dep-t-advice- Giving good advice to functions in a DepT environment.
Safe HaskellNone



This module contains examples of simple advices.

BEWARE! These are provided for illustrative purposes only, they strive for simplicity and not robustness or efficiency.


Basic advices

returnMempty :: forall ca e_ m r. (Monad m, Monoid r) => Advice ca e_ m r Source #

Makes functions discard their result and always return mempty.

printArgs :: forall e_ m r. MonadIO m => Handle -> String -> Advice Show e_ m r Source #

Given a Handle and a prefix string, makes functions print their arguments to the Handle.

doLocally :: forall ca e_ m r. Monad m => (forall n. e_ n -> e_ n) -> Advice ca e_ m r Source #

Use local on the final DepT action of a function.

Allows tweaking the environment that will be seen by the function and all of its sub-calls into dependencies.

Perhaps this is not what you want; often, it's better to tweak the environment for the current function only. For those cases, deceive might be a better fit.

>>> :{
 type HasLogger :: Type -> (Type -> Type) -> Constraint
 class HasLogger em m | em -> m where
   logger :: em -> String -> m ()
 type Env :: (Type -> Type) -> Type
 data Env m = Env
   { _logger1 :: String -> m (),
     _logger2 :: String -> m (),
     _controllerA :: Int -> m (),
     _controllerB :: Int -> m ()
 instance HasLogger (Env m) m where
   logger = _logger1
 envIO :: Env (DepT Env IO)
 envIO = Env 
     _logger1 = 
         \_ -> liftIO $ putStrLn "logger1 ran",
     _logger2 = 
         \_ -> liftIO $ putStrLn "logger2 ran",
     _controllerA = 
         \_ -> do e <- ask; logger e "foo",
     _controllerB = 
         advise @Top 
         (doLocally \e@Env{_logger2} -> e {_logger1 = _logger2}) 
         \_ -> do e <- ask; logger e "foo" 
>>> runFromEnv (pure envIO) _controllerA 0
logger1 ran
>>> runFromEnv (pure envIO) _controllerB 0
logger2 ran

data AnyEq where Source #

A helper datatype for universal equality comparisons of existentialized values, used by doCachingBadly.

For a more complete elaboration of this idea, see the the "exinst" package.


AnyEq :: forall a. (Typeable a, Eq a) => a -> AnyEq 


Instances details
Eq AnyEq Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Dep.Advice.Basic


(==) :: AnyEq -> AnyEq -> Bool #

(/=) :: AnyEq -> AnyEq -> Bool #

doCachingBadly :: forall e_ m r. Monad m => (AnyEq -> m (Maybe r)) -> (AnyEq -> r -> m ()) -> Advice (Eq `And` Typeable) e_ m r Source #

Given the means for looking up and storing r values in the underlying monad m, makes functions (inefficiently) cache their results.

The monad m and the result type r must be known before building the advice. So, once built, this Advice won't be polymorphic over them.

The implementation of this function makes use of the existential type parameter u of makeAdvice, because the phase that processes the function arguments needs to communicate the calculated AnyEq cache key to the phase that processes the function result.

A better implementation of this advice would likely use an AnyHashable helper datatype for the keys.

doAsyncBadly :: forall ca e_. Advice ca e_ IO () Source #

Makes functions that return () launch asynchronously.

A better implementation of this advice would likely use the "async" package instead of bare forkIO.

The IO monad could be generalized to MonadUnliftIO.