Z-Botan- Crypto for Haskell
Safe HaskellNone




data Password Source #

A type for human readable, it have

The Key have the properties that:

  • It's assumed to be UTF8 encoded and normalized, and does not have control-characters.
  • There's no Eq instance, you should always compare Password via password hash.
  • The Show or Print instance always print "**PASSWORD**".

Password is not intented to be saved or transmitted, it's only useful when you want to validate a user's input against password hash. See Z.Crypto.PwdHash.


Instances details
Show Password Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Z.Crypto.SafeMem

IsString Password Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Z.Crypto.SafeMem

Print Password Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Z.Crypto.SafeMem


toUTF8BuilderP :: Int -> Password -> Builder () #

mkPassword :: HasCallStack => Text -> Password Source #

Construct a password value from Text, if there're control-characters error will be thrown.

mkPasswordMaybe :: Text -> Maybe Password Source #

Construct a password value from Text, return Nothing if contain control-characters.

passwordSize :: Password -> Int Source #

Byte size of a password.

passwordToText :: Password -> Text Source #

Get plaintext of a password.

withPasswordUnsafe :: Password -> (BA# Word8 -> IO r) -> IO r Source #

Use password as null-terminated const char*, USE WITH UNSAFE FFI ONLY, PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY THE CONTENT.

withPasswordSafe :: Password -> (Ptr Word8 -> IO r) -> IO r Source #

Use password as null-terminated const char*, PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY THE CONTENT.


type Nonce = Bytes Source #

A value used only once in AEAD modes.

We use also this type to represent IV(initialization vector) for stream ciphers, but the way a nonce is generated is different: random IV is one generation choice which is usually fine, while Nonce can also be a counter, which is not ok for CBC mode.

Some common nonce size:

  • 96bit for GCM AEAD, ChaCha20Poly1305.
  • 128bit for XChaCha20Poly1305.
  • Block size for CBC IV(e.g. 128 bits for AES).

rand96bitNonce :: RNG -> IO Nonce Source #

Get 64-bit random nonce.

rand128bitNonce :: RNG -> IO Nonce Source #

Get 128-bit random nonce.

rand192bitNonce :: RNG -> IO Nonce Source #

Get 192-bit random nonce.

cnt32bitNonce :: Int32 -> Nonce Source #

Get 32bit nonce from counter.

cnt64bitNonce :: Int64 -> Nonce Source #

Get 64bit nonce from counter.


newtype CEBytes Source #

Constant-time equal comparing bytes.

It comes with following property:

  • The Eq instance gives you constant-time compare.
  • The Show and Print instances give you hex encoding.


CEBytes (PrimArray Word8) 


Instances details
Eq CEBytes Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Z.Crypto.SafeMem


(==) :: CEBytes -> CEBytes -> Bool #

(/=) :: CEBytes -> CEBytes -> Bool #

Show CEBytes Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Z.Crypto.SafeMem

Print CEBytes Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Z.Crypto.SafeMem


toUTF8BuilderP :: Int -> CEBytes -> Builder () #

newCEBytesUnsafe :: Int -> (MBA# Word8 -> IO r) -> IO CEBytes Source #

Create a ceBytes from unsafe FFI.

newCEBytesSafe :: Int -> (Ptr Word8 -> IO r) -> IO CEBytes Source #

Create a ceBytes from safe FFI.

ceBytes :: Bytes -> CEBytes Source #

Create a CEBytes from Bytes.

unCEBytes :: CEBytes -> Bytes Source #

Get CEBytes 's content as Bytes, by doing this you lose the constant-time comparing.


data Secret Source #

Memory allocated by locked allocator and will be zeroed after used.

  • It's allocated by botan's locking allocator(which means it will not get swapped to disk) if possible.
  • It will zero the memory it used once get GCed.
  • The Eq instance gives you constant-time compare.
  • The Show or Print instance always print "**SECRET**".

Secret is not intented to be saved or transmitted, there're several way to obtain a Secret:

+ Use unsafeSecretFromBytes to convert a piece of Bytes to Secret. + Use key-exchanges from PubKey. + Unwrap a key, see KeyWrap.


Instances details
Eq Secret Source #

Constant-time compare

Instance details

Defined in Z.Crypto.SafeMem


(==) :: Secret -> Secret -> Bool #

(/=) :: Secret -> Secret -> Bool #

Show Secret Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Z.Crypto.SafeMem

IsString Secret Source #

This instance will break the no-tracing property by saving secret in compiled and loaded binary.

Instance details

Defined in Z.Crypto.SafeMem


fromString :: String -> Secret #

Print Secret Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Z.Crypto.SafeMem


toUTF8BuilderP :: Int -> Secret -> Builder () #

secretSize :: Secret -> Int Source #

Get secret key's byte length.

secretBitSize :: Secret -> Int Source #

Get secret key's bit size.

unsafeSecretFromBytes :: Bytes -> IO Secret Source #

Unsafe convert a Bytes to a Secret.

Note the original Bytes may get moved by GC or swapped to disk, which may defeat the purpose of using a Secret.

unsafeSecretToBytes :: Secret -> IO Bytes Source #

Unsafe convert a Bytes from a Secret.

Note the result Bytes may get moved by GC or swapped to disk, which may defeat the purpose of using a Secret.

newSecret :: Int -> (Ptr Word8 -> IO r) -> IO Secret Source #

Initialize a Secret which pass an allocated pointer pointing to zeros to a init function.

withSecret :: Secret -> (Ptr Word8 -> CSize -> IO r) -> IO r Source #

Use Secret as a const char*, PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY THE CONTENT.