module DDC.Core.Tetra.Prim.Base
        ( Name          (..)
        , isNameHole
        , isNameLit
        , TyConTetra    (..)
        , DaConTetra    (..)
        , OpStore       (..)
        , PrimTyCon     (..)
        , PrimArith     (..)
        , PrimCast      (..))
import Data.Typeable
import DDC.Core.Salt.Name
        ( PrimTyCon     (..)
        , PrimArith     (..)
        , PrimCast      (..))

-- | Names of things used in Disciple Core Tetra.
data Name
        -- | User defined variables.
        = NameVar               String

        -- | A user defined constructor.
        | NameCon               String

        -- | Baked-in type constructors.
        | NameTyConTetra        TyConTetra

        -- | Baked-in data constructors.
        | NameDaConTetra        DaConTetra

        -- | Baked-in operators.
        | NameOpStore           OpStore

        -- Machine primitives ------------------
        -- | A primitive type constructor.
        | NamePrimTyCon         PrimTyCon

        -- | Primitive arithmetic, logic, comparison and bit-wise operators.
        | NamePrimArith         PrimArith

        -- | Primitive numeric casting operators.
        | NamePrimCast          PrimCast

        -- Literals -----------------------------
        -- | A boolean literal.
        | NameLitBool           Bool

        -- | A natural literal.
        | NameLitNat            Integer

        -- | An integer literal.
        | NameLitInt            Integer

        -- | A word literal.
        | NameLitWord           Integer Int

        -- Inference ----------------------------
        -- | Hole used during type inference.
        | NameHole 
        deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable)

-- | Check whether a name is `NameHole`.
isNameHole :: Name -> Bool
isNameHole nn
 = case nn of
        NameHole        -> True
        _               -> False

-- | Check whether a name represents some literal value.
isNameLit :: Name -> Bool
isNameLit nn
 = case nn of
        NameLitBool{}   -> True
        NameLitNat{}    -> True
        NameLitInt{}    -> True
        NameLitWord{}   -> True
        _               -> False

-- TyConTetra ----------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Baked-in type constructors.
data TyConTetra
        -- | @Ref#@.    Mutable reference.
        = TyConTetraRef

        -- | @TupleN#@. Tuples.
        | TyConTetraTuple Int

        -- | @B#@.      Boxing type constructor. 
        --   Used to represent boxed numeric values.
        | TyConTetraB

        -- | @U#@.      Unboxed type constructor.
        --   Used to represent unboxed numeric values.
        | TyConTetraU
        deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- DaConTetra ----------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Data Constructors.
data DaConTetra
        -- | @TN#@. Tuple data constructors.
        = DaConTetraTuple Int
        deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- OpStore -------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Mutable References.
data OpStore
        = OpStoreAllocRef     -- ^ Allocate a reference.
        | OpStoreReadRef      -- ^ Read a reference.
        | OpStoreWriteRef     -- ^ Write to a reference.
        deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)