aivika-1.0: A multi-paradigm simulation library

CopyrightCopyright (c) 2009-2013, David Sorokin <>
MaintainerDavid Sorokin <>
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




Tested with: GHC 7.6.3

The infinite stream of data in time.


Stream Type

newtype Stream a Source

Represents an infinite stream of data in time, some kind of the cons cell.




runStream :: Process (a, Stream a)

Run the stream.


Merging and Splitting Stream

emptyStream :: Stream a Source

An empty stream that never returns data.

mergeStreams :: Stream a -> Stream a -> Stream a Source

Merge two streams applying the FCFS strategy for enqueuing the input data.

mergeQueuedStreams Source


:: EnqueueStrategy s q 
=> s

the strategy applied for enqueuing the input data

-> Stream a

the fist input stream

-> Stream a

the second input stream

-> Stream a

the output combined stream

Merge two streams.

If you don't know what the strategy to apply, then you probably need the FCFS strategy, or function mergeStreams that does namely this.

mergePriorityStreams Source


:: PriorityQueueStrategy s q p 
=> s

the strategy applied for enqueuing the input data

-> Stream (p, a)

the fist input stream

-> Stream (p, a)

the second input stream

-> Stream a

the output combined stream

Merge two priority streams.

concatStreams :: [Stream a] -> Stream a Source

Concatenate the input streams applying the FCFS strategy and producing one output stream.

concatQueuedStreams Source


:: EnqueueStrategy s q 
=> s

the strategy applied for enqueuing the input data

-> [Stream a]

the input stream

-> Stream a

the combined output stream

Concatenate the input streams producing one output stream.

If you don't know what the strategy to apply, then you probably need the FCFS strategy, or function concatStreams that does namely this.

concatPriorityStreams Source


:: PriorityQueueStrategy s q p 
=> s

the strategy applied for enqueuing the input data

-> [Stream (p, a)]

the input stream

-> Stream a

the combined output stream

Concatenate the input priority streams producing one output stream.

splitStream :: Int -> Stream a -> Simulation [Stream a] Source

Split the input stream into the specified number of output streams after applying the FCFS strategy for enqueuing the output requests.

splitStreamQueuing Source


:: EnqueueStrategy s q 
=> s

the strategy applied for enqueuing the output requests

-> Int

the number of output streams

-> Stream a

the input stream

-> Simulation [Stream a]

the splitted output streams

Split the input stream into the specified number of output streams.

If you don't know what the strategy to apply, then you probably need the FCFS strategy, or function splitStream that does namely this.

splitStreamPrioritising Source


:: PriorityQueueStrategy s q p 
=> s

the strategy applied for enqueuing the output requests

-> [Stream p]

the streams of priorities

-> Stream a

the input stream

-> Simulation [Stream a]

the splitted output streams

Split the input stream into a list of output streams using the specified priorities.

Specifying Identifier

streamUsingId :: ProcessId -> Stream a -> Stream a Source

Create a stream that will use the specified process identifier. It can be useful to refer to the underlying Process computation which can be passivated, interrupted, canceled and so on. See also the processUsingId function for more details.

Memoizing, Zipping and Uzipping Stream

memoStream :: Stream a -> Simulation (Stream a) Source

Memoize the stream so that it would always return the same data within the simulation run.

zipStreamSeq :: Stream a -> Stream b -> Stream (a, b) Source

Zip two streams trying to get data sequentially.

zipStreamParallel :: Stream a -> Stream b -> Stream (a, b) Source

Zip two streams trying to get data as soon as possible, launching the sub-processes in parallel.

zip3StreamSeq :: Stream a -> Stream b -> Stream c -> Stream (a, b, c) Source

Zip three streams trying to get data sequentially.

zip3StreamParallel :: Stream a -> Stream b -> Stream c -> Stream (a, b, c) Source

Zip three streams trying to get data as soon as possible, launching the sub-processes in parallel.

unzipStream :: Stream (a, b) -> Simulation (Stream a, Stream b) Source

Unzip the stream.

streamSeq :: [Stream a] -> Stream [a] Source

To form each new portion of data for the output stream, read data sequentially from the input streams.

This is a generalization of zipStreamSeq.

streamParallel :: [Stream a] -> Stream [a] Source

To form each new portion of data for the output stream, read data from the input streams in parallel.

This is a generalization of zipStreamParallel.

Consuming and Sinking Stream

consumeStream :: (a -> Process ()) -> Stream a -> Process () Source

Consume the stream. It returns a process that infinitely reads data from the stream and then redirects them to the provided function. It is useful for modeling the process of enqueuing data in the queue from the input stream.

sinkStream :: Stream a -> Process () Source

Sink the stream. It returns a process that infinitely reads data from the stream. The resulting computation can be a moving force to simulate the whole system of the interconnected streams and processors.

Useful Combinators

repeatProcess :: Process a -> Stream a Source

Return a stream of values generated by the specified process.

mapStream :: (a -> b) -> Stream a -> Stream b Source

Map the stream according the specified function.

mapStreamM :: (a -> Process b) -> Stream a -> Stream b Source

Compose the stream.

apStreamDataFirst :: Process (a -> b) -> Stream a -> Stream b Source

Transform the stream getting the transformation function after data have come.

apStreamDataLater :: Process (a -> b) -> Stream a -> Stream b Source

Transform the stream getting the transformation function before requesting for data.

apStreamParallel :: Process (a -> b) -> Stream a -> Stream b Source

Transform the stream trying to get the transformation function as soon as possible at the same time when requesting for the next portion of data.

filterStream :: (a -> Bool) -> Stream a -> Stream a Source

Filter only those data values that satisfy to the specified predicate.

filterStreamM :: (a -> Process Bool) -> Stream a -> Stream a Source

Filter only those data values that satisfy to the specified predicate.


leftStream :: Stream (Either a b) -> Stream a Source

The stream of Left values.

rightStream :: Stream (Either a b) -> Stream b Source

The stream of Right values.

replaceLeftStream :: Stream (Either a b) -> Stream c -> Stream (Either c b) Source

Replace the Left values.

replaceRightStream :: Stream (Either a b) -> Stream c -> Stream (Either a c) Source

Replace the Right values.

partitionEitherStream :: Stream (Either a b) -> Simulation (Stream a, Stream b) Source

Partition the stream of Either values into two streams.