapChoices xs -> NS ProductsMapChoices xs
unSums :: Finite (Sums (MapProducts (Map2Choices xs)))
-> NP ProductsMapChoices xs -> NS ProductsMapChoices xs
unSums Finite (Sums (MapProducts (Map2Choices xs)))
_ NP ProductsMapChoices xs
SOP.Nil = [Char] -> NS ProductsMapChoices xs
forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error [Char]
"Cannot construct empty sum"
unSums Finite (Sums (MapProducts (Map2Choices xs)))
x (ProductsMapChoices x
_ :* NP ProductsMapChoices xs
ys) = case Finite
(Products (MapChoices x) + Sums (MapProducts (Map2Choices xs)))
-> Either
(Finite (Products (MapChoices x)))
(Finite (Sums (MapProducts (Map2Choices xs))))
forall (n :: Nat) (m :: Nat).
KnownNat n =>
Finite (n + m) -> Either (Finite n) (Finite m)
separateSum Finite
(Products (MapChoices x) + Sums (MapProducts (Map2Choices xs)))
Finite (Sums (MapProducts (Map2Choices xs)))
x of
Left Finite (Products (MapChoices x))
x' -> ProductsMapChoices x -> NS ProductsMapChoices (x : xs)
forall k (a :: k -> Type) (x :: k) (xs :: [k]).
a x -> NS a (x : xs)
Z (Finite (Products (MapChoices x)) -> ProductsMapChoices x
forall (a :: [Type]).
Finite (Products (MapChoices a)) -> ProductsMapChoices a
ProductsMapChoices Finite (Products (MapChoices x))
Right Finite (Sums (MapProducts (Map2Choices xs)))
x' -> NS ProductsMapChoices xs -> NS ProductsMapChoices (x : xs)
forall k (a :: k -> Type) (xs :: [k]) (x :: k).
NS a xs -> NS a (x : xs)
S (Finite (Sums (MapProducts (Map2Choices xs)))
-> NP ProductsMapChoices xs -> NS ProductsMapChoices xs
forall (xs :: [[Type]]).
All KnownNat (MapProducts (Map2Choices xs)) =>
Finite (Sums (MapProducts (Map2Choices xs)))
-> NP ProductsMapChoices xs -> NS ProductsMapChoices xs
unSums Finite (Sums (MapProducts (Map2Choices xs)))
x' NP ProductsMapChoices xs
:: forall xss .
( All2 KnownNat (Map2Choices xss)
, All2 POSable xss
) => NS ProductsMapChoices xss
-> Product (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss)))
-> NP ProductConcatFieldsT xss
-> NS (NP I) xss
mapFromPOSable :: NS ProductsMapChoices xss
-> Product (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss)))
-> NP ProductConcatFieldsT xss
-> NS (NP I) xss
mapFromPOSable (Z ProductsMapChoices x
cs) Product (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss)))
fs fts :: NP ProductConcatFieldsT xss
fts@(ProductConcatFieldsT x
_ :* ProductConcatFieldsT x
_ :* NP ProductConcatFieldsT xs
_) = NP I x -> NS (NP I) (x : x : xs)
forall k (a :: k -> Type) (x :: k) (xs :: [k]).
a x -> NS a (x : xs)
Z (NP FChoices x -> NP ProductFields x -> NP I x
forall (xs :: [Type]).
All POSable xs =>
NP FChoices xs -> NP ProductFields xs -> NP I xs
zipFromPOSable NP FChoices x
cs' ( Product (Concat (MapFields x))
-> NP ProductFieldsT x -> NP ProductFields x
forall (xs :: [Type]).
Product (Concat (MapFields xs))
-> NP ProductFieldsT xs -> NP ProductFields xs
unConcat (Product
(Concat (MapFields x))
(FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields (x : xs)))))
-> NP ProductConcatFieldsT (x : x : xs)
-> Product (Concat (MapFields x))
forall (xs :: [Type]) (xss :: [[Type]]).
(Concat (MapFields xs)) (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss))))
-> NP ProductConcatFieldsT (xs : xss)
-> Product (Concat (MapFields xs))
unMergeLeft Product (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss)))
(Concat (MapFields x))
(FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields (x : xs)))))
fs NP ProductConcatFieldsT xss
NP ProductConcatFieldsT (x : x : xs)
fts) NP ProductFieldsT x
forall (xs :: [Type]). All POSable xs => NP ProductFieldsT xs
cs' :: NP FChoices x
cs' = ProductsMapChoices x -> NP FChoices x -> NP FChoices x
forall (xs :: [Type]).
All KnownNat (MapChoices xs) =>
ProductsMapChoices xs -> NP FChoices xs -> NP FChoices xs
separateProducts ProductsMapChoices x
cs NP FChoices x
forall (xs :: [Type]). All POSable xs => NP FChoices xs
mapFromPOSable (S NS ProductsMapChoices xs
cs) Product (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss)))
fs fts :: NP ProductConcatFieldsT xss
fts@(ProductConcatFieldsT x
_ :* ProductConcatFieldsT x
_ :* NP ProductConcatFieldsT xs
_) = NS (NP I) xs -> NS (NP I) (x : xs)
forall k (a :: k -> Type) (xs :: [k]) (x :: k).
NS a xs -> NS a (x : xs)
S (NS ProductsMapChoices xs
-> Product (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xs)))
-> NP ProductConcatFieldsT xs
-> NS (NP I) xs
forall (xss :: [[Type]]).
(All2 KnownNat (Map2Choices xss), All2 POSable xss) =>
NS ProductsMapChoices xss
-> Product (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss)))
-> NP ProductConcatFieldsT xss
-> NS (NP I) xss
mapFromPOSable NS ProductsMapChoices xs
cs (Product
(Concat (MapFields x))
(FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields (x : xs)))))
-> NP ProductConcatFieldsT (x : x : xs)
-> Product (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields (x : xs))))
forall (xs :: [Type]) (xss :: [[Type]]).
(Concat (MapFields xs)) (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss))))
-> NP ProductConcatFieldsT (xs : xss)
-> Product (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss)))
unMergeRight Product (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss)))
(Concat (MapFields x))
(FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields (x : xs)))))
fs NP ProductConcatFieldsT xss
NP ProductConcatFieldsT (x : x : xs)
fts) (NP ProductConcatFieldsT (x : xs) -> NP ProductConcatFieldsT xs
forall k (f :: k -> Type) (x :: k) (xs :: [k]).
NP f (x : xs) -> NP f xs
tl NP ProductConcatFieldsT xss
NP ProductConcatFieldsT (x : xs)
mapFromPOSable (Z ProductsMapChoices x
cs) Product (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss)))
fs (ProductConcatFieldsT x
_ :* NP ProductConcatFieldsT xs
SOP.Nil) = NP I x -> NS (NP I) '[x]
forall k (a :: k -> Type) (x :: k) (xs :: [k]).
a x -> NS a (x : xs)
Z (NP FChoices x -> NP ProductFields x -> NP I x
forall (xs :: [Type]).
All POSable xs =>
NP FChoices xs -> NP ProductFields xs -> NP I xs
zipFromPOSable NP FChoices x
cs' (Product (Concat (MapFields x))
-> NP ProductFieldsT x -> NP ProductFields x
forall (xs :: [Type]).
Product (Concat (MapFields xs))
-> NP ProductFieldsT xs -> NP ProductFields xs
unConcat Product (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss)))
Product (Concat (MapFields x))
fs NP ProductFieldsT x
forall (xs :: [Type]). All POSable xs => NP ProductFieldsT xs
cs' :: NP FChoices x
cs' = ProductsMapChoices x -> NP FChoices x -> NP FChoices x
forall (xs :: [Type]).
All KnownNat (MapChoices xs) =>
ProductsMapChoices xs -> NP FChoices xs -> NP FChoices xs
separateProducts ProductsMapChoices x
cs NP FChoices x
forall (xs :: [Type]). All POSable xs => NP FChoices xs
mapFromPOSable (S NS ProductsMapChoices xs
cs) Product (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss)))
_ fts :: NP ProductConcatFieldsT xss
fts@(ProductConcatFieldsT x
_ :* NP ProductConcatFieldsT xs
SOP.Nil) = NS (NP I) xs -> NS (NP I) (x : xs)
forall k (a :: k -> Type) (xs :: [k]) (x :: k).
NS a xs -> NS a (x : xs)
S (NS ProductsMapChoices xs
-> Product (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xs)))
-> NP ProductConcatFieldsT xs
-> NS (NP I) xs
forall (xss :: [[Type]]).
(All2 KnownNat (Map2Choices xss), All2 POSable xss) =>
NS ProductsMapChoices xss
-> Product (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss)))
-> NP ProductConcatFieldsT xss
-> NS (NP I) xss
mapFromPOSable NS ProductsMapChoices xs
cs Product '[]
Product (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xs)))
Nil (NP ProductConcatFieldsT (x : xs) -> NP ProductConcatFieldsT xs
forall k (f :: k -> Type) (x :: k) (xs :: [k]).
NP f (x : xs) -> NP f xs
tl NP ProductConcatFieldsT xss
NP ProductConcatFieldsT (x : xs)
unConcat :: Product (Concat (MapFields xs)) -> NP ProductFieldsT xs -> NP ProductFields xs
unConcat :: Product (Concat (MapFields xs))
-> NP ProductFieldsT xs -> NP ProductFields xs
unConcat Product (Concat (MapFields xs))
Nil NP ProductFieldsT xs
SOP.Nil = NP ProductFields xs
forall k (a :: k -> Type). NP a '[]
unConcat Product (Concat (MapFields xs))
xs (ProductFieldsT ProductType (Fields x)
ys :* NP ProductFieldsT xs
yss) = Product (Fields x) -> ProductFields x
forall a. Product (Fields a) -> ProductFields a
ProductFields Product (Fields x)
x' ProductFields x -> NP ProductFields xs -> NP ProductFields (x : xs)
forall k (a :: k -> Type) (x :: k) (xs :: [k]).
a x -> NP a xs -> NP a (x : xs)
:* Product (Concat (MapFields xs))
-> NP ProductFieldsT xs -> NP ProductFields xs
forall (xs :: [Type]).
Product (Concat (MapFields xs))
-> NP ProductFieldsT xs -> NP ProductFields xs
unConcat Product (Concat (MapFields xs))
xs' NP ProductFieldsT xs
(Product (Fields x)
x', Product (Concat (MapFields xs))
xs') = Product (Fields x ++ Concat (MapFields xs))
-> ProductType (Fields x)
-> (Product (Fields x), Product (Concat (MapFields xs)))
forall (x :: [[Type]]) (y :: [[Type]]).
Product (x ++ y) -> ProductType x -> (Product x, Product y)
unConcatP Product (Concat (MapFields xs))
Product (Fields x ++ Concat (MapFields xs))
xs ProductType (Fields x)
unMergeLeft :: forall xs xss . Product (Merge (Concat (MapFields xs)) (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss)))) -> NP ProductConcatFieldsT (xs ': xss) -> Product (Concat (MapFields xs))
unMergeLeft :: Product
(Concat (MapFields xs)) (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss))))
-> NP ProductConcatFieldsT (xs : xss)
-> Product (Concat (MapFields xs))
unMergeLeft Product
(Concat (MapFields xs)) (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss))))
xs (ProductConcatFieldsT ProductType (Concat (MapFields x))
y :* NP ProductConcatFieldsT xs
ys) = Product
(Concat (MapFields xs)) (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss))))
-> ProductType (Concat (MapFields xs))
-> ProductType (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss)))
-> Product (Concat (MapFields xs))
forall (l :: [[Type]]) (r :: [[Type]]).
Product (Merge l r) -> ProductType l -> ProductType r -> Product l
splitLeft Product
(Concat (MapFields xs)) (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss))))
xs ProductType (Concat (MapFields xs))
ProductType (Concat (MapFields x))
y (NP ProductConcatFieldsT xss
-> ProductType (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss)))
forall (xss :: [[Type]]).
NP ProductConcatFieldsT xss
-> ProductType (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss)))
foldMergeT2 @xss NP ProductConcatFieldsT xss
NP ProductConcatFieldsT xs
unMergeRight :: forall xs xss . Product (Merge (Concat (MapFields xs)) (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss)))) -> NP ProductConcatFieldsT (xs ': xss) -> Product (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss)))
unMergeRight :: Product
(Concat (MapFields xs)) (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss))))
-> NP ProductConcatFieldsT (xs : xss)
-> Product (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss)))
unMergeRight Product
(Concat (MapFields xs)) (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss))))
xs (ProductConcatFieldsT ProductType (Concat (MapFields x))
y :* NP ProductConcatFieldsT xs
ys) = Product
(Concat (MapFields xs)) (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss))))
-> ProductType (Concat (MapFields xs))
-> ProductType (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss)))
-> Product (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss)))
forall (l :: [[Type]]) (r :: [[Type]]).
Product (Merge l r) -> ProductType l -> ProductType r -> Product r
splitRight Product
(Concat (MapFields xs)) (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss))))
xs ProductType (Concat (MapFields xs))
ProductType (Concat (MapFields x))
y (NP ProductConcatFieldsT xss
-> ProductType (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss)))
forall (xss :: [[Type]]).
NP ProductConcatFieldsT xss
-> ProductType (FoldMerge (MapConcat (Map2Fields xss)))
foldMergeT2 @xss NP ProductConcatFieldsT xss
NP ProductConcatFieldsT xs