{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitNamespaces #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Generics.POSable.Representation
( type (++)
, ProductType(..)
, concatPT
, Product(..)
, concatP
, SumType(..)
, Sum(..)
, Merge
, FoldMerge
, MapConcat
, Concat
, Ground(..)
, mergeT
, merge
, splitLeft
, splitRight
, unConcatP
, Undef(..)
) where
import Data.Kind
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import GHC.Generics as GHC
import Generics.SOP as SOP (All, All2, Generic)
type family (++) (xs :: [k]) (ys :: [k]) :: [k] where
'[] ++ ys = ys
(x ': xs) ++ ys = x ': xs ++ ys
infixr 5 ++
class (Typeable a) => Ground a where
mkGround :: a
data ProductType :: [[Type]] -> Type where
PTNil :: ProductType '[]
PTCons :: SumType x -> ProductType xs -> ProductType (x ': xs)
instance (All2 Show (Map2TypeRep xs)) => Show (ProductType xs) where
show :: ProductType xs -> String
show ProductType xs
PTNil = String
show (PTCons SumType x
a ProductType xs
as) = String
"PTCons" String -> ShowS
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ SumType x -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show SumType x
a String -> ShowS
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ String
" (" String -> ShowS
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ ProductType xs -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show ProductType xs
as String -> ShowS
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ String
concatPT :: ProductType x -> ProductType y -> ProductType (x ++ y)
concatPT :: ProductType x -> ProductType y -> ProductType (x ++ y)
concatPT ProductType x
PTNil ProductType y
ys = ProductType y
ProductType (x ++ y)
concatPT (PTCons SumType x
x ProductType xs
xs) ProductType y
ys = SumType x -> ProductType (xs ++ y) -> ProductType (x : (xs ++ y))
forall (xs :: [Type]) (xs :: [[Type]]).
SumType xs -> ProductType xs -> ProductType (xs : xs)
PTCons SumType x
x (ProductType xs -> ProductType y -> ProductType (xs ++ y)
forall (x :: [[Type]]) (y :: [[Type]]).
ProductType x -> ProductType y -> ProductType (x ++ y)
concatPT ProductType xs
xs ProductType y
data Product :: [[Type]] -> Type where
Nil :: Product '[]
Cons :: Sum x -> Product xs -> Product (x ': xs)
deriving instance (All2 Eq xs) => Eq (Product xs)
instance (All2 Show xs) => Show (Product xs) where
show :: Product xs -> String
show Product xs
Nil = String
show (Cons Sum x
a Product xs
as) = String
"Cons " String -> ShowS
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ Sum x -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show Sum x
a String -> ShowS
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ String
" (" String -> ShowS
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ Product xs -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show Product xs
as String -> ShowS
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ String
concatP :: Product x -> Product y -> Product (x ++ y)
concatP :: Product x -> Product y -> Product (x ++ y)
concatP Product x
Nil Product y
ys = Product y
Product (x ++ y)
concatP (Cons Sum x
x Product xs
xs) Product y
ys = Sum x -> Product (xs ++ y) -> Product (x : (xs ++ y))
forall (xs :: [Type]) (xs :: [[Type]]).
Sum xs -> Product xs -> Product (xs : xs)
Cons Sum x
x (Product xs -> Product y -> Product (xs ++ y)
forall (x :: [[Type]]) (y :: [[Type]]).
Product x -> Product y -> Product (x ++ y)
concatP Product xs
xs Product y
data SumType :: [Type] -> Type where
STSucc :: (Ground x) => x -> SumType xs -> SumType (x ': xs)
STZero :: SumType '[]
data Sum :: [Type] -> Type where
Pick :: (Ground x) => x -> Sum (x ': xs)
Skip :: (Ground x) => Sum xs -> Sum (x ': xs)
data Undef = Undef
deriving (Undef -> Undef -> Bool
(Undef -> Undef -> Bool) -> (Undef -> Undef -> Bool) -> Eq Undef
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: Undef -> Undef -> Bool
$c/= :: Undef -> Undef -> Bool
== :: Undef -> Undef -> Bool
$c== :: Undef -> Undef -> Bool
Eq, Int -> Undef -> ShowS
[Undef] -> ShowS
Undef -> String
(Int -> Undef -> ShowS)
-> (Undef -> String) -> ([Undef] -> ShowS) -> Show Undef
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
showList :: [Undef] -> ShowS
$cshowList :: [Undef] -> ShowS
show :: Undef -> String
$cshow :: Undef -> String
showsPrec :: Int -> Undef -> ShowS
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> Undef -> ShowS
Show, (forall x. Undef -> Rep Undef x)
-> (forall x. Rep Undef x -> Undef) -> Generic Undef
forall x. Rep Undef x -> Undef
forall x. Undef -> Rep Undef x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cto :: forall x. Rep Undef x -> Undef
$cfrom :: forall x. Undef -> Rep Undef x
GHC.Generic, All SListI (Code Undef)
All SListI (Code Undef)
-> (Undef -> Rep Undef) -> (Rep Undef -> Undef) -> Generic Undef
Rep Undef -> Undef
Undef -> Rep Undef
forall a.
All SListI (Code a) -> (a -> Rep a) -> (Rep a -> a) -> Generic a
to :: Rep Undef -> Undef
$cto :: Rep Undef -> Undef
from :: Undef -> Rep Undef
$cfrom :: Undef -> Rep Undef
$cp1Generic :: All SListI (Code Undef)
instance Ground Undef where
mkGround :: Undef
mkGround = Undef
deriving instance (All Eq xs) => Eq (Sum xs)
type family MapTypeRep (xs :: [Type]) :: [Type] where
MapTypeRep '[] = '[]
MapTypeRep (x ': xs) = x ': MapTypeRep xs
type family Map2TypeRep (xss :: [[Type]]) :: [[Type]] where
Map2TypeRep '[] = '[]
Map2TypeRep (x ': xs) = MapTypeRep x ': Map2TypeRep xs
instance (All Show (MapTypeRep xs)) => Show (SumType xs) where
show :: SumType xs -> String
show (STSucc x
x SumType xs
xs) = String
"STSucc" String -> ShowS
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ x -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show x
x String -> ShowS
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ String
"(" String -> ShowS
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ SumType xs -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show SumType xs
xs String -> ShowS
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ String
show SumType xs
STZero = String
instance (All Show x) => Show (Sum x) where
show :: Sum x -> String
show (Pick x
x) = String
"Pick " String -> ShowS
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ x -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show x
show (Skip Sum xs
x) = String
"Skip " String -> ShowS
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ Sum xs -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show Sum xs
data A
data B
data C
data D
data E
data F
data G
data H
type family Concat (xss :: [[x]]) :: [x] where
Concat '[] = '[]
Concat (xs ': xss) = xs ++ Concat xss
type family MapConcat (xsss :: [[[x]]]) :: [[x]] where
MapConcat '[] = '[]
MapConcat (xss ': xsss) = Concat xss ': MapConcat xsss
type family Merge (xs :: [[Type]]) (ys :: [[Type]]) :: [[Type]] where
Merge '[] '[] = '[]
Merge '[] (b ': bs) = (Undef ': b) ': Merge '[] bs
Merge (a ': as) '[] = (a ++ '[Undef]) ': Merge as '[]
Merge (a ': as) (b ': bs) = (a ++ b) ': Merge as bs
type family FoldMerge (xss :: [[[Type]]]) :: [[Type]] where
FoldMerge '[a] = a
FoldMerge (a ': as) = Merge a (FoldMerge as)
FoldMerge '[] = '[]
zipSumRight :: ProductType l -> Product r -> Product (Merge l r)
zipSumRight :: ProductType l -> Product r -> Product (Merge l r)
zipSumRight ProductType l
PTNil Product r
Nil = Product '[]
Product (Merge l r)
zipSumRight ProductType l
PTNil (Cons Sum x
y Product xs
ys) = Sum (Undef : x)
-> Product (Merge '[] xs) -> Product ((Undef : x) : Merge '[] xs)
forall (xs :: [Type]) (xs :: [[Type]]).
Sum xs -> Product xs -> Product (xs : xs)
Cons (Sum x -> Sum (Undef : x)
forall (r :: [Type]). Sum r -> Sum (Undef : r)
takeRightUndef Sum x
y) (ProductType '[] -> Product xs -> Product (Merge '[] xs)
forall (l :: [[Type]]) (r :: [[Type]]).
ProductType l -> Product r -> Product (Merge l r)
zipSumRight ProductType '[]
PTNil Product xs
zipSumRight (PTCons SumType x
x ProductType xs
xs) Product r
Nil = Sum (x ++ '[Undef])
-> Product (Merge xs '[])
-> Product ((x ++ '[Undef]) : Merge xs '[])
forall (xs :: [Type]) (xs :: [[Type]]).
Sum xs -> Product xs -> Product (xs : xs)
Cons (SumType x -> Sum (x ++ '[Undef])
forall (x :: [Type]). SumType x -> Sum (x ++ '[Undef])
makeUndefRight SumType x
x) (ProductType xs -> Product '[] -> Product (Merge xs '[])
forall (l :: [[Type]]) (r :: [[Type]]).
ProductType l -> Product r -> Product (Merge l r)
zipSumRight ProductType xs
xs Product '[]
zipSumRight (PTCons SumType x
x ProductType xs
xs) (Cons Sum x
y Product xs
ys) = Sum (x ++ x)
-> Product (Merge xs xs) -> Product ((x ++ x) : Merge xs xs)
forall (xs :: [Type]) (xs :: [[Type]]).
Sum xs -> Product xs -> Product (xs : xs)
Cons (SumType x -> Sum x -> Sum (x ++ x)
forall (l :: [Type]) (r :: [Type]).
SumType l -> Sum r -> Sum (l ++ r)
takeRight SumType x
x Sum x
y) (ProductType xs -> Product xs -> Product (Merge xs xs)
forall (l :: [[Type]]) (r :: [[Type]]).
ProductType l -> Product r -> Product (Merge l r)
zipSumRight ProductType xs
xs Product xs
makeUndefRight :: SumType x -> Sum (x ++ '[Undef])
makeUndefRight :: SumType x -> Sum (x ++ '[Undef])
makeUndefRight (STSucc x
_ SumType xs
xs) = Sum (xs ++ '[Undef]) -> Sum (x : (xs ++ '[Undef]))
forall xs (x :: [Type]). Ground xs => Sum x -> Sum (xs : x)
Skip (SumType xs -> Sum (xs ++ '[Undef])
forall (x :: [Type]). SumType x -> Sum (x ++ '[Undef])
makeUndefRight SumType xs
makeUndefRight SumType x
STZero = Undef -> Sum '[Undef]
forall x (xs :: [Type]). Ground x => x -> Sum (x : xs)
Pick Undef
makeUndefLeft :: SumType x -> Sum (Undef ': x)
makeUndefLeft :: SumType x -> Sum (Undef : x)
makeUndefLeft SumType x
_ = Undef -> Sum (Undef : x)
forall x (xs :: [Type]). Ground x => x -> Sum (x : xs)
Pick Undef
takeRightUndef :: Sum r -> Sum (Undef ': r)
takeRightUndef :: Sum r -> Sum (Undef : r)
takeRightUndef = Sum r -> Sum (Undef : r)
forall xs (x :: [Type]). Ground xs => Sum x -> Sum (xs : x)
takeLeftUndef :: Sum x -> Sum (x ++ '[Undef])
takeLeftUndef :: Sum x -> Sum (x ++ '[Undef])
takeLeftUndef (Pick x
x) = x -> Sum (x : (xs ++ '[Undef]))
forall x (xs :: [Type]). Ground x => x -> Sum (x : xs)
Pick x
takeLeftUndef (Skip Sum xs
xs) = Sum (xs ++ '[Undef]) -> Sum (x : (xs ++ '[Undef]))
forall xs (x :: [Type]). Ground xs => Sum x -> Sum (xs : x)
Skip (Sum xs -> Sum (xs ++ '[Undef])
forall (x :: [Type]). Sum x -> Sum (x ++ '[Undef])
takeLeftUndef Sum xs
merge :: Either (Product l, ProductType r) (ProductType l, Product r) -> Product (Merge l r)
merge :: Either (Product l, ProductType r) (ProductType l, Product r)
-> Product (Merge l r)
merge (Left (Product l
l, ProductType r
r)) = Product l -> ProductType r -> Product (Merge l r)
forall (l :: [[Type]]) (r :: [[Type]]).
Product l -> ProductType r -> Product (Merge l r)
zipSumLeft Product l
l ProductType r
merge (Right (ProductType l
l, Product r
r)) = ProductType l -> Product r -> Product (Merge l r)
forall (l :: [[Type]]) (r :: [[Type]]).
ProductType l -> Product r -> Product (Merge l r)
zipSumRight ProductType l
l Product r
zipSumLeft :: Product l -> ProductType r -> Product (Merge l r)
zipSumLeft :: Product l -> ProductType r -> Product (Merge l r)
zipSumLeft Product l
Nil ProductType r
PTNil = Product '[]
Product (Merge l r)
zipSumLeft Product l
Nil (PTCons SumType x
y ProductType xs
ys) = Sum (Undef : x)
-> Product (Merge '[] xs) -> Product ((Undef : x) : Merge '[] xs)
forall (xs :: [Type]) (xs :: [[Type]]).
Sum xs -> Product xs -> Product (xs : xs)
Cons (SumType x -> Sum (Undef : x)
forall (x :: [Type]). SumType x -> Sum (Undef : x)
makeUndefLeft SumType x
y) (Product '[] -> ProductType xs -> Product (Merge '[] xs)
forall (l :: [[Type]]) (r :: [[Type]]).
Product l -> ProductType r -> Product (Merge l r)
zipSumLeft Product '[]
Nil ProductType xs
zipSumLeft (Cons Sum x
x Product xs
xs) ProductType r
PTNil = Sum (x ++ '[Undef])
-> Product (Merge xs '[])
-> Product ((x ++ '[Undef]) : Merge xs '[])
forall (xs :: [Type]) (xs :: [[Type]]).
Sum xs -> Product xs -> Product (xs : xs)
Cons (Sum x -> Sum (x ++ '[Undef])
forall (x :: [Type]). Sum x -> Sum (x ++ '[Undef])
takeLeftUndef Sum x
x) (Product xs -> ProductType '[] -> Product (Merge xs '[])
forall (l :: [[Type]]) (r :: [[Type]]).
Product l -> ProductType r -> Product (Merge l r)
zipSumLeft Product xs
xs ProductType '[]
zipSumLeft (Cons Sum x
x Product xs
xs) (PTCons SumType x
y ProductType xs
ys) = Sum (x ++ x)
-> Product (Merge xs xs) -> Product ((x ++ x) : Merge xs xs)
forall (xs :: [Type]) (xs :: [[Type]]).
Sum xs -> Product xs -> Product (xs : xs)
Cons (Sum x -> SumType x -> Sum (x ++ x)
forall (l :: [Type]) (r :: [Type]).
Sum l -> SumType r -> Sum (l ++ r)
takeLeft Sum x
x SumType x
y) (Product xs -> ProductType xs -> Product (Merge xs xs)
forall (l :: [[Type]]) (r :: [[Type]]).
Product l -> ProductType r -> Product (Merge l r)
zipSumLeft Product xs
xs ProductType xs
mergeT :: ProductType l -> ProductType r -> ProductType (Merge l r)
mergeT :: ProductType l -> ProductType r -> ProductType (Merge l r)
mergeT ProductType l
PTNil ProductType r
PTNil = ProductType '[]
ProductType (Merge l r)
mergeT ProductType l
PTNil (PTCons SumType x
y ProductType xs
ys) = SumType (Undef : x)
-> ProductType (Merge '[] xs)
-> ProductType ((Undef : x) : Merge '[] xs)
forall (xs :: [Type]) (xs :: [[Type]]).
SumType xs -> ProductType xs -> ProductType (xs : xs)
PTCons (SumType x -> SumType (Undef : x)
forall (x :: [Type]). SumType x -> SumType (Undef : x)
makeUndefLeftT SumType x
y) (ProductType '[] -> ProductType xs -> ProductType (Merge '[] xs)
forall (l :: [[Type]]) (r :: [[Type]]).
ProductType l -> ProductType r -> ProductType (Merge l r)
mergeT ProductType '[]
PTNil ProductType xs
mergeT (PTCons SumType x
x ProductType xs
xs) ProductType r
PTNil = SumType (x ++ '[Undef])
-> ProductType (Merge xs '[])
-> ProductType ((x ++ '[Undef]) : Merge xs '[])
forall (xs :: [Type]) (xs :: [[Type]]).
SumType xs -> ProductType xs -> ProductType (xs : xs)
PTCons (SumType x -> SumType (x ++ '[Undef])
forall (x :: [Type]). SumType x -> SumType (x ++ '[Undef])
makeUndefRightT SumType x
x) (ProductType xs -> ProductType '[] -> ProductType (Merge xs '[])
forall (l :: [[Type]]) (r :: [[Type]]).
ProductType l -> ProductType r -> ProductType (Merge l r)
mergeT ProductType xs
xs ProductType '[]
mergeT (PTCons SumType x
x ProductType xs
xs) (PTCons SumType x
y ProductType xs
ys) = SumType (x ++ x)
-> ProductType (Merge xs xs)
-> ProductType ((x ++ x) : Merge xs xs)
forall (xs :: [Type]) (xs :: [[Type]]).
SumType xs -> ProductType xs -> ProductType (xs : xs)
PTCons (SumType x -> SumType x -> SumType (x ++ x)
forall (l :: [Type]) (r :: [Type]).
SumType l -> SumType r -> SumType (l ++ r)
takeST SumType x
x SumType x
y) (ProductType xs -> ProductType xs -> ProductType (Merge xs xs)
forall (l :: [[Type]]) (r :: [[Type]]).
ProductType l -> ProductType r -> ProductType (Merge l r)
mergeT ProductType xs
xs ProductType xs
makeUndefRightT :: SumType x -> SumType (x ++ '[Undef])
makeUndefRightT :: SumType x -> SumType (x ++ '[Undef])
makeUndefRightT (STSucc x
x SumType xs
xs) = x -> SumType (xs ++ '[Undef]) -> SumType (x : (xs ++ '[Undef]))
forall x (xs :: [Type]).
Ground x =>
x -> SumType xs -> SumType (x : xs)
STSucc x
x (SumType xs -> SumType (xs ++ '[Undef])
forall (x :: [Type]). SumType x -> SumType (x ++ '[Undef])
makeUndefRightT SumType xs
makeUndefRightT SumType x
STZero = Undef -> SumType '[] -> SumType '[Undef]
forall x (xs :: [Type]).
Ground x =>
x -> SumType xs -> SumType (x : xs)
STSucc Undef
Undef SumType '[]
makeUndefLeftT :: SumType x -> SumType (Undef ': x)
makeUndefLeftT :: SumType x -> SumType (Undef : x)
makeUndefLeftT = Undef -> SumType x -> SumType (Undef : x)
forall x (xs :: [Type]).
Ground x =>
x -> SumType xs -> SumType (x : xs)
STSucc Undef
takeST :: SumType l -> SumType r -> SumType (l ++ r)
takeST :: SumType l -> SumType r -> SumType (l ++ r)
takeST (STSucc x
l SumType xs
ls) SumType r
rs = x -> SumType (xs ++ r) -> SumType (x : (xs ++ r))
forall x (xs :: [Type]).
Ground x =>
x -> SumType xs -> SumType (x : xs)
STSucc x
l (SumType xs -> SumType r -> SumType (xs ++ r)
forall (l :: [Type]) (r :: [Type]).
SumType l -> SumType r -> SumType (l ++ r)
takeST SumType xs
ls SumType r
takeST SumType l
STZero SumType r
rs = SumType r
SumType (l ++ r)
takeLeft :: Sum l -> SumType r -> Sum (l ++ r)
takeLeft :: Sum l -> SumType r -> Sum (l ++ r)
takeLeft (Pick x
l) SumType r
_ = x -> Sum (x : (xs ++ r))
forall x (xs :: [Type]). Ground x => x -> Sum (x : xs)
Pick x
takeLeft (Skip Sum xs
ls) SumType r
rs = Sum (xs ++ r) -> Sum (x : (xs ++ r))
forall xs (x :: [Type]). Ground xs => Sum x -> Sum (xs : x)
Skip (Sum xs -> SumType r -> Sum (xs ++ r)
forall (l :: [Type]) (r :: [Type]).
Sum l -> SumType r -> Sum (l ++ r)
takeLeft Sum xs
ls SumType r
takeRight :: SumType l -> Sum r -> Sum (l ++ r)
takeRight :: SumType l -> Sum r -> Sum (l ++ r)
takeRight (STSucc x
_ SumType xs
ls) Sum r
rs = Sum (xs ++ r) -> Sum (x : (xs ++ r))
forall xs (x :: [Type]). Ground xs => Sum x -> Sum (xs : x)
Skip (SumType xs -> Sum r -> Sum (xs ++ r)
forall (l :: [Type]) (r :: [Type]).
SumType l -> Sum r -> Sum (l ++ r)
takeRight SumType xs
ls Sum r
takeRight SumType l
STZero Sum r
rs = Sum r
Sum (l ++ r)
splitRight :: Product (Merge l r) -> ProductType l -> ProductType r -> Product r
splitRight :: Product (Merge l r) -> ProductType l -> ProductType r -> Product r
splitRight (Cons Sum x
x Product xs
xs) ProductType l
PTNil (PTCons SumType x
_ ProductType xs
rs) = Sum x -> Product xs -> Product (x : xs)
forall (xs :: [Type]) (xs :: [[Type]]).
Sum xs -> Product xs -> Product (xs : xs)
Cons (Sum (Undef : x) -> Sum x
forall (x :: [Type]). Sum (Undef : x) -> Sum x
removeUndefLeft Sum x
Sum (Undef : x)
x) (Product (Merge '[] xs)
-> ProductType '[] -> ProductType xs -> Product xs
forall (l :: [[Type]]) (r :: [[Type]]).
Product (Merge l r) -> ProductType l -> ProductType r -> Product r
splitRight Product xs
Product (Merge '[] xs)
xs ProductType '[]
PTNil ProductType xs
splitRight Product (Merge l r)
_ ProductType l
_ ProductType r
PTNil = Product r
Product '[]
splitRight (Cons Sum x
x Product xs
xs) (PTCons SumType x
l ProductType xs
ls) (PTCons SumType x
r ProductType xs
rs) = Sum x -> Product xs -> Product (x : xs)
forall (xs :: [Type]) (xs :: [[Type]]).
Sum xs -> Product xs -> Product (xs : xs)
Cons (Sum (x ++ x) -> SumType x -> SumType x -> Sum x
forall (l :: [Type]) (r :: [Type]).
Sum (l ++ r) -> SumType l -> SumType r -> Sum r
splitSumRight Sum x
Sum (x ++ x)
x SumType x
l SumType x
r) (Product (Merge xs xs)
-> ProductType xs -> ProductType xs -> Product xs
forall (l :: [[Type]]) (r :: [[Type]]).
Product (Merge l r) -> ProductType l -> ProductType r -> Product r
splitRight Product xs
Product (Merge xs xs)
xs ProductType xs
ls ProductType xs
removeUndefLeft :: Sum (Undef ': x) -> Sum x
removeUndefLeft :: Sum (Undef : x) -> Sum x
removeUndefLeft (Pick x
Undef) = String -> Sum x
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
error String
"Undefined value where I expected an actual value"
removeUndefLeft (Skip Sum xs
xs) = Sum x
Sum xs
removeUndefRight :: SumType x -> Sum (x ++ '[Undef]) -> Sum x
removeUndefRight :: SumType x -> Sum (x ++ '[Undef]) -> Sum x
removeUndefRight SumType x
STZero Sum (x ++ '[Undef])
_ = String -> Sum x
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
error String
"Undefined value where I expected an actual value"
removeUndefRight (STSucc x
_ SumType xs
_) (Pick x
y) = x -> Sum (x : xs)
forall x (xs :: [Type]). Ground x => x -> Sum (x : xs)
Pick x
removeUndefRight (STSucc x
_ SumType xs
xs) (Skip Sum xs
ys) = Sum xs -> Sum (x : xs)
forall xs (x :: [Type]). Ground xs => Sum x -> Sum (xs : x)
Skip (SumType xs -> Sum (xs ++ '[Undef]) -> Sum xs
forall (x :: [Type]). SumType x -> Sum (x ++ '[Undef]) -> Sum x
removeUndefRight SumType xs
xs Sum xs
Sum (xs ++ '[Undef])
splitLeft :: Product (Merge l r) -> ProductType l -> ProductType r -> Product l
splitLeft :: Product (Merge l r) -> ProductType l -> ProductType r -> Product l
splitLeft Product (Merge l r)
_ ProductType l
PTNil ProductType r
_ = Product l
Product '[]
splitLeft (Cons Sum x
x Product xs
xs) (PTCons SumType x
l ProductType xs
ls) ProductType r
PTNil = Sum x -> Product xs -> Product (x : xs)
forall (xs :: [Type]) (xs :: [[Type]]).
Sum xs -> Product xs -> Product (xs : xs)
Cons (SumType x -> Sum (x ++ '[Undef]) -> Sum x
forall (x :: [Type]). SumType x -> Sum (x ++ '[Undef]) -> Sum x
removeUndefRight SumType x
l Sum x
Sum (x ++ '[Undef])
x) (Product (Merge xs '[])
-> ProductType xs -> ProductType '[] -> Product xs
forall (l :: [[Type]]) (r :: [[Type]]).
Product (Merge l r) -> ProductType l -> ProductType r -> Product l
splitLeft Product xs
Product (Merge xs '[])
xs ProductType xs
ls ProductType '[]
splitLeft (Cons Sum x
x Product xs
xs) (PTCons SumType x
l ProductType xs
ls) (PTCons SumType x
r ProductType xs
rs) = Sum x -> Product xs -> Product (x : xs)
forall (xs :: [Type]) (xs :: [[Type]]).
Sum xs -> Product xs -> Product (xs : xs)
Cons (Sum (x ++ x) -> SumType x -> SumType x -> Sum x
forall (l :: [Type]) (r :: [Type]).
Sum (l ++ r) -> SumType l -> SumType r -> Sum l
splitSumLeft Sum x
Sum (x ++ x)
x SumType x
l SumType x
r) (Product (Merge xs xs)
-> ProductType xs -> ProductType xs -> Product xs
forall (l :: [[Type]]) (r :: [[Type]]).
Product (Merge l r) -> ProductType l -> ProductType r -> Product l
splitLeft Product xs
Product (Merge xs xs)
xs ProductType xs
ls ProductType xs
splitSumRight :: Sum (l ++ r) -> SumType l -> SumType r -> Sum r
splitSumRight :: Sum (l ++ r) -> SumType l -> SumType r -> Sum r
splitSumRight Sum (l ++ r)
xs SumType l
STZero SumType r
_ = Sum r
Sum (l ++ r)
splitSumRight (Pick x
_) (STSucc x
_ SumType xs
_) SumType r
_ = String -> Sum r
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
error String
"No value found in right side of Sum"
splitSumRight (Skip Sum xs
xs) (STSucc x
_ SumType xs
ls) SumType r
rs = Sum (xs ++ r) -> SumType xs -> SumType r -> Sum r
forall (l :: [Type]) (r :: [Type]).
Sum (l ++ r) -> SumType l -> SumType r -> Sum r
splitSumRight Sum xs
Sum (xs ++ r)
xs SumType xs
ls SumType r
splitSumLeft :: Sum (l ++ r) -> SumType l -> SumType r -> Sum l
splitSumLeft :: Sum (l ++ r) -> SumType l -> SumType r -> Sum l
splitSumLeft (Pick x
x) (STSucc x
_ SumType xs
_) SumType r
_ = x -> Sum (x : xs)
forall x (xs :: [Type]). Ground x => x -> Sum (x : xs)
Pick x
splitSumLeft Sum (l ++ r)
_ SumType l
STZero SumType r
_ = String -> Sum l
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
error String
"No value value found in left side of Sum"
splitSumLeft (Skip Sum xs
xs) (STSucc x
_ SumType xs
ls) SumType r
rs = Sum xs -> Sum (x : xs)
forall xs (x :: [Type]). Ground xs => Sum x -> Sum (xs : x)
Skip (Sum xs -> Sum (x : xs)) -> Sum xs -> Sum (x : xs)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Sum (xs ++ r) -> SumType xs -> SumType r -> Sum xs
forall (l :: [Type]) (r :: [Type]).
Sum (l ++ r) -> SumType l -> SumType r -> Sum l
splitSumLeft Sum xs
Sum (xs ++ r)
xs SumType xs
ls SumType r
unConcatP :: Product (x ++ y) -> ProductType x -> (Product x, Product y)
unConcatP :: Product (x ++ y) -> ProductType x -> (Product x, Product y)
unConcatP Product (x ++ y)
xs ProductType x
PTNil = (Product x
Product '[]
Nil, Product y
Product (x ++ y)
unConcatP (Cons Sum x
x Product xs
xs) (PTCons SumType x
_ ProductType xs
ts) = (Sum x -> Product xs -> Product (x : xs)
forall (xs :: [Type]) (xs :: [[Type]]).
Sum xs -> Product xs -> Product (xs : xs)
Cons Sum x
x Product xs
xs', Product y
(Product xs
xs', Product y
ys') = Product (xs ++ y) -> ProductType xs -> (Product xs, Product y)
forall (x :: [[Type]]) (y :: [[Type]]).
Product (x ++ y) -> ProductType x -> (Product x, Product y)
unConcatP Product xs
Product (xs ++ y)
xs ProductType xs