lean-bindings-0.1: Haskell bindings to the Lean Theorem Prover.

Copyright(c) Galois Inc, 2015
Maintainerjhendrix@galois.com, lcasburn@galois.com
Safe HaskellTrustworthy




Internal declarations for Lean universe values together with typeclass instances for Univ.



data Univ Source

A Lean universe level


Eq Univ Source 
Ord Univ Source 
Show Univ Source 
IsLeanValue Univ (Ptr Univ) Source 
IsList (List Univ) Source

Allow (List Univ) to use OverloadedLists extensions.

Eq (List Univ) Source 
Show (List Univ) Source 
IsListIso (List Univ) Source 
IsLeanValue (List Univ) (Ptr (List Univ)) Source 
data List Univ = ListUniv (ForeignPtr (List Univ)) Source

A list of universes (constructor not actually exported)

type Item (List Univ) = Univ Source 

showUniv :: Univ -> String Source

Show a universe.

showUnivUsing :: Univ -> Options -> String Source

Show a universe with the given options.

univLt :: Univ -> Univ -> Bool Source

Total ordering over universes using structural equality.

Internal Operations

type UnivPtr = Ptr Univ Source

Haskell type for lean_univ FFI parameters.

type OutUnivPtr = Ptr UnivPtr Source

Haskell type for lean_univ* FFI parameters.

withUniv :: Univ -> (Ptr Univ -> IO a) -> IO a Source

Function c2hs uses to pass Univ values to Lean

type ListUniv = List Univ Source

Synonym for List Expr that can be used in c2hs bindings

type ListUnivPtr = Ptr ListUniv Source

Haskell type for lean_list_univ FFI parameters.

type OutListUnivPtr = Ptr ListUnivPtr Source

Haskell type for lean_list_univ* FFI parameters.

withListUniv :: ListUniv -> (Ptr ListUniv -> IO a) -> IO a Source

Function c2hs uses to pass ListUniv values to Lean