Safe Haskell | None |
- profile :: Profile Name
- lexModuleString :: String -> Int -> String -> [Token (Tok Name)]
- lexExpString :: String -> Int -> String -> [Token (Tok Name)]
- checkModule :: Module a Name -> Maybe (Error a)
- saltOfTetraModule :: Show a => Platform -> Config -> DataDefs Name -> KindEnv Name -> TypeEnv Name -> Module (AnTEC a Name) Name -> Either (Error a) (Module a Name)
- data Name
- = NameVar String
- | NameCon String
- | NameTyConTetra TyConTetra
- | NameDaConTetra DaConTetra
- | NameOpStore OpStore
- | NamePrimTyCon PrimTyCon
- | NamePrimArith PrimArith
- | NamePrimCast PrimCast
- | NameLitBool Bool
- | NameLitNat Integer
- | NameLitInt Integer
- | NameLitWord Integer Int
- | NameHole
- data TyConTetra
- = TyConTetraRef
- | TyConTetraTuple Int
- | TyConTetraB
- | TyConTetraU
- data DaConTetra = DaConTetraTuple Int
- data OpStore
- data PrimTyCon
- = PrimTyConVoid
- | PrimTyConBool
- | PrimTyConNat
- | PrimTyConInt
- | PrimTyConWord Int
- | PrimTyConFloat Int
- | PrimTyConVec Int
- | PrimTyConAddr
- | PrimTyConPtr
- | PrimTyConTag
- | PrimTyConString
- data PrimArith
- = PrimArithNeg
- | PrimArithAdd
- | PrimArithSub
- | PrimArithMul
- | PrimArithDiv
- | PrimArithMod
- | PrimArithRem
- | PrimArithEq
- | PrimArithNeq
- | PrimArithGt
- | PrimArithGe
- | PrimArithLt
- | PrimArithLe
- | PrimArithAnd
- | PrimArithOr
- | PrimArithShl
- | PrimArithShr
- | PrimArithBAnd
- | PrimArithBOr
- | PrimArithBXOr
- readName :: String -> Maybe Name
- readTyConTetra :: String -> Maybe TyConTetra
- readDaConTetra :: String -> Maybe DaConTetra
- readOpStore :: String -> Maybe OpStore
- readPrimTyCon :: String -> Maybe PrimTyCon
- readPrimArith :: String -> Maybe PrimArith
- freshT :: Env Name -> Bind Name -> State Int Name
- freshX :: Env Name -> Bind Name -> State Int Name
- data Error a
Language profile
Program Lexing
lexModuleString :: String -> Int -> String -> [Token (Tok Name)]Source
Lex a string to tokens, using primitive names.
The first argument gives the starting source line number.
lexExpString :: String -> Int -> String -> [Token (Tok Name)]Source
Lex a string to tokens, using primitive names.
The first argument gives the starting source line number.
checkModule :: Module a Name -> Maybe (Error a)Source
Perform Core Tetra specific checks on a module.
:: Show a | |
=> Platform | Platform specification. |
-> Config | Runtime configuration. |
-> DataDefs Name | Data type definitions. |
-> KindEnv Name | Kind environment. |
-> TypeEnv Name | Type environment. |
-> Module (AnTEC a Name) Name | Lite module to convert. |
-> Either (Error a) (Module a Name) | Salt module. |
Convert a Core Tetra module to Core Salt.
The input module needs to be:
well typed,
fully named with no deBruijn indices,
have all functions defined at top-level,
have type annotations on every bound variable and constructor,
be a-normalised,
have saturated function applications,
not have over-applied function applications.
If not then Error
The output code contains: debruijn indices. These then need to be eliminated before it will pass the Salt fragment checks.
Names of things used in Disciple Core Tetra.
NameVar String | User defined variables. |
NameCon String | A user defined constructor. |
NameTyConTetra TyConTetra | Baked-in type constructors. |
NameDaConTetra DaConTetra | Baked-in data constructors. |
NameOpStore OpStore | Baked-in operators. |
NamePrimTyCon PrimTyCon | A primitive type constructor. |
NamePrimArith PrimArith | Primitive arithmetic, logic, comparison and bit-wise operators. |
NamePrimCast PrimCast | Primitive numeric casting operators. |
NameLitBool Bool | A boolean literal. |
NameLitNat Integer | A natural literal. |
NameLitInt Integer | An integer literal. |
NameLitWord Integer Int | A word literal. |
NameHole | Hole used during type inference. |
data TyConTetra Source
Baked-in type constructors.
TyConTetraRef |
TyConTetraTuple Int |
TyConTetraB |
TyConTetraU |
Eq TyConTetra | |
Ord TyConTetra | |
Show TyConTetra | |
Pretty TyConTetra | |
NFData TyConTetra |
data DaConTetra Source
Data Constructors.
DaConTetraTuple Int |
Eq DaConTetra | |
Ord DaConTetra | |
Show DaConTetra | |
Pretty DaConTetra | |
NFData DaConTetra |
Mutable References.
OpStoreAllocRef | Allocate a reference. |
OpStoreReadRef | Read a reference. |
OpStoreWriteRef | Write to a reference. |
data PrimTyCon
Primitive type constructors.
PrimTyConVoid |
PrimTyConBool |
PrimTyConNat |
PrimTyConInt |
PrimTyConWord Int |
PrimTyConFloat Int |
PrimTyConVec Int |
PrimTyConAddr |
PrimTyConPtr |
PrimTyConTag |
PrimTyConString |
These are primitive until we can define our own unboxed types. |
data PrimArith
Primitive arithmetic, logic, and comparison opretors. We expect the backend/machine to be able to implement these directly.
For the Shift Right operator, the type that it is used at determines whether it is an arithmetic (with sign-extension) or logical (no sign-extension) shift.
PrimArithNeg | Negation |
PrimArithAdd | Addition |
PrimArithSub | Subtraction |
PrimArithMul | Multiplication |
PrimArithDiv | Division |
PrimArithMod | Modulus |
PrimArithRem | Remainder |
PrimArithEq | Equality |
PrimArithNeq | Negated Equality |
PrimArithGt | Greater Than |
PrimArithGe | Greater Than or Equal |
PrimArithLt | Less Than |
PrimArithLe | Less Than or Equal |
PrimArithAnd | Boolean And |
PrimArithOr | Boolean Or |
PrimArithShl | Shift Left |
PrimArithShr | Shift Right |
PrimArithBAnd | Bit-wise And |
PrimArithBOr | Bit-wise Or |
PrimArithBXOr | Bit-wise eXclusive Or |
Name Parsing
readTyConTetra :: String -> Maybe TyConTetraSource
Read the name of a baked-in type constructor.
readDaConTetra :: String -> Maybe DaConTetraSource
Read the name of a baked-in data constructor.
readOpStore :: String -> Maybe OpStoreSource
Read a primitive store operator.
readPrimTyCon :: String -> Maybe PrimTyCon
Read a primitive type constructor.
Words are limited to 8, 16, 32, or 64 bits.
Floats are limited to 32 or 64 bits.
readPrimArith :: String -> Maybe PrimArith
Read a primitive operator.
Name Generation
freshT :: Env Name -> Bind Name -> State Int NameSource
Create a new type variable name that is not in the given environment.
freshX :: Env Name -> Bind Name -> State Int NameSource
Create a new value variable name that is not in the given environment.
Fragment specific errors.
ErrorMainMissing | Main module does not export a |
ErrorMainInvalidMode | Main module exports a |
ErrorMainInvalidType (Type Name) | Main module exports a |