lean-bindings-0.1: Haskell bindings to the Lean Theorem Prover.

Copyright(c) Galois Inc, 2015
Maintainerjhendrix@galois.com, lcasburn@galois.com
Safe HaskellSafe




Internal operations for working with Lean exceptions.



data LeanExceptionKind Source

Information about the Kind of exception thrown.

FFI types

type ExceptionPtr = Ptr LeanException Source

Pointer used as input parameter for exceptions in FFI bindings

type OutExceptionPtr = Ptr ExceptionPtr Source

Pointer used as output parameter for exceptions in FFI bindings

throwLeanException :: ExceptionPtr -> IO a Source

Convert the ExceptionPtr to a Lean exception and throw it while releasing the ExceptionPtr

leanKernelException :: String -> LeanException Source

Create a Lean kernel exception from the given messasge.

leanOtherException :: String -> LeanException Source

Create a Lean other exception from the given messasge.

Partial operations

type LeanPartialAction = Ptr ExceptionPtr -> IO Bool Source

A lean partial function is an action that may fail

runLeanPartialAction :: LeanPartialAction -> IO () Source

Run a lean partial action, throwing an exception if it fails.

type LeanPartialFn a = Ptr a -> LeanPartialAction Source

A lean partial function is a function that returns a value of type a, but may fail.

runLeanPartialFn :: Storable a => LeanPartialFn a -> IO a Source

Run a lean partial function

runLeanMaybeFn :: Storable p => LeanPartialFn p -> IO (Maybe p) Source

Run a lean partial function where false does not automatically imply an exception was thrown.

Functions that return a result in IO

tryAllocLeanValue :: IsLeanValue a p => LeanPartialFn p -> IO a Source

Try to run a Lean partial function that returns a Lean value that will need to be freed.