{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
module Database.PostgreSQL.PQTypes.Model.Table (
, tblColumn
, sqlAddColumn
, sqlAlterColumn
, sqlDropColumn
, Rows(..)
, Table(..)
, tblTable
, sqlCreateTable
, sqlAlterTable
, DropTableMode(..)
, sqlDropTable
, TableInitialSetup(..)
) where
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Int
import Data.Monoid.Utils
import Database.PostgreSQL.PQTypes
import Prelude
import Database.PostgreSQL.PQTypes.Model.Check
import Database.PostgreSQL.PQTypes.Model.ColumnType
import Database.PostgreSQL.PQTypes.Model.ForeignKey
import Database.PostgreSQL.PQTypes.Model.Index
import Database.PostgreSQL.PQTypes.Model.PrimaryKey
data TableColumn = TableColumn {
colName :: RawSQL ()
, colType :: ColumnType
, colNullable :: Bool
, colDefault :: Maybe (RawSQL ())
} deriving Show
tblColumn :: TableColumn
tblColumn = TableColumn {
colName = error "tblColumn: column name must be specified"
, colType = error "tblColumn: column type must be specified"
, colNullable = True
, colDefault = Nothing
sqlAddColumn :: TableColumn -> RawSQL ()
sqlAddColumn TableColumn{..} = smconcat [
, colName
, columnTypeToSQL colType
, if colNullable then "NULL" else "NOT NULL"
, maybe "" ("DEFAULT" <+>) colDefault
sqlAlterColumn :: RawSQL () -> RawSQL () -> RawSQL ()
sqlAlterColumn cname alter = "ALTER COLUMN" <+> cname <+> alter
sqlDropColumn :: RawSQL () -> RawSQL ()
sqlDropColumn cname = "DROP COLUMN" <+> cname
data Rows = forall row. (Show row, ToRow row) => Rows [ByteString] [row]
data Table =
Table {
tblName :: RawSQL ()
, tblVersion :: Int32
, tblColumns :: [TableColumn]
, tblPrimaryKey :: Maybe PrimaryKey
, tblChecks :: [Check]
, tblForeignKeys :: [ForeignKey]
, tblIndexes :: [TableIndex]
, tblInitialSetup :: Maybe TableInitialSetup
data TableInitialSetup = TableInitialSetup {
checkInitialSetup :: forall m. (MonadDB m, MonadThrow m) => m Bool
, initialSetup :: forall m. (MonadDB m, MonadThrow m) => m ()
tblTable :: Table
tblTable = Table {
tblName = error "tblTable: table name must be specified"
, tblVersion = error "tblTable: table version must be specified"
, tblColumns = error "tblTable: table columns must be specified"
, tblPrimaryKey = Nothing
, tblChecks = []
, tblForeignKeys = []
, tblIndexes = []
, tblInitialSetup = Nothing
sqlCreateTable :: RawSQL () -> RawSQL ()
sqlCreateTable tname = "CREATE TABLE" <+> tname <+> "()"
data DropTableMode =
DropTableCascade |
sqlDropTable :: RawSQL () -> DropTableMode -> RawSQL ()
sqlDropTable tname mode = "DROP TABLE" <+> tname
<+> case mode of
DropTableCascade -> "CASCADE"
DropTableRestrict -> "RESTRICT"
sqlAlterTable :: RawSQL () -> [RawSQL ()] -> RawSQL ()
sqlAlterTable tname alter_statements = smconcat [
, tname
, mintercalate ", " alter_statements