-- |
-- Module     : Simulation.Aivika.Stream
-- Copyright  : Copyright (c) 2009-2013, David Sorokin <david.sorokin@gmail.com>
-- License    : BSD3
-- Maintainer : David Sorokin <david.sorokin@gmail.com>
-- Stability  : experimental
-- Tested with: GHC 7.6.3
-- The infinite stream of data in time.
module Simulation.Aivika.Stream
       (-- * Stream Type
        -- * Merging and Splitting Stream
        -- * Specifying Identifier
        -- * Memoizing, Zipping and Uzipping Stream
        -- * Consuming and Sinking Stream
        -- * Useful Combinators
        -- * Utilities
        partitionEitherStream) where

import Data.IORef
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans

import Simulation.Aivika.Simulation
import Simulation.Aivika.Cont
import Simulation.Aivika.Process
import Simulation.Aivika.Resource
import Simulation.Aivika.QueueStrategy

-- | Represents an infinite stream of data in time,
-- some kind of the cons cell.
newtype Stream a = Cons { runStream :: Process (a, Stream a)
                          -- ^ Run the stream.

instance Functor Stream where
  fmap f (Cons s) = Cons y where
    y = do ~(x, xs) <- s
           return (f x, fmap f xs)

instance Monoid (Stream a) where

  mempty  = emptyStream

  mappend = mergeStreams

  mconcat = concatStreams

-- | Create a stream that will use the specified process identifier.
-- It can be useful to refer to the underlying 'Process' computation which
-- can be passivated, interrupted, canceled and so on. See also the
-- 'processUsingId' function for more details.
streamUsingId :: ProcessId -> Stream a -> Stream a
streamUsingId pid (Cons s) =
  Cons $ processUsingId pid s

-- | Memoize the stream so that it would always return the same data
-- within the simulation run.
memoStream :: Stream a -> Simulation (Stream a)
memoStream (Cons s) =
  do p <- memoProcess $
          do ~(x, xs) <- s
             xs' <- liftSimulation $ memoStream xs
             return (x, xs')
     return (Cons p)

-- | Zip two streams trying to get data sequentially.
zipStreamSeq :: Stream a -> Stream b -> Stream (a, b)
zipStreamSeq (Cons sa) (Cons sb) = Cons y where
  y = do ~(x, xs) <- sa
         ~(y, ys) <- sb
         return ((x, y), zipStreamSeq xs ys)

-- | Zip two streams trying to get data as soon as possible,
-- launching the sub-processes in parallel.
zipStreamParallel :: Stream a -> Stream b -> Stream (a, b)
zipStreamParallel (Cons sa) (Cons sb) = Cons y where
  y = do ~((x, xs), (y, ys)) <- zipProcessParallel sa sb
         return ((x, y), zipStreamParallel xs ys)

-- | Zip three streams trying to get data sequentially.
zip3StreamSeq :: Stream a -> Stream b -> Stream c -> Stream (a, b, c)
zip3StreamSeq (Cons sa) (Cons sb) (Cons sc) = Cons y where
  y = do ~(x, xs) <- sa
         ~(y, ys) <- sb
         ~(z, zs) <- sc
         return ((x, y, z), zip3StreamSeq xs ys zs)

-- | Zip three streams trying to get data as soon as possible,
-- launching the sub-processes in parallel.
zip3StreamParallel :: Stream a -> Stream b -> Stream c -> Stream (a, b, c)
zip3StreamParallel (Cons sa) (Cons sb) (Cons sc) = Cons y where
  y = do ~((x, xs), (y, ys), (z, zs)) <- zip3ProcessParallel sa sb sc
         return ((x, y, z), zip3StreamParallel xs ys zs)

-- | Unzip the stream.
unzipStream :: Stream (a, b) -> Simulation (Stream a, Stream b)
unzipStream s =
  do s' <- memoStream s
     let sa = mapStream fst s'
         sb = mapStream snd s'
     return (sa, sb)

-- | To form each new portion of data for the output stream,
-- read data sequentially from the input streams.
-- This is a generalization of 'zipStreamSeq'.
streamSeq :: [Stream a] -> Stream [a]
streamSeq xs = Cons y where
  y = do ps <- forM xs $ runStream
         return (map fst ps, streamSeq $ map snd ps)

-- | To form each new portion of data for the output stream,
-- read data from the input streams in parallel.
-- This is a generalization of 'zipStreamParallel'.
streamParallel :: [Stream a] -> Stream [a]
streamParallel xs = Cons y where
  y = do ps <- processParallel $ map runStream xs
         return (map fst ps, streamParallel $ map snd ps)

-- | Return a stream of values generated by the specified process.
repeatProcess :: Process a -> Stream a
repeatProcess p = Cons y where
  y = do a <- p
         return (a, repeatProcess p)

-- | Map the stream according the specified function.
mapStream :: (a -> b) -> Stream a -> Stream b
mapStream = fmap

-- | Compose the stream.
mapStreamM :: (a -> Process b) -> Stream a -> Stream b
mapStreamM f (Cons s) = Cons y where
  y = do (a, xs) <- s
         b <- f a
         return (b, mapStreamM f xs)

-- | Transform the stream getting the transformation function after data have come.
apStreamDataFirst :: Process (a -> b) -> Stream a -> Stream b
apStreamDataFirst f (Cons s) = Cons y where
  y = do ~(a, xs) <- s
         g <- f
         return (g a, apStreamDataFirst f xs)

-- | Transform the stream getting the transformation function before requesting for data.
apStreamDataLater :: Process (a -> b) -> Stream a -> Stream b
apStreamDataLater f (Cons s) = Cons y where
  y = do g <- f
         ~(a, xs) <- s
         return (g a, apStreamDataLater f xs)

-- | Transform the stream trying to get the transformation function as soon as possible
-- at the same time when requesting for the next portion of data.
apStreamParallel :: Process (a -> b) -> Stream a -> Stream b
apStreamParallel f (Cons s) = Cons y where
  y = do ~(g, (a, xs)) <- zipProcessParallel f s
         return (g a, apStreamParallel f xs)

-- | Filter only those data values that satisfy to the specified predicate.
filterStream :: (a -> Bool) -> Stream a -> Stream a
filterStream p (Cons s) = Cons y where
  y = do (a, xs) <- s
         if p a
           then return (a, filterStream p xs)
           else let Cons z = filterStream p xs in z

-- | Filter only those data values that satisfy to the specified predicate.
filterStreamM :: (a -> Process Bool) -> Stream a -> Stream a
filterStreamM p (Cons s) = Cons y where
  y = do (a, xs) <- s
         b <- p a
         if b
           then return (a, filterStreamM p xs)
           else let Cons z = filterStreamM p xs in z

-- | The stream of 'Left' values.
leftStream :: Stream (Either a b) -> Stream a
leftStream (Cons s) = Cons y where
  y = do (a, xs) <- s
         case a of
           Left a  -> return (a, leftStream xs)
           Right _ -> let Cons z = leftStream xs in z

-- | The stream of 'Right' values.
rightStream :: Stream (Either a b) -> Stream b
rightStream (Cons s) = Cons y where
  y = do (a, xs) <- s
         case a of
           Left _  -> let Cons z = rightStream xs in z
           Right a -> return (a, rightStream xs)

-- | Replace the 'Left' values.
replaceLeftStream :: Stream (Either a b) -> Stream c -> Stream (Either c b)
replaceLeftStream (Cons sab) (ys0 @ (Cons sc)) = Cons z where
  z = do (a, xs) <- sab
         case a of
           Left _ ->
             do (b, ys) <- sc
                return (Left b, replaceLeftStream xs ys)
           Right a ->
             return (Right a, replaceLeftStream xs ys0)

-- | Replace the 'Right' values.
replaceRightStream :: Stream (Either a b) -> Stream c -> Stream (Either a c)
replaceRightStream (Cons sab) (ys0 @ (Cons sc)) = Cons z where
  z = do (a, xs) <- sab
         case a of
           Right _ ->
             do (b, ys) <- sc
                return (Right b, replaceRightStream xs ys)
           Left a ->
             return (Left a, replaceRightStream xs ys0)

-- | Partition the stream of 'Either' values into two streams.
partitionEitherStream :: Stream (Either a b) -> Simulation (Stream a, Stream b)
partitionEitherStream s =
  do s' <- memoStream s
     return (leftStream s', rightStream s')

-- | Split the input stream into the specified number of output streams
-- after applying the 'FCFS' strategy for enqueuing the output requests.
splitStream :: Int -> Stream a -> Simulation [Stream a]
splitStream = splitStreamQueuing FCFS

-- | Split the input stream into the specified number of output streams.
-- If you don't know what the strategy to apply, then you probably
-- need the 'FCFS' strategy, or function 'splitStream' that
-- does namely this.
splitStreamQueuing :: EnqueueStrategy s q
                      => s
                      -- ^ the strategy applied for enqueuing the output requests
                      -> Int
                      -- ^ the number of output streams
                      -> Stream a
                      -- ^ the input stream
                      -> Simulation [Stream a]
                      -- ^ the splitted output streams
splitStreamQueuing s n x =
  do ref <- liftIO $ newIORef x
     res <- newResource s 1
     let reader =
           usingResource res $
           do p <- liftIO $ readIORef ref
              (a, xs) <- runStream p
              liftIO $ writeIORef ref xs
              return a
     return $ map (\i -> repeatProcess reader) [1..n]

-- | Split the input stream into a list of output streams
-- using the specified priorities.
splitStreamPrioritising :: PriorityQueueStrategy s q p
                           => s
                           -- ^ the strategy applied for enqueuing the output requests
                           -> [Stream p]
                           -- ^ the streams of priorities
                           -> Stream a
                           -- ^ the input stream
                           -> Simulation [Stream a]
                           -- ^ the splitted output streams
splitStreamPrioritising s ps x =
  do ref <- liftIO $ newIORef x
     res <- newResource s 1
     let stream (Cons p) = Cons z where
           z = do (p', ps) <- p
                  a <- usingResourceWithPriority res p' $
                       do p <- liftIO $ readIORef ref
                          (a, xs) <- runStream p
                          liftIO $ writeIORef ref xs
                          return a
                  return (a, stream ps)
     return $ map stream ps

-- | Concatenate the input streams applying the 'FCFS' strategy and
-- producing one output stream.
concatStreams :: [Stream a] -> Stream a
concatStreams = concatQueuedStreams FCFS

-- | Concatenate the input streams producing one output stream.
-- If you don't know what the strategy to apply, then you probably
-- need the 'FCFS' strategy, or function 'concatStreams' that
-- does namely this.
concatQueuedStreams :: EnqueueStrategy s q
                       => s
                       -- ^ the strategy applied for enqueuing the input data
                       -> [Stream a]
                       -- ^ the input stream
                       -> Stream a
                       -- ^ the combined output stream
concatQueuedStreams s streams = Cons z where
  z = do reading <- liftSimulation $ newResourceWithMaxCount FCFS 0 (Just 1)
         writing <- liftSimulation $ newResourceWithMaxCount s 1 (Just 1)
         ref <- liftIO $ newIORef Nothing
         let writer p =
               do (a, xs) <- runStream p
                  requestResource writing
                  liftIO $ writeIORef ref (Just a)
                  releaseResource reading
                  writer xs
             reader =
               do requestResource reading
                  Just a <- liftIO $ readIORef ref
                  liftIO $ writeIORef ref Nothing
                  releaseResource writing
                  return a
         forM_ streams $ spawnProcess CancelTogether . writer
         runStream $ repeatProcess reader

-- | Concatenate the input priority streams producing one output stream.
concatPriorityStreams :: PriorityQueueStrategy s q p
                         => s
                         -- ^ the strategy applied for enqueuing the input data
                         -> [Stream (p, a)]
                         -- ^ the input stream
                         -> Stream a
                         -- ^ the combined output stream
concatPriorityStreams s streams = Cons z where
  z = do reading <- liftSimulation $ newResourceWithMaxCount FCFS 0 (Just 1)
         writing <- liftSimulation $ newResourceWithMaxCount s 1 (Just 1)
         ref <- liftIO $ newIORef Nothing
         let writer p =
               do ((priority, a), xs) <- runStream p
                  requestResourceWithPriority writing priority
                  liftIO $ writeIORef ref (Just a)
                  releaseResource reading
                  writer xs
             reader =
               do requestResource reading
                  Just a <- liftIO $ readIORef ref
                  liftIO $ writeIORef ref Nothing
                  releaseResource writing
                  return a
         forM_ streams $ spawnProcess CancelTogether . writer
         runStream $ repeatProcess reader

-- | Merge two streams applying the 'FCFS' strategy for enqueuing the input data.
mergeStreams :: Stream a -> Stream a -> Stream a
mergeStreams = mergeQueuedStreams FCFS

-- | Merge two streams.
-- If you don't know what the strategy to apply, then you probably
-- need the 'FCFS' strategy, or function 'mergeStreams' that
-- does namely this.
mergeQueuedStreams :: EnqueueStrategy s q
                      => s
                      -- ^ the strategy applied for enqueuing the input data
                      -> Stream a
                      -- ^ the fist input stream
                      -> Stream a
                      -- ^ the second input stream
                      -> Stream a
                      -- ^ the output combined stream
mergeQueuedStreams s x y = concatQueuedStreams s [x, y]

-- | Merge two priority streams.
mergePriorityStreams :: PriorityQueueStrategy s q p
                        => s
                        -- ^ the strategy applied for enqueuing the input data
                        -> Stream (p, a)
                        -- ^ the fist input stream
                        -> Stream (p, a)
                        -- ^ the second input stream
                        -> Stream a
                        -- ^ the output combined stream
mergePriorityStreams s x y = concatPriorityStreams s [x, y]

-- | An empty stream that never returns data.
emptyStream :: Stream a
emptyStream = Cons z where
  z = do pid <- liftSimulation newProcessId
         -- use the generated identifier so that
         -- nobody could reactivate the process,
         -- although it can be still canceled
         processUsingId pid passivateProcess
         error "It should never happen: emptyStream."

-- | Consume the stream. It returns a process that infinitely reads data
-- from the stream and then redirects them to the provided function.
-- It is useful for modeling the process of enqueuing data in the queue
-- from the input stream.
consumeStream :: (a -> Process ()) -> Stream a -> Process ()
consumeStream f s = p s where
  p (Cons s) = do (a, xs) <- s
                  f a
                  p xs

-- | Sink the stream. It returns a process that infinitely reads data
-- from the stream. The resulting computation can be a moving force
-- to simulate the whole system of the interconnected streams and
-- processors.
sinkStream :: Stream a -> Process ()
sinkStream s = p s where
  p (Cons s) = do (a, xs) <- s
                  p xs